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We were born more than ten years ago as a monthly paper magazine, with the experience that this entails in public distribution. The central theme of our magazine is football, but always with an eye on culture, politics and society, and treated from slow journalism. Three years ago, we started publishing books with the same philosophy: football as a theme, but in contact with many other edges. We've already published eight books, three every year. Among the books there is variety: novels, history, journalism, biographies, Spain, England, Africa... We keep a geographic variety.
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Promoted ContentMedicineFebruary 2019
Agriculture for Improved Nutrition
Seizing the Momentum
by Shenggen Fan, Sivan Yosef, Rajul Pandya-Lorch
Approximately 800 million people suffer from hunger, 2 billion from lack of micronutrients and more than 2 billion from excessive weight and obesity. There is renewed interest in reshaping agricultural and food systems at global, regional and national levels, so that poor and vulnerable people have access to nutritious sustenance. This book reviews research findings, results from on-the-ground programmes and interventions, and policy experiences from the past 5-10 years. It examines the direct and indirect effects of agriculture on nutrition, following the agricultural value chain to explore this complex relationship, from biodiversity and crop fortification, to programme evaluation, to the impact of agricultural policies on consumers' choices and actions. It explores the roles of various stakeholders along the chain including women and the private sector, and cross-cutting themes such as data and capacity building. Developing country experiences and the knowledge and action gaps that remain in truly integrating agriculture and nutrition aims and related practices are considered. Key features: -Considers the evidence base on the relationship between agriculture and nutrition. -Includes insights from internationally renowned researchers. -Presents data from real-world settings that is highly relevant to the challenges currently faced by developing countries. This book is ideal for policy-makers and students studying agriculture, international development and nutrition.
Lifestyle, Sport & LeisureJuly 2021
Courtyard Houses of India
by Yatin Pandya
Indian architecture is not an object in space; it integrates space within the object, where the built and the unbuilt become counterpoints to vitalize each other. The alchemy of the two sustains the space and the life within. The void within the built—the courtyard—lies at the genesis of the urban dwelling form in India across geography and time. In ancient Indian sciences, the courtyard assumes the central position as Brahmasthana, the nucleus of the living environment. It provided for an open-to-sky outdoor space while being away from the public eye and thus suited an introverted lifestyle. In this book, the author traces the metaphysical, mythical, socio-cultural, environmental and spatial roles of the courtyard in the domestic architecture of India—from early civilization and Vedic times to Islamic and colonial influences. This volume documents traditional and vernacular courtyard dwelling types across India within diverse climatic, cultural as well as geographic zones such as western (Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra), southern (Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Goa), eastern (Bihar, West Bengal), central (Madhya Pradesh) and northern (Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, and the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.). It then discerns the spatial elements constituting the court, and the arts, the crafts as well as the elements integral to the court. Illustrated with splendid photographs and representative drawings, the book attempts to understand the presence and resolution, continued use and adaptation as well as the diverse interpretations and abstractions of the courtyard. Yatin Pandya is an author, activist, academician, researcher as well as a practising architect with his firm FOOTPRINTS E.A.R.T.H. (Environment Architecture Research Technology Housing). He is a graduate of CEPT University, Ahmedabad, and holds a Master of Architecture degree from McGill University, Montreal. Pandya has been involved with city planning, urban design, mass housing, architecture, interior design and product design as well as conservation projects. He has authored numerous papers, which have appeared in national and international journals, and has produced several documentary films on architecture. During his tenure at the Vastu-Shilpa Foundation, Pandya worked on the publications Concepts of Space in Traditional Indian Architecture and Elements of Spacemaking, published by Mapin and now in their fourth reprint, which have won the Indian Institute of Architects’ (IIA) Award for Architectural Excellence in Research in the years 2012 and 2014, respectively. The research leading to this book was also carried out during his time at Vastu-Shilpa Foundation. He is a visiting faculty at the National Institute of Design and CEPT University, and a guest lecturer at various universities in India and abroad. The recipient of numerous national and international awards for research, design and dissemination, Pandya counts environmental sustainability, socio-cultural appropriateness, timeless aesthetics and economic affordability to be key principles of his work.
Botany & plant sciencesOctober 2021
Fungi Classification and Identification
by Reeti Singh, Ajay Kumar, Jagdish Kumar Patidar, Pragati Saini, R.K. Pandya , Ashish Bobade & Radha Gupta
The literature on fungi is huge and expanding rapidly. Many undergraduate students do not have sufficient time to read original publications, and rely solely on the course teacher due to non -availability of illustrated practical book in this field. The book tries to give important and useful information at one place. The main emphasis of this book is to present the fungi in such a simple way which can be understood by students. This book is designed to fulfill the syllabus by covering various aspects of fungi. It provides something for everyone from beginners to advanced students and researchers. There has been a continuous need to add atleast some additional recent text and more illustrations to the book for the subject which will benefit the students.
Dairy farmingFebruary 2021
Milk of Non Bovine Mammals
Chemistry and Health Benefits
by Anamika Das, Tanmay Hazra & Rohit G Shindhav
.Milk is an integral part of human diet from ancient times. It provides a significant amount of protein, micronutrients and vitamins, which are essential to alleviate and fight malnutrition. To the worlds total milk production, Cow milk contributes 82.7%, followed by milk from Buffaloes, Goats, Sheeps and Camels. Cow milk contributes almost majority of worlds total milk production. Apart from plenty of health benefits of cow milk, the adverse effects or devil side of cow milk have been observed for certain population in the world. These adverse effects have been categorized as symptoms ofLactose intolerance- a condition characterized by difficulty in digesting milk due to absence of particular enzyme Lactase. Milk allergy occurs due to adverse immune reaction due to presence of certain milk proteins and this is usually termed as milk allergy cow milk protein allergy (CMPA). Non-cow (goat, camel, donkey, yak, horse) milks are closely associated with the culinary cultures of many societies throughout the world. Non-Bovine milks draw great interest for researchers in terms of milk production, technology, chemistry, microbiology, safety, nutrition, and health aspects
Animal husbandryJanuary 2013
Genetic Improvement of Livestock and Poultry
by C.V. Singh & R.S.Barwhal
The book presents conventional and modern breeding technologies in the vital areas of animal breeding, to stimulate more research, and to rapidly pass such modern techniques to scientific community. Various conventional breeding technologies used for selection and faster multiplication of superior cattle and buffalo germplasm have contributed significantly to increase in milk production, which were mainly due to the technologies developed in the areas of quantitative genetics and reproductive biology. These included methodologies for selection of females based upon their expected producing ability and young males based on the performance of progeny. Emerging developments in the areas of molecular marker systems in animals, genome maps, methods of detecting Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) linkages, Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) etc., are latest tools to be used in breeding programmes for enhancing the rate of genetic progress. These modern techniques could be of great help for those traits, for which the conventional technologies have limitations in their use. Therefore, integration of molecular markers with conventional breeding technologies involving pedigree and phenotypic information are probable future breeding tools for genetic improvement of livestock and poultry.
Agriculture & farmingJanuary 2010
Underutilized and Underexploited Horticultural Crops: Vol 05
by K.V. Peter
"Globally there is concern for diminishing nutritional security. Land under agriculture is dwindling, water for irrigation becoming scarce and costly and availability of labour getting lesser, the need for future crops and alternate source of nutrition is getting attention. Under CGIAR, an all inclusive future crops international has been established to bring to light underexploited and underutilized crops. Horticultural crops especially vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, medicinal plants and aromatic plants are unique in presence of a large number of plants with possibility for edible uses and considerable nutritive value. Many are wild weeds in one part of the globe but edible and consumed in another part of the globe. A few such plants are used for phytosanitation and phytoremediation but are getting attention as raw materials for biofuel production. Energy and water are two natural resources getting threat due to climate change resulting global warming and ozone depletion."