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      • Early learning: verse & rhymes

        On the Web of A Spider

        by Pilar Muñoz, Matías Acosta

        A toucan, a monkey, a lion, a crocodile and an elephant were swinging on the web of a spider but… Hoy many animals can it resist? Pilar Muñoz Lascano, author of multiple children’s books, is inspired by a popular children’ song to give life to this fun story whose characters are masterfully illustrated by the renowned Uruguayan illustrator Matías Acosta. “One elephant was swinging over the web of a spider, because he saw, that he didn’t fall another elephant was called Two elephants were swinging over the web of a spider…” —extract of The Elephant Song (nursery rhyme), source of inspiration for this book

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2019

        La magie de l'empathie

        Théorie et pratique

        by Dre Nicole Audet, M.D.

        Mon père détestait manger des pommes de terre non salées qu’il jugeait fades et sans goût. Comme lui, je reste sur mon appétit après une conversation superficielle et vide de sens. Pour mettre du piquant dans mes relations, j’ai dû y mettre de l’empathie, cette épice mystérieuse qui a le pouvoir de transformer ceux qui la maîtrisent.Dans ce livre, je vulgarise d’abord la théorie de la communication, puis je raconte des moments magiques où l’empathie a fait son œuvre dans ma vie et dans ma carrière. Enfin, je présente des recettes éprouvées pour se préparer à parler et à écouter avec cœur, authenticité et empathie. Ces compétences exigent des efforts de préparation, de concentration et d’ouverture vers l’autre, mais elles rapportent au-delà de toute espérance chez ceux qui les pratiquent et les maîtrisent. Après tout, pour être savoureuse, la patate a besoin de sel tout comme la communication a besoin d’empathie pour rehausser son goût. C’est magique!Mme Ruth Vachon, présidente et directrice générale du Réseau des femmes d’affaires du Québec signe la préface de ce livre.

      • May 2021


        A topical novel about the fertile social mutations triggered by a pandemic. How a highly lethal disease will allow a mother and a son to find their way back to each other...

        by Hélène Le Bris

        France, summer 2029. A strange disease with an unspeakable name, called “Plague” for convenience, is sweeping the country. Deadly and highly contagious, it strikes in successive waves, upsetting the economy and social relations and overturning democracy. It eventually withdraws to Paris, placed under lockdown.On either side of the medical barricade, a mother and her grown son witness contrasting events, she in her village, repopulated by townspeople spared from the virus, and he imprisoned in a devastated Paris. Their past opposes them, their present also keeps them apart: she struggles with paperwork in the filthy workshop next to her house, and he enjoys his job as a guide for the Louvre Museum. As the plague takes its toll, an unexpected reconciliation gradually takes place.Their relationships with their loved ones also change. A couple of overworked caregivers, a distraught garage owner, and an emotional fortune teller experience with them the shock that the plague imposes on human relationships.

      • September 2021


        Marie has left her native countryside, and has taken a summer job in a Parisian brasserie. Staying with her parents’ friends, the husband regularly abuses her. So, she silences her shame and her pain, which leads the beast inside her to grow...

        by Camille Lysière

        Marie has just graduated from high school. She leaves her hometown and takes a summer job in a Parisian brasserie. During her stay, she is hosted by a couple, her parents’ friends. He is a shadowy journalist. She is a frustrated housewife. Marie, who dreams of a future in literature, is honored to have Olivier take an interest in her. He enjoys chatting with her, he takes her seriously. Marie feels important when he invites her to his office for a private chat. But this beautiful relationship gradually goes off track. There is that one time by the library when he holds onto her a little longer than necessary. Should she have said or done something?Since then, Olivier comes to her room to talk. The first time he sits on the bed, imploring. The next time, she struggles, but it is not enough. And every other night he comes back. Marie is devastated. Had she seduced Olivier in spite of herself? So she silences her shame and her pain, which leads the beast inside her to grow. Marie is not alone. In 2009, she is experiencing what other 17-year-old women like her have experienced in another times. Claudine in 1937, Isabelle in 1973 and Amandine in 1990. Travelling through time, this striking novel gives us the same story: the tragedy and the arbitrary nature of rape that shatters destinies.

      • 2017


        La table végane

        by Chloé Crane-Leroux, Trudy Crane and Julie Zyromski Illustrated by Julie Ziromski

        « Renouer avec l’art de la table. Cuisiner de façon consciente, en suivant le rythme des saisons. Accueillir parents et amis dans une ambiance sereine. Trouver beauté et inspiration dans les petites choses de la vie, jour après jour... Pour nous, c’est prendre le temps de vivre. » En fondant Meadow & Land, la photographe Chloé Crane-Leroux, la chef Julie Zyromski et l’artiste céramiste Trudy Crane se sont donné pour objectif de rendre la cuisine végane accessible à tous.Pour en apprendre davantage sur cet éditeur, cliquez ici :

      • 2017

        Cette musique de Keats

        by Claude Beausoleil

        Avec ce nouveau recueil, l'auteur poursuit sa célébration toute personnelle de la poésie, par le biais des poètes britanniques qui l'ont marqué. Après Unknown (2000) et Mystère Wilde (2014), Cette musique de Keats explore les rythmes et les visions dont est imprégnée l'oeuvre poétique du jeune auteur de l'Ode à l'automne et d'Endymion. Pour en apprendre davantage sur cet éditeur, cliquez ici :

      • December 2020


        by Annette Misen

        Jacky, brillant élève, se destine à devenir médecin. Sa droiture se révèle autant une force qu’un écueil dans une société durement frappée par une crise économique sans précédent. Complaisance, la mégalopole dans laquelle il vit, sombre de plus en plus dans la corruption et l’inégalité sociale. Alors que le gouvernement impose une main de fer dans un gant de velours, l’impensable se produit. Un attentat provoque un grand nombre de victimes dont la plupart sont des ministres en poste. Afin de stabiliser la situation vécue dans la mégalopole, l’état d’urgence est ordonné. Le blocus imposé sépare familles et couples, ne permettant plus à certains de rejoindre leur lieu de travail ou d’études.

      • The Arts

        Die flote im Tango / Le flute dans le Tango

        Grundlegende schule des tangospiels

        by Paulina Fain

        “Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies.   CONTENTS » Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises. » 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert. » Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel.   THE FLUTE IN TANGO CONTENTS » Expressive melody. The art of fraseo, the authentic shaping of the expressive melodies. » Rhythmic melody. The performance of rhythmic melodies and the articulation specific to tango. » Use of ornaments and extended techniques applied to tango, guidelines to playing in a tango ensemble, the history of the flute in tango, the different styles of the genre and more. » 5 original works for flute and piano. » 105 audio examples.

      • Fiction

        Seconde Humanité

        by Adrien Mangold

        Will mankind have a third chance?   César Séfria’s fate is sealed. A deadly virus escapes his lab and threatens to kill what is left of humanity after the Deep Blue, a global environmental catastrophe. The antidote is nowhere near to be found while the death toll rises. With nothing more to loose, he will read a manuscript that relates events of the apocalypse and follows four fates, surprising duos, who will fight to save the Earth from the impossible Flood and her suffocation. For his first novel, Adrien Mangold explores the fates of a scientist, a soldier and a young girl who will write History, when a mistake becomes a pandemic, a lust a war, and the apocalypse a Second Mankind.

      • Fiction

        La Princesse au visage de nuit

        by David Bry

        An intense and harrowing modern tale   Hugo, molested by his parents as a child, ran away with his friends in the forest to find the Nightfaced Princess who, as the legend goes, grants the wishes of wretched children, sometimes at the cost of their lives. After a whole night, Hugo came back alone and amnesic. Twenty years later, Hugo learns of his parents’ death. Once back to his land, strange events are occurring. Mysterious lights shine in the woods and the storms are whispering names in the wind. Between investigation and legends, Hugo will retrace his child steps in order to understand how his parents died, how his former friends got lost, and finally find what awaits him in the woods of the Nightfaced Princess. The Nightfaced Princess is the tale of broken childhoods, of adults that had to grow with their wounds. Because we, sometimes, finally succeed to live. And eventually, maybe, to be happy?

      • Nos Altermondes

        by Nicolas Debandt

        A disturbingly accurate novel about today's global issues In a society were bees have disappeared and drinking water is near impossible to find, Humankind has to look for drastic alternatives. Some have to become pollinator, whereas others leave the planet to explore new ones, in search for water. While a power struggle sets between two interdependent continents, a climatic catastrophe shakes the populations.  Nathanael, migrant and father of two. Ellyn, model worker. Fates cross, lifes entwine, soon the political intrigues will stop to count the victims.  What consequences will emerge from their choices and those of two peoples at war ?

      • The Arts

        Die Violine im Tango / Le violon dans le Tango

        Grundlegende schule des tangospiels

        by Ramiro Gallo

        “Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina.This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies.   CONTENTS» Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises.» 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert.» Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel.   THE VIOLIN IN TANGO CONTENTS» Rhythmic melody. Different ways to articulate and accentuate a rhythmic tango melody.» Expressive melody. The art of phrasing, the tools to express tango music.» The rhythmic base. The typical marking models and the role of the violin as a part of the rhythmic base.» The use of ornaments and percussion effects, guidelines to play in a tango ensemble, the history of the violin in tango, the different styles of the genre.» 7 original works for violin and other instruments.» 130 audio and video examples.

      • Fiction


        by Feldrik Rivat

        VINGT ANS APRÈS LA 25E HEURE, QU'EST DEVENU LE MONDE ? « À quoi sert de conter l’histoire des grands hommes du passé si nous ne pouvons pas les faire revenir à la vie ? » Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, les tours Cuprifères grimpent jusqu’aux cieux. Que la ville flotte pour moitié dans le vent, portée par des ballons de verre. Que les morts reviennent à la vie. Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, les savants d’antan conversent avec les savants d’aujourd’hui. Que les artistes, les penseurs, les ingénieurs de tous les temps travaillent à construire le monde de demain. Il est dit que maintenant, à Paris, des messagers d’argile soufflent la parole des anciens avant de tomber en poussière.  Les rumeurs volent, depuis les cercles polaires jusqu’aux sables libyens, mais qui, en vérité, pourra vous dire ce qui se trame à Paris-Capitale ?

      • Minimal

        pour un mode de vie durable

        by Stéphanie Mandréa et Laurie Barrette

        Minimal: for sustainable living   For a simplified, happier life Minimal: for sustainable living is a practical guide for those who want to simplify their life but also rethink the environment in a more sustainable way. Stéphanie Mandrea and Laurie Barrette, two proponents of ecofriendly living and the founders of Dans le sac [In the Bag], have created this book to make readers aware of all the minimal ways in which they can lessen the impact of their lifestyle on nature. Whether it’s buying in bulk, refusing overpackaging, restoring old furniture, composting or making one’s own household products, this guide book provides a host of different ways to make a difference in your daily life. Minimal encourages all those small, individual changes that often lead to great social change. This is the first step for all individuals who are interested in becoming more minimalistic by simplifying their life but who don’t know where to begin. *** French sample :

      • Fiction
        June 2020

        A Trip to Asylum

        by Pam Pam LIU

        “Many things had gone that day, including my healthy mind.”In an asylum strangely with no medical staffs,the hero of this story started experiencing different trippy hallucinations. After many chaotic situations caused by other patients,  He started to see the root of his trauma step by step…A trip to asylum" is a fictional story based on Pam Pam's life experiences. Instead of tell the story realistically, Pam Pam choose to drew it with imagination, she hope the readers think and understand more about those uncontrollable symptoms, and also hope they understand that: normal people are not really NORMAL.   *In the process of drama series adaptation.*Winner of Taipei International Book Exhibition in Novel SectionVIDEO

      • Cook'n Roll again

        by Audrey BASSET

        Because rock’n roll is never dead, here are brand new recipes for all lovers of cook and rock !

      • Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2020

        Weedon ou la vie dans les bois

        by Thierry Pardo

        In the footsteps of the famous Henry David Thoreau and hisWalden; or, Life in the Woods, Thierry Pardo builds his cabin in the woods on the outskirts of the small municipality of Weedon, in eastern Quebec. More than 160 years after the publication of Walden, Weedon raises again the question of the return to the wild and updates the bias of life on the fringes of the world. In this short, poetic and accessible essay, Thierry Pardo gives us food for thought and invites us to contemplate the world differently.  More infos:

      • Children's & YA
        September 2019


        by Fanny Vandermeersch

        Sophia is a brilliant student. But when she arrived at the college, everything changed. Her grades drop, her friends abandon her, anxiety eats away at her. Until the day when she no longer feels capable of getting through the school gate. With the help of her parents and what is left of her friends, she will end up putting her problems into words: she suffers from school phobia. A novel that demystifies, invites sharing and exchange, on a subject that affects many teenagers today.

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