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        We are a small publishing house that publishes the collection of children's books "The Adventures of Txano and Oscar". Our collection is available in paper and digital and the first book in the collection has more than 400,000 downloads in ebook.

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      • Zahorí Books

        Based in Barcelona, at Zahorí Books we are specialized in highly illustrated books and novelty books. Our catalogue outlines a number of titles covering a wide range of mostly non-fiction subjects attractive to children and adults alike.

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        January 1990

        Der Zukunftskatalog

        Über 250 sensationelle neue praktische, zeitbringende, reizvolle, spassige, anregende und energiesparende Produkte, die Sie noch vor dem Jahr 2000 kaufen können

        by Abrams, Malcolm; Bernstein, Harriet / Englisch Bontjes van Beek, Daniel

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        January 1989

        Rückkehr zur Offenheit

        Eine Frau lernt ihr Leben wieder lieben. (Persönliche Erfahrungen mit Krisen)

        by Leeuwen, Ruth van

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        February 2017

        Wave Rider

        by Rebecca Pott Fitton

        Wave Rider is a poetic reflection of author Rebecca Fitton's long journey to heal from sexual abuse, abandonment, and neglect, building a new world based on wholeness of body, mind, and spirit. Her journey has taken a lifetime. To use the metaphor of waves, sometimes the undertow nearly drowned her–but she survived. Now her beautiful and profound book offers inspiration to others who have also suffered greatly from abuse.

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        Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's/YA)

        Picture Books about Emotion Management for Boys

        by Le Fan, Duan Zhang Qu Yi

        There is a pervading idea, both in the east and west, that "big boys don't cry". To reach some cultural ideal of a "real man", boys are too often pushed to be tough and stoic and suppress their emotions. The Picture Books about Emotion Management for Boys challenges this old tradition. Of course boys cry, and we should let them cry!   The series contains five books. I Want to Cry encourages boys to express their vulnerable feelings in appropriate ways. I Don't Want to Hit Back encourages boys to follow their hearts and stick up for themselves in the way they like. I am a Coward talks about self-acceptance. I Don't Want to be a Big Brother is for boys experiencing issues with new siblings. I Didn't Hear You talks about protecting boys' own little worlds.   All five stories came from author Le Fan's real experiences of raising two sons as a mother. While the books are certainly children's books, they could even be viewed as parent handbooks of sorts. The author has written their parents and other adults in little boys' eyes, and calls for parents and society to raise boys differently and understandingly so they can grow in positive, healthy ways.

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        Personal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's/YA)

        Picture Books about Emotion Management for Girls

        by Le Fan, Liu Chanjuan, Liu Jiaxi

        While growing up, girls are more likely than boys to receive contradictory expectations from different aspects of their lives: parents, teachers, peers, society, and themselves. They could be rebellious but at the same time remain "good girls". They could express anger against bullies at school while simultaneously meeting teachers' expectations of nonaggressive behavior. They could be powerful and competitive at the same time that they worry about being considered "unfeminine". Girls struggle with these conflicting messages in their everyday lives, trying to please all these other people and losing track of themselves. Writer Le Fan, who has experienced the same contradictions as growing up, hopes that girls could love themselves, put themselves first a little more. So here comes the Picture Books about Emotion Management for Girls.   The series contains five stories of five courageous little girls who were experiencing confusion in their lives. Little Le Fan in I am not Just a Good Girl tried to find the balance between two sides of herself—a cool girl and a good girl. Xiaoxiao in I love myself learned to be more confident and accepted her new look after her baby teeth fell out. Jiang in I'm so Jealous learned to deal with jealousy towards her best friend. A timid girl Xiao in I can Say No strived to express herself and stop the little boy's bullies. Feng in I Really Want to Win embraced her inner "tomboy" with daddy's encouragement. All the five little girls, though struggling, broke out of cultural and societal stereotypes swirling around them and became their true selves.

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        The Third Wave

        by Lao Duo

        From Thales who lit the fire of science, to Rogier Bacon who told us not to rely on authority too much; from Newton who discovered gravity, to Einstein who created the theory of relativity; from Mozi who studied optics, mechanics and arithmetic, to the skilled craftsmen of ancient China who played with the four great inventions... Science is Played out by a Group of Curious People! This set of books with lively and smart language, the story with gamut of emotions and tells the process of science from nonexistence to pass into existence with a critical and reflective perspective, and then completely change the state of human’s life. With time as a line, characters as a rope, in the form of scenario reenactment, restore the thousands of Chinese and foreign scientific masters in the search for truth in the process of anecdotes, to explore the fruits of their wisdom for future generations of civilization enlightenment. This is the third volume of the series.

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        November 2020

        My Little Picture Book of Animals

        (From A to Z)

        by Ulrich Talla Wamba / Akira Junior

        For ages 3+  ‘‘My Little Picture Book of Animals (From A to Z)’’ helps children identify animals in their environment. It contains both domestic and wild animals. The animals are placed in alphabetical order to ease the learning process.

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        Children's & YA

        The Bogey In Mommy's Tummy

        by Sahar Hadigheh

        My God! There is a Bogey in mommy’s tummy. Does it eat everything that goes into mom’s belly? I know it’s going to eat me as well! But I’m ready! I will put on my Zorro cape and call out: “Get Ready Bogey!” The Bogey in Mommy’s Tummy helps children cope with the fear of a new sibling. It aims to explore the point of view of a little child regarding her mother’s pregnancy and how this affects her life.

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        Half the Quilt(Picture Book Edition)

        by Xiaoxiang Film Group Co., Yang Fei

        Half of the Quilt(Picture Book Edition) is based on the movie Heart for Heart (produced by Xiaoxiang Film Group and directed by Meng Qi). In October 1934, the fifth anti-encirclement failed, the Central Red Army evacuated the Soviet Union and began the Long March. The Red Army field hospital was bombed by enemy planes and suffered heavy casualties. Dong Xiuyun, a female soldier who stayed at the field hospital to look after the wounded, decided to take the wounded with her and chase the troops. Dong Xiuyun took in the soldiers of the various units who were left alone along the road, forming a special team. After the team came to Shazhou Village, the three female Red Army lived in Xu Xiexiu's house. When parting, Dong Xiuyun cut the only one quilt in half to Xu Xiexiu. This book nourishes the young people's spiritual world with red culture, inherits the red gene, and allows the spirit of the Long March to be passed on from generation to generation among children.

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        January 2012

        Big Bang

        by Dong Yuexi

        The 2013 Most Beautiful Books of China The 2013 Red Dot Design Award The Art Directors Club 92nd Annual Awards Bronze The 12th “Taurus Cup” Execllent Art Books Bronze The 2013 GDC Nomination Awards The 8th National Exhibition of Book Design in China

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        Children's & YA
        February 2020

        Yoga with Cats

        by Maria van Bruggen

        Do you need an inspiration for your daily exercises, perhaps an intuitive message to raise your mood, and most importantly, to connect with your furry friends? Yoga with Cats, with its 33 exercises, will do all that and bring a smile to your face. Cats are your best friends and they are the true yoga masters. Take their help to pick up your yoga routine. Shuffle the pages and choose a pose, and enjoy yourself! Laugh and have as much fun as possible with your furry friends on your yoga journey. Yoga with Cats offers a unique experience to children and adults alike, a divinely funny book that cat lovers of all ages will adore.

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