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      • Callisto Media

        Callisto Media’s scientific approach marries data and technology with deep publishing expertise to accurately identify unmet demand and create exactly the book that consumers are seeking.

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      • Calixta Editores

        Calixta Editores is a Colombian publishing house, creative and avant-garde, whose main objective is to support and promote literary culture and to generate cultural spaces, where opportunities are created to share new projects and opinions.We are a company that has been consolidating itself in the market for six years as a proper publisher, well-known for the publication of new authors, especially Colombians. Our purpose is to spread and encourage the culture of reading and writing to generate active participation from authors in the cultural and artistic movement of the country.Divided into five thematic lines, we have more than 100 titles and 70 authors, what makes us one of the most active independent publishing on the market.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2007

        Labour, the state, social movements and the challenge of neo-liberal globalisation

        by Andrew Gamble, Steven Fielding, Steve Ludlam, John Callaghan, Andrew Taylor, Steve Ludlam, Stephen Wood

        With the emergence of neo-liberalism in the 1980s as the dominant domestic and international political-economic orthodoxy, labour as both a social category and political movement tended to be written off or ignored by academics, politicians and commentators. However, at a time when the world's working class is growing faster than at any previous time in history and neo-liberalism is widely challenged, this orthodoxy is clearly inadequate. The spread of global production means that to ignore labour, its organisations, interests and politics, is to ignore one of the key components of that process. Labour organisations have not gone away and neither has the state: their relationship remains as significant as ever. The strategic relationship between trade unions and social movements, nationally and internationally, has also developed markedly, especially in the south. New patterns of resistance are emerging to challenge global capital and those who assert that globalisation is irresistible. ;

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        European Film Noir

        by Andrew Spicer

        European Film Noir is the first book to bring together specialist discussions of film noir in specific European national cinemas. Written by leading scholars, this groundbreaking study provides an authoritative understanding of an important aspect of European cinema and of film noir itself, for too long considered as a solely American form. The Introduction reviews the problems of defining film noir, its key characteristics and discusses its significance to the development of European film, the relationship of specific national films noirs to each other, to American noir and to historical and social change. Eight chapters then discuss film noir in France, Germany, Britain and Spain, analysing both earlier developments and the evolution of neo-noir through to the present. A further chapter explores film noir in Italian cinema where its presence is not so well defined. Each piece provides a critical overview of the most significant films in relation to their industrial and social contexts. European Film Noir is an important contribution to the study of European cinema that will have a broad appeal to undergraduates, cinéastes, film teachers and researchers.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2023

        Made in France

        Societal structures and political work

        by Andy Smith

        How has French society been made, by whom and why? And how in turn has it influenced the French? This book sets out the institutionalized rules and norms that continue to structure France, together with the 'political work' that has recently changed or reproduced these power relations. Exploring a range of age groups and types of social activity, including work, business, entertainment, political mobilizations and retirement, Made in France examines where significant change has occurred over the last four decades. Smith argues that while transformation has occurred in France's financial and education sectors, only relatively marginal shifts have occurred elsewhere in French society. To explain this pattern of continuity and isolated change, the book strongly nuances claims that neo-liberalism, globalization or a rise in populism have been its causes. References to these trends have impacted upon French politics to varying extents, Smith argues; however, France continues to be dominated by issues which are specific to the country and linked to its deep societal structures and history. Smith provides a comprehensive account of French society and politics and in doing so proposes an insightful analytical framework applicable to the comparative analysis of other nations.

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        December 2004

        Betrifft: Chotjewitz, Dorst, Hermann, Hoppe, Kehlmann, Klein, Kling, Kronauer, Mora, Ortheil, Oswald, Rakusa, Walser, Zeh

        by Florian Höllerer, Tim Schleider

        Das Spektrum der Themen dieses Bandes ist weit gefaßt. Es reicht von der Frage nach der Ursache für die Häßlichkeit deutscher Städte (Daniel Kehlmann) über die Untersuchung der Demokratie als 'schlechtester Staatsform (abgesehen von allen anderen)' (Juli Zeh), das Nachdenken über den Zusammenhang von Sprache und Menschheitsgeschichte (Martin Walser) bis zur Abrechnung mit den Bescheidwissern (Georg Klein) und 'Strategien der Wiedergewinnung' durch Archivarbeit (Thomas Kling): aktuelle Fragen der Zeit, im politischen wie auch im unmittelbar persönlichen, literarisch-künstlerischen Sinn. Die Beiträge gehen zurück auf eine Veranstaltungsreihe am Literaturhaus Stuttgart, für die namhafte deutschsprachige Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller exklusiv diese Texte geschrieben haben: Tankred Dorst, Felicitas Hoppe, Daniel Kehlmann, Georg Klein, Thomas Kling, Brigitte Kronauer, Hanns-Josef Ortheil, Georg M. Oswald, Ilma Rakusa, Martin Walser, Juli Zeh u. a.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        French cinema in the 1970s

        The echoes of May

        by Alison Smith

        This book re-examines French cinema of the 1970s. It focuses on the debates which shook French cinema, and the calls for film-makers to rethink their manner of filming, subject matter and ideals in the immediate aftermath of the student revolution of May 1968. Alison Smith examines the effect of this re-thinking across the spectrum of French production, the rise of new genres and re-formulation of older ones. Chapters investigate political thrillers, historical films, new naturalism and Utopian fantasies, dealing with a wide variety of films. A particular concern is the extent to which film-makers' ideas and intentions are contained in or contradicted by their finished work, and the gradual change in these ideas over the decade. The final chapter is a detailed study of two directors who were deeply involved in the debates and events of the 70s, William Klein and Alain Tanner, here taken as exemplary spokesmen for those changing debates as their echoes reached the cinema.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2023

        Do good unto all

        by Timothy G. Fehler, Jared B. Thomley

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2024

        Anarchism and eugenics

        An unlikely convergence, 1890-1940

        by Richard Cleminson

        At the heart of this book is what would appear to be a striking and fundamental paradox: the espousal of a 'scientific' doctrine that sought to eliminate 'dysgenics' and champion the 'fit' as a means of 'race' survival by a political and social movement that ostensibly believed in the destruction of the state and the removal of all hierarchical relationships. What explains this reception of eugenics by anarchism? How was eugenics mobilised by anarchists as part of their struggle against capitalism and the state? What were the consequences of this overlap for both anarchism and eugenics as transnational movements?

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2017

        Study on Zhou Dunyi's Journey of Life

        by Liu Yiping

        Zhou Dunyi (1017—1073) is a famous ideologist, philosopher and originator of Neo-Confucianism in the Northern Song Dynasty. Together with Shao Yong, Zhang Zai, Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi, they are called "Five Thinkers of the Northern Song Dynasty". This book is one of a series of books commemorating Zhou Dunyi with 17 manuscripts in it. The author experiences Zhou Dunyi's life journey by visiting 17 places where Zhou Dunyi ever studied, worked, teached, etc., and records personal feelings and reflection. It is the author's attempt to have a further understanding of Zhou Dunyi, Chinese traditional culture, as well as the Neo-Confucianism in the Northern Song Dynasty.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2012

        The Irenic Calvinism of Daniel Kalaj (d. 1681)

        A Study in the History and Theology of the Polish-Lithuanian Reformation

        by Brycko, Dariusz M.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2007

        Robert Louis Stevenson and theories of reading

        The reader as vagabond

        by Glenda Norquay

        Robert Louis Stevenson and theories of reading is both an exceptionally well researched study of the novelist, and well as an intriguing exploration of 'literary consumption'. Glenda Norquay presents fresh interpretations of Stevenson's literary essays, of major works including The Master of Ballantrae, and some of his more neglected fiction such as St Ives and The Wrecker, as well as illuminating our understanding of his role within debates over popular fiction, romance and reading pleasure. She offers an unusual combination of literary history and reception theory and argues that Stevenson both exemplified tensions within the literary market of his time and anticipated later developments in reading theory. By combining the study of nineteenth-century cultural politics with detailed analysis of his Scottish Calvinism, Stevenson is reassessed as both a Victorian and Scottish writer. The book is aimed at scholars, postgraduates and undergraduates with an interest in the nineteenth-century literary marketplace, in Scottish culture, and in reading /reception theory as well as Stevenson enthusiasts. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2001

        Sound Signatures


        by Jochen Bonz, Ulf Poschardt, Heike Blümmer, Susanne Binas, Moritz Uslar, Sebastian Hammelehle, Thorsten Krämer, Tom Holert, Fee Magdanz, Thomas Meinecke, Rose Pinky, Sven Opitz, Sascha Kösch, Eckhard Schumacher, Matthias Waltz, Diedrich Diederichsen, Gabriele Klein, Dirk von Lotzow, Mercedes Bunz, Barbara Kirchner, Andreas Neumeister, Hans Nieswandt, Jochen Bonz

        Was ist Pop? So wenig originell diese Frage ist, so originell, vielfältig und überraschend können die Antworten ausfallen, wenn man sie den Richtigen stellt: Schriftstellern wie Thomas Meinecke, Andreas Neumeister oder Thorsten Krämer; Musikern und DJs wie Dirk von Lowtzow (»Tocotronic«) oder Hans Nieswandt; Journalisten wie Diedrich Diederichsen, Ulf Poschardt, Pinky Rose, Sacha Kösch oder Moritz von Uslar; Wissenschaftlern wie Gabriele Klein oder Eckhard Schumacher. Alle Autorinnen und Autoren gehen in den vorliegenden Originalbeiträgen anhand der Beschreibung eines Gegenstands, einer Person, einer Moderichtung, eines (Schreib-)Stils der Frage nach, was Popkultur eigentlich ist. Diese Phänomenologie der derzeitigen Popkultur bildet insofern auf ebenso unterhaltsame wie erhellende Weise ab, wie in der Gegenwart Kultur wahrgenommen wird und als symbolische Ordnung funktioniert; und nicht zuletzt wird der Begriff selber einer Revision unterzogen, indem er – ganz nebenbei – in unendlich viele Teilchen zersprengt wird.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2021

        Made in France

        by Andy Smith, Paul Tobin

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        January 2001


        Biografie und Theologie

        by Spijker, Willem van't

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        March 2009

        Johann Calvin

        Leben und Werk in seiner Frühzeit 1509–1541

        by Neuser, Wilhelm H.

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        February 2009

        Calvin-Jahr 2009

        Das Paket zum Jubiläum

        by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

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