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      • Thienemann - Esslinger Verlag GmbH

        Thienemann is one of the leading children’s books publishers in Germany. We are specialized in fiction from 6-14 and in high quality picture books. Our main authors are: Michael Ende, Otfried Preussler, Oliver Scherz, Daniela Kulot, Daniel Napp and Nele Neuhaus. Our Imprint Gabriel is specialized in religious children’s books. Our imprint Planet Girl focuses on books for girls from six to sixteen. And our imprint Esslinger focuses on commercial picture books and reprints. Our imprint Aladin is our sophisticated picture book imprint.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Feeling the strain

        A cultural history of stress in twentieth-century Britain

        by Jill Kirby

        Examining the popular discourse of nerves and stress, this book provides a historical account of how ordinary Britons understood, explained and coped with the pressures and strains of daily life during the twentieth century. It traces the popular, vernacular discourse of stress, illuminating not just how stress was known, but the ways in which that knowledge was produced. Taking a cultural approach, the book focuses on contemporary popular understandings, revealing continuity of ideas about work, mental health, status, gender and individual weakness, as well as the changing socio-economic contexts that enabled stress to become a ubiquitous condition of everyday life by the end of the century. With accounts from sufferers, families and colleagues it also offers insight into self-help literature, the meanings of work and changing dynamics of domestic life, delivering a complementary perspective to medical histories of stress.

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        April 2023

        The Misery of Literature

        by Djawad Rostom Touati

        “His great novel, his “immense contemporary social fresco”, his “made-in-bladi human comedy” - in the words with which he dazzles his virtual contacts - was now out of the question. To those who still asked him: “What's the status of this novel?”, he invariably replied: “Perhaps under other skies. Here, all we promote is mediocrity. And everyone would nod in agreement, wishing him well.” Djawad Rostom Touati Farid, Malia, Rami, Adib and other characters wander through La civilisation de l'ersatz, the second part of the trilogy: Le culte du ça, each equipped with their own socio-cultural baggage, some motivated to change the course of their lives, sure that the sun is much warmer elsewhere; others resigned to the idea that the world is as it is: just a two-variable equation - dominated/dominant -; and still others, self-sufficient, seeking redemption in the misfortunes of others, make their way between the strata of a society in turmoil, the victim of a frozen past, a sequestered present and a future held hostage. In La civilisation de l'ersatz, both neo-prolo-aspirants-bourgeois who don't even know they're there, replace each other between the fingers of a born writer. Everything is relativity: time, space, not to mention the mind...

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2025

        Through the fiction of Phebe Gibbes (1764–90)

        Women, alienation, and prodigality in the long eighteenth century

        by Kathryn Freeman

        Through the Fiction of Phebe Gibbes places this prolific, newly recovered English writer at the centre of the revolutionary period. Gibbes's novels mark the struggles of women for agency in an expanding British empire, from the Seven Years' War to revolutions in American, Haiti and France. With Gibbes as a nexus in a lineage of women writers from Aphra Behn to Jane Austen, Kathryn S. Freeman offers a valuable perspective on the 'long eighteenth century', with Gibbes' own evolution mirroring that of the larger period. The study traces the development of Gibbes' authorial voice from satire to irony through a range of female characters subverting patriarchal oppression. Freeman guides the reader through patterns of narrative voice, concerns with gender and sexuality, and elements of wordplay through detailed discussion of five novels representing Gibbes' evolving representation of a subversive female subjectivity.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2023

        The penny politics of Victorian popular fiction

        by Rob Breton

        Penny politics offers a new way to read early Victorian popular fiction such as Jack Sheppard, Sweeney Todd, and The Mysteries of London. It locates forms of radical discourse in the popular literature that emerged simultaneously with Brittan's longest and most significant people's movement. It listens for echoes of Chartist fiction in popular fiction. The book rethinks the relationship between the popular and political, understanding that radical politics had popular appeal and that the lines separating a genuine radicalism from commercial success are complicated and never absolute. With archival work into Newgate calendars and Chartist periodicals, as well as media history and culture, it brings together histories of the popular and political so as to rewrite the radical canon.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 1987

        Science-fiction: ein hoffnungsloser Fall mit Ausnahmen

        Essays. Band 3

        by Stanisław Lem, Erik Simon

        Dieser Abschlussband von Lems Essays enthält nur Arbeiten, die in der Insel-Ausgabe der Essays (1981) nicht enthalten waren. Stärker als die früheren Bände ist dieser persönlich bestimmt. Einmal handelt es sich um Essays, die autobiografisch sind oder sich auf das eigene Werk beziehen. Zum anderen gibt es Vorworte zu Rezensionen von Büchern und Autoren, die Lem menschlich besonders nahestehen: Szymon Kobyliński, Władysław Bartoszewski und Jan Józef Szczepański. Neben Rezensionen, die Lem deutsche RIAS Berlin schrieb, vornehmlich über populärwissenschaftliche und pseudowissenschaftliche Bücher, aus denen Lems rationalistische Denkhaltung offenbar wird, und spekulativen Aufsätzen enthält dieser Band auch einige von Lems scharfsinnigsten Kritiken zu Autoren, denen er sich geistesverwandt fühlt oder die ihm widerstreben: Dick, Borges, die Strugatzkis und eine scharfe Abrechnung mit der Gattung, der der Großteil von Lems eigenem Werk zugezählt wird: der Science-Fiction. Eine beachtliche Anzahl der Essays schrieb Lem gleich in deutscher Sprache. Weitere Essays von Stanisław Lem liegen in den Bänden Sade und die Spieltheorie und Über außersinnliche Wahrnehmungen vor.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Is God Democratic?

        On the relationship between democracy and religion

        by Otfried Höffe

        How much religion can the secular state tolerate? And how much democracy can religion tolerate? Encounters between politics and religion carry a high potential for conflict. How can we handle this? The internationally renowned ethicist and philosopher Otfried Höffe explores these questions in depth in his essay, referring to ideas from antiquity to modernity as he does so. His knowledgeable and fascinating remarks are more relevant than ever in a time in which more and more political conflicts around the world are religiously charged.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2002

        The rise of the Nazis

        by Conan Fischer, Mark Greengrass

        How and why did the Nazis seize power in Germany? Nearly seventy years on, the question remains heated and important discoveries continue to challenge long standing assumptions. Beginmning with an overview of the historical context within which Nazism grew, looking at the foreign relations, politics and society of Weimar and in particular at the role of the elites in the rise of Nazism. The book questions the anatomy of Nazism itself: What lent Nazi ideology its coherence and credibility? What distinguished the Nazi's programme from their competitors' and how did they project it so effectively? How was Hitler able to put together and fund an organisation so quickly and effectively that it could launch a sustained assault on Weimar? Who supported the Nazis and what were their motives? Where, precisely, does Nazism belong in the history of Europe?. Since the publication of the first edition, important new works have appeared and this new scholarship has been incorporated into the text. ;

      • Trusted Partner

        Al borde de la boca

        Diez intuiciones en torno al mate

        by Carmen M. Cáceres

        Many books have been written about mate—its properties, benefits, history, and ritual. Al borde de la boca, however, intuits what none of those books consider: the firsthand experience of drinking mate. It is an experience of both body and mind, better evoked through literature than through scientific vocabulary. Sensitive and precise, this essay captures that experience and puts it into words without ever exhausting its private, personal dimension.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        October 2004

        Qualities of food

        by Mark Harvey, Andrew McMeekin, Alan Warde

        In this book, the complexity and the significance of the foods we eat are analysed from a variety of perspectives, by sociologists, economists, geographers and anthropologists. Chapters address a number of intriguing questions: how do people make judgments about taste? How do such judgments come to be shared by groups of people?; what social and organisational processes result in foods being certified as of decent or proper quality? How has dissatisfaction with the food system been expressed? What alternatives are thought to be possible? The multi-disciplinary analysis of this book explores many different answers to such questions. The first part of the book focuses on theoretical and conceptual issues, the second part considers processes of formal and informal regulation, while the third part examines social and political responses to industrialised food production and mass consumption. Qualities of food will be of interest to researchers and students in all the social science disciplines that are concerned with food, whether marketing, sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, human nutrition or economics.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        March 2025

        We all die at the end

        Storytelling in the climate apocalypse

        by Sam Haddow

        We all die at the end offers a survey of contemporary end-of-the-world fiction, spanning literature, children's fiction, video games, theatre and film. It draws on eco-critical philosophy and narrative theory to show ways in which the climate crisis is reorienting storytelling in the face of foreseeable human extinction. In the process, it argues that such stories have a role to play in helping us come to terms with the severity and scale of the crisis that we face.

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        Biography & True Stories
        May 2025

        Mrs Dalloway

        Biography of a novel

        by Mark Hussey

        A compelling biography of one of the most celebrated novels in the English language. The fourth and best-known of Virginia Woolf's novels, Mrs Dalloway is a modernist masterpiece that has remained popular since its publication in 1925. Its dual narratives follow a day in the life of wealthy housewife Clarissa Dalloway and shell-shocked war veteran Septimus Warren Smith, capturing their inner worlds with a vividness that has rarely been equalled. Mrs Dalloway: Biography of a novel offers new readers a lively introduction to this enduring classic, while providing Woolf lovers with a wealth of information about the novel's writing, publication and reception. It follows Woolf's process from the first stirrings in her diary through her struggles to create what was quickly recognised as a major advance in prose fiction. It then traces the novel's remarkable legacy to the present day. Woolf wrote in her diary that she wanted her novel 'to give life & death, sanity & insanity. to criticise the social system, & to show it at work, at its most intense.' Mrs Dalloway: Biography of a novel reveals how she achieved this ambition, creating a book that will be read by generations to come.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Sky Always Bright--Short and Medium Works Collection

        by "Dream Round 2020" Theme Literary Essay Activity Office

        This book is a collection of short and medium works in the series, including short and medium stories, short and medium reportage, prose, poetry and children's literature. These works are rich in the characteristics of the times and the breath of life. They show the moving deeds of Hunan's targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation, and demonstrate the spirit of people's struggle towards a well-off society. The theme is clear and prominent, the tone is positive, portraying and praising the most beautiful people and typical models participating in poverty alleviation and development, praising the true feelings of the world and transmitting positive social energy.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2017

        Gothic forms of feminine fictions

        by Susanne Becker

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2023

        Creating character

        Theories of nature and nurture in Victorian sensation fiction

        by Helena Ifill

        This book explores the ways in which the two leading sensation authors of the 1860s, Mary Elizabeth Braddon and Wilkie Collins, engaged with nineteenth-century ideas about personality formation and the extent to which it can be influenced either by the subject or by others. Innovative readings of seven sensation novels explore how they employ and challenge Victorian theories of heredity, degeneration, inherent constitution, education, upbringing and social circumstance. Far from presenting a reductive depiction of 'nature' versus 'nurture', Braddon and Collins show the creation of character to be a complex interplay of internal and external factors. Drawing on material ranging from medical textbooks, to sociological treatises, to popular periodicals, Creating character shows how sensation authors situated themselves at the intersections of established and developing, conservative and radical, learned and sensationalist thought about how identity could be made and modified.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        June 2023

        Love, Dad

        by Valeriy Puzik

        He could have been showing his son the world, and just stayed by his side. Instead, he joined the army to protect his country in the Russo-Ukrainian war. Despite the exhausting days of combat, the main character doesn’t forget that he is a father, too. This book came to be as a conversation with the son who remains far away, yet always close — in his father’s heart. The book doesn’t include battle scenes or combat descriptions. Valeriy Puzik tries to demonstrate that even at the time of the most ruthless wars, a human remains at the center of everything. He leads readers through fragments of memories, reflections about today, and dreams about the future, creating his own battlefield reality. This book is about the here and now that thousands of soldiers experience during the war. It’s a raw nerve that leaves no space for feelings of indifference towards the world around. It’s a narrow path over the precipice that must be crossed to finally see the light — children, loved ones, and a peaceful homeland.

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