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      • Koja Agency

        We are a literary agency specializing in children’s and young adult books, based in Stockholm, Sweden. We represent independent publishers, authors and illustrators. We handle licensing rights, co-productions, film and TV rights and much more. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest news about our books and authors.

      • The Buckman Agency

        Set up in 2001, The Buckman Agency is a partnership between mother-and-daughter team Rosie and Jessica Buckman who, between them, have over 50 years of foreign rights sales experience, and who work directly with publishers all over the world - from Rome to Rio, Berlin to Beijing. They represent a number of well-established literary agencies in the US and UK, handling literary and commercial fiction and non-fiction.

      • ONK AGENCY

        ONK Agency was established in 1959 by Osman N. Karaca. With the exception of a few representatives that already dealt with copyrights regarding photography, feature articles and comic strips, ONK became the first and largest literary and dramatic agency in Turkey over the years. Book Rights Onk Agency represents over one hundred foreign publishers and agencies, most of them exclusively. Play Rights ONK Agency is the only copyright agency handling theatre play rights in Turkey. ONK represents many Turkish as well as hundreds of foreign playwrights through their agencies from all over the world. Other Rights ONK Agency is also handling the movie and television rights of all works of its clients exclusively. ONK is also acting as theauthorized representative of a number of musical works composed for stage.

      • Kalem Agency

        Founded in Istanbul, Turkey, Kalem Literary Agency represents numerous renowned Turkish authors among them the most prominent and established assets of contemporary Turkish literature and classical masters. Our search for emerging voices and perseverance to support and nurture newly developing talents goes hand in hand with our respect for the roots of Turkish Literary tradition. The number of the contracts Kalem Literary Agency has made to represent and disseminate Turkish literature abroad in 53 languages has exceeded 2.106 by 2017. Even if our focus is on fiction that ranges from high-quality literary works to commercial titles with mass-market appeal, we also represent non-fiction titles. Besides representing Turkish language rights, Kalem Agency also works as a sub-agent for publishers and literary agencies abroad. Our main objective is to match the right publishers with just the right titles. Kalem Agency organizes the first and only international literary festival in Turkey: Organized in 2009 for the first time, ITEF-Istanbul International Literature Festival creates a space that ensures the cooperation of Turkish authors and publishers with foreign publishers, editors, translators and authors.

      • ST&A Literary Agency

        Founded in 2008, the literary agency ST&A is dedicated to representing publishers for translation rights on international markets.. Susanne Theune has over 30 years experience in publishing and communication, with extensive knowledge of both the national and the international markets, working for years for the publishing groups Bertelsmann and Zeta.

      • Belcastro Agency

        Belcastro Agency is a full-service literary agency representing authors writing adult and young adult fiction. We are a passionate, hands-on, editorially-focused agency and work closely with our writers in developing manuscripts and proposals for submission. In addition, we actively manage subsidiary rights for the projects we represent including foreign translation, audio, and film/television rights.

      • TM.Literary Agency

        Tiziana Marzano è specializzata nella rappresentanza internazionale dei diritti per autori, agenzie letterarie ed editori di tutto il mondo per i bestseller di saggistica, narrativa, libri per bambini e fumetti.

      • Akdem Agency

        Akdem Copyrights and Translation Agency has been active in promoting Turkish literary works for the foreign readers to enjoy. The agency aims to promote the publication of many of the wonderful Turkish literary works, in order to initiate the better opportunity for foreign nations to have a closer contact with the Turkish literature and the world. In order to provide the necessary relations for the right publishing house to publish the right book, Akdem Copyrights and Translation Agency aims to become the bridge between foreign publishers and Turkish publishing houses, and to become the representative of foreign publishers in Turkey and worldwide. We also represent many reputed publishers from all around the world in Turkey with an aim to bring the best quality books that Turkish readers may enjoy reading.Already having the experience of working with professional translators, Akdem Agency works with more than forty highly proficient translators, whom use their mother tongue as their target language. Contact us:

      • Agence Ouroboros

        The Ouroboros Agency is a literary and creative publishing agency. We love discovering new titles and working on new projects.

      • VF Agencia Literaria

        Founded in 2015, VF Agencia Literaria offers a full service agency based in Mexico City. It mostly represents Mexican authors for the hispanic and international market. The agency is synonymous of prestige, quality and trend analysis. Our goal is to be an integral part of the future literary landscape. Our main objective is to offer our authors to the best publishing houses with optimal conditions and agreements. In VF we bet on the stories and our authors.

      • 2 Seas Agency

        With offices in California & Europe, 2 Seas sells rights worldwide or into specific territories with over 25 years of combined experience.

      • The Grayhawk Agency

        Founded in 2008 by Gray Tan, we are a leading literary agency in Asia, representing over 200 foreign publishers and agents in China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. We also represent a select list of Asian authors in film/tv and translation, whose works have been licensed in over 30 countries and to production companies in Asia, Europe, and Hollywood.

      • Cart'armata Edizioni SRL, Terre di Mezzo Editore

        We are an indipendent publisher based in Milan, born in 1994 as a monthly street paper dealing with social information. Now we publish 70 books per year. Our interests explore many and various worlds, from sustainable tourism to the discover of different cultures, encouraging their coexistence.

      • Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

        La editorial de la UNC fue concebida como un emprendimiento de promoción en la difusión de obras científicas, artísticas y literarias de profesores e investigadores de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina); cuyas contribuciones a la construcción del conocimiento y discusiones intelectuales de ideas, sigue vigente en la actualidad. Está estructurado en nueve colecciones que abarcan diferentes temáticas y áreas de conocimiento: Reforma, Sociedad, Estado, Política, Formas, Divulgación, Ciencia, Institucional, Ensayo. La selección de los títulos presentados para publicación, es ejecutada por profesores e investigadores de la UNC y otras universidades. El programa editorial también incluye coediciones de obras de interés para la comunidad académica y la sociedad en general. La casa de edición de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba se estableció en 2007 y su objetivo es ser un respaldo para la comunidad universitaria, un registro de trabajos académicos recientes y una memoria del campo intelectual. Además, aspira a poner a disposición del público universitario más amplio los libros y contribuir a los debates más significativos de nuestro tiempo.

      • Bambole Editora e Livraria Ltda

        Bambolê Publishing House is a brazilian publishing company with three publishing labels: Bambolê, Elipse and Opala. We are founded in 2015 and we have 60 books in the catalogue. Bambolê focus in the children and young literature. Opala focus in the adult and non-fiction literature. Our work is based on to search originals with quality, enchantment e a good history, that create loyal readers, as well permit to discover new readers. Bambole won many awards. Some of our books were choosed to the Bologna Catalogue, in different years.

      • Paulinas | Editorial Paulinas Colombia

        Somos una congregación de mujeres consagradas a Dios de la Iglesia Católica, para la evangelización con los medios de comunicación social.Sobre las huellas de Pablo, y con su mismo espíritu dedicamos todas nuestras fuerzas para VIVIR y COMUNICAR a Jesucristo en el areópago de la comunicación.

      • San Paolo Gruppo Editoriale

        Simona Scuri FOREIGN RIGHTS

      • GCE - Gabriele Capelli Editore

        The Gabriele Capelli Editore (GCE) is a small Swiss publishing house, primarily focused on fiction but occasionally expanding into essays and poetry.

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