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      • Hannele & Associates

        Hannele & Associates is a French publisher’s agency specialized in children’s books and coffee-table books. We represent French independent and creative companies, offering a wide range of titles from novelty books to picture books, non-fiction, fiction, etc. With such a variety of quality books, our bet is that everyone can find the right addition to their list!

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      • American Diabetes Association

        The American Diabetes Association is the world’s largest publisher of titles on diabetes care and treatment, setting the standards of patient care based on the latest research.

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        Molecular biology
        April 2015

        Bt Resistance

        Characterization and Strategies for GM Crops Producing Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins

        by Edited by Mario Soberón, Yulin Gao, Alejandra Bravo.

        Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) bacteria use Cry proteins to kill their insect larval hosts. The expression of certain Cry toxins in transgenic crops has been widely used to achieve efficient control of insect pests. This book describes the use of Bt crops and the emerging problem of resistance, recent progress in understanding the mechanism of action of Bt toxins, different resistance mechanisms and strategies to cope with resistance in the field. It describes resistant insects found in the field in different countries, particularly in the developing world, and ways to counter resistance such as gene stalking, refuges, modified toxins and gene discovery of novel toxins with different mode of action.

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        May 2018

        The Pinochet Plot

        by David Myles Robinson

        Successful San Francisco attorney Will Muñoz has heard of the brutal former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, of course, but it's not until he receives his mother's suicide letter that he has any inkling Pinochet may have had his father, Chilean writer Ricardo Muñoz, assassinated thirty years earlier.Her suspicions spur Will on to a quest to discover the truth about his father's death–and about the psychological forces that have driven his mother to her fatal decision. His journey takes him deep into unexpected darkness linking his current step-father, the CIA, drug-experimentation programs, and a conspiracy of domestic terrorism. The Pinochet Plot is not just a story of a man seeking inner peace; it is also a story of sinister history doomed to repeat itself.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        The rise of devils

        by James Crossland

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        Counter-terror by proxy

        The Spanish State's illicit war with ETA

        by Emmanuel Pierre Guittet

        Between 1983 and 1987, mercenaries adopting the pseudonym GAL (Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación, Antiterrorist Liberation Group) paid by the Spanish treasury and relying upon national intelligence support were at war with the Basque militant group ETA (Euskadi (e)Ta Askatasuna, Basque Country and Freedom). Over four years, their campaign of extrajudicial assassinations spanned the French-Spanish border. Nearly thirty people were killed in a campaign comprised of torture, kidnapping, bombing and the assassination of suspected ETA activists and Basque refugees. This establishment of unofficial counterterrorist squads by a Spanish Government was a blatant detour from legality. It was also a rare case in Europe where no less than fourteen high-ranking Spanish police officers and senior government officials, including the Minister of Interior himself, were eventually arrested and condemned for counter-terrorism wrongdoings and illiberal practices. Thirty years later, this campaign of intimidation, coercion and targeted killings continues to grip Spain. The GAL affair was not only a serious example of a major departure from accepted liberal democratic constitutional principles of law and order, but also a brutal campaign that postponed by decades the possibility of a political solution for the Basque conflict. Counter-terror by proxy uncovers why and how a democratic government in a liberal society turned to a 'dirty war' and went down the route of illegal and extrajudicial killing actions. It offers a fuller examination of the long-term implications of the use of unorthodox counter-terrorist strategies in a liberal democracy.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2025

        Murder in Marseille

        Right-wing terrorism in 1930s Europe

        by Christopher Millington

        On 9 October 1934, terrorists murdered King Alexander I of Yugoslavia in a Marseille street. The Croatian ultranationalist Ustashe was behind the attack. The Ustashe hoped that the king's death would cause the collapse of Yugoslavia and the liberation of the Croat people. This book examines the circumstances, processes, and trajectories that shaped the Ustashe terrorists and their attack in Marseille. It brings questions about contemporary terrorism to bear on a historical attack: what prompts people to join terrorist organisations? How are these people 'radicalised' to commit violence? What roles do women play in terrorism? Murder in Marseille bridges the scholarly gap between historical and contemporary terrorism, paying attention to, and often guided by, current concerns, ideas, theories, and notions about terrorist violence.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        Assassins Anonymous

        Selbsthilfe für Auftragsmörder - Ein Killer will nicht mehr töten. Ein Ex-Killer-Thriller

        by Rob Hart

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        May 2006


        by Thomas Meinecke, Barbara Vinken, Bettine Menke, Slavoj Žižek, Jochen Hörisch, Dietmar Dath, Felix Ensslin

        Am 19. April 2005 wurde Joseph Ratzinger zu Benedikt XVI. gewählt. »Wir sind Papst!« verkündete am Tag darauf der Boulevard. Und bündelte darin bei aller Übergeschnapptheit doch die Hauptaspekte, unter denen das neue Kirchenoberhaupt später in Erscheinung treten würde: als Deutscher und als Popstar, bis hin zum Bravo-Poster. Was in der öffentlichen Repräsentation dagegen weitgehend ausgespart blieb, war der Dogmatiker und Theologe Ratzinger. In die so entstehende ›Leerstelle‹ von außen her einzudringen, sprich: die Variablen der Ratzinger-Funktion zu füllen, ist das Experiment des vorliegenden Bandes.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2014

        Bi Nu

        by Su Tong

        This novel, with boundless imagination, takes us back to the age of remote antiquity and presents a collage of dazzling and fascinating scenes – nine ways of crying mastered for survival, a funeral held for oneself before sending winter clothes to her lover, scaring away urchins by acting as a witch, being paraded through the streets as an assassin, and frogs all going to the Great Wall … The tenacity and loyalty of Bi Nu time and again rises above conspiracies and evils of the human world. In the turbulent days of oppression by the powerful, this girl from the bottom of the society creates a legend with her passion of love and kindness.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999

        Ich war einmal


        by Arnold Stadler

        »›Es ist schön, diese Gegend zu verlassen‹, meint der Erzähler am Ende. Die ›Gegend‹, das ist das Land zwischen Meßkirch und Rast, zwischen der Stadt, die so berühmte Kinder wie den Philosophen Heidegger und das Bravo-Girl des Jahres 1971 die Ihren nennen darf, und dem Dorf, aus dem der Erzähler einst aufs Gymnasium nach Meßkirch geschickt wurde. Es ist ein Landstrich ohne Namen: ›Die Geographen sagen: oberes Ablachtal. Sie sind nicht ›hier‹ gewesen. Sie verteilen ihre Namen von der Karte aus. Die Bewohner von ›hier‹ wissen nicht, wo das obere Ablachtal ist.‹ Die wahren Namen der Gegend lauten Haarschneider Jakob, Pfarrer Haselmeier, Sauschneider Naze, Fräulein Hermle – und immer wieder Heidegger, wobei der Martin, von dem die Leute sagen, daß er ›irrsinnig g’scheit und unheimlich berühmt‹ war, nur einer von etlichen ist, die genauere Erwähnung finden. Zu ihnen, den Menschen zwischen Meßkirch und Rast, gehört auch Arnold Stadler, der mit dem Roman seiner Kindheit zugleich eine andere Art von oberschwäbischer Heimatkunde verfaßt hat.« »Karl-Markus Gauß, Neue Zürcher Zeitung«

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        SCRIBE :The Story of the Only Female Pope

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        The monastery at Siani was famous throughout the academic world for its library. The monks of medieval days routinely obtained ancient, crumbling manuscripts and recopied them. Among them, hidden in a wall in the cellar, the following parchment was found and faithfully recopied in the practiced hand of the Sianian monks several centuries after its original writing.  Hugo N. Gerstl, nationally famous American trial lawyer, world traveler and author of the bestselling historical novels: AGAINST ALL ODDS: The Magnificent Trio That Built Israel's Air Force; SCRIBE: The Only Female Pope; AMAZING GRACE: The Outstanding Tale of Grace O'Malley, The Notorious Pirate Woman; LEGACY: A Turkish Saga; and the gripping, breath-holding thrillers ASSASSIN & MISFIRE, which so far have been translated into Portuguese, Czech, and Turkish. as well as THE POLITICS OF HATE – A Piercing Insight into American Politics. Hugo Gerstl lives in Carmel, California with his wife Lorraine, a writer and teacher. Together they have raised five children, now grown. Published By  Pangæa Publishing Group 560 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

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        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        “Melissa, silly little goat, Melissa sta—” Charles Flanders Cunningham III — a name that will rank with Hannibal Lecter as the ultimate evil genius. Charles Flanders Cunningham III — the wealthiest, most influential lawyer in the United States, perhaps the world, trusted counselor to presidents, prime ministers, and world leaders. But Cunningham has a dark side, a very dark side known only to himself and his five accomplices. Cunningham arranges to kidnap children from all over the world, none more than six years old, for a period of two weeks, after which they are returned by a wonderful, charitable organization, ChildFinders, to their despairing parents, safe, secure, and outwardly none the worse for wear … but changed. Changed by chemicals, computer implants, and mind alteration. And they do not know it — until they hear one of a thousand catchphrases. Then they turn into programmed automatons, who will do whatever the next command tells them to do. Afterward, the chip erases all memory of what they have done. By means of this undetectable “army,” Cunningham aims to control the world. Can a team led by Israeli counterterrorist Ezra Caen (Assassin, The Wrecking Crew) stop him before it is too late? In the tradition of The Manchurian Candidate and Telefon, you’d best hold on to your nerves and plan on staying up very, very late to finish this riveting thriller. And be frightened. Be very, very frightened. You never can tell if you will be the next victim … or the next killer. Published by Pangæa Publishing Group,2020. 300 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        The Deathmaster

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        Does the rescue of 1600 men, women, and children justify aiding and abetting the murder of more than half a million others? Under these circumstances, is it morally imperative for one man to bring down an entire government? A young attorney defends an old man accused of criminal libel and must confront these agonizing ethical questions arising from the Holocaust. Jerusalem, 1953-1954. A 72-year-old pensioner, Malchiel Greenwald, publishes a mimeographed newsletter accusing Rudolph Kasztner, Deputy Minister for Trade and a prominent Israeli politician, of being complicit in the deaths of 800,000 Hungarian Jews during 1944, when he was Chairman of the Hungarian Jewish Rescue Committee. Kasztner demands that the State of Israel bring a criminal libel action against the virtually penniless Greenwald for this defamatory publication. Greenwald manages to convince brilliant lawyer and former Irgun “terrorist,” Samuel Tamir, to take on his defense at no cost. On a frigid December day in 1953, Greenwald could not know, nor could he imagine, that he was about to walk into the history of Israel; and that fourteen months later, when the trial concluded and the verdict was announced, the government of Prime Minister Moshe Sharett would be brought down, and the Holy Land would never be the same again. Even today, more than 65 years later, this tale, which has been largely suppressed until now, remains a “hot potato” in Israel. And international bestselling author Hugo N. Gerstl, author of Assassin, The Wrecking Crew, Scribe, and Against All Odds, himself a nationally known trial lawyer, brings the proceedings to the forefront in this riveting historical thriller. Published by Pangæa Publishing Group,2020. 426 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

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