Your Results(showing 32)

      • Sri Senbaga Pathippakam

        Sri Senbaga Pathippakam is one of the best publishers in Tamil language. We have published more than 1000 titles including ancient Sangam Tamil literature, research books in Tamil literature and language, mythological books, historical fiction and non-fiction, short stories, cooking books, etc. We also specialize in books for children, bilingual and trilingual dictionaries for the reference of students and general public. We publish Sahitya Academy & Tamilnadu government award winning books. One of our renowned books, 'Thirukkural', a scripture common to every walk of human life irrespective of gender, race or community is a must read for everyone on this planet. It is published in various sizes and design. 'Oviyakkural (Thirukkural with paintings)' portrays Tamil tradition and culture through paintings. Our religious publication about Vainavam and Saivam is popular among scholars. 'Kambar Kavi Inbam' portrays the beauty of poetry as described in Kambar's Ramayanam in Tamil language.

      • Wise Path Co., Ltd.

        Wise Path Co., Ltd focuses on children education field. We dedicate on using new technology on education contents to make educational tools more interesting and effective. PadKaKa is not only our first product but also the first animation cards in the world. PadKaKa is the most useful tool for 2~6 year old children learning English as a second language. PadKaKa integrates 3 of kids’ favorite elements: Pad + Cards + Cartoons. PadKaKa is designed as a first language learning tool for kids. One of the key points is the cards. Kid uses cards to interactively watching corresponding cartoons to learn vocabulary. When playing PadKaKa, kids choose a card they are curious about, or a favorite, so they will pay attention to the corresponding cartoon. As a result, they learn much better.

      • Fiza Pathan Publishing OPC Private Limited

        We are interested in furthering the cause of education and in championing social issues. We have therefore embarked on a project to abridge the 'rare' classics, those rarely abridged before, and make them accessible to children of age group 7-12. The main content of our YA or adult books, whether fiction or nonfiction, is highlighting social issues.

      • Verlagsgruppe Patmos

        Patmos - Thorbecke - Grünewald - Eschbach - Schwaben - Ver Sacrum The list of Verlagsgruppe Patmos offers a wide range of titles, covering psychology, self-help, memoirs, parenting, spirituality, religion and theology, as well as gift books and children´s books, mostly for First Communion. Our imprint Thorbecke specializes in books on cookery, lifestyle and gardening, on the one hand, as well as books on history and cultural history, on the other hand.

      • Patriots Publishing SDN BHD

        Patriots Publishing is the printed and electronic reading material publishing division of the renowned digital content writing group, The Patriots Asia. This publication is wholly owned by Patriots Holding Sdn Bhd. Starting with the TP Press brand in 2015, the publication then underwent a brand change with the new name Patriots Publication in 2017. Until 2019 after thriving, the publication is now known as Patriots Publishing Sdn Bhd.

      • Platinum Book for publishing and distribution

        A publishing company from Kuwait focuses on youth readers. Published hundreds of successful books since it was established in 2008. Also, it has a bookstore in Kuwait city.

      • Grupo Planeta

        Grupo Planeta is Spain’s leading family-owned publishing and media group and it boasts an extensive product offering at the service of culture, learning, news and audiovisual entertainment. In the years since Editorial Planeta was founded in Barcelona by José Manuel Lara Hernández, in 1949, the Group has become a multinational enterprise. It combines a solid business tradition with its capacity for innovation and its European and international vocation, with an especially prominent presence in Spain, France, Portugal and Latin America.

      • E-planet Educational Services

        About E-planet E-planet Educational Services is an international organisation created by a dedicated and enthusiastic team of experts on education, marketing and development. Our goal is to provide our partners, students and customers with top-level services and products. That is why we have developed a unique, fully integrated company for ESL (English as a Second Language) educational services and business training. We combine traditional methods with cutting-edge technology to achieve a variety of purposes!

      • DeA Planeta Libri S.r.l.

        DeA Planeta Libri’s products include books for children (fairy tales, boardbooks, novelties, non fiction, ativity etc.), MG& YA fiction, non ficton and essays and it operates with the brands DeA, De Agostini, DeA Planeta, UTET, AMZ, Abracadabra. Our foreign righst catalogues are available on:

      • Plastik sparen - Initiative zur Vermeidung von Plastik im Alltag

        Plastik sparen Die Geschichte einer Idee Die Idee für Plastik sparen ist im Juni 2018 entstanden. Wie schon so oft endete ein Wocheneinkauf im totalen Plastik-Inferno. Kennt ihr das? Einmal einkaufen beim Supermarkt um die Ecke und schon ist eine Mülltüte voll mit Plastik. Aber wie kann ich das ändern, fragte ich mich. Also informierte ich mich, war bei einem Vortrag zum Thema "plastikfrei leben" um dann mit dem Gefühl zurück zu bleiben, das nicht leisten zu können. Aber einfach weiter Plastik konsumieren war für mich auch keine Alternative. Es musste doch Möglichkeiten geben Plastik zu reduzieren, die Jedermann*frau ganz einfach in den Alltag einbauen kann. Und so war "Plastik sparen" geboren. Die Idee dahinter, durch viele kleine Plastik-spar-Aktivitäten den Plastikmüll in meinem Haushalt zu reduzieren. Und, ich kann sagen es funktioniert. Bei jedem Einkauf landet wesentlich weniger Plastikverpackung im Einkaufswagen als früher. Alles Aktivitäten, die keine (oder nur wenig) Zeit gekostet haben, die oftmals Geld gespart haben und die ich problemlos in den Alltag integrieren konnte. "Plastik sparen" ist unser Beitrag für eine Umwelt mit weniger Plastik. Meine Ideen, Gedanken und Erlebnisse möchte ich teilen und viele Menschen dafür begeistern, immer weniger Plastik in ihr Leben zu lassen.

      • El cuenco de plata

        Publishing house focused on contemporary classical writers in foreign languages.

      • Great Plains Publications

        Great Plains Publications Ltd. is an independent publisher based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and committed to bringing you the very best books from the Prairies – a region we believe has an abundance of quality writers. We also publish fiction from authors across the country in our imprints, Enfield & Wizenty and Yellow Dog.

      • Playwrights Canada Press

        Livres Canada Books


        Hachette Pratique, E/P/A and La Plage are three major players in the world of practical illustrated books. Hachette Pratique is France's leading publisher of cookery and wine books, E/P/A is renowned for its high-quality coffee table and reference books and La Plage for its books focused on environment-related issues. With its new Imprint Le Lotus and The Elephant, Hachette Pratique now offers a wide range of titles in the field of Esoterism.

      • Kawmiah distributing company

        The National Company for Distribution (Kawmiah distributing company) is one of the national press institutions working in the field of publishing, distribution, printing and journalism, and it has many cultural and intellectual publications through Dar Al Shaab and Dar Al Taawon, and it is of great importance in the paper book market in Egypt and the Arab world with its capabilities in the fields of publishing, distribution and printing And from promising cadres capable of presenting the best publications in various cultural and intellectual fields.

      • Hudhud Publishing & Distribution

        Founded on the steadfast belief that a good book has a positive and lasting impact on the development of children, families and socities, Al Hudhud is a pioneering Emirati publishing and distribution

      • Al-Ahlia for Publishing and Distribution

        Dar Al-Ahlia for Publishing and Distribution was founded in Amman in 1985. It is an extension of Dar Al-Arabiya for Publishing and Distribution which was founded in 1970. Dar Al-Ahlia is primarily interested in publishing political and intellectual books. It also publishes literary and academic books as well as children's books and that makes it a publisher of almost all subjects. Dar Al-Ahliya has three branches in Amman, which are considered the outlet for the readers as, In addition to publishing, we also distribute all kinds of books from the Arab World.

      • Kalima Publishing and Distribution

        Kalima Publishing and Distribution is a publishing company based in Tunisia ,whose main aim is to provide the readers with books that cater to their cognitive and cultural needs.Kalima’s book publications range from a wide variety of cultural fields like ( Literature, History , novels, poetry, philosophy, linguistics...). Through its cultural project Kalima Publishing and Distribution ,seeks to present to the readers the best quality of books that will help them develop critical thinking and guarantee their mental growth, without any form of restrictions on the freedom to write and create.Kalima Publishing and Distribution is a powerhouse whose publications are an added value to the cultural content in the Arab world. Hence, Kalima’s dedication to listening to its readers and granting special attention to their opinions and interests.Kalima Publishing and Distribution was designed to discover talents and ideas with multiple expressions: it is a project of a cultural message, which does not take away the right to be different, but aspires to go beyond limited perspectives, when dealing with reality. For us, reality is not condemned to remain as it is, nor to be bound to any region or group.Intellectual property rightsWithin the framework of its relations with various authors, "Kalima" Publishing and Distribution strives to respect the intellectual property rights believing that they are one of the most important factors that support the promotion of the publishing industry in that it represents respect for the rights of the publisher and the author. Therefore, this protection will have positive results that will be reflected on the quality of the performance of the publishing house in this field.

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