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      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999

        Das Ende der Beziehung


        by Self, Will

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1998


        Eine Moritat

        by Self, Will

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        Guidelines for providing pharmaceutical advice

        by Dr. Kirsten Lennecke and Kirsten Hagel

        Minor illness or a serious disease ? Through systematic questioning, pharmacists or pharmaceutical technicians can establish the possibilities and limits of self-medication. Each monograph on the over 100 indications for self-medication includes: - A flow chart: basis for the structured consultation - A brief description: additional information about the symptoms - Recommended medications/groups of medications: the treatment options - Additional advice: individual supportive and alternative treatment options - Specific knowledge for advising particular patient groups: e.g. pregnant women, children and senior citizens New for the 7th edition: Monographs that explore the possibilities of supportive self-medication for indications such as hypertension and diabetes. Information about what to do in the case of poisoning, scabies or inflammation of the nail bed (paronychia) is also provided! The details about active substances, products and additional tips have been updated. The pocket guide has long been the standard for providing advice on self-medication – a “must-have”!

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Cutting and Self-Harm, Second Edition

        by M. Foster Olive, Ph.D.

        Intentional self-harm, often in the form of cutting one's self, is generally associated with emotional or mental distress, especially when observed among teens. When in pain, the human body releases calming endorphins, leading some to injure themselves to experience the endorphin euphoria. Self-harm is associated with mental health disorders such as borderline personality disorder, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa. And while those who engage in self-harm may not intend themselves any serious physical injury, such risky behavior can result in death. Cutting and Self-Harm discusses the most common types of self-injurious behavior, what they mean, how they can be treated, and how they can be prevented.Chapters include: What Is Self-Harm? Who Engages In Self-Harm? Self-Harm and Mental Illness Diagnosis and Treatment of Self-Harm Prevention of Self-Harm

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2021

        Such a Big Baby Elephant

        by Irina Sonechko (Author), Kateryna Razin’kova (Illustrator)

        This is the story of a little elephant who went for its first walk without its mum. The elephant was happy and felt very much like a grown up! But other animals mocked the little elephant, because it had such a long nose, big ears and it was not small at all. The little elephant was so upset. Good thing Mommy knows how to tell the baby that being an elephant is actually very good!   From 3 to 5 years, 622 words. Rightsholders:

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Self-medication in Pregnancy and Breast-feeding

        Counselling handbook

        by Dr. Annette Abhau

        Cough, hay fever or herpes are at least as troublesome during pregnancy and breast-feeding as under normal “conditions” - and yet everything is different. Physiological changes to the body in pregnancy and lactation, together with the vulnerability of the unborn baby or infant, set particular requirements when selecting the correct, safe medication. Especially in the area of self-medication, the needs of pregnant and breast-feeding women for information are great and call for competent advice! This comprehensive handbook is the key: General information about pharmacotherapy, supplementary measures, vaccinations, questions about diet and infections in pregnancy and lactation creates a broad knowledge base. The core feature of the book are the traffic light tables, with precise recommendations for medicinal products for all types of treatment. All the important indications for selfmedication in pregnancy and lactation are listed and the tables are supported by detailed explanations of the individual assessments. The sections “Advice from medical specialists” are particularly useful, with additional tips from gynaecologists and “Footnotes” with relevant information on the use of prescription- only medicines – and as the ultimate practical tool: the enclosed sales counter leaflets with all traffic light tables to enable quick reference for first-class advice!

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner


        The Path to Non-Judgmental Love

        by Red Hawk

        Self Remembering: The Path to Non-Judgmental Love is a companion piece to the author’s previous book Self Observation: The Awakening of Conscience, also from Hohm Press, which is fast becoming a classic. Taken together, they present the most detailed examination of the practice available in English. Red Hawk clearly points out that self remembering is only one half of a foundational spiritual practice called “self observation/self remembering.” Where other authors/teachers have gone wrong in the past is to take only one half of this practice and consider it the whole, entire unto itself. There has not been a book-length study on self remembering that examines the practice from the many angles that Red Hawk’s does. His chapters cover such diverse yet integrated topics as: the Removal of Self Importance; Kaya Sadhana or the wisdom of the body; and Separation Grief, i.e., addressing the terror of our current situation without denial or dramatics.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2022

        Fungicides in Practice

        by Richard P. Oliver, Janna L Beckerman

        This is a guide for practitioners and scientists involved in fungicide research and use. It describes the principles underlying decisions about which fungicides to use, when to apply them, and what dose to use. Readers should be able to successfully interpret the labels and promotional material that comes with fungicides as well the regulatory restrictions that govern their use. The focus is on broadacre and horticultural crops, such as cereals, vines, soft and pome fruits. Based loosely on the 2014 edition of Fungicides in Crop Protection this book is significantly altered with new content and major revisions to all chapters. The contents include: · Fungicide markets, discovery and performance · Using fungicides to control diseases - seed treatments, foliar treatments, application methods · Crop-specific aspects of disease control, with case studies · Biological crop protection, and organic cultivation · Fungicide resistance · Legislation and regulation The audience comprises growers, agronomists and consultants who have decision making responsibility in broadacre and horticultural crop protection. The book will also appeal to researchers in agro chemical companies and in the public sector research who are involved in fungicide discovery and resistance management.

      • Trusted Partner

        Your Psychological Complexes Is Your Eternal prison

        by Youssef Al-Hasani

        If you are not ready to face your reality, if you are running away from yourself and avoid facing yourself, then this book is not for you! In this book, you will be shocked by discovering many things and facts that you thought were part of the postulates of life. Also, this book will deal with many bold and realistic matters in our Arab societies that were not discussed in detail in the past, and it will be enough to cause a bout of awareness within you.Get ready for a unique journey that will enable you to see things differently, know your true self, your psychological complexes, and how to have a decent and real life.The book addresses the following points: How are we indoctrinated intellectual legacies? And to what extent does the influence of parents in shaping our id entity and our reactions? A detailed psychological analysis of the most important psychological complexes that exist in the aspects of relationships, work, money, Authority, love, and others. A detailed explanation of the methods of deception and emotional manipulation in relationships. How do we become mature? Why are we afraid of confrontation and expressing our thoughts? How do we overcome our fears? The relationship between the psychological complexes and gender.And many other things.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Maga: How to Defend Yourself against Physical Attack

        by Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) & Chief Instructor Eyal Yanilov

        Krav Maga, developed by Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld) since the 1930s, was once a method of hand-to-hand combat strictly confined to security agents and members of the MOSSAD and elite IDF units. The method has been adapted for civilians so that anyone, of any age, sex, or physical ability, can utilize it. Based on natural reactions of the human body, the discipline is easy to learn and perform, and practical to use.  Krav Maga has rapidly gained in popularity and earned recognition by experts the world over. In the US, South America, Europe, Australia, and the Far East, this unique self-defense method has already been taught to and used by official law enforcement agencies, as well as many ordinary citizens.  Written by Imi Sde-Or and his senior disciple Eyal Yanilov as part of the Founder’s Series, Krav Maga: How to Defend Yourself Against Physical Attack is the first of two volumes presenting the key principles and training methods for unarmed combat. Laid out an accessible, step-by-step format, the book covers the basics, from safety in training, warm-up, stretching, and flexibility to principles of attacks, stances, and starting positions. The authors offer strategies for every imaginable scenario: defending punches and kicks, releases from chokes, headlock and nelson, grabs, punches, throws, and more. Also emphasizing the psychological underpinnings of the discipline, the book expands its usefulness with sections on mental training, vulnerable points, multiple attackers, and women’s self-defense.  About the Authors Eyal Yanilov began training in Krav Maga with Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or when he was 15. Yanilov was the first person to begin training Krav Maga instructors outside of Israel, and he has taught special units, the military, and civilians in over 18 countries. Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or, Founder of Krav Maga, passed away in 1998 at age 88. An English-language North-American edition has been scheduled for publication in Fall  2024. Each volume contains 240 pages, altogether 800-plus b/w photos & illustrations; 16.5 x 24 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        The Self: Between Existence and Creation

        by Bensalem Himmich

        Far more than a straightforward autobiography, celebrated Moroccan writer and former minister of culture Bensalem Himmich diffuses life with literary and intellectual dimensions.   Himmich opens his book with a discussion on autobiographical writing, followed by chapters on the author’s early life, starting with his childhood in Meknes. In Paris, he completes a doctorate degree and there marries a Greek woman, Paneyota. The heroic figures of his “rebellious youth” are Marx and Sartre, and the challenges of these and other radical thinkers, in both Arabic and European languages, find their way into his doctoral thesis, Ideological Patterns in Islam: Ijtihad and History (in Arabic, 1990). Subsequent chapters move into the domain of creation, with four categories reflecting the author’s literary, intellectual, linguistic, and cultural interests. Starting with an epigraph of Italo Calvino, the “literary” chapter focuses on the novel, its history, and its complexities. The chapter on the “intellectual” dimension turns on the author’s lifelong interest in the two pillars of philosophy and history. For Himmich, philosophical thought is “the creative and innovative force through which truths and meanings are sought.” The two-part “linguistic” chapter opens with a discussion of identity as “a constantly developing entity”. In the second part he expresses disapproval of the worldwide prevalence of “Anglo-American English” and the weakening effects that a lack of language authority has on the sense of national identity. The “cultural” chapter includes Himmich’s observations from his career, including the poor state of public education and a decline in reading in Morocco. He also considers his time as the Moroccan Minister of Culture and the inevitable complexities of the political system within which he had to operate. The penultimate chapter entitled “My Polemics” offers four of his own polemical stands: on fundamentalist trends—specifically Islam and “Islamism”; on the prevalence in Moroccan publications of the Latin alphabet; and specific issues with the well-known littérateurs Adonis and Youssef Ziedan. The work closes with the author’s reflection on the emergence of a new and negative kind of cultural “hegemony”, the awareness of which he attributes with gratitude to Edward Said and the latter’s interpretation of the work of Franz Fanon.

      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Maga : Les bases du Self-défense

        by Imi Sdé-Or (Lichtenfeld) et Eyal Yanilov

        Krav Maga : Les bases du Self-défense par le Grand-Maître Imi Sdé-Or (Lichtenfeld) et le Chef Instructeur Eyal Yanilov Voici deux volumes dans cette série de best-sellers Krav Maga, fondée sur le système renommé de combat à mains nues israélien : ces volumes se concentrent sur la façon de se défendre contre un assaillant non-armé, par exemple contre toutes sortes de coups de poing, coups de pied, saisies, maintiens, etc.   Le Krav Maga, développé par le Grand-Maître Imi Sdé-Or (Lichtenfeld) depuis les années 1930, était autrefois une méthode de combat à mains nues strictement réservée aux agents de sécurité et aux membres du MOSSAD ou des unités d’élite de l’armée israélienne. La méthode a été adaptée pour les civils, de sorte que quiconque, quelque soit son âge ou son sexe, ou même sa capacité physique, peut l'utiliser efficacement. Sur la base des réactions naturelles du corps humain, la discipline est facile à apprendre et à exécuter, et pratique à utiliser.   Le Krav Maga est rapidement devenu populaire et a obtenu la reconnaissance des experts du monde entier. Aux Etats-Unis, en Amérique du Sud, en Europe, en Australie et en Extrême-Orient, cette méthode unique d’autodéfense est déjà enseignée et utilisée par les forces de l’ordre, et aussi par de nombreux citoyens ordinaires.   Ecrit par Imi Sdé-Or et son disciple distingué Eyal Yanilov dans le cadre de la Série du Fondateur, Krav Maga : Les bases du Self-défense présente, en deux volumes, les grands principes et les méthodes d'entraînement au combat non-armé. Conçu dans un format accessible, étape par étape, le livre traite des principes de base, de la sécurité à l'entraînement, de l'échauffement, de l’assouplissement et la flexibilité jusqu’aux principes d'attaques, de posture et de positions de départ. Les auteurs proposent des stratégies pour chaque scénario imaginable : la défense à coups de poing et à coups de pied, comment se libérer d’un étranglement, d’une prise de tête et d’une prise nelson, de saisies, de coups de poing, de projections, et plus encore. Cet ouvrage, soulignant également les fondements psychologiques de la discipline, complète son utilité en consacrant des sections à l'entraînement mental, aux points vulnérables, aux cas de multiples agresseurs et les problèmes d'auto-défense particuliers aux femmes.   A propos des auteurs   Eyal Yanilov a commence à s’entraîner en Krav Maga avec le Grand-Maître Imi Sdé-Or quand il avait 15 ans. Yanilov fur la première personne qui ait commencé à former des instructeurs de Krav Maga hors d’Israël, et il a entraîné des unités spéciales, des militaires et des civils dans plus de 18 pays. Le Grand-Maître Imi Sdé-Or, qui a inventé le Krav Maga, est décédé à 88 ans en 1998. Une édition en anglais pour l’Amérique du Nord devrait paraître en 2011. Chaque volume comprend 240 pages, avec plus de 800 photos et illustrations en noir et blanc ; 16.5 x 24

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        What a Brilliant Idea!

        by Narjes Mohammadi

        Cookie is unhappy with his “big” ears. He decides to wear a mask over his head to hide them. Everyone is amazed by his “brilliant idea” and decides to the same. They’re all hiding something they dislike about themselves, yet no one is distinguishable anymore! This outcome makes Cookie ponder… “What a Brilliant Idea!” is a story about self-esteem, self-image, and self-acceptance. It helps children to understand that no matter how they look like, difference is beautiful and beauty is different. AWARDS & RECOGNITION: COW Design Biennale Little Hakka Picture Book Competition

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2015

        Interviews on 523 Project and the Discovery of Artemisinin

        by Youyou TU,etc;Interviewed and compiled by Runhong LI

        On May 23, 1967, Project 523 was started in China.In this huge project, the most significant discovery is artemisinin.Youyou Tu is the very researcher who participated in Project 523.This book has made a comprehensive and systematic review of the history of discovering artemisinin and has made itself the first works keeping complete records of the discovery of artemisinin.

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