Your Results(showing 30)

    • mairisch Verlag

      mairisch Verlag is an an independent publishing house founded in 1999 and located in Hamburg. Whether fiction, non-fiction, illustrated children's books, audio books, graphic novels or music, mairisch Velag exclusively publishes books, CDs and LPs we really care about. In 2013 mairisch Verlag invented Indiebookday.

    • Christine Heimannsberg

      Gelobtes Land, die dystopische Climate Fiction Trilogie: Mit CO2 verbindet man den Klimawandel, schmelzende Gletscher und Überflutungen. Mittlerweile ist der Klimawandel auch in der Literatur angekommen. „Climate Fiction“ oder „Cli-fi“ lautet das Stichwort, das zuletzt verstärkt in den Feuilletons auftauchte. Die deutsche Autorin Christine Heimannsberg präsentiert mit ihrer Debüt-Trilogie „Gelobtes Land“ eine ungewöhnliche, spannende Dystopie, die ökologische wie humanistische Themen geschickt im neuen Genre zusammenführt.

    • Al-Kamel Verlag / Manshourat Al Jama

      Manshurat Al Jamal was founded in 1983 by Khalid Al Maaly in Cologne ,in 2008 based in Beirut and a further branch in Bagdad .The program focus on :- Classic ,Modern Arab literature- Fiction short stories poems - Philosophy- Sociology Manshurat Al-Jamal is the publisher of a lot of authors: G.Grass O. Pamuk J. Habermas Robert Musil H.Qureishi G. Sinoue P. Celan W. Gombrowicz J. Derrida M. Horkheimer T. Adorno A. Kristof

    • Mainstream United

      I'm representing modern Israeli Russian-speaking writer Jonathan Vidgop. This author's first book was granted fund of Israeli president and received recognition in Israel in 1999. The author writes rarely. There are two very different books offered. One, a result of 20 years of collecting historical material, is a collection of more than 100 very funny short stories of sexuality and attitude to Jews of famous personalities of different countries and times. The other book, very recent, is a a grotesque phantasmagoria, novel "Testimony", whose style, if any, can be compared to Susskind's Perfume. See description of the books below.

    • Chas Maistriv

      Humanity uses reason to fill life with goodness and celebration. Our mission is to help a person in this at the beginning of his life

    • Pinter & Martin Publishers

      Pinter & Martin is an independent publishing company based in London. Most of our books are distributed worldwide. We publish authors who challenge the status quo. We specialise in pregnancy, birth & parenting, health & nutrition, psychology and yoga. Pinter & Martin was founded on May 9th, 1997 by the writer and film-maker Martin Wagner and childbirth educator Maria Pinter, when we realised that Stanley Milgram's extraordinary book Obedience to Authority was out of print in the UK. Some milestones were the publication of Childbirth without Fear in 2004, which started our ever-growing pregnancy, birth & parenting list; Irrationality in 2007, which was our first genuine bestseller; and the publication of The Politics of Breastfeeding in 2009, followed by our first book for La Leche League International, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding in 2010. In 2015 Pinter & Martin acquired the yoga publisher YogaWords, which was originally a joint venture by Paul Walker (1961-2016) of YogaMatters and Martin Wagner. In April 2016 Pinter & Martin opened effraspace a multi-purpose venue dedicated to pregnancy, birth & parenting education. In 2017 we published the bestselling The Positive Birth Book and Manhood, followed by Womanhood in 2019. We continue to publish books which are close to our hearts. Our books be viewed on our website:

    • Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni

      MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment

    • La Martinière Jeunesse / Seuil Jeunesse

      La Martinière Jeunesse and Seuil Jeunesse, publish a wide range of books for toddlers to ya. In order to pass on knowledge to young readers in a way that will appeal to them, La Martinière Jeunesse strives to ensure that all of the works they publish, whether it be reference, innovative novelty or fiction books, have the highest quality content. The books in Seuil’s rich and bold catalog break the codes of conventional children’s books, both in their form and content. They include picture books by award winning authors, outstanding non-fiction titles, literary novels and humorous middle-grade fiction.

    • Silke Heiss (Give Your Writing The Edge)

      We are a one-woman charity, hoping to transform into a self-sustaining business, devoted to reminding readers of themselves.

    • Claret Press

      Claret Press is an independent press based in London. Our books are now read and enjoyed all over the world. We specialise in mysteries and thrills and chronicles and memoirs.

    • Classroom Complete Press

      Livres Canada Books

    • Class Publishing Ltd.

      Class Professional Publishing aims to fully support healthcare professions by publishing the best, most innovative educational resources.

    • Marshall Cavendish

      Topical, authentic and high quality books under the Marshall Cavendish Editions imprint provide general interest content that informs, entertains and engages readers.

    • Clare Painter Associates Ltd

      Licensing digital rights can be complicated and time-consuming. For 15 years our digital licensing agency, founded by pioneering digital publisher David Attwooll (as Attwooll Associates), has guided publishers through rapid and complex digital change. Clare and her small team of digital rights experts take a personal approach to each publisher, recommending specific licences and digital business models. We attend the book fairs in London and Frankfurt each year, and deal regularly with over 50 e-vendors across all sectors of the market: professional, academic, educational, and consumer.

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