Melanie S. Wolfe
Make sure to check out the catalog for more titles. Melanie S. Wolfe is an up and coming author with four self-published books and several manuscripts in the pipeline. She writes fiction that includes a diverse cast of characters with themes that deal with real-world issues and sometimes have a light sci-fi or paranormal feel to them. Her favorite age group falls within the New Adult range but her works appeal to the older YA and adult reader as well. Melanie would like to find representation as well as negotiate domestic and foreign print, digital and audio rights/licensing on her current published works and her upcoming projects. Melanie S. Wolfe grew up between Kansas City, MO, and various places in Oklahoma (USA) where she studied Liberal Arts at the University of Oklahoma. She was a military wife for ten years and served the Army community as a Relocation Clerk while stationed in Bamberg, Germany. She currently lives in Florida with her family and is loving the beach life.
Otter-Barry Books Ltd.
Otter-Barry Books is an exciting publisher of culturally diverse and inclusive high quality illustrated books for children. Our list includes great read-aloud picture books, non-fiction titles, poetry and graphic novels with fantastic art by some of the top authors and illustrators working today, including Steve Antony, Barroux, Jackie Morris, Joseph Coelho, Yu Rong, Roger McGough, Petr Horacek, Elizabeth Laird and Mehrdokht Amini.
Wolters Kluwer Health
Wolters Kluwer Health is a leading global publisher of medical, nursing and allied health information resources in book, journal, newsletter, looseleaf and electronic media formats.
Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S.
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business delivers expert content and solutions in the areas of law, corporate compliance, health compliance, reimbursement, and legal education.
Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa / University of Ottawa Press
Les Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, la maison d’édition d’une des plus grandes universités de recherche au Canada et l’une des plus grandes universités bilingues au monde, proposent un programme d’édition en sciences humaines primé, évalué par les pairs, adapté à une économie du savoir et à la réalité de la mondialisation. Les PUO visent l’excellence en recherche et en édition, y compris en accès libre viable. Son catalogue annuel de 25-30 titres, de 4 revues savantes et de 2 marques (Mercure; Harvest House) avance le savoir et est axé sur les grands débats. The University of Ottawa Press, the publishing arm of one of Canada's top research universities and one of the world's top bilingual universities, offers an award-winning, peer-reviewed HSS publishing program for a knowledge-based, globalized world. UOP is committed to excellence in scholarship and publishing practices, including sustainable OA. Its annual catalogue of 25-30 titles, 4 journals and 2 imprints (Mercury Series; Harvest House) advance knowledge and engage with today’s issues.
GCE - Gabriele Capelli Editore
The Gabriele Capelli Editore (GCE) is a small Swiss publishing house, primarily focused on fiction but occasionally expanding into essays and poetry.
Springer Nature
For over 175 years Springer Nature has been advancing discovery by providing the best possible service to the whole research community. We help researchers uncover new ideas, make sure all the research we publish is significant, robust and stands up to objective scrutiny, that it reaches all relevant audiences in the best possible format, and can be discovered, accessed, used, re-used and shared. We support librarians and institutions with innovations in technology and data; and provide quality publishing support to societies. As a research publisher, Springer Nature is home to trusted brands including Springer, Nature Research, BMC, Palgrave Macmillan and Scientific American. https://group.springernature.com/gp/group
Springboard Edition
Inspirational stories about experiences Philosophical studies Educational perspectives bringing theories to life Transformational exercises or lessons Motivational business stories
Sprotin has grown intentionally and steadily into one of the major publishers in the Faroes.
Griots Lounge Publishing Nigeria
Griots Lounge and its imprints offers traditional publishing and sundry services to creative talents across Africa, as well as children friendly literature.
Alter ediciones
We are an independent publisher, founded at the beginning of 2009 in the city of Montevideo, the southernmost capital of America. Throughout the years, we have been publishing fictional and non-fictional narratives, children’s books, political essays as well as photography books, under the collections named: Us (Nosotros), Stone like You (Piedra como tú), Walter’s Library (Biblioteca de Walter) and About Narratives (De Narrativa). Our titles are issued in printed and digital versions, which can be found at digital stores such as Amazon and Bajalibros, among digital libraries and the main bookstores in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile. In addition, some of our books were translated into Italian and Portuguese. In the last few years, we have applied new technologies to develop products for the publishing sector. We created the webBook Digital Educational Contents (Contenidos educativos digitales) and the appbook Professions’ Factory (Fábrica de oficios), among other projects that are currently underway in this area. All our production is self-managed and strongly independent. The books we make are carefully thought through. In every release, the aesthetic care put in the edition, its narrative, illustrations, and photographs, seek to create an attractive object, aimed to inspire the desire to be included in every library.
Altrim Publishers
ALTRIM PUBLISHERS promote a passion for architecture and purposeful traveling. Our signature Architectural Travel Guide Collection fulfills the unmet need of quality text for the architecturally-oriented visitor to India & Southeast Asia. Our books enable readers to learn about the design development of prominent cities as well as discover the joys of regionally distinct urban cultures and daily lifestyles unique to local places. Our pocket-size guides fit in any type of luggage and simultaneously serve as a source of serious scholarly knowledge about local places. ALTRIM and its team of architectural writers are devoted to providing the best experience in each of the cities offered. ALTRIM also offers select Architectural Monographs to serve the curiosity of inquisitive patrons. Our titles cover a range of design topics, urban genres, and geographical locations- exploring subtle nuances and uncovering hidden surprises that often surround Indian cities and architecture.
Altair 4 Multimedia
ALTAIR 4 Multimedia was established in 1986 byAlessandro Furlan, Pietro Galifi and Stefano Moretti, who conceived the studio as an actual workshop where various technological and artistic disciplines would interact in a coordinated and rewarding dialogue.The members of the Altair4 creative team come from diverse backgrounds and experience in computer animation, graphic arts, design and broadcast production.The ongoing dialogue between past and present characterizes all Altair4 productions and its innovative and multi-faceted approach to creating computer products where advanced technological tools and artistic and cultural processes are joined.
Al Karma Publishers
A publisher of bestselling and award-winning contemporary and classic fiction and non-fiction. Winner of the Best Young Egyptian Publisher Award in 2020.
Karger Publishers
Karger Publishers (Basel, Switzerland) is a globally active medical and scientific publishing company. Independent and family-run, the company is dedicated to serving the information needs of the scientific community with publications of high-quality content, covering all fields of medical science.
Editora do Brasil
Founded in 1943, Editora do Brasil has a wonderful history of commitment to culture and education. As a solid and experienced publisher, we are increasingly connected to the new times. One of the largest Brazilian companies in the segment, we believe in strengthening education and culture nationally and abroad. With a diverse and award-winning catalog, Editora do Brasil is always seeking to stay current and offer the best material. Our books feature a variety of themes by some of the best authors and designers, some of whom are internationally renowned.