Éditions Les 400 coups
Livres Canada Books
View Rights PortalThis book tells the stories of science masters’ efforts and ventures in finding the truth over the past thousands of years and the enlightenment brought about by their achievements to the later generations. For example, the first Greek scientist Thales told us not to believe in everything Roger Bacon said, Newton came up with the idea for the law of gravity by having an apple fall on his head, and in the 20th century, Einstein found that even light can bend. The book includes more than 140 exquisite hand-drawn illustrations, making it fun and interesting for young readers to go through the dialogue with those great scientists.
From Thales who lit the fire of science, to Rogier Bacon who told us not to rely on authority too much; from Newton who discovered gravity, to Einstein who created the theory of relativity; from Mozi who studied optics, mechanics and arithmetic, to the skilled craftsmen of ancient China who played with the four great inventions... Science is Played out by a Group of Curious People! This set of books with lively and smart language, the story with gamut of emotions and tells the process of science from nonexistence to pass into existence with a critical and reflective perspective, and then completely change the state of human’s life. With time as a line, characters as a rope, in the form of scenario reenactment, restore the thousands of Chinese and foreign scientific masters in the search for truth in the process of anecdotes, to explore the fruits of their wisdom for future generations of civilization enlightenment. This is the first volume of the series.
From Thales who lit the fire of science, to Rogier Bacon who told us not to rely on authority too much; from Newton who discovered gravity, to Einstein who created the theory of relativity; from Mozi who studied optics, mechanics and arithmetic, to the skilled craftsmen of ancient China who played with the four great inventions... Science is Played out by a Group of Curious People! This set of books with lively and smart language, the story with gamut of emotions and tells the process of science from nonexistence to pass into existence with a critical and reflective perspective, and then completely change the state of human’s life. With time as a line, characters as a rope, in the form of scenario reenactment, restore the thousands of Chinese and foreign scientific masters in the search for truth in the process of anecdotes, to explore the fruits of their wisdom for future generations of civilization enlightenment. This is the second volume of the series.
From Thales who lit the fire of science, to Rogier Bacon who told us not to rely on authority too much; from Newton who discovered gravity, to Einstein who created the theory of relativity; from Mozi who studied optics, mechanics and arithmetic, to the skilled craftsmen of ancient China who played with the four great inventions... Science is Played out by a Group of Curious People! This set of books with lively and smart language, the story with gamut of emotions and tells the process of science from nonexistence to pass into existence with a critical and reflective perspective, and then completely change the state of human’s life. With time as a line, characters as a rope, in the form of scenario reenactment, restore the thousands of Chinese and foreign scientific masters in the search for truth in the process of anecdotes, to explore the fruits of their wisdom for future generations of civilization enlightenment. This is the third volume of the series.
From Thales who lit the fire of science, to Rogier Bacon who told us not to rely on authority too much; from Newton who discovered gravity, to Einstein who created the theory of relativity; from Mozi who studied optics, mechanics and arithmetic, to the skilled craftsmen of ancient China who played with the four great inventions... Science is Played out by a Group of Curious People! This set of books with lively and smart language, the story with gamut of emotions and tells the process of science from nonexistence to pass into existence with a critical and reflective perspective, and then completely change the state of human’s life. With time as a line, characters as a rope, in the form of scenario reenactment, restore the thousands of Chinese and foreign scientific masters in the search for truth in the process of anecdotes, to explore the fruits of their wisdom for future generations of civilization enlightenment. This is the fourth volume of the series.
From Thales who lit the fire of science, to Rogier Bacon who told us not to rely on authority too much; from Newton who discovered gravity, to Einstein who created the theory of relativity; from Mozi who studied optics, mechanics and arithmetic, to the skilled craftsmen of ancient China who played with the four great inventions... Science is Played out by a Group of Curious People! This set of books with lively and smart language, the story with gamut of emotions and tells the process of science from nonexistence to pass into existence with a critical and reflective perspective, and then completely change the state of human’s life. With time as a line, characters as a rope, in the form of scenario reenactment, restore the thousands of Chinese and foreign scientific masters in the search for truth in the process of anecdotes, to explore the fruits of their wisdom for future generations of civilization enlightenment. This is the fifth volume of the series.
Tom Sawyer hat den Kopf voller abenteuerlicher Ideen: Gemeinsam mit seinen Freunden Huckleberry Finn und Joe Harper geht er unter die Piraten und auf Schatzsuche. Eines Tages verirrt er sich mit seiner Freundin Becky in einer Höhle. Doch Tom gibt nicht auf, und ganz nebenbei fängt er auch noch einen gemeinen Verbrecher. Ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur - für Kinder neu erzählt und liebevoll illustriert.
Klassiker für starke Kids Tom Sawyer und sein Freund Huckleberry Finn erleben einen abenteuerlichen Sommer am Mississippi: Sie belagern eine Flussinsel und werden Piraten, gehen auf Schatzsuche, fangen einen gemeinen Verbrecher und Tom rettet seine Freundin Becky aus einer Höhle. Nach dem berühmten Roman von Mark Twain - kindgerecht geschrieben und leicht zu lesen für Kinder ab 7/8 Jahren. Abenteuer am Mississippi - Klassiker einfach lesen Der Titel ist auf Antolin.de gelistet. Im Arena Verlag ist von Mark Twain außerdem erschienen: 978-3-401-70557-6 Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer