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Promoted ContentMay 2023
Homoeopathy for Cats and Dogs
by Dr. Daniela Birkelbach
Alternatives or supplements to conventional medicine for cats and dogs? Yes, homoeopathy provides holistic therapeutic approaches for our four-legged friends too! Whether they are suffering from anxiety, conjunctivitis, or a tick bite, this book describes the appropriate homoeopathic remedies. The author draws on her many years of experience as an animal healer and presents the most important symptoms and their treatment using homoeopathy.This handy paperback fits into a lab coat pocket and provides:- Basic information on homoeopathy for dogs and cats- Symptoms from A to Z- Characteristics of the most important single-remedy homoeopathic preparations
Promoted Content2021
Homoeopathy Add-on
Complementary recommendations to conventional medicine
by Dr. Markus Wiesenauer
Vitamin A acid for acne, beta-blockers for high blood pressure, triptans for migraine – even patients treated with synthetic chemical substances may derive great benefit from a complementary homoeopathic medication, since it can - reduce the duration and dose of the allopathic medication, - increase tolerability and treatment adherence, - decrease undesirable effects, - accelerate recovery. This book directs the reader to the correct homoeopathic add-on medication for 70 common indications. Hot off the press are the sections on the homoeopathic treatment of local and systemic reactions to vaccines and the elimination of vaccine excipients. In addition, QR codes lead to the taster version of the German online database “HVKompass Homoeopathie” (guidance on advising people about homoeopathy)
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Indications and remedy-related recommendations
by Matthias Eisele, Dr. Karl-Heinz Friese, Gisela Notter and Anette Schlumpberger
Whether for the home medicine cabinet or to treat symptoms: Homoeopathy is an integral part of the counselling service!■ Part I shows the homoeopathic treatment options for 129 diseases.■ Part II gives the indications, characteristics and modalitiesfor 171 homoeopathic remedies.The sixth edition has been updated and supplementedwith additional indications and monographs.The bestseller in pocket book format – always by your side!
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Family Friendly, Simple & Safe Healing
by David R. Card
Since most folks don’t have access to a trained homeopathic practitioner this book fills the need for an easy-access book, free of jargon, that could be your “go to” for dozens of conditions. Homeopathy For Today is current and full of common-sense lists to assist any new-bie in this field. Seasoned practitioners will recognize Card's grounded under-standing, coupled with his intuitive sensi-tivity gained from decades of experience.
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2023Medicinal Drugs
406 index cards
by Prof. Dr. Matthias F. Melzig and Dr. Joscha Kummer
Eyebright, Asian holly oak, butcher‘s broom – pharmaceutical drugs play an important role in the studies and profession of pharmacists, and must be learned. The author duo has compiled profiles for 406 important medicinal drugs, including - coloured image of the physical appearance, - name, family, ingredients, effect, application, - synonyms and instructions for use. New in the 2nd edition: - update of all profiles, - over 80 new drugs, including TCM and homeopathy. Thanks to the photo and fact sheet, the drugs can be internalised in no time at all – optimal for exams and practice!
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2020Veterinary Diseases and their Treatment
Dogs, cats, horses, pigs, cattle
by Dr. Wolfgang Daubenmerkl
Flea dermatitis in dogs, runny noses in cats, colic in horses – when our four-legged friends suffer, the owners suffer with them and want to find the best possible treatment. Alongside conventional medicine, natural remedies and homoeopathic treatments also offer opportunities for treating animals – but which of them have proved effective? An experienced veterinarian and alternative practitioner draws on his wealth of knowledge and explains ■ Typical clinical pictures with causes, symptoms and their diagnosis ■ Tried and tested proposed treatments from conventional medicine, homoeopathy, phytotherapy and other procedures ■ Basic principles, such as structure and function of organs, nerve and hormone systems, blood circulation Here the reader can quickly find the most effective method of treatment!
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January 2014Medical Pluralism and Homoeopathy in India and Germany (1810–2010)
A Comparison of Practices
by Herausgegeben von Dinges, Martin
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2024Complementary Medicine
Advice recommendations for self-medication
by M. Schlenk, G. Bauer, H. Blaschke, B. Emde, Dr. M. Glöckler,M. Müller-Frahling and N. Schlesinger
Diversity in consultations Self-medication offers a wide range of therapy options that can be used in a targeted manner. This volume contains therapy recommendations for a specific clinical picture from the areas of - Phytotherapy - Homeopathy (single and complex remedies) - Anthroposophic medicine - Aromatherapy - Schuessler salts - Spagyrics - Bach flower therapy as well as recommendations on food supplements and the microbiome. For over 100 self-medication indications, suggested preparations for all the above-mentioned therapeutic approaches have been compiled in a compact, pocket-sized format. The 3rd edition has been greatly expanded and updated to include advice options. The highlight: In addition to the recommendations from complementary medicine, the reader is also always told how to treat according to the allopathic approach. This guarantees that users will always find the right medicine for the purpose.
Popular medicine & health
How to heal your child in total safety
by Lucilla Ricottini with Laura Guida
The aim of homeopathy is for the patient never to fall ill again.Finally a book providing an answer to all the questions of parents on homeopathy. Why should we choose homeopathy for children? What are the risks? What diseases and illnesses are best cured with homeopathy as opposed to traditional medicine? Is homeopathy preventative? Why do the medical communities in other countries still doubt its effectiveness? What does science say? Lucilla Ricottini, pediatrician and homeopathic practitioner, has been working in hospitals and universities for over thirty years, and is the go-to authority for patients and colleagues. In this straightforward and accessible book she answers any question parents may have when having to decide who to turn to for the health of their child.Personalized care based on biotypes, a careful attention paid to patients and their symptoms, the absence of side effects, are some of the key factors. But the Author also explains which diseases homeopathy cannot cure.A book doing away with misconceptions and legends and providing crucial information to make the right choice.
Mind, Body, Spirit
For Pet's Sake Do Something! Book Three
How to Heal Your Pets Using Alternative & Complementary Therapies
by Dr. Monica Diedrich
What can I do to make my pet more comfortable if he has to cope with pain, illness, or a chronic condition? How can I improve my pet s overall health? How can I tell ahead of time if something I want to try may, or may not, work? In book three of the series, animal communicator Dr Monica Diedrich provides you with clear information about a variety of effective healing modalities you can easily use at home. Dr Monica shows you how to use: Flower Essences to restore spiritual balance and promote physical healing; Essential Oils to quickly and effectively transport oxygen and nutrients into every cell of the body; Homeopathy for healing based on the principle that "like heals like"; Magnetic Therapy, Massage, and Reflexology for relaxation, relieving pain, reducing anxiety, and promoting overall well-being; Sound, in its different healing forms, to serve as a bridge between body, mind, and spirit; Colour to influence how a pet feels and behaves; Crystals as a means for focusing healing energy; Incense fragrances to heal emotional and behavioural imbalances; Animal Communication and how important it is to heal at every level -- spiritual, mental and emotional Acupuncture and Acupressure to eliminate blockages in the body's energy system; Chiropractic to correct misalignments in a pet's body; Hydrotherapy to promote healing in a weightless environment. You will also learn about how to pre-test remedies, how pets age, what to have in a first aid kit, first aid for emergencies, poison-proofing your home, and how to provide for your pet if you are no longer there.
Homeopathic home and travel pharmacy
by Ingeborg Stadelmann
Homeopathic support for the sick and those in need of care How practical: This handy book by Ingeborg Stadelmann makes it easier to find the right remedy quickly and safely for everyday illnesses and complaints, whether at home or while traveling. It is a helpful companion to every homeopathic pocket pharmacy. Ingeborg Stadelmann informs about homeopathic accompaniment for the whole family. Facilitates the fast and safe grip on the right medicine and is always there in the travel pharmacy. The homeopathic first-aid kit is the ideal first-aid measure for everyday illnesses of children and adults, for banal complaints and especially when traveling.
September 2013
Invisible Rainbow: The Dissipative Structure of Human Body
by ZHANG Changlin
The author starts from the simplest physical facts and shows readers the more and more complex aspects of human life, thus bringing the results of modern physics, chemistry and biology with the experience of ancient medicines in China and India, establishing a holistic view of the world and at the same time find a scientific foundation for Chinese acupuncture and homeopathy in Germany.
A Profile in Alternative Medicine
The Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, 1845–1942
by John Haller Jr. (author)
The Eclectic Medical Institute was an American institution in origin, concept, and practice. For nearly a century, EMI was known as the “mecca of eclectic thinking” and the “Mother Institute” of reformed medicine. A Profile of Alternative Medicine recounts the history of eclectic medicine which, along with hydropathy, homeopathy, physiomedicalism, chiropractic, and osteopathy, competed with regular medicine (allopathy) in the nineteenth century.This history of EMI is set within the broader context of American medicine and recounts the internal feuds, successes, adversity, and ultimate failure of this bastion of freedom in medical thought.
Ayurvedic therapiesApril 2012
Ayurveda For All
Affective ayurvedic self-cure for common and chronic ailments
by Dr. Murali Manohar
Recent years have seen a tremendous progress in the knowledge and practice of traditional Ayurvedic medicine, not only in India, but the worldover. Once treated with disdain, the exciting discoveries being pioneered by leading research scientists are proving that Ayurveda with its emphasis on health as well as disease is probably the world s most holistic health system. As allopathic drugs extract a heavy toll in costs and side-effects, more and more people worldwide are turning to complementary medical systems like Ayurveda, Homeopathy,Reiki,Accupressure and many others. This book focuses on : *Central tenets of Ayurveda and the various benefits of Ayurvedic therapies*Remedies for conditions ranging from a minor stuffy nose to the potentially fatal brain-stroke ...all dealt with in simple, scientific and lucid language in this easy-to-follow self-help guide. #v&spublishers
Veterinary medicineOctober 2019
The Complete Book of Cat and Dog Health
by Lise Hansen
Written by a qualified veterinarian, this is a complete and comprehensive guide to health care for cats and dogs, providing invaluable advice on essential aspects of care, such as diet and vaccinations, as well as a guide to holistic treatments. The first part of the book describes the main lifestyle choices every dog and cat owner makes, whether or not they are aware of them: settling in a new puppy or kitten, vaccination, neutering, diet, finding the right veterinarian, and caring for the ageing animal. The second part describes the main holistic modalities and their relevance when animals become sick. What they are, how they work, when they are useful, and how to find a practitioner. Also includes chapters on osteopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, Bach's flower remedies, and herbal medicine. The third part of the book discusses a range of common health problems in dogs and cats, both from a conventional veterinary point of view and from an holistic perspective, and aims to help the owner understand the condition they are facing, as well as providing tips on how to supplement their veterinarian's advice and treatment.
Homeopathic Symbols Remedy Kit
101 ready-to-use vibration-based remedies
by Christina Baumann, Roswitha Stark
Classical homeopathy is based on the well-known principle of cu- ring "the similar through the similar”. Above all in higher potencies the starting substance cannot be chemically detected anymore, the remedies are basically only composed of pure "vibrational energy". However, their frequencies cannot only be conveyed through glo- buli but also through colour, sound or – as in this book – through powerful symbols and signs. The "Homeopathic Symbols Remedy Kit” provides 101 low-cost vibration-based remedies that are easy to use. This goes far be- yond the classical knowledge of Samuel Hahnemann (1755 – 1843) and meets present day requirements: Powerful symbols for 70 well-known homeopathic remedies (ar- nica, belladonna, lachesis ) as well as for 31 new remedies such as algae, enzymes, amino acids, negative ions or sunlight Several test lists for different potency levels g. D series, C series or LM series – for the suitable potency during "vibration adjust- ment” Including the new and unique potency "Divine particles” which allows an almost infinite raising of the cosmic resonance level The symbols allow you to go into resonance with the entire spec- trum of the remedy and at the same time with the "essence” of the original substance, to "resonate” with it as it were; this will opti- mally activate your self-healing powers on a physical, psychological and spiritual level.
Horizons Unfolding
# 12 in the Bregdan Chronicles Historical Fiction Romance Series
by Ginny Dye
Horizons Unfolding is the 12th book in the Bregdan Chronicles historical fiction series. As of today, there are 12 books in the series. Make sure you start reading with # 1 – Storm Clouds Rolling In. It's readers like you who have turned the series into a world-wide best-seller. Thank you! Book Description: Is Reconstruction healing America, or is it really a covering for a new war? America continues the struggle to become a country for everyone… Carrie steps into a new season of love in her life, but once again has to leave the plantation to fulfill her dream. Her heart is both happy and torn. She is pulled into a new challenge when Frances makes friends that reveal a hidden horror for children in America. Rose and Moses are thrilled to be home, but are swept up once again in the new war raging in America. Susan takes a huge step into happiness, while Thomas and Abby create a miracle for Marcus. Jeremy and Marietta are forging through challenges to create a new life in Philadelphia, but wonder if they will lose everything. When everyone really just wants a simple, clear future, each person finds they have to make the best choices possible as they watch their Horizons Unfolding. ***** Volume # 12 of the Bregdan Chronicles continues the sweeping historical saga that now encompasses the fourth year of American Reconstruction. How many books will be in the Bregdan Chronicles? No one knows yet… Ginny intends to write these character's stories, one year at a time, for as long as she is able to write. She is passionate about bringing history to life through historical fiction. Since she is amazingly healthy, that could be for a very long time! She doesn’t like stories to end any more than you do. This one won't end for a very long time!