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      • The Shoestring Publisher

        The Shoestring Publisher is an independent publisher of illustrated books on India’s history and cultural heritage, with a particular focus on the visual arts including architecture, fine art, design, film, photography and textiles.   Founded by Meera Ahuja in 2006, it has received the Indian Tourism Award for Excellence in Publishing for its panoramic limited editions The Monumental India Book (acclaimed as one of the world’s ten best coffee-table books of 2009) and The Sacred India Book. Its most recent publications are America: Films from Elsewhere (2019) and the monograph Mrinalini Mukherjee, published in conjunction with the exhibition “Phenomenal Nature: Mrinalini Mukherjee” at The Met Breuer, NY, in 2019.   Shoestring’s numerous international co-editions include The Monumental India Book (Citadelles & Mazenod, 2007; Schirmer Mosel Verlag, 2008; The Vendome Press, 2008; and Constable & Robinson, 2008), Western Artist and India: Creative Inspirations in Art and Design (Thames & Hudson, 2013) and Mughal Architecture and Gardens (Antique Collectors’ Club, 2011; and Éditions de La Martinière, 2013).

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      • The Authors Show ®

        We present during this event a handful of authors who appeared on our show, and who have expressed an interest in selling the international rights to their work.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 1989

        Martin Heidegger: Innen- und Außenansichten

        Herausgegeben vom Forum für Philosophie Bad Homburg

        by Peter Rohs, Forum für Philosophie Bad Homburg, Siegfried Blasche, Wolfgang R. Köhler, Wolfgang Kuhlmann

        Der hundertste Geburtstag Martin Heideggers im Jahre 1989 wird durch die häufig vordergründig geführten personalisierten Kontroversen um dessen politisches Engagement für die nationalsozialistische Bewegung überschattet. Es hieße, die immer noch, jedenfalls im philosophischen Lebensfalle, zu unterstellende Einheit von personaler Entscheidung und werkimmanenter Aussage zu verletzen, wollte man Heidegger im Zuge einer eingeschränkten Entmündigung allein durch den Hinweis auf seine außer Frage stehende philosophiegeschichtliche Bedeutung gewissermaßen »entlasten«. Das Verständnis und erst recht die Beurteilung seiner »Entscheidung« im Jahre 1933 muß den weitgespannten Ausgang am Werk selbst nehmen, und zwar in dessen Bedingungen, seinen Kerngedanken und an der Relation zu gleichzeitigen, konkurrierenden philosophischen Denkansätzen. – Die Beiträge dieses Bandes vereinigen im Horizont von Heideggers Antwort auf das »Ereignis des Führers« (Ebeling) »Innenansichten« (Gethmann, Kettering, Merker, Mörchen, Seel), Bedingungs- und Rezeptionsanalysen (Apel, Barash, Pöggeler) und Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis der Philosophien Heideggers, Adornos und der Postmoderne (Brunkhorst, Früchtl, Polti).

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1988

        Kants transzendentale Deduktion und die Möglichkeit von Transzendentalphilosophie

        by Peter Rohs, Forum für Philosophie Bad Homburg, Siegfried Blasche, Wolfgang R. Köhler, Wolfgang Kuhlmann, Wolfgang R. Köhler

        Man bemüht sich, Kants schwierige Gedankengänge mit den inzwischen gewonnenen begrifflichen Mitteln zu entwirren und ihnen eine überprüfbare Ordnung zu geben, um die dunkle transzendentalphilosophische Denkart gleichsam zu lichten und begrifflich zu domestizieren. Dabei erweist sich für manchen eine mehr oder minder eingreifende »Kant-Transformation« (Apel) als unumgänglich. Kant-Interpretation, Kant-Rekonstruktion und systematisches Denken gehen dabei Hand in Hand. Über den Umfang des Interesses an Kantischer Transzendentalphilosophie informiert die diesem Band beigegebene Bibliographie.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1988

        Zerstörung des moralischen Selbstbewußtseins: Chance oder Gefährdung?

        Praktische Philosophie in Deutschland nach dem Nationalsozialismus

        by Peter Rohs, Forum für Philosophie Bad Homburg, Siegfried Blasche, Wolfgang R. Köhler, Wolfgang Kuhlmann, Alan Posener

        Praktische Philosophie ist wesentlich Rekonstruktion von vortheoretischen moralischen Intuitionen und daher angewiesen auf ein grundsätzliches Vertrauen in die Gültigkeit des von ihr zu Rekonstruierenden. In kaum einem Teil der Welt wurde nun das Vertrauen in diese vortheoretischen moralischen Intuitionen derart tiefgehend und nachhaltig erschüttert, ja gebrochen, wie das in Deutschland durch den Nationalsozialismus geschah. Dieses Faktum bedeutet für die Moralphilosophie in Deutschland sowohl Chance wie auch Gefährdung. Es ist zugleich ein wichtiger Schlüssel für das Verständnis sowohl der besonderen Spannungen zwischen den verschiedenen Positionen der praktischen Philosophie innerhalb Deutschlands wie auch der Sonderstellung der praktischen Philosophie aus Deutschland gegenüber entsprechenden Bemühungen aus anderen westlichen Demokratien, die aus der ambivalenten Befangenheit der deutschen Philosophen resultiert.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Lucy and Mum's Shoes

        by Emily Child

        Lucy and Mum's Shoes (written by Emily Child and illustrated by Warwick Kay) is the story a girl who hears the world a little differently. She is fascinated by the sounds around her, especially the sound of shoes. She dreams of a life where she is surrounded by high-heels. She dreams of being grown-up. Feeling brave one morning, Lucy sneaks into her mother’s cupboard and tries on her favourite pair of stilettos. An unusual and dreamlike day of high-heeled hope, happiness and hindrance follows, leaving Lucy a little less certain that she wants to feel grown-up after all… Lucy invites children (and adults) to be a part of her unique and quirky soundscape. Infused with a surreal eccentricity, this story uncovers what it means to “love the shoes you’re in”.

      • Trusted Partner
        Material culture
        March 1995

        The culture of fashion

        A New History of Fashionable Dress

        by Christopher Breward

        This illustrated survey of 600 years of fashion investigates its cultural and social meanings from medieval Europe to 20th-century America. It provides a guide to the changes in style and taste, and challenges existing fashion histories, showing that clothes have always played a pivotal role in defining a sense of identity and society, especially when concerned with sexual and body politics. With a chronological structure, each chapter focuses on both male and female fashion of a specific period, covering its fascinating developments. It discusses: androgynous dressing; body piercing; fabrics, clothing and the rise of city life; dress, and the changing shape of the human body; controversies surrounding trousers and leg wear for both men and women; exposure of flesh; fashion and social status; and the dissemination of fashion through travel, film, magazines and catwalk shows. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022


        by Cat S.

        Are you going somewhere, Big Bear? Way Way Out There is where big things reside. They're so big - they cast shadows impossible to ignore. It's a long way away, but sometime big things come to shore on White Cliff to watch fascinating little things. Jules is an aspiring Big Bear born in White Cliff. He's been dreaming big from an early age, but has yet to figure it out. How does one grow Big? Where does one find directions? Who do you listen to? Can one so small really get There? To take one giant's advice--you'd have to see it for yourself. Way Way Out There.A wonderful fable told from the point of view of a small mind mapping out a path that would lead to something beautiful, good and true.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2025

        Refashioning the Renaissance

        Everyday dress in Europe, 1500–1650

        by Paula Hohti

        How did ordinary men and women dress in early modern Europe? What fabrics and garments formed the essential elements of fashion for artisans and shopkeepers? Did they rely on affordable alternatives to the silks, jewellery, and decorations favoured by the wealthy elite? Or did those with modest means find innovative ways to express their fashion sense? This book provides new perspectives on early modern clothing and fashion history byinvestigating the consumption and meaning of fashionable clothing and accessories among the 'popular' classes. Through a close examination of the materials, craftsmanship and cultural significance of fashion items owned by and available to a broad group of consumers, it challenges conventional assumptions that the everyday dress of ordinary families was limited to a narrow selection of garments made of coarse textiles, often produced at home and resistant to change.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        The King's Shoes

        by Tang Sulan, Ishan Trivedi

        The King's Shoes is according to the folktales of Pakistan. A long time ago, when humans had not invented shoes, everyone could only walk barefoot. Whether one were a queen or a civilian, one must be with barefoot. Through a king's tone, the book tells an interesting story of how shoes were invented.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2024

        Becoming couture

        The Italian fashion industry after the Second World War

        by Chiara Faggella

        Becoming couture is the first book to examine the history of the Italian fashion industry during the global transition brought about by the Second World War. It draws on a wide range of primary sources, some of them newly unearthed, to demonstrate that the Italian fashion industry in the Republican era continued to rely on business practices and professionals established during Fascism. Analysing changes in promotional discourses and press coverage, the book traces the shift that occurred when manufacturers were encouraged to expand their exports of accessories to include sportswear, knitwear and moda boutique. This ultimately led to the legitimisation of Italian dressmaking as creatively independent of French influences and therefore worthy of the label 'couture'.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2021

        Making home

        Orphanhood, kinship and cultural memory in contemporary American novels

        by Maria Holmgren Troy, Elizabeth Kella, Helena Wahlstrom, Maria Holmgren Troy

        Making home explores the figure of the orphan child in a broad selection of contemporary US novels by popular and critically acclaimed authors Barbara Kingsolver, Linda Hogan, Leslie Marmon Silko, Marilynne Robinson, Michael Cunningham, Jonathan Safran Foer, John Irving, Kaye Gibbons, Octavia Butler, Jewelle Gomez and Toni Morrison. The orphan child is a continuous presence in US literature, not only in children's books and nineteenth-century texts, but also in a variety of genres of contemporary fiction for adults. Making home examines the meanings of this figure in the contexts of American literary history, social history and ideologies of family, race and nation. It argues that contemporary orphan characters function as links to literary history and national mythologies, even as they may also serve to critique the limits of literary history, as well as the limits of familial and national belonging.

      • Trusted Partner

        Omni Learning Center Guide to Manners and Etiquette

        by Lorraine Gerstl

        Maanners are polite behaviors that reflect an attitude of consideration, kindness and respect for others. They are learned behaviors to be used every day to make a good impression on others and to feel good about yourself. Good manners go beyond opening doors and writing thank you notes. The really polite person is tuned in to other people's feelings and can put herself or himself in another person's shoes. Using good manners encourages others to act in a similar fashion.Etiquette expresses consideration, respect, and honesty, the three qualities that stand behind all the manners we have. Etiquette is timeless and crosses cultural boundaries, unlike manners, which can change over time and differ around the world. Without proper manners and etiquette, the customs of polite society would soon disappear and we would act more like animals and less like people.Good manners are a powerful source of self-confidence and help facilitate life’s relationships in general. Manners are important for considering the feelings of other people and being the kind of person others will like and respect., “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” the Golden Rule, exists in every culture on the planet.Good manners impress people and put them at ease. And people who are impressed and relaxed are more likely to respect you and agree to your requests. Manners make the world a better place. Best of all, good manners don’t cost a thing. You can have the very best for free!Lorraine Gerstl bestselling author of Omni Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies, is truly a woman for all seasons! She taught deaf children in her native South Africa before migrating to the United States, where she raised her own children, then recommenced her teaching career on California’s Monterey Peninsula, where she taught for nearly three decades at Robert Louis Stevenson Lower School and Santa Catalina as its beloved third grade teacher. Since her “retirement” in 2017, she and Margie Lotz, a colleague from Santa Catalina, formed Omni Learning Center, which provides educational enrichment for home schoolers. Omni has recently expanded into teaching unhoused women at Gathering for Women not only to return to the active workforce, but to reclaim self-respect and social validation. Lorraine has produced, directed, and acted in plays, musicals, variety shows, picked up a National Disney Teacher of the Year nomination, and traveled a good slice of the world in the process. An editor and internationally published writer, who won’t hesitate to stretch her students’ reach to the stars, she still revels in her favorite title – “Mom.”76 Pages, OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides, 2020.______________OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides: Guide to Study for Success, Guide to Manners & Etiquette, Guide to Theater in the Classroom, Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2018

        Die schönsten georgischen Märchen

        by Heinz Fähnrich, Heinz Fähnrich, Heinz Fähnrich, Heinz Mode, Heinz Fähnrich

        Georgien ist das Land der Märchen und Legenden, die Georgier sind für ihre Erzählfreudigkeit bekannt. Die Märchen, die durch die Verbindung von europäischen und orientalischen Motiven faszinieren, erzählen von der Sehnsucht des Volkes nach einem glücklichen Leben in Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit. Wir begegnen Helden von größter Kühnheit: Sie geben Tote dem Leben zurück, bezwingen grausame Drachen, wissen die Geliebte in fernsten landen zu finden, und der Tschonspieler betört, Orpheus gleich, mit zauberischen Melodien selbst den Herrscher über Leben und Tod, den schrecklichen Wächter des Baumes der Unsterblichkeit ... Dieser Band stellt die schönsten georgischen Märchen vor.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2021

        Contemporary Spanish cinema and genre

        by Jay Beck, Vicente Rodríguez Ortega

        This volume is the first English-language collection exclusively dedicated to the study of genre in relation to Spanish cinema. Providing a variety of critical perspectives, the collection gives the reader a thorough account of the relationship between Spanish cinema and genre, drawing on case studies of several of the most remarkable Spanish films in recent years. The book analyses the significant changes in the aesthetics, production and reception of Spanish film from 1990 onwards. It brings together European and North American scholars to establish a critical dialogue on the topics under discussion, while providing multiple perspectives on the concepts of national cinemas and genre theory. In recent years film scholarship has attempted to negotiate the tension between the nationally specific and the internationally ubiquitous, discussing how globalisation has influenced film making and surrounding cultural practice. These broader social concerns have prompted scholars to emphasise a redefinition of national cinemas beyond strict national boundaries and to pay attention to the transnational character of any national site of film production and reception. This collection provides a thorough investigation of contemporary Spanish cinema within a transnational framework, by positing cinematic genres as the meeting spaces between a variety of diverse forces that necessarily operate within but also across territorial spaces. Paying close attention to the specifics of the Spanish cinematic and social panorama, the essays investigate the transnational economic, cultural and aesthetic forces at play in shaping Spanish film genres today.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Contemporary Spanish cinema and genre

        by Jay Beck, Vicente Rodríguez Ortega

        This volume is the first English-language collection exclusively dedicated to the study of genre in relation to Spanish cinema. Providing a variety of critical perspectives, the collection gives the reader a thorough account of the relationship between Spanish cinema and genre, drawing on case studies of several of the most remarkable Spanish films in recent years. The book analyses the significant changes in the aesthetics, production and reception of Spanish film from 1990 onwards. It brings together European and North American scholars to establish a critical dialogue on the topics under discussion, while providing multiple perspectives on the concepts of national cinemas and genre theory. In recent years film scholarship has attempted to negotiate the tension between the nationally specific and the internationally ubiquitous, discussing how globalisation has influenced film making and surrounding cultural practice. These broader social concerns have prompted scholars to emphasise a redefinition of national cinemas beyond strict national boundaries and to pay attention to the transnational character of any national site of film production and reception. This collection provides a thorough investigation of contemporary Spanish cinema within a transnational framework, by positing cinematic genres as the meeting spaces between a variety of diverse forces that necessarily operate within but also across territorial spaces. Paying close attention to the specifics of the Spanish cinematic and social panorama, the essays investigate the transnational economic, cultural and aesthetic forces at play in shaping Spanish film genres today.

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