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Promoted ContentOctober 2016
1000 cases of Hunan cuisine
by Hunan Science& Technology Press
This book selects more than 200 kinds of common food materials in daily life, and introduces in detail 1000 Hunan dishes made with these food materials, which are widely spread and suitable for family production, including both traditional dishes and innovative dishes, including both meat and vegetables, and various methods.
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by Nurhazani Mohd Shariff, Jasmine Zea Raziah Radha Rashid Radha, Roshita Abdul Razak, Grafik UUM Press
Contemporary Issues in Malaysian Tourism is a book that aims to present a new and refreshing approach to the study of tourism. It highlights significant issues in the Malaysian context, ranging from tourism education to e-tourism, as well as challenges in sustaining tourism destinations and managing hospitality operations during the recent Covid-19 pandemic. As the scope of the content is wide-ranging, this book provides an overview of how Malaysia’s tourism industry operates and would benefit destination managers, marketers, policymakers and other stakeholders. Divided into three sections, this book is a collection of both empirical and theoretical research, covering several topics such as community-based ecotourism, Islamic tourism, sports tourism, food tourism and green tourism. It is suitable for students, academicians, and practitioners alike as it introduces key ideas and presents several perspectives on how stakeholders in the industry understand the issues, the challenges being faced, and the necessary measures taken to meet the ever-growing demand for travelling.
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Trusted PartnerJune 2018
Megacooler Kreuzworträtselspaß
by Deike Press
Spannende und abwechslungsreiche Rätsel für Kinder ab 9 Jahren: Kreuzworträtsel, Labyrinthe, Buchstaben- und Zahlenrätsel, Suchbilder und vieles mehr. Da ist für jeden etwas dabei!
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2019
Kreuzworträtsel für coole Querdenker
Rate dich schlau
by Deike Press
Spannende, abwechslungsreiche Rätsel für Kinder ab 11 Jahren: geniale Kreuzworträtsel, knifflige Buchstaben- und Zahlenrätsel sowie lustige Suchbilder. Hier findet jeder sein Lieblingsrätsel! Ganz nebenbei werden dabei spielerisch Konzentration, Kombinationsgeschick und Rechtschreibung trainiert.
Trusted PartnerJune 2018
Mein großes Rätsel-Stickerbuch. Pferde und Ponys
by Deike Press
Ein Muss für alle Pferdefans! Mit Kreuzworträtseln, Bilderrätseln oder Labyrinthen kann das Wissen rund ums Pferd getestet werden. Die Sticker helfen beim Lösen der Rätsel oder schmücken Hefte und Tagebücher. Zusätzlich wird in kurzen Passagen zusammengefasst, was Pferde so besonders macht. Rätsel, Sticker und viel Wissen für den ultimativen Spaß für alle Pferdeliebhaber.
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