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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022

        Der Einfall der Geister

        Roman | Ein Meisterwerk Schwarzen Erzählens

        by Randall Kenan, Eva Bonné, Aminata Cissé

        Die Schuld austreiben, das ist der Plan, als Horace in einer Frühlingsnacht in den Garten seines Großvaters hinaustritt. Ein Ritual soll Horace befreien. Von den Erwartungen, die seine Familie an ihn und seine Begabung stellt, von den rasenden Gedanken, vom Begehren, das ihn Mitte der Achtziger in dieser Schwarzen Baptistengemeinde im Süden alles kosten kann. Doch die Befreiung missglückt, und Horace, getrieben von den erlittenen Ungerechtigkeiten aus Hunderten von Jahren, irrt gefährlich durch die Nacht. Bis ein anderer Mann aus seiner Familie, am Glauben verzweifelt wie er, dem berechtigten Wahnsinn Einhalt gebieten will … Entdeckt von Toni Morrison, als sein Jünger mit James Baldwins Nachlass betraut, so stand Randall Kenan 1989 nach Erscheinen seines Romans an der Spitze der nachfolgenden Generation, einsam und zu früh. Mehr als dreißig Jahre mussten vergehen, damit Der Einfall der Geister international gefeiert werden kann, als ein Meisterwerk Schwarzen Erzählens, über die Gefahren der Erlösung, über Wünsche, die an Grenzen stoßen.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        100 Cards for Coaching with Resource Activation

        by Deppe-Schmitz, Uta; Deubner-Böhme, Miriam

        This set of cards includes 70 color photos and 30 question cards. The combination of pictures and questions allows for the use in a wide range of activities in coaching, which are presented in the enclosed booklet. The card set is also the ideal complement to the book “Coaching with Resource Activation”, which explains the possibilities of using the cards in more detail. In addition, the card set can also be used for resource activation in the context of therapy. For:• coaches• therapists• counselors• trainers

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2024

        Rural SME Business Management

        The Human Factor

        by Peter L Nuthall

        This book is about managerial ability and how it might be assessed and improved, and it focuses on rural Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Traditionally, business studies have seldom covered the manager as a person and a decision maker in any great depth. Personnel management, production economics, financing, operations analysis techniques, etc. tend to be emphasized but the personal attributes of the decision makers have as much influence on success as the rules of good decision making. This book aims to correct this imbalance. The human characteristics of managers that define how a manager operates are explored, as are their impact on managerial ability. The details of the competencies a manager must possess are also presented and discussed as well as potential detracting biases. The book concludes with methods and techniques covering personal characteristic changes and associated managerial improvement. The concepts and conclusions of this book are all based on a body of research, excerpts of which are quoted in the text, drawn from the rich sources available in the international literature. Case studies describing successful managers and management advisors are used throughout. · First book which specifically focuses on human factors and decision making for SME managers. · Introduces new research specifically on the quantification of intuition, the primary decision making method used in SMEs. · Contains essential material required by researchers of decision making processes, business studies teachers, and extension workers from the world of SME business.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Resource Activation in Psychotherapy, Coaching and Counseling

        by Miriam Deubner-Böhme, Uta Deppe-Schmitz

        People who have good access to their own resources and can thus meet their basic physical and psychological needs are satisfied and well equipped to get through even difficult times in a healthy way. Resource activation therefore plays a central role in therapy, coaching and counseling. It helps clients to rediscover buried resources and to use available resources for particular and everyday challenges. The fan contains 210 resource-activating questions that can directly be asked to clients and are formulated accordingly. The questions are related to strategies for strengthening physical and mental health, positive experiences, and the activation of resources in various areas of life, such as partnership, family, work, and leisure. The fan is ideal for preparing counseling and therapy sessions. For:• psychotherapists• coaches• counselors• psychiatrists• supervisors• trainers

      • Trusted Partner

        80 Picture Cards for Coaching, Training, and Psychotherapie

        Initiating Learning- and Change Processes

        by Evelin Fräntzel, Dieter Johannsen

        People think and remember in images, images influence our feelings and our perception, they shape our interpersonal communication and interaction. Coaches, supervisors,trainers, consultants, and therapists can use picture cards as a creative method to initiate learning and change processes among their clients. The card set can be used when working with groups and teams as well as in individual settings. Using the picture cards and the detailed exercise descriptions, processes ofprofessional and personal reorientation and further development of clients can be effectively supported. The enclosed booklet gives numerous suggestions for the use of the picture cards in practice.   For: • coaches• supervisors• consultants• group leaders• psychotherapists• psychologists• teachers, educators, personnel developers

      • Trusted Partner

        Inquiry Based Stress Reduction (IBSR) in Practice - How to Use “the Work” of Byron Katie in Psychotherapy and Coaching.

        Manual for Clinical Practice

        by Marie Odiel van Rhijn, Esther Leuning

        Inquiry Based Stress Reduction is the name of the method which was developed by Byron Katie as ‘the Work’. Byron Katie is the author of very well-known self-help books. However, until now there was no manual available which explains the application of this method and the methodological and scientific evidence which can be given to support it. This book provides a comprehensive and exhaustive overview of how the method can be used by therapists in psychotherapeutic settings in mental health care, business coaches and coaches in other fields of life. As well as providing an extremely precise description of the working method for each step of the protocol, all these steps are clarified by means of practical examples and case studies. Target Group: psychologists, therapists and coaches.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        All die Farben, die ich dir versprach

        by Zoulfa Katouh, Rasha Khayat, Frauke Schneider

        Die junge Salama lebt inmitten der syrischen Revolution in Homs. Sie hilft im Krankenhaus aus, muss dort aber oft hilflos zusehen, wie Menschen sterben. Während ihr Land zerbricht, sucht sie fieberhaft nach Möglichkeiten, Syrien zu verlassen. Auch um ihre schwangere Schwägerin Layla, die einzige Überlebende ihrer Familie, in Sicherheit zu bringen. Im Krankenhaus lernt Salama den jungen furchtlosen Kenan kennen. Die beiden verlieben sich, doch Kenan will bleiben und mit Internetvideos auf das Leid in seinem Land aufmerksam machen. Salama muss sich entscheiden: zwischen Sicherheit und ihrer großen Liebe. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Salon5-Jugendbuchpreis. Hochtalentierte junge Autorin mit einzigartiger Stimme. Thematisiert das Thema Flucht berührend, schonungslos offen und voller Hoffnung.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        September 2011

        Special Offer - Farm Business Management

        by Peter L Nuthall

        Taken together the three books of Farm Business Management cover most aspects of the study of farm management, leaving the reader with a practical set of skills and knowledge. Books in this three volume set: Farm Business Management: The Core Skills Farm Business Management: The Human Factor Farm Business Management: Analysis of Farming Systems

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        August 2010

        Farm Business Management

        The Core Skills

        by Peter L Nuthall, Michael L. Thompson, Patrick J. Skelly

        Based on research carried out within the farming community and academic studies, this book assesses and explains the core skills needed to become a successful farm manager. Observation, anticipation of plan outcomes, and risk management are identified as key requirements, and each of these categories is broken down into isolated skills such as problem definition and visual observation, which are in turn dissected and analysed. Practical methods for acquiring or improving each skill are covered in detail, with practice exercises to engage the reader in active participation. This book is an essential resource for farm managers and students.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2018

        Farm Business Management - 3 volume set

        by Peter L Nuthall

        Taken together the three books of Farm Business Management cover most aspects of the study of farm management, leaving the reader with a practical set of skills and knowledge. Books in this three volume set: Farm Business Management: The Core Skills (9781845936679) Farm Business Management: The Human Factor, 2nd Edition (9781789240733) Farm Business Management: Analysis of Farming Systems (9781845938390)

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018


        Forschung und Praxis im Dialog

        by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht

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