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      • Estonian Literature Centre

        The Estonian Literature Centre (ELIC) exists to generate interest in Estonian literature abroad. ELIC organizes translation seminars and publishers’ fellowships, and coordinates the Translator-in-residence program in Estonia. ELIC has created a unique English language web site on Estonian writers and translators of Estonian literature and maintains a developing database of translations of Estonian literature. The web site and database can be accessed at:

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      • Lorenza Estandia Literary Agency

        The Catalogue has 114 titles, picture books, illustrated stories and novels poetry, plays, series, and non-fiction, and by readers age from 0 to 18+ years.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 1982

        Die Nachahmung der Rose

        by Clarice Lispector, Curt Meyer-Clason, Curt Meyer-Clason

        Clarice Lispector wurde 1925 in der Ukraine als Tochter jüdischer Eltern geboren, die bald nach Brasilien emigrierten. Sie wuchs in Recife, im armen Nordosten des Landes auf, zog aber später nach Rio de Janeiro, wo sie Schule und Jurastudium absolvierte. 1944 veröffentlichte sie -19jährig - ihren ersten Roman Perto do Coração Selvagem (dt. Nahe dem wilden Herzen) und löste eine kleine Sensation aus, da sie sich in ihrem Schreiben von der vorherrschenden literarischen Tendenz des "regionalismo" abwandte, der es sich zum Ziel gemacht hatte, die soziale Realität des Landes so genau als möglich festzuhalten. Clarice Lispector eröffnete, geprägt sowohl vom Existenzialismus als auch von Virginia Woolf, eine in Brasilien vollkommen neue literarische Strömung - von der Kritik hoch gelobt -, die radikal subjektiv auf die Erforschung innerer Wirklichkeit abzielt. Im selben Jahr heiratete sie einen brasilianischen Diplomaten, mit dem sie 1945-49 in Italien und der Schweiz und 1952-59 in den USA lebte. Nach der Scheidung ließ sie sich mit ihren zwei Söhnen in Rio nieder und war als Journalistin und Übersetzerin tätig. In ihren weiteren Romanen, wie A Cidade Sitiada (dt. Von Traum zu Traum) und auch A paixão segundo G.H (dt. Die Passion nach G.H.), erforscht sie mit immer ausgefeilteren erzähltechnischen und stilistischen Mitteln das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Realität und seelischer Erfahrung. Auch ihre Erzählungen, veröffentlicht in insgesamt drei Bänden, kreisen immer wieder um die bestürzende Realität, die hinter der Fassade des Familienalltags lauert. In ihrem letzten zu Lebzeiten veröffentlichten Kurzroman, A Hora de Estrela (dt. Die Sternstunde), setzt sie sich mit dem Verhältnis von Wirklichkeit und Fiktion im schöpferischen Prozeß auseinander und kritisiert schriftstellerische Allmachtsphantasien - ihr poetologisches Vermächtnis. Clarice Lispector starb 1977 in Rio de Janeiro.   Clarice Lispector, "grande dame" der dichterischen Prosa in Brasilien. Neue Zürcher Zeitung Curt Meyer-Clason, geboren 1910 in Ludwigsburg und verstorben 2012 in München, war Übersetzer für Texte aus dem Spanischen, Portugiesischen und dem Portugiesisch-Brasilianischen, sowie Herausgeber und Essayist. Curt Meyer-Clason, geboren 1910 in Ludwigsburg und verstorben 2012 in München, war Übersetzer für Texte aus dem Spanischen, Portugiesischen und dem Portugiesisch-Brasilianischen, sowie Herausgeber und Essayist.

      • Astronomy, space & time
        October 2019

        Como tudo começou

        by Mendonça Coêlho, Bruno

        Open this book and embark on a journey through the origin of the universe. Find out how galaxies emerged, each with their own shape, and what stars and planets are made of. Discover our Solar System and many other intriguing curiosities about this great mystery that is the universe.

      • Djô

        by Gilles Eduar

        One day, Djô, a little yellow monkey who dreams of flying, winds up in a circus, where he makes friends with the elephant Rebab. Rebab is old and tired and wants to go back to the place he was born. On their journey back to the forest, Djô and Rebab discover the true meaning of friendship.

      • Stars

        by Júlio Emilio Braz, Clara Zúñiga

        Estrelas, the new book by Júlio Emílio Braz, illustrated by Clara Zúñiga, is a children's book that talks about the fear of the dark. The father-son relationship here is important because it is up to the adult to support childhood fears. The fear of the dark, as we know, is linked to the fear of the unknown, of what cannot be seen. This ancestral fear is hidden deep within what shapes us as human beings and, in the view of a child, we are taken to a new point of view, to take something good out of this situation and learn from our fears. We see that the dark is not so dark, because we have our protectors in the stars.

      • Fiction
        July 2020

        Men who talks with stars

        by João Torcato Justa

        In this novel by John Torcato Justa, a narrator witnesses the history of their ancestry through the protagonist, mother and best friend uncle, recreating a line of magical time crossing the border of Alto Alentejo and reaches the neighboring plain Extremadura, in Spain. Anthony, known in the small Alentejo village by Lobo, is an adventurous young bohemian, fearless and womanizer. The day that your heart is taken away by the unmistakable beauty of the Spanish Soledad, wife of one of the most powerful men in Spain, marks the beginning of a journey defined by Destiny, the Stars and the courage of men and women who make miracles. As background, a rural Alentejo marked by the customs of a Portugal, in the times of Salazar, and the neighboring Spanish province of Extremadura, in a terrible process of healing wounds of the Civil War. John, a participant narrator, invites us to the family memories that turned his family and region, revealing the amazing dramatic density of his characters and an unconventional plot affective links and metaphysical touch with reality.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Mister Lubbock’s Miscellanea of Essential Facts and Useless Trivia

        by Paulo Ferreira

        Did you know that the oxygen you breathe today has already passed through the lungs of Napoleon and Genghis Khan? Or that the water you just drank was acquainted with Jesus Christ’s kidneys? Or that astrology is still based on the location of celestial bodies, even though the universe is expanding? Penicillin was discovered by chance, and so was viagra. And post its only exist because of an attempt to not waste glue that turned out to be a failure (and because God is good). Newton thought that inventing calculus was important, but not as much as studying the distinguished science that was alchemy. This might just be why our brain tries so hard to fill in the blanks in our memory with false imagens and facts. Speaking of fake news, can we stop arguing over whether Columbus was Portuguese or Spanish, because the first people to arrive in America were the vikings.

      • The Arts
        October 2020


        by José F. Colaço Guerreiro

        Considered by Unesco as World Heritage, the art of Cante is one of the most ancient and pure singing art form in Portugal. Along with this marvellous tradition, there are a few people that still keep the art of playing the Viola Campaniça, an acoustic guitar invented centuries ago in the region of Alentejo.The author, José Francisco Colaço, rescued this lost tradition from oblivion researching for more than twenty years, tracking the guardians of this old knowledge and bringing them back to the spotlight through audio records, radio programmes and, of course, writing.

      • November 2020

        Epaminondas Goiabeira & the Hapiness Machine

        by Júlio Emílio Braz

        Julio Emilio Braz brings us a story where time is the preponderant element: the past dialogues with the more-than-perfect past tense. And, in this confluence of times, the Spanish flu comes, a more striking plague that plagued humanity in the last century. Lightly, but at the same time dense, Júlio brings strong themes such as the loss of loved ones and new affectionate relationships. The graphic design is by Raquel Matsushita, who already brings some of the gear of this time machine to the cover. Finalist book AEI-LIJ Literature Award.

      • Children's & YA

        Turning the Page

        by Leo Cunha and Tino Freitas

        A book written by eight hands. Indeed! Two writers and two illustrators bring to life 11 short stories full of humour, inviting the reader to think about life’s own “turning pages”. The characters are children enduring family, school and personal conflict situations. Amusing illustrations perfectly interact with the text, contributing to a relaxed reading which reveals that, sometimes, we should laugh at ourselves, dust ourselves off, turn the page on and move on.

      • Children's & YA

        Philosopher or Dog?

        A Graphic Novel Adaptation

        by Machado de Assis (Text) and Luiz Antonio Aguiar (Screenwriter)

        First published in 1891, Quincas Borba is Machado de Assis novel’s first adaptation to comic strips. The book recounts life in the Brazilian Court by the end of the XIX century, and the story revolves around a love and self-seeking triangle.  Adapted by Luiz Antonio Aguiar, the text becomes tridimensional in sets and characters illustrated by Verônica Berta with different perpectives. Lines, colors, lights, and shadows give birth to a perfect and original version of this Brazilian literature classic.

      • Fiction

        Isaac D

        by Leandro Pileggi, Levi Tonin

        What if you woke up and were someone else? What if unnamable creatures showed up everywhere? What if only you noticed they were there? What if they came after you? Would you run? Would you hide? Or would you fight… Isaac D is a Light novel full of action and good humor, spiced by many Lovecraft and pop culture references. A fantasy built on humanity’s largest mysteries that brings together modern myths and pulp story classics.

      • Fiction

        Witch, However

        by Carol Chiovatto

        Ísis Rossetti is a witch. Her job is to monitor crimes involving supernatural activity in the city of São Paulo. And only those crimes. The rules are clear: if there is no magic involved, she is not allowed to intervene. But in the midst of the city’s suffocating chaos , the lives of common people are in constant danger. She can’t just sit there and watch. Everything escalates when, caught between two extraofficial investigations, Ísis receives a mission from a deity. She must then relive personal issues she would much rather leave buried in the past, kept under lock and key by her friends, all while trying to handle the Magistrate and his watchful gaze.

      • Children's & YA
        December 2019

        Imperfect knots

        by Mayra S. Mayor

        With the suggestive title 'Imperfect knots’, Mayra S. Mayor tells the parallel, but at the same time, crisscrossing stories of Lulu, Nana, kill and Sofia. In Rio de Janeiro youth destined to live deep and intimate experiences, the more independent they become, the more are hostages of their own personal conflicts. Vaporous dialogues, the most sweeping statements, draws attention in this work, the writer's ability to begin, develop and create links between the conflicts in the degree that explores the personalities of the four protagonists, weaving the actions of this with their transformations in the future.

      • Fiction

        A Jorney to the Abyss

        by Nikelen Witter

        This is the story of advancing deserts that covered cities. The story of a world on the verge of destruction. It is about the people who inhabited that world, their alienation and the violent war in which they lost themselves. This is the story of a young woman, who healed wounds, and her best friend, who ran a brothel, and how they faced all that was thrown at them. It is also the story of a tiger and a little girl. But, when you get to know all of them, you will have to answer the call to look into the future and plunge into the abyss.

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