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      • Apricotbooks

        Apricotbooks is a Russian publishing house focused on children, middle-grade and YA segments. We publish a wide range of books in different genres including contemporary fiction, detective stories, dystopian works, fantasy, steampunk, and cyberpunk, among others. We pay very special attention to the book design. Each book is a unique collaboration of the author and the artist. Among our authors you can find winners of international contests as well as promising beginners. Both children and adults read our books with passion. Our motto is to preserve childhood within the heart of every reader. Our great selection of titles has been included in the Russian libraries’ guidance list of the 100 best books for children and teenagers. The company profile also includes culinary works. Our team publishes cook books, produces clips, prospects and creates full range of content for corporate clients. Eco-responsibility and preserving the environment are among our priorities. Therefore, we follow the standards of green printing.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Pepper und Flo (1). Ein Wunschpferd kommt selten allein

        by Berger, Margot

        Endlich - Flo bekommt ein eigenes Pferd! Sie weiß auch schon genau, welches es sein soll: Pepper, der supersüße Braune aus ihrem Reitstall. Dummerweise ist Pepper aber auch das beliebteste Schulpferd des Stalls - und sowohl Flos Vater als auch Peppers Eigentümer sind von Flos Wunsch gar nicht begeistert. Wird Flos großer Traum dennoch in Erfüllung gehen?

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        Zhang Hanchen School Pediatric Tuina

        by Zhang Rui

        Organized and expanded on the basis of Zhang Hanchen's academic thoughts on pediatric tuina, this book mainly focuses on the introduction of Zhang Hanchen's generally used diagnosis and treatment methods (such as the inspection method), manipulation techniques, and acupoints, as well as clinical tuina treatment and application experience of common diseases. Besides, the book presents not only acupoint diagrams but also operation videos, which are more direct, reducing misreading or misunderstanding caused by text descriptions and static photos.

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        Literature & Literary Studies

        From the Ugly Duckling to the Ostrich

        by Zhang Qiusheng

        The book consisting of two volumes is a prose collection of Zhang Qiusheng's childhood autobiography. The author sincerely shares with the readers his childhood life and writing experience. There are dilemmas and self-help in childhood, happiness and impressiveness obtained from reading and writing, the feeling of being broad-minded and delightful after traveling on a long and arduous journey, and poetry and leisure in life. This is a collection of beautiful prose that enables readers to gain positive power.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Shi Ji for Teenagers

        by Zhang Jiahua

        Shi Ji (The Records of the Great Historian) is the first biographical historical book in China, compiled by Sima Qian from 104 BC to 90 BC. This book contains records from the Yellow Emperor (the forefather of Chinese in legend) to Han Emperor Wudi, covering the history of more than 3,000 years.   To help today's children better appreciate such a great work, the famous children's literature writer Zhang Jiahua created this set of books Shi Ji for Teenagers. In this book series, there are 60 pieces of writing, which have been composed based on outstanding figures selected from Shi Ji, including emperors, generals, sons of notable families, counselors, educators, warriors, philosophers, and assassins.   Upon publication, this book series has just captured reader's interest with vivid story telling. It has been sold for more than 5 millions of copies and won more than 10 awards, including the "China Excellent Publication Award."

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2018

        My Four Seasons

        by Zhang Jie

        “My Four Seasons” is the latest collection of essays by writer Zhang Jie. It is divided into three series. The first series is “digging wild vegetables”, including the author's memories and insights into the past life, full of childlike innocence and fun. In the second episode “my graceful night”, the author describes the joys, sorrows of everyday life in a unique language, and shows the wisdom of life. The third series is “flying by the wind”. The author describes some of the people and things that have a special fate in life. The fourth series is the author's experience in painting and other artistic creations.“My Four Seasons” reflects the delicate spiritual world of Zhang Jie, and her prose is full of love and beauty. Her works explore the world of the human heart with strong emotional touch, delicate and profound, elegant and mellow. Zhuang Ruojiang, a professor at the School of Literature, Jiangnan University, commented: "My Four Seasons is a serious, determined and enterprising declaration of life."

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018

        New Mexican Chiles

        by Dave DeWitt

        As the foods and recipes of Mexico have blended over the years into New Mexico's own distinctive cuisine, the chile pepper has become its defining element and single most important ingredient. Though many types were initially cultivated there, the long green variety that turned red in the fall adapted so well to the local soil and climate that it has now become the official state vegetable.To help chefs and diners get the most from this unique chile's great taste–without an overpowering pungency–Dave DeWitt, the noted Pope of Peppers, has compiled a complete guide to growing, harvesting, preserving and much more–topped off with dozens of delicious recipes for dishes, courses, and meals of every kind.

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2015

        30. April 1945

        Der Tag, an dem Hitler sich erschoß und die Westbindung der Deutschen begann

        by Alexander Kluge

        Der 30. April 1945, ein Montag, »letzter ausgeübter Werktag des Deutschen Reiches«. Es ist ein Tag voller Widersprüche und verwirrender Lebensgeschichten. In Berlins Mitte toben heftige Gefechte, die Rote Armee nimmt die Stadt in Besitz, Hitler erschießt sich. Scheinbare Idylle dagegen in der Schweiz. In San Francisco formieren sich die Vereinten Nationen. Alexander Kluge beschreibt in seinem Buch lokale und globale Verhältnisse. In diesen wahren und erfundenen Geschichten geht es um das Leben in einer kleinen, von amerikanischen Streitkräften schon besetzten Stadt, um den Takt der Haarschnitte, aber auch um Ereignisse rund um den Erdball. Die Frage, die sich überall und unwiderruflich stellt: Wie soll man auf den Umsturz der Verhältnisse angemessen reagieren? Basierend auf persönlichen Erinnerungen und historischen Fakten, zeichnet Alexander Kluge das vielstimmige Portrait eines Tages, der Geschichte schrieb und dessen Folgen auch 70 Jahre später noch deutlich spürbar sind.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020



        by Bruce, Camilla

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        The Essential Hot Spice Guide

        by Dave DeWitt

        People have been spicing up their foods ever since cooking began. And it's a trend that's heating up all across the country. Now, Dave DeWitt, the esteemed Pope of Peppers, presents his must-have guide to the tastiest and healthiest combos from the worlds of powerful plants and creative cuisine.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2012


        Botany, Production and Uses

        by Michael Balick, Nabi Chaudhary, Amit Krishna De, W Hardy Eshbaugh, Anne Frary, Gerald M Ghidiu, Maria Gil, Dagobiet Morales-Garcia, Timothy Grey, Brian Kahn, G V Prasanna Kumar, Wei-Chin Lin, Dale E Marshall, Linda Perry, Monica Ozores-Hampton, Hifjur Raheman, Nancy Santana-Buzzy, Bielinski M Santos, John R Stommel, Gary E Vallad, Daniel Leskovar, Cheng-Hua Huang. Edited by Vincent M. Russo.

        The group of plants known as 'peppers' is diverse, containing types that contribute to the fresh and processed food markets as well as varieties that are used in pharmaceuticals and other non-food commercial products. Peppers originally developed in tropical regions, but are now grown and used in every country where it is possible to grow them, including in areas where production is difficult. This book examines peppers from historical, genetic, physiological and production perspectives, following the development of the cultivated crop from the wild type. Diverse examples of pod types and their variation in pungency are examined. Production methods, including the importance of fertilization and irrigation are discussed, as are constraints on production, including pests, pathogens and weeds. Harvesting methods and post-harvest challenges and opportunities are also explored.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2012

        Pepper und Flo

        Ferien auf der Sommerweide

        by Berger, Margot

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