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      • Burnet Media

        Burnet Media is an independent publisher based in Cape Town, South Africa. We specialise in forging close author-publisher partnerships for trade and customised projects.

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      • Wiley

        John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Wiley)is a renowned, global publishing company focusing on academic publishing for professionals and researchers within the field of science and medicine.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2000

        Contemporary British poetry and the city

        by Peter Barry, Kim Latham

        Though poets have always written about cities, the commonest critical categories (pastoral poetry, nature poetry, Romantic poetry, Georgian poetry, etc.) have usually stressed the rural, so that poetry can seem irrelevant to a predominantly urban populati. Explores a range of contemporary poets who visit the 'mean streets' of the contemporary urban scene, seeking the often cacophonous music of what happens here. Poets discussed include: Ken Smith, Iain Sinclair, Roy Fisher, Edwin Morgan, Sean O'Brien, Ciaran Carson, Peter Reading, Matt Simpson, Douglas Houston, Deryn Rees-Jones, Denise Riley, Ken Edwards, Levi Tafari, Aidan Hun, and Robert Hampson. Approaches contemporary poetry within a broad spectrum of personal, social, literary, and cultural concerns. Includes 'loco-specific' chapters, on cities including Hull, Liverpool, London, and Birmingham, with an additional chapter on 'post-industrial' cities such as Belfast, Glasgow and Dundee. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2019

        Kim Lianne: Good Vibes

        Das Kreativbuch zum Glücklichsein

        by Kim Lianne

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2024

        Schmerz Camp

        by Patty Kim Hamilton

        Sieben Frauen in einer renommierten, surrealen Schmerzklinik: Im ewigen Kreislauf von Therapien und Gesprächen mit den Ärzt:innen probieren die Patientinnen Medikamente aus, töpfern, meditieren, treiben Sport – der Schmerz aber bleibt. Scheinbar geschieht mit den Frauen in der Klinik nichts und doch ist alles in ständiger, minimaler Bewegung. Zeit vergeht hier anders. Dabei ist der alternde, weiblich gelesene Körper ein zentrales Motiv. Sprache und Dialoge basieren auf realen Gesprächen und Klinikfragebögen – werden bereichert von chorischen Passagen, Lyrik und performativen Naturbildern, die eine neue Dimension aufmachen: Wo finden wir Trost und wie kann ein Weg durch den Schmerz aussehen? Das Theaterstück Schmerz Camp ist ein Plädoyer für das ehrliche Zuhören, für mehr Achtsamkeit und eine solidarische Gemeinschaft. Patty Kim Hamilton sucht darin nach dem Alltäglichen, dem Humor, der Zärtlichkeit, dem Einfachen vor dem dunklen Abgrund und findet dabei eine virtuose Sprache für etwas, das sich mit Worten kaum fassen lässt.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2020

        Burning Passion

        by Shi Zhongshan

        The manuscript is a collection of Shi Zhongshan's short stories and short stories, including Shi Zhongshan's representative works "The Passionate Years" (formerly known as "Father Entering the City"), "Happiness is Like a Flower", "Beijing Story", "The Last Soldier", etc. . The protagonist Shi Guangrong in "The Passion Burning Years" is brave and tenacious in the face of the enemy, loyal and bold in the face of comrades, and harsh and harsh in the face of his relatives. He has an innate spirit of desperation, gratitude and perseverance. It gives readers a strong sense of touch, and is a classic character in literary works; Du Juan, the protagonist of "Happiness is like a flower", a female soldier of the Cultural Works Troupe, is obsessed with dance, but she doesn't want the son of the army chief, Bai Yang, and the young secretary of the Ministry of Culture. Lin Bin launched a fierce love attack on her at the same time. The fate of the three changed with the changes of the times. The work vividly reproduces the simple and warm innocent age experienced by the protagonist in the 1980s, and delicately depicts the joys and sorrows in the green barracks. "The Last Soldier" shows Wang Qinggui’s peculiar life of ups and downs, sadness and depression, and portrays the protagonist who is the only survivor of a war’s kind, beautiful, simple and noble human virtues that are loyal to the friendship and justice of the war. The images of real soldiers and special veterans who have gone from war to a heavy life...These works have true feelings in popular, compassion in plain, far-reaching sustenance, rich writing ability, and accurately and profoundly depict the transformation of the past thirty years from a unique perspective. The image of Chinese soldiers truly reproduces the spiritual outlook of contemporary Chinese soldiers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        November 2024

        Walking in the dark

        James Baldwin, my father and I

        by Douglas Field

        A moving exploration of the life and work of the celebrated American writer, blending biography and memoir with literary criticism. Since James Baldwin's death in 1987, his writing - including The Fire Next Time, one of the manifestoes of the Civil Rights Movement, and Giovanni's Room, a pioneering work of gay fiction - has only grown in relevance. Douglas Field was introduced to Baldwin's essays and novels by his father, who witnessed the writer's debate with William F. Buckley at Cambridge University in 1965. In Walking in the dark, he embarks on a journey to unravel his life-long fascination and to understand why Baldwin continues to enthral us decades after his death. Tracing Baldwin's footsteps in France, the US and Switzerland, and digging into archives, Field paints an intimate portrait of the writer's life and influence. At the same time, he offers a poignant account of coming to terms with his father's Alzheimer's disease. Interweaving Baldwin's writings on family, illness, memory and place, Walking in the dark is an eloquent testament to the enduring power of great literature to illuminate our paths.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2021

        Cue and Cut

        A practical approach to working in multi-camera studios

        by Roger Singleton-Turner

        Cue & Cut is a 'practical approach to working in television studios' for anyone who might want to work in that medium. It's full of useful information about kit, and how you would use it to create multi-camera content. Written by a multi-camera producer-director with years of drama and teaching experience, it presents both a way of handling studios and a source of information about how things have changed from the days of monochrome to HD tapeless modes - with some thoughts on 3D HDTV The book is firmly based in first-hand teaching experience and experience of producing, direction, floor managing (and so on) and on working with top flight Actors, Writers, Musicians, Designers of all disciplines and Sound and Camera crews, both at the BBC and in ITV. The book will certainly cover multi-camera aspects of Undergraduate, HND and B.Tech courses and should be useful to those on short courses, whether practical or post-graduate.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2021

        Cue and Cut

        A practical approach to working in multi-camera studios

        by Roger Singleton-Turner

        Cue & Cut is a 'practical approach to working in television studios' for anyone who might want to work in that medium. It's full of useful information about kit, and how you would use it to create multi-camera content. Written by a multi-camera producer-director with years of drama and teaching experience, it presents both a way of handling studios and a source of information about how things have changed from the days of monochrome to HD tapeless modes - with some thoughts on 3D HDTV The book is firmly based in first-hand teaching experience and experience of producing, direction, floor managing (and so on) and on working with top flight Actors, Writers, Musicians, Designers of all disciplines and Sound and Camera crews, both at the BBC and in ITV. The book will certainly cover multi-camera aspects of Undergraduate, HND and B.Tech courses and should be useful to those on short courses, whether practical or post-graduate.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2009

        Margins of desire

        by Lynne Hapgood, Kim Latham

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        The Giant’s Fire

        by Tang Sulan, Aldy C. Aguirre

        The Giant’s Fire is according to the folklore of the Philippines. Once upon a time, people didn't have fire. The fire was owned by a giant, but the giant kept eyes on the fire all the time. Neither could people cook, nor got heating in the cold weather. People needed fire indeed. However, no one dared to fight with the giant for the fire. A man named Lin An and his friends came up with a way to obtain the fire.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2020

        Interweaving myths in Shakespeare and his contemporaries

        by Janice Valls-Russell, Agnès Lafont, Charlotte Coffin

        This volume proposes new insights into the uses of classical mythology by Shakespeare and his contemporaries, focusing on interweaving processes in early modern appropriations of myth. Its 11 essays show how early modern writing intertwines diverse myths and plays with variant versions of individual myths that derive from multiple classical sources, as well as medieval, Tudor and early modern retellings and translations. Works discussed include poems and plays by William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and others. Essays concentrate on specific plays including The Merchant of Venice and Dido Queen of Carthage, tracing interactions between myths, chronicles, the Bible and contemporary genres. Mythological figures are considered to demonstrate how the weaving together of sources deconstructs gendered representations. New meanings emerge from these readings, which open up methodological perspectives on multi-textuality, artistic appropriation and cultural hybridity.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biology, life sciences
        May 2021

        Cut Flowers and Foliages

        by James E. Faust, John Dole

        The cut flower and foliage industry is a global business with major production locations in North America, South America, Central America, East Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Few other horticulture crops are as ubiquitous, yet the production techniques and challenges are universal.This book describes the main international production locations and markets, including current trends and directions. The focus is on production in protected cultivation. The major species - including rose, chrysanthemum, carnation, orchid and gerbera - dominate the global market and these are individually explored in detail. Specialty species and cut foliages are also addressed, as well as significant details of production, including irrigation and fertilization, disease and disease management, and biological control of pests. Finally, the postharvest chapter covers details of harvesting, transporting and delivering high quality flowers that provide an excellent vase life.Highly illustrated with color photos throughout, this is an essential resource for students and researchers in horticulture, growers and producers, and those in the floriculture industry.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        July 2017

        Quest for Fire

        by Feng Jiannan

        Quest for Fire tells an interesting and enlightening story of Sui-Ren Shi having tried various ways and finally managing to make a fire by rubbing sticks.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Colonial frontiers

        by Andrew Thompson, John M. MacKenzie, Kim Latham

        Colonial frontiers explores the formation, structure and maintenance of boundaries and frontiers in settler colonies. Drawing on the work of anthropologists, historians, archaeologists and post-colonial theorists, the authors in this fascinating collection explore the importance of cross-cultural interactions in the settler colonies of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and America. Taking key historical moments to illuminate the formation of new boundaries and the interaction between the settler societies and the indigenous groups, this book raises many important questions about how the empire worked 'on the ground'. Importantly, the collection attempts to theorise the indigenous experience. As we move towards globalisation, borders and boundaries have begun to fall away. This book reminds us that not long ago the frontiers and boundaries were the key sites for cross-cultural interaction. This collection, which includes chapters by John K. Noyes, Nigel Penn, Kay Schaffer and Ian McNiven, is broad in scope and presents an exciting new approach to the issues surrounding group interaction in colonial settings. Students and academics, from backgrounds such as imperial history, anthropology and post-colonial studies, will find this collection extremely valuable.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2012

        The Roman Actor

        by Kim Latham, Martin White

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        Festivals of Chinese Ethnic Groups·Ewenki: The God of Fire Festival

        by Yan Xiangjun, Zha Xuan

        This book mainly describes the origin of the Ewenki ethnic group's god of fire sacrificial custom. According to legend, a poor hunter went hunting a long time ago, but he ran for a whole day without catching any prey. When he was tired and hungry, a cave appeared in front of his eyes. He walked into the cave in a daze and fell asleep. When he woke up, he found two completely different houses, one was owned by the rich and the other was by the poor. The hunter went to the rich's house for help, but was expelled by the rich with disgust. The hunter then went to the poor's house and was warmly welcomed. At this time, the hunter heard someone talking on the roof: "Let me punish the greedy rich!" Then the hunter realized that the man on the roof was the god of fire, whom everyone feared. The Ewenki people regard the 23rd of December every year as the God of Fire Festival.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2018

        Water and fire

        The myth of the flood in Anglo-Saxon England

        by Anke Bernau, Daniel Anlezark

        Noah's Flood is one of the Bible's most popular stories, and flood myths survive in many cultures today. This book presents the first comprehensive examination of the incorporation of the Flood myth into the Anglo-Saxon imagination. Focusing on literary representations, it contributes to our understanding of how Christian Anglo-Saxons perceived their place in the cosmos. For them, history unfolded between the primeval Deluge and a future - perhaps imminent - flood of fire, which would destroy the world. This study reveals both an imaginative diversity and shared interpretations of the Flood myth. Anglo-Saxons saw the Flood as a climactic event in God's ongoing war with his more rebellious creatures, but they also perceived the mystery of redemption through baptism. Anlezark studies a range of texts against their historical background, and discusses shifting emphases in the way the Flood was interpreted for diverse audiences. The book concludes with a discussion of Beowulf, relating the epic poem's presentation of the Flood myth to that of other Anglo-Saxon texts.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2025

        Searching for Tan Sitong

        by PENG XIAOLIN

        "Searching for Tan Sitong" is a collection of historical essays created by the Liuyang female writer Peng Xiaoling to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the martyrdom of Tan Sitong, a village sage. Based on Tan Sitong’s main activity experience in his life, based on the visit to the old place of Tan Sitong’s activities and his descendants, It is divided into six chapters, including life experience, fame and fame, visiting study in the north, staying in Nanjing, joining the reform, and going to the north during the Reform Movement. From the parents, brothers, wives, teachers, close friends who are closely related to each stage of Tan Sitong's life, and the reform during the reform period Selected more than 20 characters from the school, placed in the historical background of the changes in the late Qing Dynasty, through the description of the life and deeds of these characters, especially the description of the deeds during the Reform Movement of 1898, reproduced Tan Sitong with the technique of the stars arching over the moon. In his magnificent life, he praised his patriotism for saving the nation and devoting himself to the reform and alerting the people of the country with his death and ambition.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2014

        The harem, slavery and British imperial culture

        Anglo-Muslim relations in the late nineteenth century

        by Diane Robinson-Dunn, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie, Kim Latham

        This book focuses on British efforts to suppress the traffic in female slaves destined for Egyptian harems during the late nineteenth century. It considers this campaign in relation to gender debates in England, and examines the ways in which the assumptions and dominant imperialist discourses of these abolitionists were challenged by the newly established Muslim communities in England, as well as by English people who converted to or were sympathetic with Islam. While previous scholars treated antislavery activity in Egypt first and foremost as an extension of earlier efforts to abolish plantation slavery in the New World, this book considers it in terms of encounters with Islam during a period which it argues marked a new departure in Anglo-Muslim relations. This approach illuminates the role of Islam in the creation of English national identities within the global cultural system of the British Empire. This book will appeal to those with an interest in British imperial history; Islam; gender, feminism and women's studies; slavery and race; the formation of national identities; global processes; Orientalism; and Middle Eastern studies. ;

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