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      • Buddha's Light Publishing

        Buddha’s Light Publishing offers quality translations of classical Buddhist texts as well as works by contemporary Buddhist teachers and scholars. We embrace Humanistic Buddhism, and promote Buddhist writing which is accessible, community-oriented, and relevant to daily life. Founded in 1996 by Venerable Master Hsing Yun as the Fo Guang Shan International Translation Center, Buddha’s Light Publishing seeks to continue Master Hsing Yun’s goal of promoting the Buddha’s teachings by fostering writing, art, and culture.

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      • Verlag Barbara Budrich

        Verlag Barbara Budrich was founded in 2004 by Barbara Budrich. The publishing house provides high-quality specialized literature in Pedagogy, Gender Studies, Political Science, Social Work and Sociology for researchers, teachers and students. The publications include German as well as English books and journals in print and online with open access being a given.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2012

        The business of everyday life

        Gender, practice and social politics in England, c.1600–1900

        by Beverly Lemire, Pamela Sharpe, Penny Summerfield, Lynn Abrams, Cordelia Beattie, Kim Latham

        From 1600 to 1900 a growing consumerism fired the English economy, shaping the priorities of individuals, and determining the allocation of resources within families. Everyday business might mean making a trip to the pawnbroker, giving a loan to a trusted friend of selling off a coat, all to make ends meet. Both women and men engaged in this daily budgeting, but women's roles were especially important in achieving some level of comfort and avoiding penury. In some communities, the daily practices in place in the seventeenth century persisted into the twentieth, whilst other groups adopted new ways, such as using numbers to chart domestic affairs and turning to the savings banks that appeared in the nineteenth century. In the material world of the past and in the changing habits of earlier generations lie crucial turning points. This book explores these previously under-researched patterns and practices that gave shape to modern consumer society. ;

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        Umverteilungseffekte des Budgets

        Eine Analyse seiner personellen Inzidenz

        by Hake, Wilfried

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        Worrier state

        by Nicky Falkof, Srila Roy

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Photosynthesis and Respiration, Second Edition

        by William G. Hopkins; Series Editor: William G. Hopkins

        The ultimate source of energy is the sun, and the portal through which this life force flows into the biosphere is carried out by green plants. As a result, all organisms—plants, animals, and microbes—use photosynthetic energy for their own needs. Photosynthesis and Respiration, Second Edition introduces the concept of plants as photosynthetic machines and follows the flow of energy and carbon through the natural processes of photosynthesis and respiration. The interaction between photosynthesis and the environment is explored throughout this volume, as well as the role that plants play in balancing the global carbon budget. This reference is a vital tool for students and teachers of biological processes.

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        Service industries
        March 2005

        Free Time and Leisure Participation

        International Perspectives

        by Edited by Grant Cushman, A.J. Veal, Jiri Zuzanek

        In the 21st century free time is an increasingly precious resource. At the same time, leisure has never been more vital for ensuring individual and social health, wellbeing and quality of life. Around the world, governments and industry have responsibilities and opportunities to ensure provision of facilities for rest and play. To do this they require information on trends in free time and leisure in the community.This book is an expanded and updated edition of a previous work entitled World Leisure Participation: Free Time in the Global Village, by the same editors (CABI, 1996). It brings together the results of the most recent national leisure participation surveys from 15 countries, including three countries not previously covered. The book also includes increased coverage of time-budget surveys and new themes such as public policy dimensions. It also examines the methodological problems and challenges of conducting national surveys in the field, and their future prospects.

      • Trusted Partner
        Sport & leisure industries
        April 2004

        Volunteering as Leisure/Leisure as Volunteering

        An International Assessment

        by Robert A Stebbins, Margaret Graham

        Volunteerism is a topic of increasing importance in this age of budget cuts, declining employment and amid the threat posed by other competing leisure pursuits. There are both social and economic benefits of volunteering. As we are becoming more reliant on volunteers, there is a need for a better understanding of why people take up volunteering, and how to recruit, manage, motivate, and support volunteers most effectively. In order for organisations that host volunteers to achieve the most from their volunteers, they must understand how to give them the best "leisure" experience. This book examines critical aspects of contemporary volunteerism, from the perspective of a variety of volunteering contexts. It will appeal to academic researchers and students in disciplines such as leisure, recreation, tourism, management and sociology as well as practitioners in the voluntary sector (including volunteers), National and Local Government and those organising special events that depend on voluntary support.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2015

        The right and the recession

        by Edward Ashbee, Richard Hayton

        The right and the recession considers the ways in which conservative activists, groupings, parties and interests in the US and Britain responded to the financial crisis and the 'Great Recession' that followed in its wake. The book looks at the tensions and stresses between different ideas, interests and institutions and the ways in which they shaped the character of political outcomes. In Britain, these processes opened the way for leading Conservatives to redefine their commitment to fiscal retrenchment and austerity. Whereas public expenditure reductions had been portrayed as a necessary response to earlier overspending they were increasingly represented as a way of securing a permanently 'leaner' state. The book assesses the character of this shift in thinking as well as the viability of these efforts to shrink the state and the parallel attempts in the US to cut federal government spending through mechanisms such as the budget sequester. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Service industries
        March 2008

        Free Time and Leisure Participation

        International Perspectives

        by Edited by Grant Cushman, A.J. Veal, Jiri Zuzanek.

        This new edition is a reprint of the hardback book, first published in 2005. As the pace of life increases and the effects of globalisation invade more and more areas of everyday life, free time becomes an increasingly precious resource. For those who are experiencing a shortage of free time - a 'time-squeeze' - and for the growing numbers looking forward to abundant free time in retirement, leisure has never been more vital for ensuring individual and social health and wellbeing and the enhancement of social capital and the quality of lifeThis book is an expanded and updated edition of a previous work entitled World Leisure Participation: Free Time in the Global Village, by the same editors (CABI, 1996). It brings together the results of the most recent national leisure participation surveys from 15 countries, including three countries not previously covered. The book also includes increased coverage of time-budget surveys and new themes such as public policy dimensions. It also examines the methodological problems and challenges of conducting national surveys in the field, and their future prospects.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2008

        Mohammedanische Versuchungen

        by Stefan Weidner

        Die Faszination durch Fremde, Abenteuer und Entfernung treibt den siebzehnjährigen Stefan Weidner 1985 durch Europa und Nordafrika bis in die algerische Wüste. In Tunis wird er einer ersten Versuchung ausgesetzt. Er überschlägt sein knappes Budget und kauft nach optimistischen Berechnungen seiner Reisekosten eine kostspielige arabisch-französische Koran-Ausgabe. Das Buch soll ihm helfen, sich in die Mysterien der muslimischen Welt einzufinden. Doch kann ein Nichtgläubiger überhaupt das notwendige Verständnis aufbringen, um das strenge Regelwerk des Koran zu verstehen? Auf seinen späteren Reisen quer durch die arabisch-islamische Welt versucht Weidner, mittlerweile studierter Arabist, das Unverständliche zu fassen, den Blick für das »morgenländisch« andere zu öffnen. Changierend zwischen Erzählung, Reisebericht und Essay, läßt Stefan Weidner in seinem spannenden Entwicklungs- und Bewußtseinsroman den Leser teilhaben an einer Begegnung mit dem Islam, die begleitet ist von Widerspruch und Verstörung. Nicht nur der Erzähler, auch die Muslime, denen er begegnet, sind immer wieder Versuchungen ausgesetzt, fundamentalistischen einerseits, westlichen andererseits.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Tourism Transformations in Protected Area Gateway Communities

        by Susan L Slocum, Peter Wiltshier, John Basil Read IV, Dorothee Bohn, Andrea Zita Botelho, Kelly S. Bricker, Robert S. Bristow, Karina H. Casimiro, Rosa Suárez Chaparro, Ana Cristina Costa, Kynda R. Curtis, Margaret J. Daniels, Edieser Dela Santa, C. Michael Hall, Manuel Ramón Gonzalez Herrera, Russell M. Hicks, Julie Judkins, N. Qwynne Lackey, Natalya Lawrence, Gustavo C. X. M. P. Machado, Gianna Moscardo, Jake Powell, Sidnei Raimundo, Mary Anne Ramos-Tumanan, Milena Manhães Rodrigues, Chris Ryan, Renato de Oliveira dos Santos, Jessica A. Schottanes, Ole R. Sleipness, Maria Anunciação Ventura, Therez B. Walker

        Gateway communities that neighbour parks and protected areas are impacted by tourism, while facing unique circumstances related to protected area management. Economic dependency remains a serious challenge for these communities, especially in a climate of neoliberalism, top-down policy environments, and park closures related to environmental degradation or government budgets. The collection of works in this edited book provide bottom-up, informed, and nuanced approaches to tourism management using local experiences from gateway communities and protected areas management emerging from a decade of guidelines, rulemaking, and exclusive decision-making. Global perspectives are presented and contextualized at the local level of gateway communities in an attempt to balance nature, community, and commerce, while supporting the triple bottom line of sustainable tourism. While anticipating a post-COVID 19 global shift, readers are encouraged to think through transformation and resiliency in regard to how the flux of supply vs demand alters gateway community perspectives on tourism. Specific features of this book include: · Focus on transformations, which provides insight into the complex and dynamic nature of gateway communities. · Multidisciplinary, multi-cultural insights into protected area management. · Applied and conceptual chapters from global perspectives.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 1998

        Science Under Scarcity

        Principles and Practice for Agricultural Research and Priority Setting

        by Julian M Alston, George W Norton, Philip G Pardey

        Resources for agricultural science are scarce across the world. Yet even as resources are shrinking, agricultural science has expanded its inquiry into many new areas - such as environmental preservation, food quality, and rural development - without forsaking its more traditional concerns. In a time of tight government budgets, research administrators are faced with the need to provide strong evidence that costs are justified by benefits. Science under Scarcity is an invaluable guide to the theory and methods necessary for evaluating research in agriculture and for setting priorities for resource allocation. Although economists have made significant progress in developing more sophisticated methods for research evaluation and priority setting, many research analysts and administrators do not have a working knowledge of those practices. Without the assistance of formal economic analysis it is particularly difficult to assess the social value of new technologies or to make informed judgements about the trade-offs that are involved in allocation decisions. Addressing that knowledge gap, this book reviews, synthesizes, and extends such methods as economic surplus analysis, econometric techniques, mathematical programming procedures, and scoring models. It discusses these practices in the context of scientific policy, describes their conceptual foundations, and explains how to do them.Originally published in 1995 in hardcover by Cornell University Press, it is now reissued in paperback by CAB INTERNATIONAL.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business & management
        November 2012

        Veterinary Practice Management

        by Catherine R Coates, Alan Jones, Michael W Coates

        Veterinarians are increasingly aware of the need to recognise they are working in a business enterprise. From operating as small practices twenty years ago, veterinary businesses are now run along sophisticated models and operate out of multi-million pound hospitals. Drawing together the latest information on practice management, this textbook provides practical and straightforward coverage of major elements, including client relationships and staff management, business and financial procedures, computer systems and project management. This book covers practice management topics as taught in veterinary schools worldwide, providing students with a textbook resource in this increasingly important subject. It is also a valuable source of information for newly qualified veterinarians, veterinarians interested in practice management and veterinary practice managers.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        Mein kleines Vorleseglück. Du bist mein Stern, ich hab dich gern!

        by Corinna Gieseler, Irmgard Paule, Nora Paehl

        "Mein kleines Vorleseglück. Du bist mein Stern, ich hab dich gern!" ist eine herzerwärmende Sammlung von sieben kurzen, einfühlsam erzählten Geschichten, die sich durch ihre pädagogische Wertigkeit und emotionale Tiefe auszeichnen. Geschrieben von Corinna Gieseler und mit bezaubernden Illustrationen von Irmgard Paule. erzählen die Geschichten von frechen Tieren und magischen Momenten, perfekt für das abendliche Vorlese-Ritual. Jede Geschichte bietet eine einfühlsame Lektion über Freundschaft, Mut und die kleinen Wunder des Alltags. Qualität zu einem attraktiven Preis: Das Buch zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Wertigkeit aus, die es zu einer ausgezeichneten Wahl für den regelmäßigen Gebrauch macht, ohne dabei das Budget zu belasten. Emotionale und thematische Vielfalt: Eine breite Palette an Themen wird abgedeckt, die Kinder in verschiedensten Alltagssituationen begleiten und unterstützen. Jede Geschichte bietet dabei eine einzigartige Lektion in einem liebevollen und verständlichen Rahmen. Kindersichere Gestaltung: Durch die abgerundeten Ecken des Hardcovers wird eine besonders sichere und gemütliche Lesesituation geschaffen, die für die jüngsten Leserinnen und Leser ab 4 Jahren ideal ist. Förderung von Lesekompetenz und emotionaler Intelligenz: Die Geschichten sind nicht nur unterhaltsam, sondern auch bildend, und tragen zur Entwicklung von Empathie und sozialen Fähigkeiten bei. Anregende Illustrationen: Die lebendigen, farbigen Illustrationen ergänzen die Geschichten und machen das Buch zu einem visuell ansprechenden Erlebnis für Kinder. Perfekt als Geschenk: Das Buch eignet sich hervorragend als Geschenk für eine Vielzahl von Anlässen, bietet sich aber auch als Mitnahmeartikel an, wenn man Kindern eine Freude machen möchte. Unterstützung bei der Schaffung einer Lese-Routine: Das gemeinsame Lesen der Geschichten kann eine beruhigende, bindungsfördernde Aktivität vor dem Schlafengehen oder zu anderen ruhigen Zeiten des Tages werden.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        An Introduction to Economics

        Concepts for Students of Agriculture and the Rural Sector

        by Berkeley Hill

        Updated and revised, this fifth edition incorporates recent developments in the environment in which agriculture operates. Issues that have gained prominence since the previous edition (2014) include climate change and agriculture's mitigating role, concern with animal welfare, the social contributions that agriculture makes, risks associated with globalization, and rising concern over sustainability. Important for UK and EU readers are the adjustments needed now that the UK is no longer a member of the European Union and the nature of the national policies developed to replace the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. Containing all the major economic principles with agriculture-specific examples, An Introduction to Economics, 5th Edition provides a rounded and up-to-date introduction to the subject. The inclusion of updated chapter-focused exercises, essay questions and suggestions for further reading make this textbook an invaluable learning tool. This book: Is updated to include new developments, such as Brexit, importance of climate change and animal welfare. Includes exercises and essay questions. Suggests further reading to supplement the text. This book is recommended for students of agriculture, economics and related sectors.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The After-Time Chronicles

        One Small Spark

        by Andy Woodage

        In the footsteps of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series comes Andy Woodage's debut novel and our entrance into his bio-engineered fantasy world. The After-Time Chronicles: One Small Spark is a young-adult fantasy novel of good, evil, genetically engineered creatures, romance, blood, and the search for belonging. Imagine a world without oil, where metals are only available if they can be salvaged or recycled. Imagine if coal was running out. It’s a world where armies no longer build metal monsters, but biological horrors. A world where genetic engineering has become the art of war. This is 12-year-old Jothan’s world. Orphaned by a terrible accident, he dreams of leaving his uneventful life with his grandparents on the family’s griffin farm. However, when a catastrophic attack wipes out every homestead in The Zoological Zone, his world is turned upside down. He finds himself thrust into a story larger than he ever dreamed, embarking on a rough journey with a mysteriously appearing warrior to the fabled ‘Temple of Elohim’. Accompanied by his best friend, the griffin Gozell, Jothan sets off across a land ravaged by poverty and wild creatures. Battling his way across the dangerous landscape, his eyes are opened to an empire in the grip of war and unrest... with the ever increasing weight of his role in events to come. Will they make it to the Temple? Will they be welcomed when they arrive? Can Jothan unravel the secrets that seem to control the lives of everyone he meets, including his mysterious saviour?

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2018

        Strategic Management in Tourism

        by Luiz Moutinho, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, Alejandro Pérez-Ferrant, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez, Anne-Mette Hjalager, Brent W Ritchie, Dawn Gibson, Eduardo Parra-López, Geoff Southern, James Wilson, Jithendran Kokkamikal, José Alberto Martínez-González, Kanes Rajah, Kun-Huang Huarng, Larry Dwyer, Luiz Moutinho, María Moral-Moral, Mercedes Melchior-Navarro, Noel Scott, Rafael Alberto Pérez, Ronnie Ballantyne, S.F. Witt, Scott McCabe, Shirley Rate, Tiffany Hui-Kuang Yu, Vanessa Yanes-Estévez, Yawei Jiang, Yvette Reisinger

        This comprehensive textbook has, at its core, the importance of linking strategic thinking with action in the management of tourism. It provides an analytical evaluation of the most important global trends, as well as an analysis of the impact of crucial environmental issues and their implications. Fully updated throughout, this new edition: -Covers forecasting, functional management and strategic planning; -Includes extra chapters to incorporate a wider spread of important topics such as sustainability, authenticity and crisis management; -Contains pedagogical features throughout, such as learning objectives, questions and case studies to aid understanding Now in its third edition, and reviewing the major factors affecting international tourism management, this well-established student resource provides an essential overview of strategic management for students and professionals in the tourism sector.

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