Yumi and her Band. Vermin Superstar
by J. Olloqui
My name is Yumi and I am ten years old. When I grow up I'm going to be a drummer in a rock band, because it's a profession with a great future and I'm sure I'll become rich and famous.
The incredible story I'm going to tell you started because we wanted to record a video clip. And then my friend Vermin decided that he was going to be a rock star. Then I got in trouble, and my father made me promise to always tell the truth, but because of that I got in even more trouble. Meanwhile, my sister Alex and I put a border in the middle of our room, and neither could enter the other's territory. And my mother, who goes her own way, forced my brother Tetete and me to accompany her to the premiere of the new movie of her favorite star saga. In the end we filmed the video clip, but the school made a three-dimensional fuss. Of course, we were not to blame, for the record.
Here I will explain all these things to you, and some more that I can't remember now. Real truly truth.
Second volume of the children's book saga of Yumi and her Band.
(ISBN 978-84-949237-9-1)
This book won the November 2021 Spanish National Pop Eye Award in the category of children's and young adult literature.
Yumi and her Band is one of the 9 children's titles selected by the panel of German experts for the "Buchtipps unserer Experten" section as being the most suitable for translation and marketing in German-speaking countries on the www.newspanishbooks.de portal in 2021.
New Spanish Books ist ein Projekt des spanischen Außenhandelsinstituts ICEX in Kooperation mit dem spanischen Verlegerverband FGEE. Es soll Verlagen aus dem deutschen Sprachraum den Zugang zu neuen Büchern aus Spanien erleichtern und ihnen eine Entscheidungshilfe bei der Auswahl übersetzungswerter Titel geben.
New Spanish Books is a project of the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute ICEX in cooperation with the Spanish publishers' association FGEE. It is intended to make it easier for publishers from the German-speaking world to gain access to new books from Spain and to help them decide which titles are worth translating.
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Marketing Information
Yumi and her Band is one of the 9 children's titles selected by the panel of German experts for the "Buchtipps unserer Experten" section as being the most suitable for translation and marketing in German-speaking countries on the www.newspanishbooks.de portal in 2021.
Editorial Drakul, S.L.
Editorial Drakul is an independent, privately owned company, founded in June 2006 and dedicated mainly to the publication of novels and comics, but also children's literature.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Editorial Drakul, S.L.
- Publication Date October 2021
- Orginal LanguageSpanish
- ISBN/Identifier 9788412169270
- Publication Country or regionSpain
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 12.45 EUR
- Pages192
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleYumi y su banda. Alimaña superstar
- Edition1
- Copyright Year2021
- Page size216x150 (216x150) mm
- IllustrationBlack and White
- SeriesYumi and her Band
- Series Part2
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