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      • Health & Personal Development
        September 2021

        Loving, Lying, and Healing

        Heal an infidelity and renew your love pacts so as not to suffer

        by Tere Díaz Sendra

        Is fidelity an agreement with an expiration date?Does infidelity always involve heartbreak and conflict?After we discovered an infidelity, is it possible to repair and restore trust?Living a committed and loving relationship is a deeply human longing. The issue ofinfidelity (a frequent love conflict) must be addressed by integrating thecontradictions and ambivalences of human nature, particularly on the topic oflove. Infidelity is a very complex phenomenon that is characterized by theexistence of a “villain” and a “victim”. Many times it is explained in a moralistic wayand that prevents exploring the motivations that drive it, the beliefs that supportit and the procedures that complicate it. Love requires commitment andcertainties, while erotic desire opens different paths within the same territory oflove. The correct management of these two forces is key to understanding andovercoming infidelity.

      • Trusted Partner
        Central government policies
        December 2009

        Candide en Dannemarc, ou l’optimisme des honnêtes gens


        by Mike Thompson, Edouard Langille

        Published in Rouen in 1767 and reprinted two years later, Voltaire's Candide en Dannemarc, ou l'optimisme des honnêtes gens wraps up the adventures of Candide. Turning his back on both Voltairean satire and scepticism, the novelist proposes a moralistic fable - the focal point of which is a rehabilitation of Leibniz's Theory of Optimism. The main body of the novel tells the story of Candide and his new wife, the noble Zénoïde, in their sumptuous Copenhagen townhouse. Before achieving this happy state, however, the couple endures various trials and tribulations reminiscent of the newly minted gothic genre. Candide en Dannemarc also features a satirical portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2017

        Candide en Dannemarc, ou l’optimisme des honnêtes gens


        by Edouard Langille

        Published in Rouen in 1767 and reprinted two years later, Voltaire's Candide en Dannemarc, ou l'optimisme des honnêtes gens wraps up the adventures of Candide. Turning his back on both Voltairean satire and scepticism, the novelist proposes a moralistic fable - the focal point of which is a rehabilitation of Leibniz's Theory of Optimism. The main body of the novel tells the story of Candide and his new wife, the noble Zénoïde, in their sumptuous Copenhagen townhouse. Before achieving this happy state, however, the couple endures various trials and tribulations reminiscent of the newly minted gothic genre. Candide en Dannemarc also features a satirical portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Justice and mercy

        Moral theology and the exercise of law in twelfth-century England

        by Philippa Byrne

        This book examines one of the most fundamental issues in twelfth-century English politics: justice. It demonstrates that during the foundational period for the common law, the question of judgement and judicial ethics was a topic of heated debate - a common problem with multiple different answers. How to be a judge, and how to judge well, was a concern shared by humble and high, keeping both kings and parish priests awake at night. Using theological texts, sermons, legal treatises and letter collections, the book explores how moralists attempted to provide guidance for uncertain judges. It argues that mercy was always the most difficult challenge for a judge, fitting uncomfortably within the law and of disputed value. Shining a new light on English legal history, Justice and mercy reveals the moral dilemmas created by the establishment of the common law.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1986

        Widersprüchliche Konturen

        Literarische Porträts

        by E. M. Cioran, Verena Heyden-Rynsch, Verena Heyden-Rynsch, Verena Heyden-Rynsch

        Der Essayist E.M.Cioran (1911 bis 1995) ist hierzulande bekannt geworden als ein Seismograph des Verfalls, Philosoph des Scheiterns, als unbedingter Skeptiker, der jede Art von Sicherheit untergräbt, als Moralist ohne den sicheren Boden der Moral.Die dreizehn Essays dieses Bandes zeigen einen anderen Cioran: Cioran als Porträtisten, der in Bewunderung und Ablehnung zu verstehen sucht. Ob es sich um seine Freunde Beckett oder Michaux handelt, um sein frühvollendet scheiterndes Jugendidol Weininger, um F.Scott Fitzgerald, dem er das Mißlingen seines Scheiterns vorhält, oder um so unterschiedliche Schriftsteller wie Borges und Ceronetti – an diesen Gestalten blieb Ciorans überwacher Blick haften. Seine literarischen Porträts haben eine Konturenschärfe, die den Porträtisten ebenso lebendig hervortreten läßt wie die Porträtierten.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2010



        by Wilhelm Raabe, Andreas Maier

        »Weiter, weiter so durch die balsamische Nacht, Fritz Feyerabend aus Altershausen! Nimm hin und mache die Gegenwart zur Vergangenheit und die Vergangenheit zur Gegenwart.« Der Wirkliche Geheime Obermedizinalrat Friedrich Feyerabend, noch erschöpft von den Feierlichkeiten zu seinem siebzigsten Geburtstag, hält innere Einkehr und entschließt sich, zum fernsten Ort seines Lebens zurückzukehren, in die eigene Kindheit. Er reist nach Altershausen, um zu schauen, wer noch mit ihm auf der Welt, wer noch ›dabei‹ ist. Wilhelm Raabe (1831-1910), der große Erzähler und Moralist, legt mit Altershausen sein letztes Werk vor, es ist die Summe eines Lebens und eines Lebenswerks. »Rührend, schlicht, idyllisch, bange, bohrend wie eine Sonde, schmerzhaft wie eine Verletzung - und doch steht am Ende ein großes ‚Ja’ zu den Dingen und dem Dasein. Altershausen ist ein Buch voller Abschied und Heimkunft, ein Buch der wiedergefundenen Zeit.« Andreas Maier

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2013

        The Black Death

        by Rosemary Horrox

        This series provides texts central to medieval studies courses and focuses upon the diverse cultural, social and political conditions that affected the functioning of all levels of medieval society. Translations are accompanied by introductory and explanatory material and each volume includes a comprehensive guide to the sources' interpretation, including discussion of critical linguistic problems and an assessment of recent research on the topics covered. From 1348 to 1350 Europe was devastated by an epidemic that left between a third and one half of the population dead. This source book traces, through contemporary writings, the calamitous impact of the Black Death in Europe, with a particular emphasis on its spread across England from 1348 to 1349. Rosemary Horrox surveys contemporary attempts to explain the plague, which was universally regarded as an expression of divine vengeance for the sins of humankind. Moralists all had their particular targets for criticism. However, this emphasis on divine chastisement did not preclude attempts to explain the plague in medical or scientific terms. Also, there was a widespread belief that human agencies had been involved, and such scapegoats as foreigners, the poor and Jews were all accused of poisoning wells. The final section of the book charts the social and psychological impact of the plague, and its effect on the late-medieval economy.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        Traurige Tropen

        by Claude Lévi-Strauss, Eva Moldenhauer, Mimmo Paladino

        Zum 100. Geburtstag von Claude Lévi-Strauss legt der Suhrkamp Verlag eine Sonderausgabe der Traurigen Tropen vor. Mimmo Paladino, der selbst mehrfach Brasilien bereiste, versieht Levi-Strauss' Text mit 40 farbigen Gouachen, die er eigens für diesen Band anfertigte. »Ich verabscheue Reisen und Forschungsreisende.« – Mit diesem berühmten Bekenntnis beginnt eine der faszinierendsten und theoretisch folgenreichsten Reisebeschreibungen des 20. Jahrhunderts: Claude Lévi-Strauss' Traurige Tropen. Das erstmals 1955 erschienene Buch ist literarischer Erfahrungsbericht, anthropologische Studie und philosophisches Grundlagenwerk zugleich. Die konkreten Beschreibungen von Mythen und Riten, von Kleidungsstilen und Körperbemalungen, von Tänzen und Sprachen verschränken sich mit allgemeinen Analysen gesellschaftlicher Strukturen, die nicht nur das anthropologische Denken auf eine neue Basis stellen, sondern auch eine nachdrückliche Kritik der westlichen Zivilisation – und der in ihrem Namen unternommenen Forschungsreisen – formulieren. Der Grund für Lévi-Strauss’ Abscheu gegen die zeitgenössischen Reiseberichte ist so einfach wie verheerend: »Sie geben uns die Illusion von etwas, das nicht mehr existiert, das aber noch existieren müßte, damit wir der erdrückenden Gewißheit entrinnen, daß zwanzigtausend Jahre Geschichte verspielt sind.« Als Moralist in der Nachfolge Rousseaus und Wegbereiter des Strukturalismus in den Sozialwissenschaften, als ethnologischer Feldforscher und philosophischer Denker beschreibt Lévi-Strauss nicht nur seine Reisen zu den Indianern im Innern Brasiliens, sondern auch den eigenen intellektuellen Werdegang. Kein Buch wäre besser geeignet, die Vielfalt und Wirkmacht seines Denkens an seinem 100. Geburtstag zu würdigen. Der Band bietet die preisgekrönte Übersetzung Eva Moldenhauers mit den Abbildungen und Photographien der Originalausgabe.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        Traurige Tropen

        by Claude Lévi-Strauss, Mimmo Paladino, Eva Moldenhauer

        Von Mimmo Paladino signierte Vorzugsausgabe. Zum 100. Geburtstag von Claude Lévi-Strauss legt der Suhrkamp Verlag eine Sonderausgabe der Traurigen Tropen vor. Mimmo Paladino, der selbst mehrfach Brasilien bereiste, versieht Levi-Strauss' Text mit 40 farbigen Gouachen, die er eigens für diesen Band anfertigte. »Ich verabscheue Reisen und Forschungsreisende.« – Mit diesem berühmten Bekenntnis beginnt eine der faszinierendsten und theoretisch folgenreichsten Reisebeschreibungen des 20. Jahrhunderts: Claude Lévi-Strauss' Traurige Tropen. Das erstmals 1955 erschienene Buch ist literarischer Erfahrungsbericht, anthropologische Studie und philosophisches Grundlagenwerk zugleich. Die konkreten Beschreibungen von Mythen und Riten, von Kleidungsstilen und Körperbemalungen, von Tänzen und Sprachen verschränken sich mit allgemeinen Analysen gesellschaftlicher Strukturen, die nicht nur das anthropologische Denken auf eine neue Basis stellen, sondern auch eine nachdrückliche Kritik der westlichen Zivilisation – und der in ihrem Namen unternommenen Forschungsreisen – formulieren. Der Grund für Lévi-Strauss’ Abscheu gegen die zeitgenössischen Reiseberichte ist so einfach wie verheerend: »Sie geben uns die Illusion von etwas, das nicht mehr existiert, das aber noch existieren müßte, damit wir der erdrückenden Gewißheit entrinnen, daß zwanzigtausend Jahre Geschichte verspielt sind.« Als Moralist in der Nachfolge Rousseaus und Wegbereiter des Strukturalismus in den Sozialwissenschaften, als ethnologischer Feldforscher und philosophischer Denker beschreibt Lévi-Strauss nicht nur seine Reisen zu den Indianern im Innern Brasiliens, sondern auch den eigenen intellektuellen Werdegang. Kein Buch wäre besser geeignet, die Vielfalt und Wirkmacht seines Denkens an seinem 100. Geburtstag zu würdigen. Der Band bietet die preisgekrönte Übersetzung Eva Moldenhauers mit den Abbildungen und Photographien der Originalausgabe.

      • Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Don’t's and Do's -A book about Good Manners

        25 title series

        by XACT BOOKS

        This is a series that teaches the children about good manners in an interesting way of dialogues and methods to learn good behaviour and develop their personality . Each spread has a value not to do and on the right a value to do . Manners are taught in Do's and Dont's manner . Suggested Size : 180X184 MM Pages : 36. Titles in the series : • Bad Manners • Becoming Smart Cover • Being Brave • Being Greedy • Being Jealous • Being Moody • Being Naughty • Being Proud • Cheating • Complaining • Destroying • Fighting • Forgiving • Getting Angry • Helping • Hurting • Listening Carefully • Loosing • Loving • Lying • Sharing • Staying Fit • Stealing • Teasing • Using bad words

      • Bloody Versicles

        The Rhymes of Crime

        by Jonathan Goodman (author)

        An updated and enlarged edition of an annotated collection originally published more than 20 years ago, Bloody Versicles serves as two books in one: an anthology of ribald, moralistic, sad, yet amusing and entertaining verse relating to specific crimes; and a small encyclopedia of select criminals and their wrongdoings.Some of the “crhymes,” such as “Lizzie Borden took an axe…,” are famous, but most are familiar only to students of particular cases. They have been selected from sources in the United States, England and Scotland, Australia, and France and are representative of all major categories of offenses, with murder inspiring the largest section.

      • Fiction

        Thirty Something: Nothing's How We Dreamed It'd Be

        by Filipa Fonseca Silva

        Filipe lives haunted by a teenage passion that stops him from havingserious relationships. Joana is a controlling and moralistic woman,disappointed with her own marriage. Maria is trying to rebuild her lifeafter being dumped just before walking down the aisle.During a dinner party that starts off seemingly banal, but that ends upfilled with arguments, lies, and alcohol, these three college friends,now in their thirties, are confronted with their own journeys andlifestyles and discover that nothing is how they dreamed it would be.Written in an almost cinematographic style, reminiscent of The BigChill, this three-narrator novel has charmed readers all over the world,portraying, with humor and unassumingly, an entire generation.

      • Fiction
        July 1999


        by Alex Aitken

      • Fiction
        October 2012

        My Dead Women

        by Guillermo Fadanelli

        Domingo has decided to fulfill the mission entrusted to him by his older brothers: placing a tombstone on his mother's grave. Time passes and the tombstone remains in the trunk of his car without having this man organizing himself to set out for the cemetery. Drunkenness is a difficult obstacle to overcome. Every morning he promises his absent mother that he will fulfill the mission, but once again breaks his oath. The death of his wife ends up undermining his lucidity and placing him in a state of constant delirium. Time transforms him into a melancholic, sullen and harmless man who quotes passages from Russian novels by heart and talks to his dead women. While this is happening the eyes of a teenage girl do not stop observing his behavior, it is her neighbor, the youngest of all the women with whom Domingo has managed to establish a true friendship. "Is it possible to communicate with people of that age?" He wonders as his confusion grows. My Dead Women is a novel about melancholy and human loneliness faced by a man whose drunkenness made him an expert on the states of the soul.

      • History
        June 2013

        Across Great Divides

        by Monique Roy

        Across Great Divides is a timeless story of the upheavals of war, the power of family, and the resiliency of human spirit. When Hitler came to power in 1933, one Jewish family refused to be destroyed and defied the Nazis only to come up against another struggle—confronting apartheid in South Africa.   The novel chronicles the story of Eva and Inge, two identical twin sisters growing up in Nazi Germany. As Jews, life becomes increasingly difficult for them and their family under the Nazi regime. After witnessing the horrors of Kristallnacht, they realize they must leave their beloved homeland if they hope to survive.   They travel to Antwerp, Belgium, and then on to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, chasing the diamond trade in hopes of finding work for their father, a diamond merchant. Finally, they find a home in beautiful South Africa and begin to settle down.   But just as things begin to feel safe, their new home becomes caught up in it’s own battles of bigotry and hate under the National Party’s demand for an apartheid South Africa. Eva and Inge wonder if they will ever be allowed to live in peace, though they cling to the hope for a better day when there will be “an understanding of the past, compassion for all humanity, and …hope and courage to move forward across great divides.”   Worldwide rights are available for this novel. I would like to sell Across Great Divides in Europe, Africa and Asia.   The readership for Across Great Divides are history buffs, both female and male, and all ages, from late teens through adult.

      • January 2024

        Rethinking Cooperation with Evil

        A Virtue-Based Approach

        by Ryan Connors

        Rethinking Cooperation with Evil: A Virtue-Based Approach applies Thomistic virtue theory to today’s most challenging questions of cooperation with evil. For centuries, moralists have struggled to determine the conditions necessary to justify moral cooperation with evil. The English Jesuit Henry Davis even observed: “[T]here is no more difficult question than this in the whole range of Moral Theology.” This important book addresses this challenge by applying the virtue-based method of moral reasoning of St. Thomas Aquinas to issues of cooperation with evil. Those who pastor souls report frequently receiving questions from attentive believers about whether a particular human action inadvertently contributes to some moral evil. Examples of potentially immoral cooperation with evil include whether one may shop at a particular franchise known for its support of abortion, whether Catholics may attend civil marriages outside the Church, or whether an organization may submit to government mandates that health insurance include payment for immoral practices. Although recent moralists have tackled specific topics related to cooperation with evil, agreement on an overall common paradigm has not yet been reached. Rethinking Cooperation with Evil proposes a method for Christian believers and others to approach these questions from the foundation of the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas and the magisterial teaching of the Catholic Church. This text provides both an overall method for how to understand the issue of cooperation, as well as practical counsel for specific cases. Rethinking Cooperation with Evil advances the theological conversation on this topic from both speculative and practical vantage points. To facilitate his argument, Connors utilizes historical analyses that contrast Aquinas’s method of moral reasoning with that of the casuist treatment of cooperation. Consequently, the book includes numerous case studies that will be of interest both to moral theologians and readers new to the topic.

      • October 2020

        Leonard Cohen, The Untold Stories

        The Early Years, Volume One

        by Michael Posner

        Artist, poet, novelist, singer-songwriter, icon – there has never been a figure like Leonard Cohen. He was a truly international sensation, entertaining and inspiring the world with his art. From his groundbreaking and bestselling novels, Beautiful Losers and The Favourite Game, to timeless songs such as “Suzanne” and “Hallelujah,” Cohen is one of the world’s most cherished artists. His death in 2016 was felt around the world by the legion of fans and fellow artists who would miss his warmth, humor, intellect, and piercing insights.   Leonard Cohen, The Untold Stories follows the great man as he travels the globe developing his style and enigmatic character. This is the story of his early years, from boyhood in Montreal, university, and his growing career in to the 60s that took him to the world’s stage. It probes his public and private life, through the words of those who knew him best: his family and friends, colleagues and contemporaries, rivals, business partners, and his many lovers. From Montreal to Greece, London to Paris and New York, Cohen touched lives everywhere. It's also a snapshot of a golden era – the times that helped foster his talents and successes. In this revealing and entertaining first of three planned volumes, bestselling author and biographer Michael Posner draws on dozens of interviews to present a uniquely true and compelling portrait of Cohen – as if we’re right there beside him, overhearing a private conversation in a New York café.

      • May 2021

        We Were Dreamers

        by Simu Liu

        This is Simu Liu’s superhero origin story.   Weaving together the narratives of two generations in a Chinese family who are inextricably tied to one another even as they are torn apart by deep cultural misunderstanding, We Were Dreamers traces Liu’s unlikely journey from Harbin, China to Hollywood within the context of his family’s immigration story.   Liu’s parents left him to be raised by his grandparents in China while they sought a future in North America. Liu was devastated when the father he hardly even remembered returned to take him away from the only home he ever knew; culture gaps, racism, and wildly conflicting definitions of success made it difficult to become a family.   Ultimately, it's Liu’s singular determination to make his dreams come true agai nst all odds that not only leads him to succeed as an actor but also opens the door to reconciliation with his parents. For by the time he is 30 – the same age his parents were when they immigrated – he recognizes that he and his parents have much in common, most notably their courage to dream, and to dream big.

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