Ana Bilic
Ana Bilic is a literary author, screenwriter and
View Rights PortalMycological paper on the genus Mycosphaerella and its Anamorphs: Ceroseptoria, Dothistroma and Lecanosticta, on Pines and Pine Trees.
Drawing on the recent ontological turn in critical theory, Spectral Dickens explores an aspect of literary character that is neither real nor fictional, but spectral. This work thus provides an in-depth study of the inimitable characters populating Dickens' illustrated novels using three hauntological concepts: the Freudian uncanny, Derridean spectrality, and the Lacanian real. Thus, while the current discourse on character studies, which revolves around values like realism, depth, and lifelikeness, tends to see characters as mimetic of persons, this book invents new critical concepts to account for non-mimetic forms of characterization. These spectral forms bring to light the important influence of developments in nineteenth-century visual culture, such as the lithography and caricature of Daumier and J.J. Grandville. The spectrality of novelistic characters developed here paves the way for a new understanding of fictional characters in general.
Vegetables are important source of dietary fibers, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. Shifting from a non-vegetarian diet to vegetarian, global recognition of the importance of vegetables for human health and their medicinal and nutritional value have contributed to a steady upward trend in vegetable production system. China is ranked first in the world and currently produces around 237 million tons of vegetable. The total vegetable production of India during the year 2009-10 was approximately 90 million tons. Pesticides are valuable tools in sustainable vegetable production, but unfortunately they are often being used irresponsibly, causing hazards to producers, consumers and the environment. In addition, they can exacerbate pests and diseases problems by inducing resistance and suppressing the natural enemies which exert natural biological control. This book aims to promoting an integration of appropriate chemical, cultural, physical, genetic and biological technologies into Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies for vegetable crop protection.
The main features of this volume are as follows: The book has been carefully designed enabling the children to grasp maximum with minimum efforts. The content is illustrated point wise which not only develops the interest of the children but also makes the understanding process become simple. This book will serve immensely for teachers and students in the field of plant pathology. The language is simple and easily understandable. It covers in its 34 chapters, the major part of syllabi offered by Indian universities especially in plant pathology. The glossary of technical terms has been presented for ready reference.
This book presents a comprehensive knowledge on the diseases and pests of fibre crops, causing economic damage. It covers major disease and pest damages with the methods to combat them in fibre crop cultivations. The diseases and pests are described elaborately, giving emphasis on both morphological and molecular characteristics of pathogens and biology of different insect pests. The latest and most up-to-date knowledge on these aspects which acquired from diverse, complex, contemporary scientific discoveries in the field of fibre crop diseases and pests are compiled and presented in this book. This book is written in eight major chapters, each representing a certain type fibre crop, except for chapter 2 (two) which deals with both Mesta (kenaf) and Roselle for their similarities in disease and insect pest attacks. Each of the eight chapters is again subdivided into 2 or 3 (only for Chapter 2) subchapters to deal with different types of diseases and pests separately. This is a reference book in textbook format which intended to provide undergraduate, postgraduate and research personnel a means to acquire deeper knowledge on diseases and pests of nine major fibre crops, viz., cotton, jute, kenaf, roselle, sunnhemp , sisal, ramie, flax and hemp. Plant pathologists, entomologists and agricultural research scientists, and in academia, may find much of great use in this book.
This Illustrated Dictionary of Entomology is published for the benefit of primarily amateur biologist with an interest in insects and for all those who desires to understand the science of entomology. The technical words related to the various disciplines of entomology such as morphology, anatomy, physiology, systematics, ecology, pest management and general entomology have been included in this Dictionary and where ever possible the technical meaning of these words have been clarified with the help of labeled diagram. Efforts have been made to define the entomological terms in a simple manner in order to make them understandable by the students of entomology and all those who are not the experts of entomology rather they encounter such technical words while dealing with the related literature and fail to find their meaning in general English dictionaries. The students of biology and agriculture sciences in the beginning face lot of problems in understanding the subject because of poor knowledge of such technical words. The individual technical word having different applications have been incorporated in a convincible manner. Therefore, this dictionary will serve as a ready reckoner for all those who wish to understand the science of entomology. This dictionary will also be useful to understand and solve the objective type questions by all those who are to appear in some competitive examinations either for admission in universities or to seek job in the field of entomology and plant protection. It is believed that this dictionary will be useful for the teachers, students, scientists, technologists, extension specialists and all those who deal insects in one way or the other.
The purpose of the book Postharvest Plant Pathology is to provide its readers recent developments and uated comprehensive information on postharvest pathogens & diseases of major crops. This book explicates the fundamental aspects of postharvest diseases of crops and is conveniently divided into ten chapters, providing the latest information on the concept & types of postharvest diseases, economically significant postharvest pathogens & diseases of major crops, factors governing postharvest diseases, storage conditions, food safety issues, quiescence in post harvest pathogens, detailed & recent information on major mycotoxins, various approaches of postharvest disease management, integrated management strategies, biochemical & molecular aspects of postharvest diseases, apart from which, an exclusive chapter for discussing the postharvest nematode diseases and their management is also furnished. Impressive diagrams at appropriate places, convincing tables and suitable graphs / illustrations have been furnished. A bibliography providing the list of references cited has also been included. The information presented in this book, reflecting an extensive literature search, will be useful for teachers, researchers, students in several departments including Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Food Technology, Postharvest technology, Environmental Sciences, officials of the State Departments of Horticulture & Agriculture, personnel of Commercial Production Centers, Plant Quarantine, Certification agencies and Policy planners who are concerned with the production and supply of horticultural and agricultural produce of high quality and acceptable for human consumption.