by Marcia Roberts
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• Print Campaign –Review copies to a media list which will focus on women’s interests, relationships, lifestyle, personal/self-help, and more. Magazines and publications will be pitched including outlets such as Redbook, Woman’s Day, Family Circle, Working Mother, Ladies Home Journal, O, Prevention, and many others. All major and mid-sized daily newspapers will also be targeted focusing on a wide range of editors including The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Financial Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, Miami Herald, Denver Post, and many others. Editors and writers at major news publications will also be pitched such as Time, Newsweek, US News & World Report (online), The New Yorker, New York, and others. In-flight airline magazines will be pitched including American Way, Southwest Spirit, Hemispheres, and others. The overall objective of the print campaign will be to generate feature interviews, reviews, book listings, and the placement of excerpts. • Online Campaign – A wide range of self-help, women’s, relationship, and other websites will be pitched for guest articles and blog posts as well for reviews, q&a interviews, excerpts, podcasts, and more. Our focus will be to start with some of the top sites based on traffic and influence and then branch out to individual bloggers on a much wider scale. Blogs and online outlets of all major media will be pitched for features and interviews including Time, Newsweek, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Slate, MSN, CNN, AOL, Yahoo, BusinessWeek, Forbes, and others. The websites of all the publications listed in the print campaign will be pitched as well as they often run content independent of their print issues. ● Television/Broadcast Campaign - All major morning shows including Today (NBC), Early Show (CBS), Good Morning America (ABC), American Morning (CNN), Fox & Friends (Fox), will be pitched as will general interest programs and producers at all major networks (NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, FOX) and cable outlets including CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and others. National weekend programming will also be pitched (e.g. Weekend Today, Good Morning America Weekend, CNN weekend programming, and more.) We will also look into pitching the author to her local television and radio outlets as well. • Radio Campaign – The campaign will also involve pitching radio across the U.S. The shows will be pitched through a combination of methods including press materials, books, and phone and e-mail pitches. The majority of radio interviews will be done by phone. We will pitch a wide range of drive time (morning and evening) and daytime programs focusing on news features, talk, women’s issues, self-help, psychology, and general lifestyle. Major national radio shows will also be pitched as well as programs with large regional syndication on networks including Associated Press Radio, Bloomberg Radio, America Talk Network, Sirius/XM Radio, CNN Radio, Talk America Radio, and others. All programs on National Public Radio will be pitched including Morning Edition, Talk of the Nation, Weekend Edition, All Things Considered, and others.
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Arrow Publications, LLC / None
- Publication Date April 2015
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781934675694 / 1934675710
- FormatEbook
- Primary Price 4.99 USD
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusUnpublished
- Edition1st
- IllustrationNone
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