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Promoted ContentApril 2024
Climate Change and Global Health
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Effects
by Colin Butler, Kerryn Higgs, Ågot Aakra, Khaled Abass, Robyn Alders, Kofi Amegah, Janetrix Hellen Amuguni, Gulrez Shah Azhar, Katherine Barraclough, Barbara Berner, Alex Blum, Justin Borevitz, Menno Bouma, Devin C. Bowles, Mark Braidwood, Anne Lise Brantsæter, Cyril Caminade, Katrina Charles, Fiona Charlson, Moumita Sett Chatterjee, Matthew Chersich, Rebecca Colvin, Namukolo Covic, Christopher B Daniels, Richard Dennis, Cybele Dey, Hubert Dirven, Yuming Guo, Tari Haahtela, Ivan C Hanigan, Andrew Harmer, Budi Haryanto, Kerryn Higgs, Susanne Hyllestad, Christine Instanes, Ruth Irwin, Ollie Jay, Solveig Jore, Ke Ju, Tord Kjellstrom, Marit Låg, Jason KW Lee, Shanshan Li, Irakli Loladze, Rosemary A. McFarlane, Martin McKee, Helle Margrete Meltzer, Glen Mola, Andy Morse, Juliet Nabyonga-Orem, Nicholas H. Ogden, Johan Øvrevik, Rebecca Patrick, Rezanur Rahaman, Delia Randolph, Shilpa Rao, Arja Rautio, Mary Robinson, Tilman Ruff, Subhashis Sahu, Jonathan Samet, Photini Sinnis, Julie P Smith, Jes
There is increasing understanding that climate change will have profound, mostly harmful effects, on human health. In this authoritative book, international experts examine long-recognized areas of health concern for populations vulnerable to climate change, describing effects that are both direct, such as heat waves, and indirect, such as via vector-borne diseases. Set in a broad international, economic, political and environmental context, this unique book expands these issues by reviving and championing a third ('tertiary') category of longer term impacts on global health: famine, population dislocation, conflict and collapse. This edition has an expanded foundation, with new chapters discussing nuclear war, population and limits to growth, among others. This lively yet scholarly resource explores all these issues, finishing with a practical discussion of avenues to reform. As Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, states in the foreword: 'Climate change interacts with many undesirable aspects of human behaviour, including inequality, racism and other manifestations of injustice. Climate change policies, as practised by most countries in the global North, not only interact with these long-standing forms of injustice, but exemplify a new form, of startling magnitude.' The book is dedicated to Tony McMichael, Will Steffen and Maurice King. This book will be invaluable for students, post-graduates, researchers and policy-makers in public health, climate change and medicine.
October 2020
Malefici, eresia e culto del diavolo
by Massimo Centini
Stregoneria, diavoli e pratiche magiche raccontate dall’antropologo torinese Massimo Centini. La caccia alle streghe ha lasciato tracce profonde nella storia: infatti, di tutta una serie di casi sono rinvenibili documenti attraverso i quali si possono ricostruire le fasi di eventi drammatici che, soprattutto tra la seconda metà del XIV secolo a tutto il XVII, determinarono azioni repressive pesantissime. Andiamo allora alla ricerca delle fonti e cerchiamo di conoscere da vicino le streghe piemontesi e liguri, con la visione dello storico, ma lasciandoci trasportare allo stesso tempo dal fascino del mito e della leggenda.
Stella Fenicia
by Alessandro Sponzilli
STELLA FENICIA romanzo storico di ALESSANDRO SPONZILLI Il mare odora di salsedine, la notte è avvolgente e la Stella Fenicia si staglia, nel buio, a indicare la via che la giovane Elissa dovrà percorrere. È terrore quello che la attraversa, ma nel suo cuore una fiammella di forza sta prendendo forma, lei è la donna che cambierà il mondo. Un'avventura coinvolgente tra terra e mare, intrighi e uomini d’onore nel mondo dell’antica Fenicia.
March 2022
The Many Faces of Ruan Dacheng
Poet, Playwright, Politician in Seventeenth-Century China
by Alison Hardie
The Many Faces of Ruan Dacheng: Poet, Playwright, Politician in Seventeenth-Century China is the first monograph in English on a controversial Ming dynasty literary figure. It examines and re-assesses the life and work of Ruan Dacheng (1587–1646), a poet, dramatist, and politician in the late Ming period. Ruan Dacheng was in his own time a highly regarded poet, but is best known as a dramatist, and his poetry is now largely unknown. He is most notorious as a ‘treacherous official’ of the Ming–Qing transition, and as a result his literary work—his plays as well as his poetry—has been neglected and undervalued. Hardie argues that Ruan’s literary work is of much greater significance in the history of Chinese literature than has generally been recognised since his own time. Ruan, rather than being a transgressive figure, is actually a very typical late Ming literatus, and as such his attitudes towards identity and authenticity can add to our understanding of these issues in late Ming intellectual history. These insights will impact on the cultural and intellectual history of late imperial China.