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      • Metis Publishers

        Metis list includes both fiction and nonfiction. Some literary authors are Gerbrand Bakker, John Berger, Maurice Blanchot, Anne Carson, Rana Dasgupta, Carlos Fonseca, Georgi Gospodinov, Alasdair Gray, Ursula K. LeGuin, Norman Manea, Javier Marias, Georges Perec, Per Petterson, Andrei Platonov, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Marguerite Yourcenar.  Metis nonfiction list -in History Society Philosophy, Literary Criticism, Arts and People, Critical Science, Gender Studies series- features works of prominent authors such as Benedict Anderson, Alain Badiou, Etienne Balibar, Walter Benjamin, Wendy Brown, Susan Buck-Morss, Judith Butler, Byung Chul-Han, David Harvey, Kojin Karatani, Tim Parks, Adam Phillips, Jacques Rancière, Edward Said, Renata Salecl, Immanuel Wallerstein, Slavoj Zizek and Alenka Zupancic. World-class literary theorists including Mikhail Bakhtin, Gyorgy Lukacs and Tzvetan Todorov, philosophers such as Roland Barthes, Paul Ricoeur and Ludwig Wittgenstein and psychoanalytic masters including Didier Anzieu, Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, Melanie Klein, Jacques Lacan and D.W. Winnicott are amongst the authors Metis has published.

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      • The Arts

        Die flote im Tango / Le flute dans le Tango

        Grundlegende schule des tangospiels

        by Paulina Fain

        “Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies.   CONTENTS » Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises. » 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert. » Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel.   THE FLUTE IN TANGO CONTENTS » Expressive melody. The art of fraseo, the authentic shaping of the expressive melodies. » Rhythmic melody. The performance of rhythmic melodies and the articulation specific to tango. » Use of ornaments and extended techniques applied to tango, guidelines to playing in a tango ensemble, the history of the flute in tango, the different styles of the genre and more. » 5 original works for flute and piano. » 105 audio examples.

      • January 2014

        Vivere è un’arte

        Manuale di psicologia dell’invecchiamento

        by Pietro Piumetti

        Il manuale offre una panoramica completa ed aggiornata sulla psicologia dell’invecchiamento per migliorare la qualità della vita delle persone anziane e delle persone che se ne prendono cura. È indirizzato agli studenti di psicologia, agli amministratori e operatori socio-sanitari, agli anziani, alle loro famiglie, ma anche ai giovani («una buona vecchiaia si prepara fin da giovani»). Il libro è inoltre indirizzato ai conduttori della Palestra di Vita, in quanto contiene l’aggiornamento del metodo. _ **La vita è la più grande delle avventure, prendersene cura è il mestiere più appassionante.**_

      • The Arts

        The Bandoneon in Tango / El Bandoneón en el Tango

        Fundamental method for playing tango music

        by Eva Wolff

        “Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies.   CONTENTS » Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises. » 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert. » Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel.   THE BANDONEON IN TANGO CONTENTS » Rhythmic melody. Different ways to articulate and accentuate a rhythmic tango melody. » Expressive melody. Fraseo as a fundamental constituent element of the tango language. » Time-marking models. The role of the bandoneon as part of the rhythmic base. » Ornaments and variations. Melodic embellishments and their use. » Milonga and vals, the use of percussive effects, guidelines to play in a tango ensemble, the history of the bandoneon in tango, the different styles of the genre. » 7 original works for ensemble. » 350 audio examples.

      • The Arts

        The Guitar in Tango / La Guitarra en el Tango

        Fundamental method for playing tango music

        by Sebastián Henríquez

        “Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina.This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies.   CONTENTS» Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises. » 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert. » Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel.   THE GUITAR IN TANGO CONTENTS » Rhythmic melody. Different ways to articulate and accentuate a rhythmic melody in tango. » Expressive melody. Fraseo and ornamentation as essential expressive devices. » Milonga and vals, connecting passages, guidelines for playing in a tango ensemble, the history of the guitar in tango, tango orchestra styles, and more. » 8 original works for guitar and ensemble. » 350 audio & video tracks.


        by Sergio Bambaren

        Abbandonato il mare e approdato ai temibili scogli dell'esistenza, Bambarén rinasce e chiama i suoi numerosi lettori a fare altrettanto, forti di una saggezza spicciola, ben piantata a terra, alla quale basta accordare solo un po' di fiducia perché torni a scorrere in lei nuova linfa. Proprio come accade a certe piante del deserto che, incurvate a gomitolo per l'inclemenza e la siccità ambientali, sono pronte a far tesoro delle poche gocce d'acqua disponibili per rifiorire in un modo che ha del miracoloso. Dopo aver "toccato il fondo" si può infatti tornare ad assaporare l'esistenza, un giorno alla volta, affilando la volontà sulla pietra dei valori umani universali, condividendo un metodo con cui ottenere ciò che si vuole.

      • The Arts

        The Flute in Tango / La Flauta en el Tango

        Fundamental method for playing tango music

        by Paulina Fain

        “Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies.   CONTENTS» Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar.» All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises.» 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert.» Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel.   THE FLUTE IN TANGO CONTENTS» Expressive melody. The art of fraseo, the authentic shaping of the expressive melodies.» Rhythmic melody. The performance of rhythmic melodies and the articulation specific to tango.» Use of ornaments and extended techniques applied to tango, guidelines to playing in a tango ensemble, the history of the flute in tango, the different styles of the genre and more.» 5 original works for flute and piano.» 105 audio examples.

      • The Arts

        The Piano in Tango / El Piano en el Tango

        Fundamental method for playing tango music

        by Hernán Possetti

        “Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies.   CONTENTS » Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises. » 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert. » Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel.   THE PIANO IN TANGO CONTENTS » Rhythmic melody. Articulation as a fundamental constituent element of the tango language. » Expressive melody. Fraseo as an essential resource for expressiveness. » Time-marking models. The piano as a support for the melodic discourse. » Different functions. The conductor role and other responsibilities undertaken by the pianist. » Milonga and vals, ornaments, guidelines to play in a tango ensemble, the history of the piano in tango, the different styles of the genre, and more. » 7 original works for piano. » 280 audio and video examples.

      • The Arts

        The Bass in Tango / El Contrabajo en el Tango

        Fundamental method for playing tango music

        by Ignacio Varchausky

        “Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies.   CONTENTS» Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises. » 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert. » Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel.   THE BASS IN TANGO CONTENTS » Time-marking models. The role of the bass as part of the rhythmic base. Marcato, pizzicato, and other typical articulations used in tango. » Bass lines. Characteristic devices used to create bass lines and perform them spontaneously. » Rhythmic melody. Articulation as a fundamental constituent element of the tango language. » Expressive melody. Fraseo as an essential device for expressiveness. » Milonga and vals, the use of percussive effects, guidelines to play in a tango ensemble, the history of the bass in tango, the different styles of the genre. » 6 original works for ensemble. » 250 audio and video examples.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2020

        Profesorado reflexivo e investigador

        Propuestas y experiencias formativas

        by Àngels (Ed.) Domingo Roget

        Este libro se propone eliminar las barreras que la tradición académica ha construido lentamente, a lo largo del tiempo, entre dos actividades que en realidad son inseparables: la docencia y la investigación.Es en las aulas donde maestros y profesores llevan a cabo su función docente y educadora y donde afrontan grandes interrogantes, problemas y situaciones que precisan investigarse: las aulas son actualmente los laboratorios de investigación educativa. Por ello, en el perfil del profesorado deberían estar intrínsecamente enlazadas las habilidades investigadoras y las habilidades docentes que configuran al profesor-investigador.El libro plantea la urgente necesidad de aproximar la investigación educativa a la problemática real de las aulas y para ello propone que sea el mismo docente, como docente-investigador quien actúe a modo de puente que facilita el camino y acorta la distancia entre enseñar e investigar.A partir del pensamiento de Donald Schön, quien considera al docente como un investigador en contexto práctico, esta obra coral invita a avanzar en la consolidación de una nueva cultura docente basada en la indagación. El aula es el escenario donde surgen las grandes hipótesis y las tesis que precisan ser resueltas para mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje.El libro no plantea una ilusión utópica; propone y muestra cómo, desde la formación inicial, cualquier educador puede adquirir las habilidades necesarias para investigar su actividad docente, como medio de mejora permanente de la práctica profesional.

      • The Arts

        Die Violine im Tango / Le violon dans le Tango

        Grundlegende schule des tangospiels

        by Ramiro Gallo

        “Método de Tango” (Spanish for “Tango Method”) is the first fundamental book series that teaches how to play tango music, published in English and Spanish since 2014 by Tango Sin Fin in Buenos Aires, Argentina.This book series is the only collection which provides any musician, arranger, composer or ethnomusicologist from around the world a methodological and pedagogical approach to tango language, using academic terms, exercises and musical studies.   CONTENTS» Each volume is focused on one instrument: violin, bass, bandoneon, piano, flute and guitar. » All the tools and techniques for playing tango music are covered throughout specific chapters and exercises.» 5 to 8 original works for ensemble are included in each book. Parts for other instruments are included on a separate insert.» Audio and video recordings and play-along tracks for each exercise and pieces are available for free on Tango Sin Fin’s YouTube channel.   THE VIOLIN IN TANGO CONTENTS» Rhythmic melody. Different ways to articulate and accentuate a rhythmic tango melody.» Expressive melody. The art of phrasing, the tools to express tango music.» The rhythmic base. The typical marking models and the role of the violin as a part of the rhythmic base.» The use of ornaments and percussion effects, guidelines to play in a tango ensemble, the history of the violin in tango, the different styles of the genre.» 7 original works for violin and other instruments.» 130 audio and video examples.

      • October 2019

        El Aprendizaje Experiencial como metodología docente

        Buenas prácticas

        by Verónica Baena Graciá

        El Aprendizaje Experiencial AE enfatiza el rol central que tiene la experimentación en el proceso de aprendizaje: la experiencia se vincula con la reflexión, y la comprensión con la acción. El AE se reconoce, por tanto, como un modelo de educación holística e integral, que se dirige a los estudiantes en su totalidad. Comparten su proceso de aprendizaje de manera que, tanto ellos mismos como sus compañeros y los propios profesores, continúan aprendiendo activamente de sus experiencias con el grupo.Esta obra pretende profundizar en el conocimiento y aplicación del AE como herramienta docente que permita mejorar la motivación, el rendimiento académico y el acercamiento al mundo profesional del alumnado universitario, abriendo así nuevas vías de colaboración entre la universidad y el mercado de trabajo.La obra aporta una clara aproximación conceptual al AE, junto con descripción de experiencias: buenas prácticas en el mundo profesional, llevadas a cabo en colaboración directa con empresas o bien, a través de simulación. La obra tiene muy en cuenta los desafíos éticos que las universidades deben fomentar en la creación y la administración de empresas responsables y sostenibles.

      • NLP for chess

        by Axel Rombaldoni

        Non chiedete ad Axel Rombaldoni di guardare gli scacchi con occhi che non siano nuovi: semplicemente non ne è capace. Nella sua opera prima, il Grande Maestro pesarese condivide con il lettore il percorso che lo ha portato a vincere il titolo di Campione Italiano nel 2014 e ne trae utili strumenti per pianificare il proprio allenamento scacchistico. Il principale protagonista del libro è il ‘Cerchio degli Scacchi’, un innovativo strumento di autovalutazione sviluppato da Rombaldoni secondo i canoni della Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica (PNL). Non secondariamente, il libro è anche un’occasione per vedere da vicino alcune tra le migliori partite di Axel, uno degli scacchisti più fantasiosi d’Italia.

      • Drop the belly

        Lose weight and be fit with the new Mediterranean diet

        by Francesca Beretta

        The Italian nutritionist Francesca Beretta is presenting a new diet that, if combined with hydration and physical activity, is perfect to get back in shape. The new measure unit is the belt: for every month of this diet, the belt will be fasten one less hole. Five holes in five months. The volume explains how to set the diet and to continue on the path to reach the goals and keeping the results. In the book, there are many focuses and in-depth curiosities on how to pick the ingredients, the weekly diet schemes and many tasty andhealthy recipes.

      • Made in Italy

        treasures, ingredients and traditional recipes

        by Marino Marini

        A book dedicated to all that is typical of Italian gastronomy, with particular attention given to the concept of excellence: Italian delicacies, places and flavours, and above all, 150 of the best traditional recipes. The book is grouped into 10 geographic areas: for each, we present the most representative dishes, the best typical products and producers of excellence, as well as a selection of eateries and restaurants, which are often outside the “official” circuit but always characterized by great quality. A masterpiece that is a must-have for the bookcase of every gourmand, tourist and simple food-enthusiasts.

      • Tantalum's rule

        by Claudio Forti

        Una luce penetrante. Un uomo confuso recuperato dalla polizia. E tante, troppe cornacchie.  Norman Barclay è un dirigente di successo, uso a tutti gli agi di New York, ma da quattro anni non dorme più. Le sue notti sono devastate dal ricordo ancora vivido di quella luce e alleviate solo dalle inebrianti prostitute di Madame Trilly. L’improbabile equilibrio è rotto da un uomo grigio e misterioso: John Smith. Così anonimo da non lasciare alcuna traccia di sé, se non un enigmatico biglietto da visita: ‘Professor Jeremy Kalwinsky, psicopatologo della memoria’.  Sarà un secondo biglietto, lascito di una coinvolgente notte d’amore, a spingere Norman a cercare l’aiuto di Kalwinsky per sbarazzarsi dei ricordi che lo tormentano. Insieme al sollievo dell’oblio arriverà però una inattesa discesa negli inferi dei dimenticati. Qui Barclay scoprirà una grigia verità ben più inquietante dei ricordi...

      • Fun Experiments

        by Valeria Salandin

        Fun experiment book full of simple experiment to do at home

      • September 2019

        Teologia dell’ospitalità

        by Marco, Dal Corso (ed.)

        A hospitable practice needs hospitable thinking and a way of believing. If, before being a right, existing is a debt that is extinguished only by becoming hospitable people, theology is called to favour coexistence among people by overcoming even its own self-understanding, when this is an obstacle to dialogue, helping to live this great change, and learning to welcome the spiritual riches that are for all. This, to the point of making a public contribution at the service of human and spiritual growth of humanity. A research of great value for a hospitable belief, which gives a theological foundation to a new paradigm of welcome and which opens up concrete perspectives for the indispensable interreligious dialogue.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020

        The Revenge of the Ill-mannered Orphans

        by Carolina Capria, Mariella Martucci

        Series - With zero choice in the matter, four little girls end up living in a mansion, which is literally falling apart, with a guardian, who’s literally gross. Then, a tornado comes and sweeps away misunderstandings, pessimism, and even their guardian. The tragicomic events are told in a light, irreverent style offering a glimpse into the lives of kids forced to grow up faster.

      • Food & Drink
        October 2022

        The Heart of Cocoa

        500 Years of Chocolate History

        by Napoleone Neri

        The temptation par excellence, that craving that suddenly arises and we cannot fight it unless we satisfy it: the desire for chocolate. Perhaps it is because of this power that it is called the most loved food on the planet. Or perhaps it is because its cultivation, production and consumption - which has been growing strongly in the last 10 years - are spread across all continents. Napoleon Neri tells its story, starting with the plant and its fruit, from the pioneers of chocolate, to the birth of confectionery factories in the 19th century and then the great modern industries. He describes in detail the processing and transformation of cocoa beans, their beneficial properties, the sensory characteristics of the finished product, and spices everything up with a thousand anecdotes and curiosities that only those who have lived and worked in this world for so long can know.

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