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      • July 2020

        Venuta dal cielo

        by Gianni Corvaia

        Questa è la storia di un angelo sceso sulla terra per aiutare un uomo, suo padre, nella conversione. Una presa di coscienza raggiunta attraverso tappe lunghe e dolorose. Una vicenda apparentemente triste che invita a riflettere sulla vita e a dirigere lo sguardo verso una dimensione più profonda, che va oltre gli accadimenti personali. Un invito alla meditazione e all'orientamento dell'esistenza umana, che pur nella sua drammaticità contiene una forma di rigenerazione. Parole semplici, utilizzate dall’autore, che partono dal cuore per trovare dimora nell’animo di coloro che, leggendole, possano iniziare uno splendido cammino d’amore. Giovanni Battista Corvaia, avvocato e imprenditore di Palermo, chiamato da tutti Gianni. Uomo serio e stimato, ha lasciato questa testimonianza in seguito alla scomparsa della sua adorata figlioletta Barbara. Nell’immenso dolore ha rivolto i suoi occhi a Dio e in Lui ha trovato un senso. Per anni il suo desiderio è stato quello di pubblicare tali riflessioni, ma ciò è stato possibile soltanto dopo decenni e una volta risposatosi. Infatti, ha espresso in punto di morte tale volontà alla sua seconda moglie, Santina Di Stefano, donna sensibile e di grande animo, che l’ha accolta e si è prodigata per realizzarla.

      • January 2010

        Vivere il Vangelo del matrimonio

        Percorso formativo per animatori di pastorale familiare – 2 La morale del matrimonio e della famiglia

        by Pier Luigi Gusmitta

        Dopo la pubblicazione di Annunciare il Vangelo del matrimonio, che introduce alla teologia del matrimonio e della famiglia, in questo secondo volume l’Autore conduce la famiglia a riconoscere la propria identità lungo le strade della vita. Approfondendo temi come la fedeltà, la fecondità, l’educazione, la spiritualità, la relazione genitori-figli e analizzando situazioni matrimoniali difficili o irregolari, il testo presenta una serie di percorsi di morale coniugale e familiare esortando a vivere lo slancio del dono, la disponibilità all’accoglienza e la bellezza della convergenza nell’unità. «Volete camminare insieme con altre famiglie sulle strade dell’Amore? È impegnativo osare le vette della santità. Ma sarà una cosa meravigliosa».

      • December 2013

        Cos’è la Verità

        Out of Print

        by Cardeno C., Barbara Cinelli, Paul Richmond, Paul Richmond

        Un Libro della Serie HomeBen Forman ha nascosto la sua vera identità sessuale per così tanto tempo da convincersi di essere eterosessuale. Ma il suo treno pieno di negazione deraglia quando Micah Trains, avvocato di successo, entra nella sua vita. Micah è intelligente, divertente, determinato… e, credendo che Ben sia gay, comincia a uscire con lui. Sentendosi davvero felice per la prima volta nella sua vita, Ben non ha la forza di resistere.Però la vita non è tutta arcobaleni e ‘vissero felici e contenti’. Ben ama la sua famiglia, ma i suoi genitori si sono allontanati da suo fratello, Noah, quando ha dichiarato la sua omosessualità. Ben non vuole perderli, ma Micah non potrà essere il suo piccolo sporco segreto per sempre. Improvvisamente la presa di Ben sulla sua felicità, così come la consapevolezza di sé, sembra scivolare via. Se vorrà sopravvivere con il cuore intatto, dovrà confessare la verità su ciò che vuole e su chi è. Il problema è capire cos’è la verità. ;

      • Children's & YA
        July 2020

        Sei Gufo o Allodola? – Guida al buon sonno per bambini e adulti consapevoli

        by Maria Costanza Cipullo

        Questo libro ha lo scopo di favorire una maggiore conoscenza del sonno e delle sue funzioni e di promuovere degli stili di vita adeguati in un'ottica di prevenzione, non solo dei disturbi del sonno, ma anche di tutte quelle patologie spesso facilitate, o comunque peggiorate , da un sonno insufficiente per qualità e quantità. Dedicato ai bambini, ma indirizzato anche ai genitori e agli insegnanti, illustra come e per quanto tempo dormono alcuni animali. A ciascuno di essi è collegata una regola del sonno. Nelle ultime pagine sono presenti dei disegni da completare e un breve questionario che consentirà a ciascun bambino di scoprire, in base alle proprie abitudini, a quale animale somiglia di più.Con questo libro si vuole dare, pertanto, un piccolo contributo perché un sonno tranquillo, sin da piccoli,

      • Children's & YA

        Heroes Atlas

        by Miralda Colombo

        One hundred and one inspiring stories of the notable men and women who shaped the world with their ideas, their genius, their creativity or courage. From super scientists to clued-up creatives, from writers to dreamers, these profiles explore the life of each personality in detail, with gorgeous illustrations. This educational book includes worldwide famous figures, as well as lesser-known personalities, but all very inspiring for children.

      • Children's & YA
        October 2020

        The Revenge of the Ill-mannered Orphans

        by Carolina Capria, Mariella Martucci

        Series - With zero choice in the matter, four little girls end up living in a mansion, which is literally falling apart, with a guardian, who’s literally gross. Then, a tornado comes and sweeps away misunderstandings, pessimism, and even their guardian. The tragicomic events are told in a light, irreverent style offering a glimpse into the lives of kids forced to grow up faster.

      • The Arts

        Famous Women

        by Giovanni Boccaccio

        De claris mulieribus is a collection of biographies of famous women of ancient and medieval times written by Giovanni Boccaccio in 1361. Boccaccio’s first aim was to offer, especially to his female readers, a collection of short and pleasant stories with lovely invitations to virtue and whipping remarks against vice. The work became very successful between the 14th and the 16th centuries, and was translated and published all around Europe. In some manuscripts the text is accompanied by a series of illustrations. For this edition, with a selection of thirty biographies of the most famous women from history, mythology and religion, the Ms. Royal 16 G.V. from the British Library in London has been chosen, a French manuscript from the second half of the 15th century, the miniatures of which, of exceptional elegance, set the happenings within the refined atmosphere of the transalpine court.

      • 2020

        Dance Factor

        by Aurora Marsotto

        When the dance teacher announces that she’s entered her students in the Young Dance Competition, everyone is thrilled! Well…, almost everyone. Alice is twelve and, even though she’s done ballet for five years, she’s never gotten over her stage fright. Of course, what happened last year – when she turned right and everyone else turned left… right there… right in front of everyone… – only made things worse! So, just forget it! There’s no way Alice is going on stage! That is, unless Leonardo, who’s just joined the class, can change her mind…

      • Children's & YA
        October 2022

        Daniel Ghost and the Wandering Souls

        by Nicola Lucchi

        Daniel is an introverted boy who struggles to find friends in the village where he went to live after the disappearance of his parents. Finally one day, a new classmate seems to notice him. The problem, however, is that apparently he is the only one who can see her, thus making him look like a weirdo - more than usual.The girl is a ghost called Diana and she is quite grumpy. In fact, it looks like it annoys her a lot that Daniel can see her. She has a job to do, and he can only get in the way. In those same days, an even stranger event -if possible- happens in the school. In the new-year-of-school photo of a class in their own corridor, 13 children appear, but they were only 12 in front of the photographer! They are all shocked, and Professor Trevis most of them all. There is another ghost in the school, but not like Diana. He is different. He is a wandering soul, a dangerous spirit. Diana was sent to investigate, to find out why he reappeared, to help him get back to where he came from. Unfortunately, Daniel will have to help her… First book in Daniel Ghost Series.

      • Fiction

        I am Nirvana. The story of Kurt Cobain

        by Andrea Biscaro

        Kurt è la rock star più famosa del pianeta. Ha appena ventisette anni, ma ha già vissuto tutto. Adesso è solo, lontano dai riflettori e dai palchi, senza amici, senza più voglia di scrivere e di suonare, blindato tra le pareti dorate della sua reggia di Seattle.  Nella detonazione dello sparo Kurt rivive tutta la sua vita: l'infanzia ad Aberdeen, i locali, la nascita dei Nirvana, il primo contratto con la Sub Pop, la droga, il successo planetario e improvviso di Nevermind, il grunge, l'amore disperato per Courtney Love, la dipendenza dall'eroina, le tournée mondiali, la nascita di Frances Bean, In Utero, il policlinico di Roma, le disintossicazioni, Unplugged in New York. Fino a quel maledetto fucile Remington... A fargli immancabile compagnia è la voce di quell’amico misterioso al cui abbraccio mortale non saprà sfuggire.


        freedom stories for boys and girls chasing big dreams


        An engaging collection of biographies of present-day heroes: women and men who stand out for struggling for love and freedomFrom Rudol’f Nureev to Tiziano Ferro, from Christian Andersen to Keith Haring, a collection of 12 biographies of famous people who have distinguished themselves in thht against sexual and gender discriminatioe computer was invented by Alan Turing; Darla, a famous character from the cartoon Nemo, owes its name to the Pixar producer who invented it; the captain of the American national football team that won the women’s World Cup is Megan Rapinoe, who with her charisma has enchanted men and women all over the world. If recently the editorial proposal on the LGBTQ theme has focused on “coming out”, this book - through compelling stories of courage - conveys a message completely indipendent from the sexual orientation of the reader, and focuses on the exemplarity of the actions that make these personalities prominent and true examples for future generations.

      • History
        April 2016

        The Calling

        Stories of Jesuits in the 16th and 17th Centuries

        by Adriano Prosperi

        This book explains not who the Jesuits were, but how their awareness of having become Jesuits was constructed. It does so on the basis of a collection of documents which have often been referred to as ‘autobiographies’, in fact individual members’ accounts of how they received their calling. Each Jesuit had to describe in writing how the divine call had come to him, what signs had preceded it and how he had broken away from his ‘fleshly’ family to become a member of the Company. Their acute awareness of the definitive nature of the close pact they had established with God by becoming members of the army of the Lord, made the Jesuits new, unusual figures, unprecedented in the history of Christian religious orders: men trained to carry out arduous missions into the most distant countries of the world, in contact with unknown cultures, without any weakening of their ties with the Company; a classic case is Matteo Ricci. Accepting their calling meant adopting a special life, characterized by a modern form of asceticism: a total break with the past and their families, a readiness to go wherever they were sent, as new apostles.

      • Little Masterpieces for Kids

        by Elisa Delucchi, Laura Tavazzi

        An illustrated series aiming to adapt the great children’s literature masterpieces for the youngest. Each title will focus and develop a main theme that the little children will understand also through some in-depth worksheets. These additional pages will help them with the text comprehension and will develop their logical-mathematical intuition and creative-spatial abilities.

      • January 2020

        Dio, sorpresa per la storia

        Per una teologia post-secolare

        by Carmelo, Dotolo

        To meet God means entering into a new relationship that urges us to reconsider the models that have fuelled our believing experience. God is a constant surprise, a surprise that generates a new theological syntax for thinking, praying and narrating the adventure of existence.

      • Children's & YA

        A war against profs!

        Leonardo Damiani and Sister Bernardina’s Miracle

        by Maggi Andrea

        GUERRA AI PROF! Leonardo Damiani e il miracolo di suor Bernardina (A war against profs! Leonardo Damiani and Sister Bernardina’s Miracle) 3 reprints, 3000 copies sold Genre: fiction middle-grade/YA Age: 11+ Pages: 156   Leonardo goes to secondary school, and enjoys inventing pranks, such as throwing a dog at the postman and adding laxative to the teachers’ coffee. He doesn’t like studying, and he is always playing videogames. But one day Leonardo becomes himself the target of a prank, and in trying to fix the damage he meets the almost centenary nun Bernardina, a distant relative. The old lady will prove extremely funny and, against all odds, the two will became close friends. Bernardina will eventually help Leonardo to solve his problems once and for all.

      • The Arts

        A Bible in Ivory

        Mediterranean art in 11th century Salerno

        by Valentino Pace

        In the late 11th century, one of the greatest historical and artistical times in Campania, in the South of Italy, a significant role was played in this sense by Alfano, the Archbishop of Salerno. He personally committed the episcopal throne inside the Cathedral, with the intention to catch the eye of anyone who entered as a symbol of the ultimate devotion. Of this work, with scenes from the Old and New Testament, only 67 ivory plaques still remain. The throne was realized in ivory, a precious material which can be considered inferior only to gold. Working with ivory required advanced skills from the artists, who had to know how to extract the thin layers from an elephant tusk before being able to delicately carve a scene. Possibly planned and executed for the Cathedral of Amalfi, it is the most extensive series of ivory panels to an artifact that predates the Gothic Era. They prove to be an artistic production that, due to the valuable nature of its material and the quality of its execution – not to mention the inherent interest of its narrative sequence –, is without comparison.

      • Children's & YA


        Picture Books Series

        by Luigi dal Cin

        A series of 13 picture books - each one collects the most traditional tales from a specific country. Every story is illustrated by a different artist, either international or local. It's possible to select the books of interest or to create a collection of tales from the world picking up the single tales from the various titles.  In the series: BRASIL, SCOTLAND, RUSSIA, CHILE, FAR EAST, ARCTIC REGION, AFRICA, MEXICO, OCEANIA, INDIA, ITALY, JAPAN, 1001 NIGHTS

      • Etica dell'acquario

        by Ilaria Gaspari

        Gaia is beautiful, self-centred and unhappy. One day in November she returns to the city where she studied, after an absence of ten years. Nothing seems to have changed in Pisa, but everything has. Gaia meets up again with her old friends and the love of her university days, but now they are divided by the years they spent apart and the loss of a fellow student, Virginia, who died in obscure circumstances. The investigation into the mysterious suicide winds its way through the streets of the city and the colleges of the Scuola Normale, amidst buried memories and obsessions that come to light.

      • Children's & YA

        Incredible Animals

        by Dunia Rahwan

        A series dedicated to the wonders of the world, to discover through precious and peculiar books, filled with sensational illustrations. Not only for the contents, these books are “wonderful” also in their binding, with surprising elements on the cover and for their evocative illustrations. A journey in discovery of our planet’s most incredible animals, divided into 15 categories: from the most wild predators as the formidable cheetah and the fierce orca, famous for their refined hunting techniques, to the “brainers” as the chimp and the gray parrot, which shows incredible, brilliant attitudes. In the categories also theextinct, the fantastic, the luminous animals find their place. The contents and the curiosities of each animal will be enhanced by illustrations of a big impact.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences

        The black sea of indifference

        by Liliana Segre / Filippo Civati

        Liliana Segre’s testimony and her political message are shared in this essay by Giuseppe Civati that reports her words and her teachings, on the occasion of her appointment as lifetime Italian Senator by Italian President Sergio Mattarella.Segre was expelled from school in 1938. She tried to flee Italy as an asylum seeker but was denied protection and was sent back. On January 30th, 1944 she was deported to Auschwitz with her father Alberto, who deceased in the concentration camp. In the last thirty years she has been promoting an extraordinary campaign against indifference and against racism in any form or aspect.Her undisputed, strong and clear words are a message for girls and boys, her «ideal grandchildren»: we must never lose our rights and respect for people.

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