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      • Edizioni Sonda

        Italian publishing house born in 1988. Publishing non fiction for adults and children with passion and curiosity.

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        Wiley helps people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Our online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, combined with our digital learning, assessment and certification solutions help universities, learned societies, businesses, governments and individuals increase the academic and professional impact of their work. For more than 200 years, we have delivered consistent performance to our stakeholders. Research Our Research business provides scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals as well as related content and services, for academic, corporate, and government libraries, learned societies, and individual researchers and professionals. Through Wiley Online Library we provide online access to a broad range of content from over 1,600 journals and 9,000+ books, including many reference works and databases. Wiley is the world's largest society publisher, partnering with 900+ learned societies worldwide, and helping to advance their missions. A transformational part of our Research business is Atypon, a publishing-software and service provider, who Wiley acquired in 2016. Atypon's Literatum platform hosts nearly 9,000 journals, 13 million journal articles, and more than 1,800 publication web sites for over 1500 societies and publishers. Publishing Our Publishing business provides scientific, professional development, and education books and related content, as well as test preparation services and course workflow tools, to libraries, corporations, students, professionals, and researchers. Our educational materials are available in all media, notably through WileyPLUS, our integrated online suite of teaching and learning resources. Solutions Our Workplace Learning Solutions business creates products and assessment services geared toward organizational and professional development. By bringing the ideas and best practices of thought leaders to life, we help people achieve career success and build better workplaces worldwide. Our premium solutions include Everything DiSC®, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive TeamTM, The Leadership Challenge®, CrossKnowledge, and PXT SelectTM.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2017

        Study on Zhou Dunyi's Journey of Life

        by Liu Yiping

        Zhou Dunyi (1017—1073) is a famous ideologist, philosopher and originator of Neo-Confucianism in the Northern Song Dynasty. Together with Shao Yong, Zhang Zai, Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi, they are called "Five Thinkers of the Northern Song Dynasty". This book is one of a series of books commemorating Zhou Dunyi with 17 manuscripts in it. The author experiences Zhou Dunyi's life journey by visiting 17 places where Zhou Dunyi ever studied, worked, teached, etc., and records personal feelings and reflection. It is the author's attempt to have a further understanding of Zhou Dunyi, Chinese traditional culture, as well as the Neo-Confucianism in the Northern Song Dynasty.

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        June 2020

        The Complete Works of Gu Yuan

        by Shang Hui, Gu'an Village

        Gu Yuan (1919-1996), an outstanding people's artist, art educator, and former dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is a singer-like artist of the working people. This complete collection will combine the needs of appraisal and research. Since Gu Yuan began his artistic work in the late 1930s, it will compile representative works and life photos from various stages and categories of Gu Yuan and display it in an all-round way. Mr.'s artistic life is extremely academic. The complete collection is divided into 5 volumes: engraving volume (before 1949), engraving volume (after 1949), watercolor volume I, watercolor volume II, sketches, sketches, Chinese paintings and manuscripts, and other volumes.

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        My Feast in the Fields

        by Zhang Wei

        The book series, My Feast in the Fields, is an outstanding work of nature literature by the contemporary renowned writer, Zhang Wei. Looking back into his childhood, the author completes the work with his extensive life, reading, and thinking experience. The series comprises five volumes: One Thousand Birds Gathering, In the Old Forest, The Moon Feast, To the Light Shadow, and Dreaming in the Hut. The author tells stories about "humans living a poetic life on earth" with profound affection. Recording the author's great affection for nature between lines, the book conveys the author's deep philosophical reflections about the coexistence of all beings and humans and nature living in harmony. The little protagonist turns his eyes to "other places" of life with a nourished spirit and seeds of dreams bestowed by nature. Being both literary and informative, this book series also presents more than 200 hand-drawn illustrations of animals and plants that are accompanied with elaborately arranged knowledge, folklore, poems, and allusions, which adds to its unique charm in general education.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Reminiscences of Song Dynasty: Urban Life

        by Li Chuntang

        No people in any dynasty knew more about life than those in the Song Dynasty.Focusing on Kaifeng in the Northern Song Dynasty and Lin'an(Hangzhou) in the Southern Song Dynasty, the political, economic, cultural, people's conditions, customs and other aspects of the city are described in this book, which shows the social development of the Song Dynasty from close to distant and from small to big.This book is divided into five chapters, including "Game of power", "Evolution of folk customs", "Awakening of culture", "Lively market" and "Secret corner", which paint an urban life drawing of Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival. More than 100 exquisite paintings of the Song Dynasty and the text content of this book jointly reflect the ultimate life aesthetics of the Song Dynasty.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2015

        Collected Poems of Han Dong

        by Han Dong

        Han Dong is one of the most influential poets in contemporary China. Full of deep sympathy and insight into humanity, Han Dong’s poems shows modernism, and stand out with a folk style.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2018

        The Change of Jingkang

        The Decline and Fall of the Northern Song Dynasty

        by You Biao

        The Jingkang transformation that occurred in the late Northern Song Dynasty was a great tragedy in China's history when the country was destroyed and the country fell apart.Who caused this tragedy? Through long-term and multi-layered investigations, this book reproduces the panorama of the decline and decline of the Northern Song Dynasty, and provides thought-provoking thoughts and answers to these questions.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Children's fascination with Song Ci and Song History

        by Pao Ba

        This is an interesting speech of Song poetry written by a father to his children. With vivid, funny and modern language, the author introduces the Song poems that are suitable for primary school students to read and recite. The book is also equipped with the historical background related to the poems, the personality and experience of the poets, so that children can enjoy the beauty of poems in a relaxed and interesting atmosphere, and quickly master and learn the essence of Chinese classical culture

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Zeng Guofan (a version explained by Tang Haoming)

        by Tang Haoming

        Zeng Guofan is a long historical novel elaborately created by Tang Haoming. Based on real history, the novel describes the process of Zeng Guofan's mobilization from the Xiang Army to the victory of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and then becoming a minister. This book exclusively includes Mr. Tang Haoming's 1000-minute video. Readers can scan the two-dimensional code in the book to get an exclusive video. Through the video, readers can understand the historical context of Zeng Guofan's time, the world, the social customs, etc.

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        The Arts
        January 2018

        The Flower of Evil: Illustration Art of Aubrey Beardsley

        by by Aubrey Beardsley Edited by Wei Junlin

        This title collects illustrations, posters, and design works of Aubrey Beardsley, the characteristic illustrator in the 19th century. It is the most complete collection of his works in China, edited by Mr. Wei Junlin, painter and researcher of Beardsley.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        Song of Heroes

        by Nie Mao

        Song of Heroes is an ode dedicated to heroes. It consists of seven movements, adorned with starting tune, overture, ending tune and after sound. It is in the form of symphonic poems, dedicated to an integration of being epic, lyrical, realistic and vanguard. With lofty beliefs, the poet started writing from Mao Anying's heroic deeds, using time, space, characters, and events as a narrative line to extol a large number of evocative heroes and heroic deeds moving forward in adversity. Not only did the author write about the hero representatives of various important periods, such as Zhao Yiman, Zhao Dengyu, and Xia Minghan, but also wrote about some hero groups, such as the five heroes of the Langya Mountain, the two bombs and one star hero group, and the space hero group. This majestic ode to heroes is tenacious and tragic. It expresses the immortal historical feats made by the heroes for the Chinese revolution, China's construction and the Chinese people. It helps children understand historical heroes by reading poetry, feels the heroic deeds and inspires them with national pride and cultural self-confidence.

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        July 2015

        Abbey Road Murder Song


        by William Shaw, Conny Lösch

        Swinging London – die Stadt ist ein einziges Beatles-Album: bunt, laut und fröhlich. Miniröcke beherrschen die Bürgersteige, Mini Cooper die Straßen. Die ganze Welt scheint nur noch aus Musik und Mode zu bestehen. Doch der Spaß ist nicht endlos: Unweit des Abbey Road Studios wird die Leiche einer jungen Frau gefunden. Auf der Suche nach ihrem Mörder lernen Detective Breen und seine Kollegin Tozer Londons düstere Kehrseite kennen. London, Oktober 1968: Die Jungen, Wilden und Schönen haben die Macht ergriffen. Sie haben ihre eigenen Fernsehprogramme und Radiosender, ihre Boutiquen und eine eigene Sprache. Die Röcke werden kürzer, die Hosen enger. Im Abbey Road Studio entstehen die wahrscheinlich wichtigsten Alben aller Zeiten. Und vor dem Studio warten Hunderte junge Frauen darauf, dass SIE erscheinen: die Beatles. Doch nur eine Straßenecke weiter zeigt sich ein anderes London. Die anonyme Leiche einer jungen Frau wird entdeckt. Der einzige Anhaltspunkt, den Detective Cathal Breen und seine Kollegin Helen Tozer haben: Sie muss ein Beatles-Fan gewesen sein. Ihre Ermittlungen führen die beiden vom Fan-Club der Fab Four zu einer Gerichtsverhandlung gegen John Lennon und zu George Harrisons Haus. Aber der wahre Grund, wieso das Mädchen sterben musste, ist viel tragischer, als sie es sich hätten träumen lassen.

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        The Collected Works of Zhou Zuoren

        by ZHOU ZUOREN

        Zhou Zuoren has always been called the "king of short prose". His essays are the culmination of Chinese vernacular prose. Contemporaries such as Lu Xun, Hu Shi, and Yu Pingbo have commented on it. He is erudite and knowledgeable, and his writings are all-encompassing. He is generally acknowledged as his literary style to be calm and dilute. His essays always permeate humanistic observations, which are both profound and forward-looking, and contain the plain and sincere of life, allowing readers to taste the classic aesthetics of prose in his dilute and simple texts, but also You can experience a rich life and harvest the wisdom of thinking.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Learning Qin with Me

        by Liu Zhenyu, Deng Hong

        As a gem of Chinese culture, qin (7-stringed zither) became a representative of human oral and intangible heritage at the UNESCO World Heritage Conference in 2003. Its popularization rests on the popularization of introductory textbooks. Qin can help the coordination of hand and mind, activate the human brain and enhance memory. It can also sharpen people’s hearing and bring joys to people. The invention of this musical instrument has made the Chinese people cleverer and the ancient Chinese civilization ahead of other world civilizations, leaving behind precious treasures. Learning Qin with Me is a systematic introductory textbook. It includes an introduction of qin, its cultural continuity and change, its basic knowledge, and its basic fingering, scales, works and songs accompanied by it. The textbook also contains an introduction of the traditional Chinese gongchi musical notation. The qin works and songs appear in numbered musical notation, staff, and qin tablature. As it is very difficult to typeset qin tablature, this is the only qin introductory textbook with qin tablature at present. The book is also attached with a demonstrative CD.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

        by Yuan Liaofan

        The book is based on Confucianism and focuses on reformation, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and the study of life. The book is written in a simple, fresh and timeless manner and is highly readable. The author's extensive quotations and examples make this book a 'mini-encyclopaedia' of traditional Chinese culture. The Yuan Family Sermon is mainly a record of the daily teachings of Yuan's parents to their children, the contents of which can be cross-referenced with the Four Sermons of Yuan.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2014

        Ministers of the Great Qing Dynasty

        by Wang Yuewen

        This novel, through the creation of a group of ministers of the Qing Dynasty represented by Chen Tingjing, reflects the difficult choice of the officials in their personality, morality and behavior in a unique historical background, and recreates the situation of the officialdom some 300 years ago. On the basis of historical materials, the author presents the image of the celebrated upright, lenient, competent and iron-handed Minister Cheng Tingjing. Chen Tingjing, originally named Chen Jing, became a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations at the age of 21. As there were two candidates named Chen Jing, Emperor Shunzhi changed his name to Chen Jingting. From the moment he entered the officialdom, he was involved in constant confrontations with Mingzhu and Songgotu whose power later became second only to that of the emperor, and in open or secret struggle with Emperor Kangxi’s confidants such as Xu Qianxue and Gao Shiqi … In the 53 years of his official career, he consecutively served as Emperor Kangxi’s tutor, minister of the Ministry of Works, the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Revenues and the Ministry of Penalty, Grand Secretary of the Imperial Library, and editor-in-chief of Kangxi Dictionary before he died in post and was crowned with eternal glory. The plot of the novel is both lucid and heavy, giving enlightenment and caution to people of today.

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        The Establishment of Song Dynasty: A Legend of Emperor Taizu

        by Wang Lixin

        The book vividly depicts the legendary Emperor Taizu (927-976) of Song Dynasty (960-1279) with a light and humorous tone. Taking his life experience as a clue, it gives an insightful description of his historical background, difficulties in his early life and his later political achievements, highlighting his practices and pursuits of benevolent governance. Therefore, it is a book of a king which virtuous people will find interesting.

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