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Komiket Inc. is a non-profit organization in the Philippines promoting independent comic creators to the general public.
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Food & DrinkMay 2022
Japanese Superfoods
Learn the Secrets of Healthy Eating and Longevity - the Japanese Way!
by Yumi Komatsudaira
Discover the secrets of Japanese superfoods and learn how you can incorporate them in your daily meals!Yumi Komatsudaira grew up in her family's seaweed shop, snacking on the green treats on which her family built their health-based culinary business. Now she shares the secrets of healthy eating that have guided the Japanese for ages.Superfoods are the life-giving ingredients that our bodies need for balance, wellness, healing, and longevity. Cholesterol-reducing, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, gut-healthy—the list of their benefits goes on and on. The Japanese—who face fewer health issues, less obesity, and have longer lifespans than those in other countries—have long known the power of these key ingredients.In this book, Komatsudaira combines her extensive expertise with ocean vegetables and Japanese cooking to show you how to create simple, delicious, and super-healthy Japanese-style meals at home.The power-packed, super-nutritive dishes include: Red Quinoa Salad with Hijiki and Kabocha My Grandma's Scattered Sushi Bowl Napa Cabbage, Potato and Bacon Miso Soup Edamame Hummus Yakitori Grilled Chicken Wings Okinawa-Style Braised Kombu and Pork Matcha Cheesecake Kombu Smoothies with Lemon Yogurt and Blueberries Unlock the power of nature's goodness, Japanese style. Japanese Superfoods allows you to discover a healthier way to eat while opening a whole new world of flavor and power-packed nutrition.
FictionOctober 2021
Yumi and her Band. Vermin Superstar
by J. Olloqui
My name is Yumi and I am ten years old. When I grow up I'm going to be a drummer in a rock band, because it's a profession with a great future and I'm sure I'll become rich and famous.The incredible story I'm going to tell you started because we wanted to record a video clip. And then my friend Vermin decided that he was going to be a rock star. Then I got in trouble, and my father made me promise to always tell the truth, but because of that I got in even more trouble. Meanwhile, my sister Alex and I put a border in the middle of our room, and neither could enter the other's territory. And my mother, who goes her own way, forced my brother Tetete and me to accompany her to the premiere of the new movie of her favorite star saga. In the end we filmed the video clip, but the school made a three-dimensional fuss. Of course, we were not to blame, for the record.Here I will explain all these things to you, and some more that I can't remember now. Real truly truth. Second volume of the children's book saga of Yumi and her Band.(ISBN 978-84-949237-9-1) This book won the November 2021 Spanish National Pop Eye Award in the category of children's and young adult literature. Yumi and her Band is one of the 9 children's titles selected by the panel of German experts for the "Buchtipps unserer Experten" section as being the most suitable for translation and marketing in German-speaking countries on the portal in 2021. New Spanish Books ist ein Projekt des spanischen Außenhandelsinstituts ICEX in Kooperation mit dem spanischen Verlegerverband FGEE. Es soll Verlagen aus dem deutschen Sprachraum den Zugang zu neuen Büchern aus Spanien erleichtern und ihnen eine Entscheidungshilfe bei der Auswahl übersetzungswerter Titel geben. New Spanish Books is a project of the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute ICEX in cooperation with the Spanish publishers' association FGEE. It is intended to make it easier for publishers from the German-speaking world to gain access to new books from Spain and to help them decide which titles are worth translating.
Teaching, Language & ReferenceJuly 2017
Korean Culture in 100 Keywords
by Cho Yong-hee, Han Yumi, Tcho Hye-young
The 100 keywords for this book have been selected through several rounds of surveys with the students at the Korean Cultural Center in Paris, France. The 100 facts address extensive sectors. The facts have been selected because they not only help French and global learners have an overall understanding of the state of Korea, but also represent the background knowledge necessary to study essential words and grammar in learning Korean from various aspects including culture, history, tradition and society. The 100 keywords thus chosen serve as the topic of each subject. This book has a total of 100 subjects, largely divided in six themes so that learners can easily search the subject they would like to know. The six themes are: Theme 1: Symbolic Icons (10 Subjects) Theme 2: Food, Clothing and Shelter (12 Subjects) Theme 3: Geography and Tourism (21 Subjects) Theme 4: Society & Daily Life (19 Subjects) Theme 5: History and Religion (20 Subjects) Theme 6: Arts and Culture (18 Subjects) Each subject consists of two pages. On the upper left side is a photo that can explain the subject at a glance. Under the photo is a Korean text that introduces contents that must be learned regarding the subject. In order to help the learning, two questions are added to check the learner’s understanding of the text. The answers are provided in the appendices at the end of this book. On the upper right side is the English translation of the Korean text. The translation will serve for learners to measure their level of Korean proficiency in terms of understanding; in addition, it will satisfy the need for Korean learners who have long wanted to have a bilingual textbook. On the bottom is the English translation of each Words and Expressions section to help readers understand the Korean text. Small photos that are relevant to each subject are added to provide greater enjoyment.
The Brum detective bureau. The loss in the boring park
by Maya Lazarenskaya
Hi! My name is Brummer The First Royal Gift, but my friends call me simply Brum. I’m a born detective because I’m a Corgi! We, the Corgis, are also shepherd dogs, but small ones. You can’t even imagine how many cases I have solved. More than the paws I own, for sure! And as it happens, our Boring Park is no longer a quiet place. The neighbor’s dog Yumi is missing. And no evidence is left. But if you sniff closer… It smells like a big adventure! Rest assured I will be on top no matter what dangers lie ahead! - The book is longlisted for the Russian Detective Story Award the Children’s Detective Story Nomination - Sparkling humor, adorable main character and unexpected outcome Russian Detective
Anthologies (Children's/YA)November 2019
Radau im Adventskalender
Erzählungen, Märchen und Gedichte zur Advents- und Weihnachtszeit
by Ramona Stolle
Zur Weihnachtszeit passieren manchmal ganz wunderliche Dinge. Es ist ganz so, als würde ein bisschen Magie durch die Luft schweben. Wie sollte man es sich sonst erklären, dass Schneeflocken plötzlich sprechen können, dass es gar keinen Schnee braucht, um einen Schneemann zu bauen oder ein kleiner Stern, die Schneekönigin zum Tanzen bringt?Was wäre die Weihnachtszeit ohne Geschichten?Weihnachtszeit ist Geschichtenzeit!In diesem Büchlein findet ihr gleich 26 Geschichten, die euch durch den Dezember bis zum Heiligen Abend führen und dabei auch die beiden Weihnachtsfeiertage nicht vergessen.
Business, Economics & LawSeptember 2020
The Business of Choice: How Human Instinct Influences Everyone's Decisions
by Matthew Willcox
In this 2nd edition of the award winning The Business of Choice, expert author and consultant Matthew Willcox explores the science of influencing choice, bringing together the work of thousands of behavioral scientists and practitioners. Cutting to the heart of the science, Willcox helps you apply this to your own marketing and brand strategies, allowing you to use an understanding of how humans naturally decide to make your brand or business a natural choice. The Business of Choice takes you through the story of how instinct affects our decisions, from its roots in our evolutionary history, to technology and artificial intelligence today. You'll discover how human nature affects how people decide, whether they are making choices for grocery shopping, or their retirement investments. The first edition of The Business of Choice was awarded the 2016 Berry – American Marketing Association Book Prize for Best Book in Marketing.