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      • September 2013

        Pleasure Dome

        New and Collected Poems

        by Yusef Komunyakaa

        Yusef Komunyakaa has become one of America's most compelling poets. Pleasure Dome gathers over twenty-five years of work, including early uncollected poems and a rich selection of new poems.

      • September 2013

        Neon Vernacular

        New and Selected Poems

        by Yusef Komunyakaa

        An award-winning poet’s testimony of the war in Vietnam.

      • September 2012

        Dien Cai Dau

        by Yusef Komunyakaa

        Poetry that precisely conjures images of the war in Vietnam by an award-winning author.

      • Poetry by individual poets

        Magic City

        by Yusef. Komunyakaa

      • December 2013

        Testimony, A Tribute to Charlie Parker

        With New and Selected Jazz Poems

        by Yusef Komunyakaa, other Sandy Evans, Christopher Williams

        A collaborative tribute of words and music reflecting the tension and beauty of jazz

      • Poetry

        Intended Place

        by Rosemary Willey (author)

        Winner of the 1996 Stan and Tom Wick Poetry Prize“Many of the poems in Rosemary Willey's Intended Place are flawless meditations on possibility and denial. The voice in these poems is straightforward, and there isn't an emotional placebo behind the terse syntax and the believable imagery.“From the very first few pages, we realize that this voice embodies empathy and a to-the-point inquiry. Rosemary Willey cannot keep her mind off the real things of this world, touching life where it feels good and where it pains, always snapping the chanced wishbone, and we are more blessed and richer for her daring talent.”—Yusef Komunyakaa, Judge

      • November 2024

        Dear Yusef

        by Murillo, John

      • September 2016


        El talismán del yemení

        by Reyes Puerta, Sergio

        In the year 825 A.C., Abderraman II, the Emir of Cordoba, ordered the construction of Madina Mursiyya, the actual city of Murcia. Not many years before, a little boy called Omar, witness to one of the turning points that would spark off a bloody civil war in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, finds and secretly hides a pendant that will later disclose its power and significance. Always in the company of the aforementioned talisman, which belonged to the Yemeni man murdered next to the river Sangonera, Omar will be forced to act as a spy amid the fratricidal conflict if he wants to save his father from the unfair fate that abides him, shake off the yoke of his stepbrothers and recover his beloved from the grip of the emir and his favourite eunuch. For those purposes, he will have to get involved in the foundation of the city and at the same time confront, with the help of those who should have been his natural enemies, a number of intriguing characters who should have been his allies all through an extraordinary plot full of magic, innocence and adventures.   En el 825 d.C. el emir de Córdoba, Abderramán II, ordenó la fundación de la ciudad de Mursiyya, la actual Murcia. Pocos años antes el pequeño Omar, testigo de uno de los decisivos sucesos que incitarían una cruenta guerra civil en el sureste de la península ibérica, encuentra y esconde un colgante que más tarde revelaría su poder e importancia. Acompañado de dicho talismán, propiedad del Yemení asesinado junto al río Sangonera, Omar deberá actuar como espía en el fraticida conflicto si quiere salvar a su padre de su injusto destino, liberarse del yugo de sus hermanastros y recuperar a su amada de las garras del emir y de su eunuco predilecto. Para ello deberá colaborar en la fundación de la ciudad sin dejar de enfrentarse, con la ayuda de los que deberían haber sido sus enemigos naturales, a intrigantes personajes de su propia facción en una insólita historia llena de magia, inocencia y aventuras. La sorprendente novela en la que la vida de nuestro entrañable protagonista Omar se entreteje con la de cerca de un centenar de personajes reales de los siglos IX y anteriores, y con la Historia de Murcia, su huerta y el resto de la antigua cora de Tudmir (Región de Murcia, Alicante, y parte de Almería y Albacete), y la del resto de al Andalus.

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