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      • Kogan Page

        Kogan Page is the leading independent global publisher of specialist professional books and content with over 700 titles in print. Founded in 1967, our award-winning work offers solutions for professional practice and academic achievement in both print and digital form. Our author base, which is part of some of the most prestigious academic institutions, international commercial organisations or professional associations, delivers high level, accessible, professional content to our readers in our key subject areas: Leadership, Management, Marketing, Branding, Human Resources, Coaching, Logistics, Supply Chain, Entrepreneurship and Careers.

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        by Dekel Publishing House

        DEKEL PUBLISHING GROUP: A BRIEF PROFILE   Dekel Publishing House was established in 1975, initially as an academic publisher for university students, but it quickly expanded to include more popular genres under its imprint Tamar Books. Within a few years, Dekel became one of Israel’s leading publishing houses with both fiction, such as novels and thrillers, and nonfiction titles, mainly related to hobbies, cooking, and various sports and leisure activities. In the nineties, Dekel first entered the international publishing scene, taking part in most of the Frankfurt Book Fairs and the London Book Fairs, as well as many Book Expo America, the Salon du Livre in Paris, and also the Beijing Book Fair. Dekel maintains friendly collaboration with many overseas publishers in various languages to whom it licenses their own language rights or co-publishing agreements. It also publishes both digital and print titles via its American imprint in Monterey, California, and its German imprint in Frankfurt. Dekel’s bestselling Krav Maga series, which focuses on the original Israeli renowned self-defense system, has been translated and published in many languages, most with successive reprints, including Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Recently, Dekel has developed titles in the high-tech and start-up domain, including fiction & nonfiction. Despite its dynamic activity, Dekel is a family-owned company managed by father and son Zvi and Dory Morik. Their company often proves itself to be a pioneer in the international publishing industry in promoting new and intriguing themes.   CONTACT: Imprints: Samuel Wachtman’s Sons, Lindenfels von Pressel Verlag Post: P.O. Box 16109, Tel Aviv 6116002, Israel Tel/Fax: 972-3-6044627 E-mail: Managing Director: Mr. Zvi Morik Export Manager: Mr. Dory Morik

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        March 2013

        Alice in Sussex

        Frei nach Lewis Carroll und H.C. Artmann

        by Nicolas Mahler, Andreas Platthaus, Nicolas Mahler, Lewis Carroll

        Alice findet sich im Traumland wieder. Dort trifft sie auf das weiße Kaninchen, das Alice in seinen unterirdischen Bau führt, um dort nach einer illustrierten Ausgabe von H.C. Artmanns »Frankenstein in Sussex« zu suchen. Im Laufe der Handlung trifft Alice wiederholt auf das Kaninchen, das auch aus anderen literarischen Werken zitiert, sei es von Herman Melville oder E.M. Cioran. Anders als bei Carroll befindet sich diese Alice nicht im Wunderland, sondern in einem tiefen Haus unter der Erde. Dort begegnet sie in verschiedenen Stockwerken den bekannten Schöpfungen Lewis Carrolls: der pfeiferauchenden Raupe, der grinsenden Katze, der Suppenschildkröte und anderen mehr. Wiederholt werden von diesen Kreaturen die Schrecknisse der Kindheit und Jugend angesprochen. Als Alice, im Erdgeschoss des Hauses angekommen, Frankensteins Monster begegnet, erwacht sie aus ihrem schrecklichen Traum.

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        September 2024

        Spread the Love. Adventskalender

        by Laura Labas, Mimi Heeger, Gabriella Santos de Lima, Isabel Clivia, Laura Cardea

        Voller Liebe durch den Advent Dieser Adventskalender bringt dich in Weihnachtsstimmung. In der hübsch gestalteten Box mit abnehmbarer Banderole befinden sich 24 Karten, auf denen eine Tageschallenge zu einer guten Tat einlädt. Die kleinen Aufgaben stupsen dich sanft aus der Komfortzone, ohne unangenehme Gefühle. Sie könnten beispielsweise so aussehen: „Mache heute 3 Menschen ein Kompliment“. Die Verfasserinnen dieser Karten sind unsere Moon-Notes-Autorinnen Mimi Heeger, Laura Labas, Gabriella Santos de Lima, Laura Cardea und Isabell Clivia! Wem das noch nicht reicht: Entferne die Banderole, schreibe persönliche Worte auf die Box und verschenke ein bisschen Liebe. Spread the Love Adventskalender: Ein achtsamer Adventskalender ohne Schokolade Gutes tun im Advent: Wunderschöne Adventskalender-Box mit 24 inspirierenden Ideen für Romance- und New-Adult-Fans ab 16 Jahren. Achtsamkeitsübungen für jeden Tag: 24 kleine und herzerwärmende Challenges machen die Adventszeit zu einer Zeit der Selbstreflexion und des bewussten Handelns. Hochwertiges Design: Die einzigartig gestaltete Adventskalender-Box kann auch als individuelle Geschenkverpackung verwendet werden. Mit Liebe konzipiert: Von unseren Expertinnen der Liebe für alle Romance-Fans entworfen. Mach auch du deinen Advent zu etwas Besonderem und lass dich von diesem wunderbaren Adventskalender inspirieren. Eine magische Vorweihnachtszeit ist garantiert!

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        Children's & young adult: general non-fiction

        The Epidemic of Good Behavior. Page by Page.

        by Stanislav Solovinskyi

        This story is about how the children of one kindergarten group suddenly started doing good deeds. At home, in the garden or in the playground - one good deed a day. And if they could not come up with an idea of yet another good deed they got nervous and paniced, which surprised their parents very much. What was the cause of the epidemic of good behavior?

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        Geography & the Environment
        December 2018

        Architectures of survival

        by Adam Page

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        January 2004

        Implementing Lean Manufacturing Techniques

        Making your System Lean and Living With It (Print-on-Demand)

        by Page, Julian

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        The Arts
        March 2000

        From page to screen

        Adaptations of the classic novel

        by Erica Sheen, Robert Giddings

        This book critically examines the long established tradition of adapting classic novels to film or TV screen.. An emerging area of interest - the relationship between film and literature and the way cinema and television have translated classic novels into moving pictures from the 30s to the 90s.. A wide-ranging but focused collection that is bang up to date and free of media jargon that looks at both the film and the book.. Includes discussion of: The English Patient, Pride and Prejudice and Middlemarch, Pickwick Papers, Dracula, Dickens, Conrad, Hardy and Waugh. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2011

        The Unorthodox Imagination in Late Medieval Britain

        by Sophie Page, Julian Hoppit

        The unorthodox imagination in late medieval Britain explores how medieval people responded to images, stories, beliefs and practices which were at odds with the normative world view, from the heretical and subversive to the marvellous and exotic. The chapter by Jean-Claude Schmitt examines why some unorthodox images were viewed as provocative and threatening and explores how successfully ecclesiastical authorities contained their impact. The power of unorthodoxy to provoke wonder, scepticism or disapproval provides an opportunity to view medieval culture from fresh perspectives. The essays in this volume show that unorthodoxy was embedded in mainstream medieval culture, from stories of fairies and witches which promoted orthodox moral values to the social conformity of practitioners of ritual magic. This book provides a guide to understanding medieval unorthodoxy and the roles played by experience and imagination in medieval encounters with the unorthodox. It will be essential reading for anyone interested in the exotic, provocative and deviant in medieval culture. ;

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        August 2000

        Jetzt mache ich uns glücklich

        Liebevolle Lenkung in Partnerschaften

        by Page, Susan

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