Your Results(showing 123)

      • National University of Singapore Press

        The NUS Press Story NUS Press publishes academic books and journals, as well as general non-fiction. Our home market is Singapore and Southeast Asia, but our books are distributed internationally. We publish books of special relevance to Southeast Asia and we maintain a disciplinary focus on the humanities and social sciences. Books and memoirs meant mostly for a general audience and to be sold in bookshops are published under our Ridge Books imprint. We publish some 30 books a year. NUS Press currently publishes two academic journals: China: An International Journal (for the East Asian Institute at NUS) and Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia. We are accepting new journal proposals. Please contact us at if you are interested to start a new journal. For more, see Journals. The National University of Singapore Press is heir to a tradition of academic publishing in Singapore that dates back some 60 years, starting with the work of the Publishing Committee of the University of Malaya, beginning in 1954. Singapore University Press was created in 1971 as the publishing division of the University of Singapore. The University of Singapore merged with Nanyang University in 1980 to become the National University of Singapore, and in 2006 Singapore University Press was succeeded by NUS Press, bringing the name of the press in line with the name of the university. Our publishing mission is to enable the dissemination and creation of knowledge through the publishing of scholarly and academic books; and to empower learning, innovation and enterprise for the Singapore- and Asia-focused global community. All NUS Press books must be approved by a Publishing Committee, drawn from the ranks of the academic staff at the National University of Singapore. NUS Press is currently managed by Peter Schoppert. Previous Director Paul Kratoska remains onboard as Publishing Director.

      • Thekla Verlag

        We are a publisher from Germany with a selected list of children's and young adult books.

      • Theart Press

        Theart Press is a South African publisher specialising in inspirational books - including poetry, children's books and biography.

      • Singapore Book Publishers Association (SBPA)

        The Association represents the interests of Singapore publishers who are engaged in a wide range of publishing, marketing and distribution activities in both print and digital formats. From 22 member companies at its inception, the Association has grown to accommodate more than 70 members who publish in all four official languages of Singapore. Since its inception, the SBPA's objective has been to develop and strengthen the book ecosystem of Singapore in partnership with other like-minded organisations.

      • Tango Sin Fin

        “Método de Tango” is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies. Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. So far, the collection has only been published in Argentina and worldwide rights belong to Tango Sin Fin.

      • Grupo sin Fronteras SAS

        Grupo Editorial Sin Fronteras nace de la necesidad del mercado colombiano por encontrar una oferta de libros diferenciales en géneros de literatura juvenil, infantil, gerencia y buen vivir a precios competitivos, combinado con la experiencia en el sector de su fundador y director Mauricio Duque.

      • Katja Glöckler // Buchagentin, Schreib- & Buchcoaching

        Bis der Wind sich dreht - Wege raus aus dem Konflikt Konfliktmanagement einmal anders - Ein Roman und Ratgeber in einemTeil 1: Geschichten aus der Arbeitswelt, die jeder kennt. Konflikte mit den Kollegen, Vorgesetzten oder im Team. Ein geheimer Briefeschreiber der Sichtweisen verändert und Konflikte löst. Teil 2: Ein Workbook, ein Ratgeber mit Hilfsmitteln und Lösungsmöglichkeiten in Konfliktsituationen

      • Augustinian University Press

        The Augustinian University Press concentrates its efforts in the publication of research books, textbooks, and dissemination books as a result of permanent calls that intend to receive and review monographs and research chapters. The Press permanently works to guarantee content quality published under its editorial stamp and also to be recognized among the academic community as a reliable source of scholarly publishing in Augustinian Studies, Education (from all levels), Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts and Culture. Since its creation in 2017, the Press research books have been already accepted and indexed in important databases such as the Book Citation Index and the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB). This experience has strengthened our editorial processes and the permanent identification of current editing and science communication tendencies. The Press also promotes net working to publish new editorial projects between our researchers and external scholars; we do believe this is one of the most important strategies to make our institution and scholars more visible.

      • Agencia Literaria Carmen Balcells

        The Carmen Balcells Literary Agency was founded over sixty years ago with the aim of professionalising writers' work. It represents many essential authors of contemporary literature, including five Nobel Laureates, while investing in new talents.

      • Ernst Reinhardt GmbH & Co KG

        With over 120 years of experience Ernst Reinhardt GmbH & Co KG is a family owned, independent publishing company and has, as of now, 750 titles available. We specialize amongst others in the fields of psychology, education, gerontology and social work and publish an average of 45 new titles every year. Internationally known as quality research literature, our publications have been translated into over 30 languages.Reinhardt Publishing cooperates with professional institutions and associations such as the German Association for Psychology or the Association for Bodypsychotherapy and is a member of utb GmbH – a university-focused joint venture of 15 German academic publishers.

      • Tessloff Verlag Ragnar Tessloff GmbH & Co. KG

        TESSLOFF VERLAG is one of the leading German non-fiction book publishers for children which offers first reading and classic non-fiction as well as activity and learning titles.

      • PalmArtPress

        PalmArtPress is an international publishing house located in Berlin. It publishes books in both German and English languages and distributes them in Germany and English-speaking areas. Our program includes literature, poetry, philosophy, and art books.PalmArtPress connects not just different genres, but also people of different nationalities and cultures, who are brought together in the press’ space for readings and exhibitions.

      • Kathrin Dreusicke Books

        Als Kind bereits wünschte ich mir, das Leiden durch Krankheiten mit natürlichen Produkten lindern oder sogar heilen zu können.Nach extremer jahrelanger weltweiter Recherche über verschiedene Heilmethoden bemerkte ich ein Detail: eine stark heilende Wirkung hat das Sonnenhormon Vitamin D dicht gefolgt von anderen Nährstoffen.Mein Wissen habe ich in der Folge eingesetzt für Freunde und Verwandte: mit einem unglaublichen Erfolg. Durch eine konstante und gezielte Behandlung mit Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen wurden alle Behandelten gesund ohne extra Medikamente zu benötigen.

      • Liccaratur-Verlag Klaus Pfaffeneder

        Der Lech markiert seit Jahrhunderten die Grenze zwischen Alt-Baiern und Schwaben. Trotzdem gab es zu allen Zeiten einen regen Austausch hüben wie drüben, auch wenn der jeweils andere jenseits des Flusses immer ein Stück weit "fremd" geblieben war. Oft ein Ergebnis politischer Machtstrukturen. So war es für die Baiern selbstverständlich, dass das Leprosenhaus, der Friedhof und der Galgen "schwabseits" standen. Uns liegt es am Herzen, Grenzen verschwimmen zu lassen. Nicht nur im Zwischenmenschlichen, sondern auch über literarische Genre-Grenzen hinweg. Der Baumeister von Landsberg ist - nach Aussage vieler Leser - eine gelungene Mischung aus historisch getreuem Sachbuch und unterhaltsamer Belletristik. Das versuchen wir auch in unseren Kriminalromanen wiederzugeben. In unseren Romanen und Kurzgeschichten-Sammlungen werden die Protagonisten mit Grenzen konfrontiert, die das Leben selbst mit sich bringt. Dabei soll die Bandbreite menschlichen Handelns aufgezeigt werden, das oft auch gesellschaftliche Konventionen in Frage stellt.

      • Hachette UK Ltd.

        We are one of the UK’s largest publishing groups, with 10 autonomous publishing divisions and over 50 imprints with a rich and diverse history. We are also the market leader in e-books and publish a range of bestsellers in audio format, the fastest growing part of our business. We publish thousands of new books across the group every year and our authors include Martina Cole, Michael Connelly, John Grisham, Stephen King, Stieg Larsson, Nelson Mandela, Stephenie Meyer, Ian Rankin, J.K. Rowling and Malala Yousafzai. Our award-winning adult publishing divisions are Little, Brown, Orion, John Murray Press, Hodder & Stoughton, Headline, Quercus, Bookouture and Octopus. Hachette Children’s Group publishes a diverse range of books for children of all ages and Hodder Education is a market leader in resources for both primary and secondary schools. We have offices around the UK, including our headquarters in London and the Hely Hutchinson Centre (HHC) for distribution in Didcot. We have subsidiaries in several other regions, including Australia, India, Ireland, Hong Kong, Singapore, Jamaica and New Zealand.

      • Rodin Educational Consultancy

        Rodin Educational Consultancy has developed a range of Teaching Tools to Empower Thinking. With over 30,000 copies sold, Reflections on Classroom Thinking Strategies is a popular resource for teachers, with easy to use tools and worksheets for empowering students to think, and engage in a lifelong love of learning.

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