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Promoted ContentMay 2018
A brief history of everything that fascinates children
by Pao Ba
This is a brief history of all things written by a father to his children. It is lively, interesting and fun. It once fascinated the author's 8-year-old daughter. The universe, the earth, and life are all unfolded in an unprecedented and interesting way. The process of human understanding of evolution, black holes, relativity, the origin of species, and the future of mankind. These large and broad topics are all put to a height and perspective that children can understand. Telling, amazing and pleasantly surprised. It is suitable for primary school students aged 7-12 to read, and it is more suitable for parents to read to their children. Part of the knowledge is also suitable for adult readers to understand.
Trusted PartnerSeptember 2016
Big design that adults and children can understand
by Pao Ba
Big design is a very important work of Hawking after the brief history of time. The theme is to understand the existence and relationship of life, all things and universe. The author of big design, which can be understood by both adults and children, takes it as a blueprint. Through the smooth narrative of story, children and parents can understand the science of universe, realize that the whole universe or all things are controlled by rules Its evolution is not only a history, but also a myriad of possibilities. Make it easier for children to understand science and enjoy the pleasure of knowledge.
Trusted PartnerMay 2018
The beauty of nature fascinates children
by Pao Ba
This is an encyclopedia of nature written by my father to my children. It is a book with all the knowledge in the story and interest, which enables children to understand nature completely from their interests. It contains three parts: "animals are fierce", "plants are crazy" and "climate is very arrogant". In the past, encyclopedia knowledge often appeared in the form of entries, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. Every chapter of the Encyclopedia of nature in this book starts with interesting stories and interesting things. This is an unprecedented natural encyclopedia that can be expressed in a chatting tone. It is suitable for 7-12 years old pupils to read, more suitable for parents to read to their children.
Trusted PartnerMay 2018
Children's fascination with Tang poetry and Tang history
by Pao Ba
This is an interesting speech of Tang poetry written by a father to his children. With vivid, funny and modern language, the author introduces Tang poetry which is suitable for primary school students to read and recite. The book is also equipped with the historical background related to poetry, the personality and experience of poets, so that children can enjoy the beauty of poetry in a relaxed and interesting atmosphere, and quickly master and learn the essence of Chinese classical culture
Trusted PartnerMay 2018
Children's fascination with Song Ci and Song History
by Pao Ba
This is an interesting speech of Song poetry written by a father to his children. With vivid, funny and modern language, the author introduces the Song poems that are suitable for primary school students to read and recite. The book is also equipped with the historical background related to the poems, the personality and experience of the poets, so that children can enjoy the beauty of poems in a relaxed and interesting atmosphere, and quickly master and learn the essence of Chinese classical culture
Trusted PartnerMay 2018
Chinese geography fascinates children
by Pao Ba
This is a book about geography written by my father to my children. All the knowledge is in the story, which enables my children to understand China's geography completely from their interests. The book is narrated in different provinces with vivid content, professional knowledge and vivid writing. It's full of stories and anecdotes, but it covers a complete knowledge of geography. There's no knowledge to memorize. It also allows children to fully appreciate the local conditions and customs of different regions. It is suitable for 7-12-year-old primary school students to read, more suitable for parents to read to their children, and also loved by many adult readers.
Trusted PartnerMay 2018
Chinese history fascinates children
by Pao Ba
This is a history book written by the father to the children. The knowledge is all in the story, which enables the children to understand the history of China completely from their interests. The book is divided into dynasties, vivid and interesting, accurate and complete knowledge, rational and clean. There is no preaching, no political flavor, no indoctrination of any so-called educational significance, so that children can feel the beauty of history and learn to think independently in funny and fun. It is suitable for 7-12 years old pupils to read, more suitable for parents to read to their children.
Trusted PartnerMay 2018
Unsolved mysteries that fascinate children
by Pao Ba
Who is the devil of Bermuda Triangle? Is Sanxingdui a masterpiece of alien? What's the matter with UFO falling into the water? Did aliens really take the earth people? Why did Maya civilization disappear from the world? Children are always full of curiosity and fantasy about some unknown things. Based on the children's interests, pop dad selects from many fields the unsolved mysteries that children are interested in, are concerned by children, have thinking value, and shows them one by one with unthinkable stories from the aspects of geography, history, UFO, etc. Wonderful stories leave children more space to think and imagine.
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by Khairunnisa Hamzah, Syaari Ab Rahman, Munsya Rahman
“Inspiration from the story of Prophet Noah AS that the unbelieving people were struck when they built the boat.” Farhan wants to build a small cottage to protect ants from rain. Farhan did a lot of efforts, but always failed. Worse, Farhan was laughed at by other children for his strange ideas. Farhan always think that he cannot manage to build a cottage for ants. Let’s follow the story of Farhan who learned to not to give-uo from the stories of Prophet Noah.
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by Edzati Kamaluddin, Syaari Ab Rahman, Faizal Razali
“Inspiration from the story of the Prophet Adam who begged forgiveness from God when he ate the fruit of the khuldi tree in heaven.” Farhan is busy building a castle for Farah using his toys. When Farah falls because of Farhan’s fading toys, Farhan is silent. Until then, the palace collapsed and broke Farah’s clothes. Naturally! What should Farhan do? Let’s follow the story of Farhan learning to apologize from the tale of the Prophet Adam.
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by Anis Puteri, Syaari Ab Rahman, Nabilah M Zaidi
“Inspiration from the story of Moses who built courage to face Pharaoh” Farah has a mission. Farah wanted to sell chocolate cakes and donate money for sale to orphan homes. But the mission is more complicated than Farah imagined. Farah doesn’t feel like he can. Did Farah manage to sell all of his cakes? This story about Farah learning to be brave from the tale of Moses A.S!
Trusted PartnerAugust 2015
Karl Barth – Katsumi Takizawa
Briefwechsel 1934–1968
by Herausgegeben von Hennecke, Susanne; Herausgegeben von Venemans, Ab
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by Noor Azniza Ishak, Jamaludin Mustafa, Kamal Ab Hamid, Siti Rozaina Kamsani, Grafik UUM (Illustrator)
Kratom from a Psychosocial Perspective: An Advantage or A Detriment Kratom leaves have long been used as a traditional vitality drink ingredient for women who have recently given birth. The leaves are boiled, and the resulting water is consumed to restore vitality, as well as to treat gas congestion in the body and relieve back pain. However, the decoction of kratom leaves has been misappropriated and is being sold to the public. This book is intended as a guide for policymakers, particularly the Ministry of Home Affairs and the National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK), in the formulation of appropriate policies or action plans, as well as the necessary enhancements to the extant prevention programmes. This book also suggests an effective information delivery strategy for addressing the issue of kratom water abuse. In addition, this book was written as a resource for the community to learn about the actual phenomenon of kratom water misappropriation in the community today.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2019
Marie Curie
Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre
by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Frau Isa, Svenja Becker
Die Forscherin Marie Curie schuf mit ihrer Liebe zum Wissen Unglaubliches: Sie revolutionierte den Kampf gegen Krebs, indem sie die chemischen Elemente Radium und Polonium entdeckte, und gewann den Nobelpreis – zwei Mal! Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichte einer großen Persönlichkeit: Marie Curie hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein war: mit großen Träumen. Ein Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre
Trusted PartnerMarch 2024
FamilyFlow. Ab ins Grüne!
30 x Entspannen & Entdecken in der Natur für die ganze Familie
by Mareike Gohla, Viktoria Heyn, Martina Stuhlberger
Natur erleben mit Kindern Raus ins Grüne mit der ganzen Familie! Diese hochwertige Kartenbox für Kinder ab 3 Jahren ist bis prall gefüllt mit jeder Menge Draußenzeit. Vom Regenbogensammeln in den Farben der Natur über spannende Tier- und Pflanzen-Challenges bis hin zum gemeinsamen Outdoor-Yoga: Die 30 Inspirationen für Auszeiten im Grünen lassen Groß und Klein durchatmen und die Natur in den Familienalltag einziehen. Die hochwertige Box enthält 30 stabile Karten, die sich ganz bequem überall hin mitnehmen lassen. Ein inspirierendes Produkt für gemeinsame Rituale zum Entschleunigen und Entspannen. Ab ins Grüne: 30 Ideen zum Entspannen, Entdecken und Erforschen Spiel und Spaß im Freien: 30 originelle Ideen für Familien mit Kindern ab 3 Jahren. Natur im Familienalltag: Von Outdoor-Yoga bis hin zu Tier- und Pflanzen-Challenges - die Karten bieten Spaß und Spannung für Groß und Klein. Hochwertig ausgestattet: Praktische Kartenbox mit stabilen Karten, die in jede Tasche und in jeden Rucksack passt. Beim Picknick, im Park oder im Wald: Gemeinsame Aktivitäten in der Natur bringen Familien näher zusammen. Ab in die Natur mit der praktischen Kartenbox! Die 30 stabilen Karten bieten spannende Draußen-Aktivitäten für Kinder ab 3 Jahren - vom Regenbogensammeln bis zu Outdoor-Yoga. Ein inspirierendes Produkt für entspannte Familienmomente im Grünen.
Trusted PartnerApril 2023
Die Olchis. Olchi-Opa kocht Spaghetti und weitere Geschichten
by Barbara Iland-Olschewski, Erhard Dietl, Robin Brosch, Erhard Dietl, Dieter Faber, Frank Oberpichler, Erhard Dietl, Frank Gustavus
Na, dann guten Appetit! Bei den Olchis wird fleißig gekocht und gebacken; von Olchi-Opas Schnürsenkelnudeln mit grünem Schimmelpilzstampf bis hin zu Olchi-Mamas Stinkerkuchen zum Geburtstag ist alles dabei. Wer isst schon gerne Gemüsesuppe, wenn man Schuhsohlen und Flaschen zum Hauptgang bekommen kann? Ein krötiger Ohrwürmchen-Spaß mit den Geschichten Die Olchis. Olchi-Opa kocht Spaghetti, Die Olchis. Olchi-Mama backt Kuchen und Die Olchis. Wenn der Babysitter kommt.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2019
Marie Curie
Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre
by Svenja Becker, María Isabel Sánchez Vegara
Die Forscherin Marie Curie schuf mit ihrer Liebe zum Wissen Unglaubliches: Sie revolutionierte den Kampf gegen Krebs, indem sie die chemischen Elemente Radium und Polonium entdeckte, und gewann den Nobelpreis – zwei Mal! Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Persönlichkeiten: Jede dieser Frauen, ob Künstlerin, Pilotin oder Wissenschaftlerin, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen. Für welches Alter sind diese Bücher gedacht? Für Babys das perfekte Geschenk zur Begrüßung in eine Welt voller Träume! Und Eltern werden in schlaflosen Nächten von diesen Büchern dazu ermutigt, das Vorlesen zu einem selbstverständlichen Teil des Lebens zu machen. Kleinkinder werden von den Illustrationen verzaubert sein – sie werden zahlreiche Dinge entdecken. Auch sind die Bücher großartige „Vokabeltrainer“! 3- bis 5-Jährige werden alles, Illustrationen und Texte, geradezu in sich aufsaugen! 6-, 8- und 10-Jährige haben ein ausgeprägteres Verständnis für die Illustrationen und die Bedeutung der Geschichte – es geht nicht nur darum, sich selbst zu akzeptieren und die eigenen Zukunftsträume zu verwirklichen, sondern auch darum, andere so zu akzeptieren, wie sie sind. Später: Die Bücher sind gute Geschenke zu jedem Anlass, denn die Träume der Kindheit können das ganze Leben lang Wirklichkeit werden.