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        September 1979

        Spectaculum 31

        Fünf moderne Theaterstücke

        by Herbert Achternbusch, Dario Fo, Barrie Keeffe, Bodo Kirchhoff, Heiner Müller, Wolfgang Storch

        Herbert Achternbusch: EllaDie Lebensgeschichte einer Frau namens Ella als Geschichte einer Gefangenschaft - in der Familie, im Gefängnis, in der psychiatrischen Klinik. Die Geschichte von der systematischen Vernichtung eines Menschen durch die Gesellschaft.Dario Fo: Zufälliger Tod eines AnarchistenIn Mailand war 1969 der Anarchist Pino Pinelli aus einem Fenster im 4. Stock des Mailänder Polizeipräsidiums ›gestürzt‹. Die behördenoffizielle Version der Todesursache lautete auf Selbstmord. Eine Untersuchung der tatsächlichen Vorgänge kam erst nach der Uraufführung von Fos Stück im Jahre 1970 in Gang, einer volkstümlichen Groteske, die sich der gesammelten Widersprüche der polizeiamtlichen Erklärungen bediente, um die allgemeinen Zweifel an der Selbstmordversion zu artikulieren.Barrie Keeffe: Gimme shelterEine Trilogie über die Zwänge zur Anpassung junger Leute an Verhältnisse, die nicht die ihren sind, mit denen sie nicht fertig werden können. Junge Verwaltungsangestellte versuchen vergeblich, sich den Konkurrenzspannungen und kümmerlichen Berufsperspektiven zu entziehen. - Ein Schüler droht, Lehrer, Lehrerin und Direktor in die Luft zu sprengen, weil sie ihn durch ein mieses Zeugnis zum Versager ohne Berufsaussichten gestempelt haben. - Jungmanager versuchen, mit revolutionärem Geschwätz einen jungen Gärtner zum Widerstand gegen das System zu ermuntern, dem sie sich selbst total ergeben haben.Bodo Kirchhoff: Das Kind oder Die Vernichtung von NeuseelandDas Eigenheim als geschlossene Anstalt. Ein zurückgebliebenes Kind, das nur einen Ausweg hat: sich im Garten ein Loch zu graben, durch die Erde, bis nach Neuseeland. Eine Mutter, die ihren Sohn systematisch von allem fernhält. Ein Vater, der an die Begabung seines Sohnes glaubt und einen Therapeuten engagiert, der aus dem Fluchtloch eine Baustelle machen soll, um dem Tun des Kindes einen Sinn zu geben.Heiner Müller: Germania Tod in Berlin2000 Jahre deutsche Geschichte. Die Tradition von Spaltung und Demütigung, von Opportunismus und besinnungsloser Selbstzerstörung. Eine groteske Revue der deutschen Misere, ein Angriff auf die deutschen Werte und Mythologien, ein wüstes Panorama deutscher Übermenschen und Untertanen. Auch ein Stück über die deutsche Arbeiterbewegung und ihre Niederlagen.

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        Children's & YA

        Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers, Book I

        A Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers

        by Liu Xingshi

        The Classic of Mountains and Rivers, also known as Shan Hai Jing, has been regarded as a "strange book" since its appearance in China pre-Qin Dynasty. On the basis of its title, most people would assume that it is a survey record of ancient geography, but its descriptions of the "mountains and rivers" include encyclopedic entries—such as animals, plants, minerals, religion, history, medicine, customs, and ethnic groups. Also, it gives accounts of many folk legends of mythic geography, monsters, and witchcraft. No matter labeled as a book of geography, a book of history, or a book of strange stories, it is a Chinese ancient classic that deserves to be read over and over again.   But as a book compiled about 2,500 to 3,000 years ago, its context and words are difficult to understand for modern readers. The Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series is just designed to make this classic more understandable and readable. It illustrates the most essential parts of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers with simple words, animated illustrations, and interdisciplinary approaches, and introduces young readers to the understandings of Chinese ancestors on land and nature. Not only is it a book series for teenagers, but also an encyclopedia of traditional Chinese geography and culture for adults.   The series contains three books, and A Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers is the first one. It briefly introduces the creation process and main contributors of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers, and tells stories about geography in ancient China including mountains, rivers, creatures, and minerals as well as the plain but vital spirit for scientific discovery of Chinese ancestors.

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        Children's & YA

        Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers, Book II

        Strange Stories of the Vast Universe

        by Liu Xingshi

        The Classic of Mountains and Rivers, also known as Shan Hai Jing, has been regarded as a "strange book" since its appearance in China pre-Qin Dynasty. On the basis of its title, most people would assume that it is a survey record of ancient geography, but its descriptions of the "mountains and rivers" include encyclopedic entries—such as animals, plants, minerals, religion, history, medicine, customs, and ethnic groups. Also, it gives accounts of many folk legends of mythic geography, monsters, and witchcraft. No matter labeled as a book of geography, a book of history, or a book of strange stories, it is a Chinese ancient classic that deserves to be read over and over again.   But as a book compiled about 2,500 to 3,000 years ago, its context and words are difficult to understand for modern readers. The Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series is just designed to make this classic more understandable and readable. It illustrates the most essential parts of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers with simple words, animated illustrations, and interdisciplinary approaches, and introduces young readers to the understandings of Chinese ancestors on land and nature. Not only is it a book series for teenagers, but also an encyclopedia of traditional Chinese geography and culture for adults.   Strange Stories of the Vast Universe is the second book of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series. It tells strange stories that happened in the Earth, the Sea, and the Vast Universe. The world in Classic of Mountains and Rivers is presented in the order of South, West, North and East, where lived many fantastic tribes and incredible animals. Reading it will not only provide readers with features of these existences but also the stories of how they were created and the myths and geography about them.

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        Children's & YA

        Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers, Book III

        Gorgeous Stories and Myths

        by Liu Xingshi

        The Classic of Mountains and Rivers, also known as Shan Hai Jing, has been regarded as a "strange book" since its appearance in China pre-Qin Dynasty. On the basis of its title, most people would assume that it is a survey record of ancient geography, but its descriptions of the "mountains and rivers" include encyclopedic entries—such as animals, plants, minerals, religion, history, medicine, customs, and ethnic groups. Also, it gives accounts of many folk legends of mythic geography, monsters, and witchcraft. No matter labeled as a book of geography, a book of history, or a book of strange stories, it is a Chinese ancient classic that deserves to be read over and over again.   But as a book compiled about 2,500 to 3,000 years ago, its context and words are difficult to understand for modern readers. The Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series is just designed to make this classic more understandable and readable. It illustrates the most essential parts of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers with simple words, animated illustrations, and interdisciplinary approaches, and introduces young readers to the understandings of Chinese ancestors on land and nature. Not only is it a book series for teenagers, but also an encyclopedia of traditional Chinese geography and culture for adults.   Gorgeous Stories and Myths is the third book of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series. It presents the extracts of myths in the Classic of Mountains and Rivers and the stories related to them, including "The Mythical Bird Jingwei Trying to Fill Up the Sea with Pebbles", "Houyi Shooting Down Nine Suns", and "Kuafu Racing with the Sun". In order to find what is behind the myths, the author probes into the history, nature, geography and culture of ancient China. It inspires the young readers, opens up their views and encourages them to explore the origin of China's myths and how they had grown.

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        Foxtrel Legend

        by Su Jianke

        This book is made for the study of vixen culture, compiling and researching dozens of classic ancient books such as "Shan Hai Jing", "Sou Shen Ji", "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi", "Zi Bu Yu", "Yue Wei Thatched Cottage Notes", "Taiping Guang Ji" and other dozens of classics The story of "The Fox" carefully and carefully explores the "professional" issues of how the Fox becomes human, how to cultivate, such as the catastrophe of the river crossing, and how to charm humans from multiple perspectives such as history, psychology and religion. The book explores many novel areas, such as how do vixen change adults? How does a vixen cultivate immortality? How does a vixen avoid lightning? How does a vixen charm people? ... Revealing the whole journey of the fox from beast to monster, from monster to fairy, telling the love and hatred of fox and human for thousands of years. I believe that readers can fully appreciate the profoundness and fantasy of Chinese monster culture after reading it. It can be called an excellent general history of monster culture!

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        24 pattern Tai Chi- from beginner to master

        by qiu huifang

        24-pattern Tai Chi is easy to learn and it include the essence of all important things. This book wrote by the champion of Wushu championships for 5 periods m, Qiu Huifang. And recommend by Li Deyin, Wu Dong who are the Tai Chi master. It include the basic technics to master level Tai Chi knowledge, which can let everyone open the door of the Tai Chi World.

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        September 2018

        Good Night 321

        by Lan Shan

        The Creative Thinking, Development, and Enlightenment Book Series consists of two volumes, which are a set of cognition enlightening books with context meant to help children from 1 to 3 years old to learn characters and numbers. The series of books doesn't contain the boring sense of cramming but combining simple storylines with creative expressions to meet the kids' basic cognitive needs at this age. This set of books uses a childlike illustration style, which is in line with what kids like at that age. Also, the book associates emotions with color and cognitive knowledge and develops kids' ability to read, observe, imagine and create while reading with fun. Good Night 321 tells the story of animals counting and sleeping with the theme of Good night.

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        September 2018

        Good Morning ABC

        by Lan Shan

        The Creative Thinking, Development, and Enlightenment Book Series consists of two volumes, which are a set of cognition enlightening books with context meant to help children from 1 to 3 years old to learn characters and numbers. The series of books doesn't contain the boring sense of cramming but combining simple storylines with creative expressions to meet the kids' basic cognitive needs at this age. This set of books uses a childlike illustration style, which is in line with what kids like at that age. Also, the book associates emotions with color and cognitive knowledge and develops kids' ability to read, observe, imagine and create while reading with fun. Good Morning ABC links 26 English letters into a story with the theme of Good morning. The story contains words and phrases related to each letter of the alphabet, so that children can learn letters more vividly.

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        Children's & YA

        Magic Owls in Featherland (1). Athenaria's Secret

        by Ina Brandt/Irene Mohr

        Flora is very excited: together with her magic owl Goldwing, she is to be part of a new team. The owl rulers of the Magical Kingdom have summoned them to Featherland, a hidden place in a mysterious monastery. There they meet the snowy owl Nordis, the spectacled owl Claro and, of course, Jona, who always tries to compete with Flora. How will they ever manage to make a team? It’s not long before they are given their first job: during the night of the next full moon they must help one another to awaken the magic of Featherland – and this proves to be more difficult than expected. Because suddenly Claro disappears from the face of the earth. And without him, no magic can ever succeed…

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        Childhood Memory of the North

        by Gao Hongbo

        This book is a collection of essays recalling childhood penned by the renowned writer Gao Hongbo. By reading it, the readers today will not only get to know the early days of new China in the northern region but will also feel what growing up is all about.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        August 2017

        Visitor Experience Design

        by Noel Scott, Jun Gao, Jianyu Ma, Pierre J Benckendorff, Ana Claudia Campos, I-Ling Chen, Peiyi Ding, Rouven Doran, Afiya Holder, Shan Jiang, Svein Larsen, Dung Le, Kuan-Huei Lee, Shanshi Li, Xiang Li, Wei Liu, Júlio Mendes, Brent Moyle, Liubov Skavronskaya, Beverley Sparks, Patricia Valle, Gabby Walters, Ying Wang, Katharina Wolff, Laurie Wu, Lihua Gao

        Most discussion of visitor experiences uses a behavioural or managerial approach where the way the visitor thinks is ignored - it's a black box. Visitor Experience Design is the first book of its kind to examine best practice in creating and delivering exciting and memorable travel and visitation experiences from a cognitive psychological perspective - it opens the black box. The chapters draw on recent findings from cognitive psychology, cognitive science and neuroscience to provide a basis for a better understanding of the antecedents of a memorable experience, including: · The psychological process of the formation or creation of a visitor's experiences · Psychological aspects of tourism experiences such as attention, emotion, memory and mindfulness · Pre-stage experience: customer inputs such as knowledge, myths, values and memories from previous travel · On-site experience: co-creation processes · Post-stage experience: immediate and long term outcomes including happiness and well-being · Experience design cases Tourism, hospitality and event managers seek to provide WOW experiences to their visitors through better design and management.This book encourages the discussion of different facets of experience design such as emotions, attentions, sensations, learning, the process of co-creation and experiential stimuli design. It will be of interest to tourism researchers and postgraduate students studying tourism management, marketing and product design.

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        September 2021

        Wenn du groß bist: Eine Geschichte, die stark macht fürs Leben

        Ein poetisch-schönes Mutmachbuch mit vielen liebevollen Wünschen fürs eigene Kind

        by Milla Shan

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2021


        An intellectual history of post-concepts

        by Herman Paul, Adriaan van Veldhuizen

        Postmodern, postcolonial and post-truth are broadly used terms. But where do they come from? When and why did the habit of interpreting the world in post-terms emerge? And who exactly were the 'post boys' responsible for this? Post-everything examines why post-Christian, post-industrial and post-bourgeois were terms that resonated, not only among academics, but also in the popular press. It delves into the historical roots of postmodern and poststructuralist, while also subjecting more recent post-constructions (posthumanist, postfeminist) to critical scrutiny. This study is the first to offer a comprehensive history of post-concepts. In tracing how these concepts found their way into a broad range of genres and disciplines, Post-everything contributes to a rapprochement between the history of the humanities and the history of the social sciences.

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