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Metaichmio Publications S.A.
Metaichmio was founded in 1993 and today is one of the most important and leading publishing companies in Greece, specializing in translated and Greek fiction, as well as in children’s and educational books, academic books, biographies, contemporary comment and graphic novels, both translated and original. Our list includes many multi-awarded Greek authors and illustrators. Over the years, our original titles (children’s and adult) and our acclaimed contributors have been awarded among others with the following distinctions: The Greek State Prize (for Adult and Children’s Literature) Academy of Athens Novel Prize IBBY awards and nominations Mentions in the White Raven Catalogue of the International Children’s Library of Munich Nominations for the Hans Christian Andersen Illustration Award “Public” Book Awards Literary Prizes awarded by Anagnostis / Dekata literary magazines
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Promoted ContentMind, Body, Spirit
Science, Being, & Becoming
The Spiritual Lives of Scientists
by Paul J. Mills, Ph.D.
Spirituality is the Final Frontier for ScienceContrary to popular belief, not all scientists are materialists fervently discounting the spiritual. Science, Being, & Becoming is about the spiritual lives of scientists, their actual transpersonal, metaphysical and mystical experiences. The book's material is derived from intimate interviews with over 30 scientists as they describe the circumstances under which they had the experiences and how those experiences changed their consciousness, transformed their belief systems about the nature of the world, and changed their scientific work.
Promoted ContentChildren's & YA2020
Listen to Your Diddalum
by Child, Emily / Lebedeva, Maria
From children's book author Emily Child and popular illustrator Maria Lebedeva comes a new picture book that explores feelings for children in the most incredible way, Listen to Your Diddalum! What is your Diddalum? Is it that funny feeling in your stomach when you're excited? Or is it exploding fireworks? Is it a slimy slug, or a fluttering butterfly? What is your Diddalum and how do you listen to it?
Trusted PartnerMarch 2009
Erleuchte, Dame, unsere Finsternis
Songs Sonette Elegien. Zweisprachige Ausgabe
by John Donne, Wolfgang Held, Wolfgang Held, Madeline Mary Duff
Aus dem Schwarm der metaphysical poets ragt John Donne, Zeitgenosse von Shakespeare und Marlowe, als ihr Doyen und Meister hervor. Seine bildreichen und komplexen Gedichte, vor allem die zynisch-erotischen, geistvoll zugespitzten, enthusiastisch brutalen Liebesgedichte, wirken bis heute und gehören zum festen Bestand lyrischer Sprachkunst. Wolfgang Helds temperamentvolle Übertragung bietet in Metrum und Reim eine äußerste Annäherung an die Originale. Ein Vorwort und ein Essay erschließen die Entwicklung John Donnes vom elisabethanischen Kavalier zum todessüchtigen Dekan von Sankt Paul und bestimmen die Poetologie seiner Gedichte zwischen bildkräftiger Anschauung, intellektueller Kombinationskunst und leidenschaftlicher Ausdruckskraft.
Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesAugust 2021
Spenser and Donne
Thinking poets
by Yulia Ryzhik
The names Edmund Spenser and John Donne are typically associated with different ages in English poetry, the former with the sixteenth century and the Elizabethan Golden Age, the latter with the 'metaphysical' poets of the seventeenth century. This collection of essays, part of The Manchester Spenser series, brings together leading Spenser and Donne scholars to challenge this dichotomous view and to engage critically with both poets, not only at the sites of direct allusion, imitation, or parody, but also in terms of common preoccupations and continuities of thought, informed by the literary and historical contexts of the politically and intellectually turbulent turn of the century. Juxtaposing these two poets, so apparently unlike one another, for comparison rather than contrast changes our understanding of each poet individually and moves towards a more holistic, relational view of their poetics.
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Trusted PartnerMay 2012
Was there a Lutheran Metaphysics?
The interpretation of communicatio idiomatum in Early Modern Lutheranism
by Haga, Joar
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Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesAugust 2004
Subversive Spinoza
Antonio Negri
by Timothy S. Murphy, Gerard Greenway, Michael Hardt, Edward Stolze, Charles T. Wolfe
In Subversive Spinoza, Antonio Negri spells out the philosophical credo that inspired his radical renewal of Marxism and his compelling analysis of the modern state and the global economy by means of an inspiring reading of the challenging metaphysics of the seventeenth-century Dutch-Jewish philosopher Spinoza. For Negri, Spinoza's philosophy has never been more relevant than it is today to debates over individuality and community, democracy and resistance, and modernity and postmodernity. This collection of essays extends, clarifies and revises the argument of Negri's influential 1981 book 'The Savage Anomaly: The Power of Spinoza's Metaphysics and Politics' and links it directly to his recent work on constituent power, time and empire. ;
Trusted PartnerFictionOctober 1997
Disorientation on the terrain
by Yurii Andrukhovych
These are attempts to look into the coexistence of cultural spaces: the metaphysics of landscapes; a man on his way; Central Europe as unity and uniqueness; the post-imperial search for identity. Three sections - "Introduction to geography", "Park of culture" and "About the time and method" - offer three different dimensions of the outlined problem - cultural, historical, and mytho-poetic and individual-existential."
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2019
Sun and Chinese Medicine
by Liu Mingwu
Based on the solar calendar, Chinese sages created Chinese culture and Chinese medicine culture. Therefore, the solar calendar has the stipulation and infinite circulation that all the basic elements of Chinese medicine culture have. The two most fundamental seasons in the solar calendar are the winter solstice and the summer solstice, where yin and yang are abstracted. If you don’t know the solar calendar, the five elements of yin and yang are metaphysics; if you know the solar calendar, the five elements of yin and yang are the exquisite and precise laws of the sun. Based on two solar calendars, this book reinterprets the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, answers difficult questions in traditional Chinese medicine, and treats difficult and difficult diseases that cannot be cured by Western medicine.
Trusted PartnerHumanities & Social SciencesJune 2005
Reading Walter Benjamin
Writing through the catastrophe
by Richard Lane
'Reading Walter Benjamin' explores the persistence of absolute in Benjamin's work by sketching-out the relationship between philosphy and theology apparent in his diverse writings, from the early youth-movement essays to the later books, essays and fragments. The book examines Benjamin from two main perspectives: a history-of-ideas approach situating Benjamin in relation to the new German-Jewish thinking at the turn of the twentieth-century, as well as the German youth movements, Surrealism and the 'Georgekreis'; and a conceptual approach examining more critical issues in relation to Benjamin and Kant, modern aesthetics and narrative order. Chapters cover: 'Kulturpessimismus' and the new thinking; metaphysics of youth: Wyneken and 'Rausch'; history: surreal Messianism; Goethe and the 'Georgekreis'; Kant's experience; casting the work of art; disrupting textual order; and exile and the time of crisis. The book uses new translations of Benjamin's essays, fragments and his 'Arcades Project', and makes substantial reference to previously untranslated material. Lane's text allows the non-specialist entry into complex areas of critical theory, simultaneously offering original readings of Benjamin and twentieth-century arts and literature. ;
January 1988
Who are you!
by Lise Bourbeau
The reader who wants to know WHO HE IS will be able to draw a treasury of information from this book.Thanks to practical examples taken from everyday life, the reader will be amazed to see himself through what he says, thinks, sees, hears or feels. Even observations about the clothes he wears and the place where he lives will teach him about himself.Moreover, this book describes in detail the significance of the various shapes of the body. More than 250 illnesses and diseases are also explained in their metaphysical sense, thus helping to uncover their underlying causes. The desired result here is selfhealing, improvement in quality of interpersonal communication, and a generally improved sense of well-being.
October 2020
Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas III
by John F. Wippel
Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas III is Msgr. John Wippel’s third volume dedicated to the metaphysical thought of Thomas Aquinas. After an introduction, this volume of collected essays begins with Wippel’s interpretation of the discovery of the subject of metaphysics by a special kind of judgment (“separation”). In subsequent chapters, Wippel turns to the relationship between faith and reason, exploring what are known as the preambles of faith. This is followed by two chapters on the important contributions by Cornelio Fabro on Aquinas’s distinction between essence and esse and on participation. The volume continues with articles on Aquinas’s view of creation as a preamble of faith, Aquinas’s much-disputed defense of unicity of substantial form in creatures, his account of the separated soul’s natural knowledge, and Aquinas’s understanding of evil in his De Malo 1. The volume concludes with an article comparing Bonaventure, Aquinas, and Godfrey of Fontaines on the metaphysical composition of angelic beings. Most of these issues were disputed during Aquinas’s time by some of his contemporaries, and the proper understanding of each continues to be debated by various students of his thought today. Wippel’s purpose, therefore, is to help clarify our understanding of Aquinas’s thought on each of these topics, a task that requires the careful analysis of primary sources and of secondary literature and attention to the relative chronology of his writing.
November 2020
Reason, Revelation, and Metaphysics
by Montague Brown
Any realist metaphysics must include an integrated account of the transcendentals and the analogy of being, for an adequate metaphysics must be about everything, and all things share in some key metaphysical characteristic—being, unity, truth, goodness, and beauty. However, they do not share in them in exactly the same way. Therefore, there is need to explain the transcendental characteristics in an analogical way. By using the phrase “transcendental analogies,” Reason, Revelation and Metaphysics claims that there are analogies of unity, truth, goodness, and beauty, which are related to, but irreducible to, the analogy of being. As this book is a systematic study of the topic, theoretical reason has primacy in the project and metaphysics is given pride of place. But reason is practical and aesthetic as well; that is, our consciences urge us to seek what is good, and we are delighted by what is beautiful. Although goodness and beauty are not reducible to truth, they must be included in any adequate metaphysical account, for metaphysics looks to explain everything. Although metaphysics is traditionally thought to be a philosophical project involving ontology and natural theology, Montague Brown argues that an adequate metaphysics must ultimately be theological, including within its scope the truths of revelation. Philosophical reason’s examination of the transcendental analogies raises questions that it cannot answer. We experience a world of many beings, truths, goods, and beauties. Recognizing that these many instances have something in common, we affirm a transcendent instance of each (traditionally called God). However, although we know that a transcendent instance exists, we do not know its nature: therefore, we cannot say how it is related to the other instances. If we try to apply this transcendent instance as the prime analogate to shed light on the other analogates, we must fail, for the abstractness and universality of the transcendent instance can add nothing to our understanding of the particular instances. Wanting to know how the many exist and are related, philosophical reason finds no way forward and recognizes its need for help. It is the thesis of this book that reason finds this help only in the revelation of the God’s covenantal relation with the world. The first principle of all things—most perfectly revealed in Jesus Christ, perfect God and perfect man—is really and freely related to us. Only by accepting this revealed prime analogate can the transcendental analogies bear fruit in our ongoing quest for understanding.
Metaphysical Disputation I
On the Nature of First Philosophy or Metaphysics
by Francisco Suarez, Shane Duarte
Francisco Suárez (1548-1617) was one of the most important philosophers and theologians of Early Modern Scholasticism. Although Suárez spent most of his academic career as a professor of theology, he is better known today for his Metaphysical Disputations (Salamanca, 1597). The present volume contains a facing-page English translation of Metaphysical Disputation I, which is introductory and devoted to the nature of metaphysics itself. In it, Suárez first specifies this science’s object and nature (Sections 1 and 2) and then discusses its unity (Section 3), its end, utility and functions (Section 4), its status as the most perfect natural science and true wisdom (Section 5), and finally the thesis that it is the science most of all desired by means of a natural appetite (Section 6). Those interested in late scholastic conceptions of metaphysics and their influence on the better known metaphysical systems of the seventeenth century – e.g., Descartes’s – will find the volume especially useful. The Latin text contained in this volume introduces a significant number of corrections to the text of the Vivès edition, the one standardly used by scholars of Suárez, and thus more faithfully reproduces the text of the first edition. The volume also contains a lengthy introduction that provides a detailed survey of the disputation’s principal claims and arguments.
October 2018
The Metaphysical Foundations of Love: Aquinas on Participation, Unity, and Union
Aquinas on Participation, Unity, and Union
by Anthony T. Flood
The Metaphysical Foundations of Love: Aquinas on Participation, Unity, and Union offers a systematic treatment of St. Thomas Aquinas’s account of the metaphysical relations of unity-to-union and unity-to-participation in God as the key structuring elements to the nature of love and friendship. In general, Aquinas identifies love as the source and summit of the life of each human being. Everything in the created realm issues forth from God’s creative love, and the ultimate end of all human persons is the greatest possible union with God. Aquinas contends that the love of friendship allows for the greatest union between two persons; thus, the greatest union with God takes the form of friendship with him.
March 2024
A Contemporary Introduction to Thomistic Metaphysics
by Michael Gorman
A Contemporary Introduction to Thomistic Metaphysics provides the reader with an introductory presentation of key themes in Thomistic metaphysics. There are many such books, but this one is, to use a phrase Michael Gorman has adopted, “analytic-facing,” i.e., it presents things in dialogue with analytic philosophy. Sometimes that means disagreeing with analytic proposals (for example, possible worlds), and sometimes it means agreeing with them (for instance, making ample use of Ryle’s notion of “systematically misleading expressions”). What’s more, it (gently) takes a somewhat deflationary attitude towards many things metaphysicians like to talk about, such as accidents, universals, and the like. By “deflationary” Gorman means that such items are taken seriously, but their ontological status is taken down a notch: features, universals, possible worlds, and other such things are understood in terms of what substances are and what substances are. Substances are ”basic beings,” and other things are what they are only in relation to substances. Of course this is Aristotle 101, but metaphysicians, Aristotelians included, often slip into treating non-substances as mini-substances, and Gorman pushes back against this throughout. A Contemporary Introduction to Thomistic Metaphysics begins by explaining what philosophy is, what metaphysics is, and how these relate to other kinds of thinking. It then moves through a series of topics, ending with a brief look at applications of metaphysical thinking in theology.
Veterinary medicine: small animals (pets)December 2021
Orthopedics Research in Small Animals
by Swapan Kumar Maiti
This book covers most of the topics with latest information on bone in general and research on bone healing in particular. The book is divided into 27 chapters covering almost all aspect of orthopaedic research in small and lab animals including basic knowledge about bone; fracture types and fracture healing; bone grafts and bone substitute; internal fracture fixation; external fracture fixation; bone morphogenetic protein; transforming growth factors; role of mesenchymal stem cell in osteoinduction; fracture healing in critical sized bone defect and in very large bone defect, effect of herb and herbal product in fracture healing, role of different hormones, anabolic steroid, NSAID drug, bone wax, ultrasound in fracture healing; minimal invasive fracture repair; management of comminuted femoral and tibial metaphyseal fracture; endocrine role of fracture healing; evaluation of bone graft, ceramic biomaterials in fracture healing and physiotherapy of orthopedic patients. This book includes different research findings on application of herb, herbal product, bone graft, ceramic biomaterials, mesenchymal stem cells, and different osteoinducers in bone regeneration. The main objective of this book is to provide the latest information to meet the requirements of not only undergraduate and post graduates research scholars but also to the teachers, biologists and clinician involved in animal treatment and orthopaedic research. The book contains more than 150 good quality photographs of internal fixation techniques, x-ray, undecalcified ground sections, scanning electron microscopy, 3-D CT scan, histopathogical stained sections used in different orthopaedic interventions. This book would be of immense use to the students, teachers and research scholars engaged in the field of orthopaedic research.
September 2016
Finding Destiny
by Barbara Sinor (Author)
Luana, a retired psychotherapist in southern California, discovers a novel about a girl living in England in the 1970s who has been raped. As Luana devours the book, she and the young woman each share their search for the innermost harbor of women's life choices. Even though they live in separate countries and bridge many decades in time, their individual exploration of metaphysics, spirituality, and women's rights culminates in a mysterious friendship. "Finding Destiny invites us to find inspiration and to remember the interconnectedness of all things. One question asks the reader, 'When we fall in love, where does the love come from?' This in itself is a great starting point for a reading group; I would love to discuss this question with the author straight away. Finding Destiny addresses the reader's self-awareness, and Sinor nudges us gently to continue our journey of finding our own personal destiny. Reading the book felt like watching a movie; nail-biting moments, tears, and goosebumps--all the ingredients a good Hollywood movie needs!" --Barbara Patterson, Soul Matters Radio, Germany "Finding Destiny is an engaging book, exploring connections of people separated by time and space. As a woman who has experienced unplanned pregnancy, I was especially appreciative of the exploration of this theme." --Juanita Emery, M.A., Health Practitioner "Finding Destiny is the story of two women whose challenges and triumphs mirror each other in many ways. It is also about transformation and how to achieve it. Through this fictional story, Sinor offers an introduction to metaphysical principles that become the foundation for both women's strength and power." --Reverend Margaret Flick, Unity Minister "Finding Destiny goes beneath the skin, down to the internal turmoil and sacrifices of two women a half century and oceans apart as they, with their best conscience, make life-changing decisions." --Mary Catherine O'Heart, RN Learn more at Visionary Fiction from Marvelous Spirit Press
August 2023
Metaphysics as Mediating Dialogue
by Olivia Blanchette, Cathal Doherty
Metaphysics is not often spoken of as a venue for dialogue about anything, let alone culture or religion, which are more readily associated with phenomenology or hermeneutics in contemporary thinking. This collection of essays, however, by the late Boston College philosopher Oliva Blanchette, maintains the absolute necessity of metaphysics as a prerequisite for examining any particular ‘realm of being,’ in all areas of human inquiry, from the particular sciences to historical cultures and religions. Blanchette proposes metaphysics as a fundamental and necessary level of intelligence presupposed in any exercise of judgment, discourse, or dialogue, among rational beings. At the same time, he defends the idea that dialogue is the first and most fundamental form in which such reasoning takes place in human experience, on a radically intersubjective level through language. Metaphysics is not an abstraction removed from human experience. Rather, it is a science in its own right defining itself in relation to ‘being as being’, its subject matter, as it depends on all the particular sciences and bodies of knowledge. Firmly standing on the ground of human experience, and on the human person as primary analogate of being, it opens up an entire realm of questioning that the particular sciences and bodies of knowledge, operating in functional separation, cannot pose on their own, especially when they take, in a reductionist fashion, their own object to be the prime analogate. Metaphysics, in fact, insinuates itself into each and every particular science in exploring its own subject matter of ‘being as being’ in the analogical sense, advancing to more and more complex stages of analogy through dialogue among different spirits and cultures, and reaching its terminus in the transcendent aspect of spirit and religion. In this sense, metaphysics has much to say to theologians: without metaphysics, theology reduces to mere superstition.