Mom doesn´t know yet
by Blanca Baltés
Four daughters grow up. Mom protects. Or try. The little girl observes, asks herself questions, counts silences.
News after news, scare after upset, the intrigue makes its way in bites. Dizzying story composed as a mosaic, with agile episodes that mix the comic and the tragic, as in life. Mom asks few questions and keeps many silences. But life goes on, life doesn't wait.
Mama Doesn't Know It Yet is the first narrative work by Blanca Baltés. Her dramatic writing covers various genres and styles (children's, comedy, dance-theater, document theater...). She has covered El amor aluso, by Antonio de Solís (Corral de Comedias de Almagro, 2002) and Casandra, by Benito Pérez Galdós (Teatro Español de Madrid, 2020). Added to these works are original works such as Half-Over Oracle (Sala Triángulo in Madrid, 2003) or Beatriz Galindo in Stockholm (Sala de la Princesa, CDN, 2018). Unpublished remains Doors Out (below the words), selected in the Creation Aid program of the Community of Madrid (2008).
The novel narrates the life of a Spanish woman, her four daughters and her mother, her grandmother. In some way it tells the intrahistory of a part of Spanish women during the second half of the 20th century. It is a familiar and everyday story, in which europeans who are now over 40 can recognize themselves, but at the same time surprising, with unexpected twists from beginning to end.
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Rights for paper, ebook, and audio formats in all languajes. The audiovisual rights are not available because it´s alredy been given to an audivisual producer.
Books From Spain
The FGEE represents the spanish publishing sector. The aims of the FGEE are: To represent, manage, enhance and defend the general interest of the spanish publishing sector on a national, european and international level.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Alt autores editorial
- Publication Date January 2023 - October 2028
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9788417400330
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 19.90 EUR
- Pages228
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleMamá no lo sabe todavía
- Original Language AuthorsSpanish
- EditionFIRST
- Copyright Year2023
- Page size150X210
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