Association des éditeurs des Hauts de France
High quality titles from a selection of French independent publishers
View Rights PortalHigh quality titles from a selection of French independent publishers
View Rights PortalPublishing House specialized in Graphic Novels and cinema books. We've Biographies set in WWII and Spanish Civil War, Fantasy graphic novels and humour
View Rights PortalThe "Oracle Bone Picture Book" series introduces children aged 5-10 to Chinese characters. It explains the connection between character shapes and meanings of the ancient oracle bone script and showcases their real-life applications, helping children understand Chinese characters from their roots and fostering an appreciation for the script, making learning fun and engaging. It contains 10 books: "A Big Deal", "Amazing Mom", "Lessons from Animals", "The Heart of Plants", "Their Family", "Feast and Song", "Under the Sky, Between Mountains and Seas", "At Your Home, At Mine", "Off to the Hunt", "Face Stories".
Nearly fifty symbols of traditional Chinese culture with strong symbolism, high recognition and extensive influence are selected in this book, whose connotation covers the fields like architecture, collection, dress and personal adornment, military affairs, health preservance and folk arts. The symbols are of special postion and meaning in the history of traditional Chinese culture since they are stereo, multidimensional, and full of fresh color and life with profound historical origins and cultural significance; therefore they not only bring people a visional impact and enjoyment, but conform with the Chinese aesthetic ideas and cultural complex in their innermost hearts; furthermore created originally by the Chinese ethnic peoples, they have a very deep brand of traditional Chinese aesthetic sentiment and historical memory, meanwhile they make a great effect on the development of culture and arts of mankind. With a view to make the panoramic scan of “traditional Chinese cultural symbols” this time, the compilers intend to display the essence of the culture of Chinese symbols and record the new growth of traditional Chinese culture truthfully through plentiful exqusite pictures in the lively and concise language on the basis of the principle of respecting history and deep exploration.
The transformation of a mental Ukraine into a real Ukraine, people - into a nation, a territory – into a state is a semantic axis of this trilogy. Book 1. Ukraine and Ukrainians in 1917-1939 The first book is devoted to the interwar period – a key stage of ethnic modernization and mobilization of Ukrainians, the culmination of the Ukrainian Revolution, and the battle for Ukraine in the context of the First World War. Book 2. Between World War II and the Cold War: Wars in the Destiny of Ukraine The second book tells about Ukrainians in the Second World War, after which the Ukrainian lands were united within one state, and in the Cold War, which made possible the sovereignty of Ukraine. Book 3. 30 Years of Independence: Challenges, Trials, Answers The third book is dedicated to the period of Ukrainian Independence and summarizes the thirty years of Ukrainian post-totalitarian transit. Contradictions of internal development, geopolitical challenges, three modern Ukrainian revolutions, and the Russian-Ukrainian war are the focus of understanding the path of Ukraine and Ukrainians in the global world.
Angelika Gundlach, geboren 1950 in Hamburg, lebte als freie Übersetzerin in Frankfurt am Main. Sie übertrug Texte aus dem Schwedischen, Dänischen, Norwegischen, Französischen und Englischen ins Deutsche. Gundlach starb am 18. August 2019 in Seligenstadt. *10.03.1911 geboren in Stockholm. 1930 Wehrdienst bei einem Infanterieregiment nach dem Besuch des privaten Sofie-Almqvist-Gymnasiums. Erkrankt schwer an einer Lungenentzündung. 1931 Studium der Geschichte und Philosophie in Stockholm, das er aber Studium auf Grund einer lebensbedrohenden Schwindsucht unterbrechen muß. Mehrere Sanatoriumsaufenthalte und lange Erholungsreisen durch Südeuropa folgen. 1934 Rückkehr nach Schweden. Seine erste Rezension und erste Gedichte wurden bereits 1933 in Schweden publiziert. Es folgen weitere Aufsätze, literaturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Tagebuchblätter; Anthologien, Reiseberichte, Essays, Übersetzungen und Verse, etc. 1940-1951 Rezensent bei "Svenska Dagbladet". 1942-1950 Rezensent bei "Bonniers Litterära Magasin". 1944-1945 Redaktion "Samtid och Framtid". 1945-1947 Redaktion "Vintergatan". 1951 Habilitationsschrift. 1951-1960 Leitung der Kulturredaktion von "Dagens Nyheter". 1956 Auszeichnung mit dem Bellmann-Preis. 1960-1975 Chefredakteur von "Dagens Nyheter". Die Zahl seiner Publikationen bricht mit dem Ende dieser Tätigkeit nicht ab. 1964 Auszeichnung mit dem Literaturpreis des Nordischen Rates. 1970 erhielt er eine Einladung für einen längeren Aufenthalt in der Volksrepublik China, über den er in seiner Zeitung berichtete. 23.07.02 stirbt im Alter von 91 Jahren in Drottningholm (Schweden).
Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim und Marie Meimberg haben in diesem Hörbuch all ihr Wissen in Antworten und Musik vereint. Beim Hören wirst Du verstehen, in welchen Farben der Regenbogen leuchtet und was das mit Licht, Wellen und bunten Sonnenstrahlen zu tun hat. Du wirst verstehen: Diese scheinbar kleine Frage ist mit unserem Kino-Gehirn, dem Sternen-Universum, Fangschreckenkrebsen und Delphinen verbunden. Denn für Delphine ist das Meer gar nicht blau. Und die Farbe Blau, die gab es erst gar nicht. Deswegen ist diese scheinbar kleine Frage auch mit dem Meer verbunden. Und mit uns Menschen. Wen wir lieben. Und wie bunt unsere Liebe ist. Eine einzigartige Audio-Fassung mit Liedern der BiBiBiber-Band. Gesprochen von den Autorinnen.
Poetic,colorful ceramicsare the great invention and wisdom crystallization of the Chinese nation. Changsha colorful ceramics belong to both China and the world, and it is the way leading to the world.
"Never invest beyond theShanhai Pass", as the saying goes.The particular cultural environment and openness make the brain drain in Northeast China extremely serious. However, Miao Qing, a seemingly delicate doctoral student from a famous school, resolutely went northward because she had a personal plan thatwas related to both her father and herself, namely, to design a world-leading large aircraft. Her father once said that just as a poet without imagination must be a lousy poet, a country without advanced aircraft could never escape the fate of a backward country. For this reason, Miao Qing started her career atKunpeng Group, later went to Feiying Company to produce a leading small low-altitude aerial drone, and then sheplayed the leading role in the national G-31 project that designed a stealth supersonic aircraft and made a successful trial flight.
Italian graphic design offers a new perspective on the subject by exploring the emergence and articulation of graphic design practice, from the interwar period through to the appearance of an international graphic design discourse in the 1960s. The book asks how graphic designers learned their trade and investigates the ways in which they organised and made their practice visible while negotiating their collective identity with neighbouring practices such as typography, advertising and industrial design. Attention is drawn to everyday design practice, educational issues, mediating channels, networks, design exchange, organisational strategies and discourses on modernism. Drawing on a wide range of primary sources and placing an emphasis on visual analysis, this book provides a model for a contextualised graphic design history as an integral part of the history of design and visual culture.