Iranban is a multi‑award‑winning, independent children’s book publishing company based in Teheran, Iran, with more than 500 titles published.
View Rights PortalIranban is a multi‑award‑winning, independent children’s book publishing company based in Teheran, Iran, with more than 500 titles published.
View Rights PortalBy situating Iran within the neoliberal global capitalism and resulting geopolitics, this book traces the patterns of capital accumulation and transformations in class and state formation emanating from it. It shows that Iranian neoliberalisation has brought about two capital fractions, namely the internationally-oriented capital fraction and the military-bonyad complex. It substantiates that the co-existence of these competing class fractions with different accumulation strategies has generated hybrid neoliberalism. The book further demonstrates how this new class formation has reorganised the function and operation of state institutions and transformed state ideology. By documenting the ways in which Iranian neoliberalisation has reshaped the subaltern classes and formed Iran's volatile foreign policy, it also provides a novel account of major events and processes in contemporary Iran, such as the post-2017 wave of uprisings, the nuclear programme and international sanctions.
This book offers a nuanced snapshot of the complex geopolitical dynamics in the Persian Gulf, underlining the interaction between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the US. Examining their interwoven relations since the 1970s, Luíza Cerioli's framework reveals how changes in US-Saudi ties have ripple effects on Iran-US and Iran-Saudi relations and vice versa. Using a historical lens, she explores how enduring US-Saudi connections hinge on order expectations, delves into the cognitive factors shaping US-Iran enmity and traces the source of oscillation in the Saudi-Iran ties. Employing Neoclassical Realism, the book investigates status-seeking, national identities and leadership preferences, offering a deeper understanding of the region's multipolar system. By combining International Relations and Middle East Studies, Cerioli's work contributes to both fields, unravelling the intricate interplay between international structures, regional nuances and agency in shaping Persian Gulf geopolitics.
This book analyses the use of the past and the production of heritage through architectural design in the developmental context of Iran, a country that has endured radical cultural and political shifts in the past five decades. Offering a trans-disciplinary approach toward complex relationship between architecture, development, and heritage, Mozaffari and Westbrook suggest that transformations in developmental contexts like Iran must be seen in relation to global political and historical exchanges, as well as the specificities of localities. The premise of the book is that development has been a globalizing project that originated in the West. Transposed into other contexts, this project instigates a renewed historical consciousness and imagination of the past. The authors explore the rise of this consciousness in architecture, examining the theoretical context to the debates, international exchanges made in architectural congresses in the 1970s, the use of housing as the vehicle for everyday heritage, and forms of symbolic public architecture that reflect monumental time.
In this accessible and sophisticated exploration of the nature and workings of social and political power, Haugaard examines the interrelation between domination and empowerment. Building upon the perspectives of Steven Lukes, Michel Foucault, Amy Allen, Hannah Arendt, Anthony Giddens, Pierre Bourdieu and others, he offers a clear theoretical framework, delineating power in four interrelated dimensions. The first and second dimensions of power entail two different types of social conflict. The third dimension concerns tacit knowledge, uses of truth and reification. Drawing upon genealogical theory and accounts of slavery as social death, the fourth dimension of power concerns the power to create social subjects. The book concludes with an original normative pragmatist power-based account of democracy. Offering lucid and entertaining illustrations of complex theoretical perspectives, this book is essential reading for scholars and activists.
"Patchwork Power!" von Marita Strubelt ist ein wegweisender Ratgeber für Eltern in Patchworkfamilien, der praktische Lösungen und Strategien für den Umgang mit den Herausforderungen des Patchwork-Lebens bietet. Strubelt, selbst eine erfahrene Patchwork-Familien-Expertin, teilt ihr umfassendes Wissen und persönliche Erfahrungen, um Leserinnen und Lesern zu helfen, die Dynamiken ihrer eigenen Patchworkfamilien besser zu verstehen und positiv zu gestalten. Das Buch legt einen starken Fokus auf die Selbstfürsorge, den Perspektivwechsel und die Wertschätzung aller Familienmitglieder. Es leitet dazu an, aus Problemen Kraft zu schöpfen und die einzigartige Struktur einer Patchworkfamilie als echten Bonus zu begreifen. Durch seine enge Anbindung an das Magazin "Leben & erziehen" und eine aktive Facebook-Gruppe bietet es eine kontinuierliche Unterstützung und Gemeinschaft für Leserinnen und Leser. "Patchwork Power!" richtet sich an Patchwork-Eltern, die nach einem modernen, empathischen und praxisnahen Ansatz suchen, um ihr Familienleben zu bereichern und zu harmonisieren. Modern und praxisnah: Bietet einen zeitgemäßen Ratgeber, der auf den neuesten Erkenntnissen und realen Erfahrungen basiert. Lösungsorientierte Ansätze: Stellt konkrete, umsetzbare Strategien zur Verfügung, die aus dem Alltag einer Patchwork-Coachin stammen. Fokus auf Selbstfürsorge und Empathie: Betont die Bedeutung von Selbstfürsorge und einem empathischen Umgang innerhalb der Familie. Unterstützung durch eine aktive Community: Zugang zu einer hilfreichen Facebook-Gruppe und der Expertise einer Patchwork-Familien-Expertin. Vielseitig einsetzbar: Bietet wertvolle Einsichten und Tipps, die über die Patchwork-Thematik hinaus in vielen Lebensbereichen anwendbar sind. Empathische und wertschätzende Sprache: Spricht Leserinnen und Leser auf eine persönliche und respektvolle Weise an. Bewältigung spezifischer Herausforderungen: Geht gezielt auf typische Fallstricke und Lösungswege in Patchworkfamilien ein. Für verschiedene Familienmodelle geeignet: Das Buch bietet einen soliden Grundstock an Rat und Unterstützung für viele Konstellationen innerhalb der Patchwork-Dynamik.
This book is about power in welfare encounters. Present-day citizens are no longer the passive clients of the bureaucracy and welfare workers are no longer automatically the powerful party of the encounter. Instead, citizens are expected to engage in active, responsible and coproducing relationships with welfare workers. However, other factors impact these interactions; factors which often pull in different directions. Welfare encounters are thus influenced by bureaucratic principles and market values as well. Consequently, this book engages with both Weberian (bureaucracy) and Foucauldian (market values/NPM) studies when investigating the powerful welfare encounter. The book is targeted Academics, post-graduates, and undergraduates within sociology, anthropology and political science.
The old Lion, tired of ruling, settles in glorious Lviv in a beautiful attic with windows overlooking Rynok Square. One day, during the rain, the ceiling of his apartment begins to leak. Someone has to repair it, and the old Lion asks his closest friends, Crocodile, Elephant, and Giraffe, for help. When they arrive in Lviv, amazing things start happening to them. This poetic tale is a true love letter to Lviv, where miracles happen almost every day. From 3 to 6 years Rightsholders:
Fattaneh Haj Seyed Javadi, geboren 1945 in Schiraz, lebt in Isfahan. Sie studierte an den Hochschulen für Literatur und Fremdsprachen in Teheran und Isfahan und arbeitete mehrere Jahre als Lehrerin. Anfang der 1990er Jahre übersetzte sie Jeffrey Arthurs Werk Kain und Abel ins Persische. Javadi ist verheiratet und hat zwei Töchter. Nach dem auch in deutscher Übersetzung sehr erfolgreichen Roman Der Morgen der Trunkenheit (1995, Insel 2000) wurde ihr zweites Buch In der Abgeschiedenheit des Schlafs (2002) ebenfalls zu einem Bestseller im Iran.
Imperial power, both formal and informal, and research in the natural sciences were closely dependent in the nineteenth century. This book examines a portion of the mass-produced juvenile literature, focusing on the cluster of ideas connected with Britain's role in the maintenance of order and the spread of civilization. It discusses the political economy of Western ecological systems, and the consequences of their extension to the colonial periphery, particularly in forms of forest conservation. Progress and consumerism were major constituents of the consensus that helped stabilise the late Victorian society, but consumerism only works if it can deliver the goods. From 1842 onwards, almost all major episodes of coordinated popular resistance to colonial rule in India were preceded by phases of vigorous resistance to colonial forest control. By the late 1840s, a limited number of professional positions were available for geologists in British imperial service, but imperial geology had a longer pedigree. Modern imperialism or 'municipal imperialism' offers a broader framework for understanding the origins, long duration and persistent support for overseas expansion which transcended the rise and fall of cabinets or international realignments in the 1800s. Although medical scientists began to discern and control the microbiological causes of tropical ills after the mid-nineteenth century, the claims for climatic causation did not undergo a corresponding decline. Arthur Pearson's Pearson's Magazine was patriotic, militaristic and devoted to royalty. The book explores how science emerged as an important feature of the development policies of the Colonial Office (CO) of the colonial empire.
illy Jenkins’ career spans the years 1895-1954. He was King of the Cowboys, the most popular act in all Germany, hero of German pulp fiction – the last genuine hero of the “American” Wild West. Yet, like Karl May before him, he never set foot in America...Billy became one of the world’s earliest superstars. He thrilled millions between the two World Wars, built a palatial mansion on the hill in Berlin, complete with a dude ranch in his backyard. In 1932, after joining the Nazi Party, he became their favorite, and soon reached the pinnacle of his success – this, despite the fact that he was half-Jewish! As his star waned, not because he was Jewish but because his name sounded too American as Germany entered World War II, Billy rediscovered his Jewish roots, and… but that’s for the reader to find out.Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the best-sellers Scribe: The Only Female Pope, Amazing Grace: The Woman Pirate, Legacy: The Birth of Modern Turkey, ChildFinders, and Stalemate, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish, lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By Pangæa Publishing Group,2019. 534 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm
In "Tankstellenchips" von Antonia Michaelis entfaltet sich eine ungewöhnliche und humorvolle Road Novel über die unerwartete Freundschaft zwischen Sean, einem Studenten aus dem Iran, der seit zwei Monaten in Deutschland lebt, und Davy, einem Jugendlichen auf der Flucht aus dem Heim, der sich auf die Suche nach einem Freund gemacht hat. Ihre Wege kreuzen sich in einer Sommernacht, als sie Zeugen eines Überfalls werden und fortan gemeinsam auf der Flucht vor Verbrechern und Polizei quer durch Deutschland reisen. Ihre abenteuerliche Reise führt sie über Erdbeerfelder, durch Biergärten und sogar im Heißluftballon, wobei sie merkwürdigerweise immer wieder von Kühen umgeben sind. Die Geschichte, die mit viel Witz und Skurrilität erzählt wird, bietet nicht nur unterhaltsame Einblicke in die deutsche Kultur aus der Perspektive eines Flüchtlings, sondern beleuchtet auch ernstere Themen wie Freundschaft, Außenseitertum und die Suche nach Zugehörigkeit. Erfrischende Perspektive: Die Erlebnisse eines Flüchtlings auf einer abenteuerlichen Reise durch Deutschland bieten einzigartige und humorvolle Einblicke in kulturelle Unterschiede und die Herausforderungen der Integration. Spannende und humorvolle Handlung: Eine abwechslungsreiche Flucht quer durch das Land, gespickt mit skurrilen Begegnungen und einer ständigen Präsenz von Kühen, sorgt für Unterhaltung und Lacher. Tiefgründige Themen: Hinter der leichten und komischen Fassade verbirgt sich eine Geschichte über Freundschaft, Identität und das Überwinden von Hindernissen, die zum Nachdenken anregt. Authentisch und lebensnah: Antonia Michaelis ist bekannt für ihren authentischen und nah am Leben orientierten Schreibstil, der auch in "Tankstellenchips" voll zur Geltung kommt.
Serhiy Zhadan's new book, "Vyshyvanyi. The King of Ukraine", is a story that is always relevant, especially nowadays. It is a story of love for Ukraine. Austrian Archduke Wilhelm Franz von Habsburg-Lothringen, known as Vasyl Vyshyvanyi, played a prominent role in the Ukrainian national liberation movement. Zhadan speaks about the project: "The figure of Vyshyvany is non-trivial, interesting, and deserves all kinds of mentions and study. The coming of Vyshivany to Ukrainianness and acceptance of his identity is not a fictional story. It is interesting to learn how many people are discovering Ukraine, Ukrainian history, Ukrainian culture, and the Ukrainian language." The book has already found its supporters and even received an award in the "Best Book Design 2020" competition, held by the "Book Arsenal" International Festival in cooperation with the Goethe Institute in Ukraine. This award is fully justified: the creative tandem of Zhuk&Kelm artistic talent has created a real gem. Designer Nadiya Kelm wrote about the work: "Vyshyvany got his nickname from Ukrainian soldiers because he liked to dress up in embroidered clothes. This was the starting point for the visual concept of the book. We took a very geometric embroidery scheme, which grows with each section, revealing more and more of the portrait of the Vyshyvanyi. The perforated pages allude to the Ukrainian vytynanka (paper cut ornament)".