Your Results(showing 144)

      • Schmit Jongbloed Advies

        ‘Ärzt*in als Ganzes‘ ist ein inspirierendes Buch für Mediziner aller Altersklassen und Spezialisierungen, die den Sinn in ihrer Arbeit (wieder)finden oder verstärken wollen.

      • Verlagsgruppe Patmos

        Patmos - Thorbecke - Grünewald - Eschbach - Schwaben - Ver Sacrum The list of Verlagsgruppe Patmos offers a wide range of titles, covering psychology, self-help, memoirs, parenting, spirituality, religion and theology, as well as gift books and children´s books, mostly for First Communion. Our imprint Thorbecke specializes in books on cookery, lifestyle and gardening, on the one hand, as well as books on history and cultural history, on the other hand.

      • Sarah McKenzie Literary Agency

        Sarah McKenzie Literary Management provides advice, advocacy and representation to Australian authors. As well as representing best-selling authors with a proven track record, we love to identify and champion talented new and emerging writers of children's fiction, commercial fiction, literary and narrative nonfiction.

      • Verlag Hermann Schmidt

        We commit ourselves to quality, which needs expert knowledge, high demand on design and production, joy and passion and we provide a high service with our products on the highest level. We try to improve this philosophy with knowledge, power and the motto: Pushing the limites. We see you joy and your profit In the centre of this work. Of course we are content with our work at the same time. At this point quality starts with torture but turns out to happiness in the end: The happiness and luck to make wonderful books.

      • Rights and Brands

        Rights & Brands is a 360 licensing and publishing agency bringing Nordic rights and brands to a global arena. Starting from a strategic base in literature, art and design, R&B’s platform is built on knowledge, passion and people. Using all aspects of character representation and branding, from publishing and PR to licensing, merchandising and digital development, with a worldwide network of sub-agents and over 800 clients, R&B’s international insight and business capacity is unique.

      • Patriots Publishing SDN BHD

        Patriots Publishing is the printed and electronic reading material publishing division of the renowned digital content writing group, The Patriots Asia. This publication is wholly owned by Patriots Holding Sdn Bhd. Starting with the TP Press brand in 2015, the publication then underwent a brand change with the new name Patriots Publication in 2017. Until 2019 after thriving, the publication is now known as Patriots Publishing Sdn Bhd.

      • Sarigaga Books

        Sarıgaga Books is an independent small publishing house founded on May 2011. Sarıgaga is specialized in children books and mainly picture books. Our aim is to contribute to the intellectual and emotional growth of children with beautifully illustrated books with good stories.

      • Editora do Brasil

        Founded in 1943, Editora do Brasil has a wonderful history of commitment to culture and education. As a solid and experienced publisher, we are increasingly connected to the new times. One of the largest Brazilian companies in the segment, we believe in strengthening education and culture nationally and abroad. With a diverse and award-winning catalog, Editora do Brasil is always seeking to stay current and offer the best material. Our books feature a variety of themes by some of the best authors and designers, some of whom are internationally renowned.

      • Sri Senbaga Pathippakam

        Sri Senbaga Pathippakam is one of the best publishers in Tamil language. We have published more than 1000 titles including ancient Sangam Tamil literature, research books in Tamil literature and language, mythological books, historical fiction and non-fiction, short stories, cooking books, etc. We also specialize in books for children, bilingual and trilingual dictionaries for the reference of students and general public. We publish Sahitya Academy & Tamilnadu government award winning books. One of our renowned books, 'Thirukkural', a scripture common to every walk of human life irrespective of gender, race or community is a must read for everyone on this planet. It is published in various sizes and design. 'Oviyakkural (Thirukkural with paintings)' portrays Tamil tradition and culture through paintings. Our religious publication about Vainavam and Saivam is popular among scholars. 'Kambar Kavi Inbam' portrays the beauty of poetry as described in Kambar's Ramayanam in Tamil language.

      • Wise Path Co., Ltd.

        Wise Path Co., Ltd focuses on children education field. We dedicate on using new technology on education contents to make educational tools more interesting and effective. PadKaKa is not only our first product but also the first animation cards in the world. PadKaKa is the most useful tool for 2~6 year old children learning English as a second language. PadKaKa integrates 3 of kids’ favorite elements: Pad + Cards + Cartoons. PadKaKa is designed as a first language learning tool for kids. One of the key points is the cards. Kid uses cards to interactively watching corresponding cartoons to learn vocabulary. When playing PadKaKa, kids choose a card they are curious about, or a favorite, so they will pay attention to the corresponding cartoon. As a result, they learn much better.

      • Girassol Brasil Edições Ltda.

        Girassol Brasil has been in existence for 20 years. Despite still being a young company, it has attained prominence in the children’s book scene thanks to the quality and interactivity of its books. They offer educational books; children’s literature, especiallyfrom renowned Brazilian authors; tales and fables; world literary classics; games and puzzles; and several reference books. The catalogue is also filled with pop-up titles, bath books, wipe and clean books, flap books and many different interactive elements that provide a pleasant reading experience and make learning fun for young children and early readers. A series we would like to recommend you especially is Heartwarming stories, written by educational psychologist Paula Furtado in order to help young children to deal with difficult situations and life circumstances.

      • Bradt Travel Guides Ltd

        Bradt Travel Guides have a reputation as the pioneering publisher for tackling ‘unusual’ destinations, and producing colourful guidebooks which are entertaining as well as useful.

      • Petra Schier

        Petra Schier, Jahrgang 1978, lebt mit Mann und Hund in einer kleinen Gemeinde in der Eifel. Sie studierte Geschichte und Literatur an der Fernuniversität Hagen und arbeitet seit 2003 freie Autorin. Ihre sehr erfolgreichen historischen Romane erscheinen u.a. im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, ihre ebenfalls sehr beliebten Weihnachts- sowie Liebesromane bei Rütten Loening, MIRA Taschenbuch, HarperCollins und Weltbild.Unter dem Pseudonym Mila Roth veröffentlicht die Autorin verlagsunabhängig verschiedene erfolgreiche Buchserien.

      • Kerstin Schulze

        Ein angesehener Privatbankier wird erpresst. In einem Luxushotel wird ein Escort-Girl brutal ermordet und die Vereinten Nationen sind Ziel eines Anschlagplans islamistischer Terrorristen. In dem ersten Teil der Thriller-Trilogie »Geneva Girl – Todesursache unbekannt« geht es um Schwarzgeld, Mord und Terrorgefahr in einer der teuersten Städte der Welt: Genf. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht eine deutsche Praktikantin bei den Vereinten Nationen, die an Angststörungen und Klaustrophobie leidet, und zwischen die Fronten von Geheimdienst und Diplomatie gerät. Es handelt sich um eine brisante Mischung aus Psycho- und Politthriller. Die Idee zu dem Roman lieferte der nie aufgeklärte Tod des ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten von Schleswig-Holstein Uwe Barschel im Genfer Hotel Beau-Rivage.

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