Imperfect knots
by Mayra S. Mayor
With the suggestive title 'Imperfect knots’, Mayra S. Mayor tells the parallel, but at the same time, crisscrossing stories of Lulu, Nana, kill and Sofia. In Rio de Janeiro youth destined to live deep and intimate experiences, the more independent they become, the more are hostages of their own personal conflicts. Vaporous dialogues, the most sweeping statements, draws attention in this work, the writer's ability to begin, develop and create links between the conflicts in the degree that explores the personalities of the four protagonists, weaving the actions of this with their transformations in the future.
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Available to all countries and languages, except Brazil.
Marketing Information
The author is an influencer and instagrammer at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
"Excellent book, I devoured it in 2 days" ; "A book like a breeze" ; "Light reading" ; referenced by Martha Medeiros, a great woman author in Brazil.
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Author Biography
Mayra S. Mayor is the author behind the blog Suspiros Tagarelas at site ( and Instagram @suspirostagarelas. In her profile, she defines herself as an artisan of dreams, a explorer of worlds, an explorer of the imaginary. Mayra graduated in Law from UERJ and lives in Rio de Janeiro. Imperfect knots is her literary debut.
Copyright Information
Copyright (c) 2019, Jaguatirica
Editora Jaguatirica
The independent publisher Jaguatirica works since 2012 in the Brazilian market and has spread its wings to Portugal and USA, with Gato-Bravo Publishing and Felis Press Books labels. Today, the group has more than 400 titles in humanities, social sciences, fiction and literature, every one of them available in digital formats. The company is headquartered in Rio de Janeiro, with offices in Lisbon and New York. Jaguatirica has already sold rights to Sweden, Mexico and Portugal and we're looking for more partners primarily at Great Britain, France, Spain, Mexico, USA and United Arab Emirates. For license requests please contact:
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Jaguatirica
- Publication Date December 2019
- Orginal LanguagePortuguese
- ISBN/Identifier 9788556622587
- Publication Country or regionBrazil
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 49 BRL
- Pages222
- ReadershipTeenage/Young Adult
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleBordados imperfeitos
- Original Language AuthorsPortuguese
- Edition1
- Copyright Year2019
- Page size21x14 (21x14) cm
- Biblio Notesreferenced by Martha Medeiros
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