Rabea Blue - Fantasyautorin
Rabea Blue is an author, writing fantasy, science-fiction and romance. She alreasy published short stories & novels.
View Rights PortalRabea Blue is an author, writing fantasy, science-fiction and romance. She alreasy published short stories & novels.
View Rights Portal"I am Jugoslovenka" argues that queer-feminist artistic and political resistance were paradoxically enabled by socialist Yugoslavia's unique history of patriarchy and women's emancipation. Spanning performance and conceptual art, video works, film and pop music, lesbian activism and press photos of female snipers in the Yugoslav wars, the book analyses feminist resistance in a range of performative actions that manifest the radical embodiment of Yugoslavia's anti-fascist, transnational and feminist legacies. It covers celebrated and lesser-known artists from the 1970s to today, including Marina Abramovic, Sanja Ivekovic, Vlasta Delimar, Tanja Ostojic, Selma Selman and Helena Janecic, along with music legends Lepa Brena and Esma Redzepova. "I am Jugoslovenka" tells a unique story of women's resistance through the intersection of feminism, socialism and nationalism in East European visual culture.
Zdenka Fantlova’s peaceful life was changed forever when she was sent to Terezin concentration camp. Here she was given a humble engraved tin ring by her first love Arno to keep her safe. ‘If we are still alive when this ends I will find you’ he promised. Arno was sent East on a penal transport. Zdenka survived six concentration camps including Auschwitz, Gross Rosen, Mauthausen and Belsen. This is her unique story, an incredible story of love, human endurance and will power.
Paul, der kleine Waschbär, und Flora, seine beste Freundin, glauben nicht an „geheime Kräfte“. Sie glauben nur an das, was sie sehen. Alles andere ist Unsinn. Und das wollen sie mit ihrer Reise beweisen. Einer Reise in die Zauberhöhle, von der sie in den alten Geschichten gehört haben.Auf dem Weg dorthin begegnen sie ihren Ängsten und einer Möglichkeit, sie zu überwinden.
Vergewaltigung als Waffe im Krieg! Jadranka Cigelj, bosnische Kroatin, Rechtsanwältin, Politikerin und Menschenrechtsaktivistin, wurde am 14. Juni 1992 zwei Monate im Konzentrationslager Omarska eingekerkert, dem berüchtigten von Serben errichteten Lager im bosnischen Krieg. Der Raum im KZ Omarska, in dem sie mit siebzehn weiteren Frauen gefangen gehalten und gefoltert wurde, war „Appartement 102“. Schonungslos offen schildert sie das tägliche Überleben in einer entmenschlichten Wirklichkeit, in der Folter, Vergewaltigung und das Töten mit Messern und Fäusten zum Alltag gehörten, ausgeführt von Menschen, die sie bis dahin als Nachbarn, Kollegen und Freunde kannte. Ungefähr 3000 Männer, meist bosnische Muslime, wurden in Omarska ermordet, dessen Kommandant, Željko Mejakić, wegen Kriegsverbrechen vor dem Tribunal in Den Haag angeklagt ist. Frau Cigelj war eine von 37 gefangenen Frauen in Omarska, fünf von ihnen wurden getötet. Sie lebt heute in Zagreb und ist Zeugin der Anklage in diesem Prozess. Zeitzeuginnen
TITO AND HIS COMRADES (TITO IN TOVARIŠI) A new light on familiar events – the most comprehensive presentation of Josip Broz Tito.Jože Pirjevec’s book presents Tito’s life story and the background to his political rise, which was closely connected with the life and political activities of his “comrades”. In revealing new dimensions of the leading creators of the second Yugoslavia, with Tito at the helm, the author draw upon documents kept in private and state archives in Ljubljana and other capitals of the former Yugoslav republics, while he also researched the available archive materials in Washington, New York, Moscow, Berlin, Cairo and New Delhi, as well as the archives of the Slovene and foreign intelligence services, such as Stasi and the KGB. Rich pictorial material.
PIMPLES, LOVE, AND OTHER LIFE PROBLEMSWritten by Urška Kaloper During puberty, the body changes, and so does the way we experience ourselves and the world. We encounter our first loves, and the first disappointments that inevitably follow. How to cope? Ana, Nina, Miha, Luka, Nika, Eva, Maja and Tina also have a whole bunch of problems growing up, but they deal with them in a fun as well as instructive way. Pick up this book and join them! Their stories will certainly help you solve many problems. Format: 16,5 x 23,8 cm202 pages | Age: 11+