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      • Walker Books Ltd.

        The Walker Books Group is one of the world’s leading creatively-led, independent publishers of books and content for children. This vibrant international group includes Walker Books UK, London; Candlewick Press, Somerville, Massachusetts; and Walker Books Australia, based in Sydney and Auckland. Renowned for its truly original publishing and outstanding quality, the Walker Books Group is home to books for readers of all ages.Award-winning authors and illustrators for the group include National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature emerita, Kate DiCamillo, M. T. Anderson, Patrick Ness, and Jon Klassen, and major brands for the group are Maisy, Guess How Much I Love You, Tilly and Friends, the widely acclaimed Judy Moody and the bestselling Where’s Wally/Waldo?

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      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Derek Jarman

        by Rowland Wymer

        This book gives detailed and original critical readings of all eleven of Derek Jarman's feature-length films, arguing that he occupies a major and influential place in European and world cinema rather than merely being a cult figure. It places particular emphasis on the importance of Renaissance art and literature for Jarman, and emphasises his interest in Jungian psychology. Wymer shows how Jarman used his films to take his audience with him on an inner journey in search of the self, whilst remaining fully aware of the dangers of such a journey. Making substantial use of Jarman's unpublished papers as well as all his published works, Wymer argues that the films are orientated towards a much wider audience than is often supposed. They are addressed to anyone, of whatever gender or sexuality, who is prepared to go on a journey in search of him or her self and to become Jarman's accomplice in 'the dream world of the soul'.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1996

        Das Feng-Shui Praxisbuch

        Besser wohnen, gesünder leben, erfolgreicher arbeiten

        by Walters, Derek / Übersetzt von Kierdorf, Theo

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        October 2005

        Derek Jarman

        by Rowland Wymer, Brian McFarlane, Neil Sinyard

        This book gives detailed and original critical readings of all eleven of Derek Jarman's feature-length films, arguing that he occupies a major and influential place in European and world cinema rather than merely being a cult figure. It places particular emphasis on the importance of Renaissance art and literature for Jarman, and emphasises his interest in Jungian psychology. Wymer shows how Jarman used his films to take his audience with him on an inner journey in search of the self, whilst remaining fully aware of the dangers of such a journey. Making substantial use of Jarman's unpublished papers as well as all his published works, Wymer argues that the films are orientated towards a much wider audience than is often supposed. They are addressed to anyone, of whatever gender or sexuality, who is prepared to go on a journey in search of him or her self and to become Jarman's accomplice in 'the dream world of the soul'. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 1997

        Tis Pity She's a Whore

        John Ford

        by Derek Roper

        John Ford's tragedy, first printed in 1633, is the first major English play to take as its theme a subject still rarely handled: fulfilled incest between brother and sister. It is one of the most studied and performed of all plays of the period, and has been successfully adapted for film and radio. The Revels plays edition by Derek Roper has been the standard scholarly edition since it appeared in 1975. This new edition uses the same authoritative text, but with notes designed for modern undergraduate use. The substantial introduction has been completely rewritten to take account of the studies and new approaches of the last twenty years. It presents the play as an 'interrogative text', in which subversive meanings are inscribed within an apparently orthodox narrative; as a courageous treatment of forbidden love; and as an achieved work of Baroque art. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 1993

        Sport and the making of Britain

        by Derek Birley

        The British love of sport is legendary. In this lively and stimulating book Derek Birley looks at the part it played in shaping British society. The book traces the development of sporting conventions from medieval chivalry to modern notions of sportsmanship and fair play. Particular sports from hunting and the tournament to ball-games and athletics are shown against the social background of the emerging nation. The first laws of favourite pastimes such as horse-racing, cricket and boxing were devised by the privileged for gambling purposes, but were enthusiastically followed by the lower orders for pleasure and profit. Amongst the topics explored are the changing fortunes and fashions in field sports, 'gentlemen and players' in cricket, the public school games cult, purity in amateur rowing, the urban middle-class discovery of lawn tennis and golf, and the 'north-south divide' in football. These social issues are cross-threads in the theme of sport's influence on national identity, patriotism and imperialism in the making of Britain. Remarkable in its scope and in its linking of sport to the changing social political scene, this is a splendidly readable history. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 1999

        Derek Walcott

        by John Thieme, John Thieme

        This book provides a unique account of Walcott's development as a writer in addition to being the fullest study of his poetry and plays to date. Discusses all his major works and includes information on his out-of-print and unpublished plays along with . ;

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2017

        Personen, Normativität, Moral

        Ausgewählte Aufsätze

        by Derek Parfit, Matthias Hoesch, Sebastian Muders, Markus Rüther, Anneli Jefferson, Nadine Mooren

        Derek Parfits bahnbrechende Arbeiten zur personalen Identität, zur Metaethik und zur normativen Ethik prägen seit Jahrzehnten die Debatten der praktischen Philosophie weltweit. Seine zentrale Frage lautet: Worauf kommt es eigentlich an? Er beantwortet sie mit einer innovativen Theorie, die eine reduktionistische Auffassung von personaler Identität mit einer objektiven Theorie praktischer Gründe und einer verblüffenden Vereinigung von Kantianismus, Kontraktualismus und Konsequentialismus verbindet. Erstmals liegen mit diesem Band nun Texte in deutscher Übersetzung vor, die das philosophische Schaffen Parfits in seiner ganzen Breite abdecken.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2006

        Walter Benjamins Archive

        Bilder, Texte und Zeichen

        by Erdmut Wizisla, Erdmut Wizisla, Walter Benjamin Archiv, Michael Schwarz, Ursula Marx, Gudrun Schwarz

        Von einer Sensation ist zu berichten: Das Walter Benjamin Archiv zeigt eine Fülle von großartigen, in weiten Teilen bisher unpublizierten und auch unbekannten Bildern und Dokumenten. Anläßlich einer Ausstellung in der Akademie der Künste, Berlin, wird, begleitet von einer internationalen Tagung und einer Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen, zum ersten Mal Benjamins Bildund Dingkosmos der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Solche Orientierung an Bildern und Dokumenten, an der Materialität der Gegenstände entspricht auch seinem Werk, das seinerseits ein Reservoir von Texten, Kommentaren, Elementen des Alltags, der Kunst und des Traums ist. Viele dieser Elemente sind als Bausteine in sein 'Passagen'-Projekt eingegangen, das die 'Urgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts ' erkundet. Darüber hinaus prägen Techniken des Sammelns und Archivierens die Arbeitsweise Walter Benjamins. Nachdem er aus Deutschland vertrieben worden war, schuf er die Voraussetzungen zur Rettung seiner, wie er sagte, 'unendlich verzettelten Produktion ', indem er Manuskripte, Notizen und Druckbelege bei Freunden in aller Welt deponierte Der reichillustrierte und kommentierte Band schließt erstmals Benjamins Archive auf: Notizhefte, in denen jeder Zentimeter genutzt wird; Register, Verzeichnisse und Karteien, die zugleich akribisch und kreativ geführt sind; Ansichtskarten, von ihm selbst kommentierte Fotoserien; eine Sammlung früher Worte und Sätze seines Sohnes Stefan, dessen Sprach- und Denkentwicklung Benjamin in Aufzeichnungen über Jahre verfolgte.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2017

        Tourism and Geopolitics

        Issues and Concepts from Central and Eastern Europe

        by Derek R Hall

        With 29 contributors from across Europe and beyond, this work represents a unique and important resource that examines the many relationships between tourism and geopolitics, with a focus on experiences drawn from Central and Eastern Europe. It begins by assessing the changing nature of 'geopolitics', from pejorative associations with Nazism to the more recent critical and feminist geopolitics of social science's 'cultural turn'. The book then addresses the important historical role of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in geopolitical thinking, before exemplifying a range of contemporary interactions between tourism and geopolitics within this critical region. Edited by a renowned authority on tourism geopolitics, this book: · Provides the most comprehensive overview of tourism and geopolitics available · Applies a range of geopolitical concepts and approaches to empirical experiences of tourism and mobility in Central and Eastern Europe · Embraces contributions from both established and new academic voices. Pursuing innovative analytical paths, the book demonstrates the interrelated nature of tourism and geopolitics and emphasizes the freshness of this research area. Addressing key principles and ideas which are applicable globally, it is an essential source for researchers, teachers and students of tourism, geography, political science and European studies, as well as for diplomatic, business and consultant practitioners. ; This book is a unique and important resource that discusses the relationship between tourism and geopolitics, with a focus on experience from Central and Eastern Europe ; Part I: Introduction and Overviews1: Bringing geopolitics to tourism2: Tourism and geopolitics: the political imaginary of territory, tourism and space3: Tourism in the geopolitical construction of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)Part II: Reconfiguring Conceptions and Reality4: The Adriatic as a (re-)emerging cultural space5: Crimea: geopolitics and tourism6: The geopolitical trial of tourism in modern Ukraine7: Under pressure: the impact of Russian tourism investment in MontenegroPart III: Tourism and Transnationalism8: Large-scale tourism development in a Czech rural area: contestation over the meaning of modernity9: The expansion of international hotel groups into Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 – strategic couplings and local responses10: Conceptualising trans-national hotel chain penetration in Bulgaria11: New consumption spaces and cross-border mobilitiesPart IV: Borderlands12: From divided to shared spaces: transborder tourism in the Polish-Czech borderlands13: Finnish-Russian border mobility and tourism: localism overruled by geopolitics14: Kaliningrad as a tourism enclave/exclave?15: An evaluation of tourism development in KaliningradPart V: Identity and Image16: Mutli-ethnic food in the mono-ethnic city: tourism, gastronomy and identity in central Warsaw17: Rural tourism as a meeting ground in Bosnia and Herzegovina?18: Interrogating tourism’s relevance: mediating between polarities in Kosovo19: European Night of Museums and the geopolitics of events in Romania20: The power of the Web: blogging destination image in Bucharest and SofiaPart VI: Mobilities21: The role of pioneering tour companies22: The geopolitics of low-cost carriers in Central and Eastern Europe23: Tourism and a geopolitics of connectivity: the Albanian nexus24: Heroes or ‘Others’? A geopolitics of international footballer mobility25: Tourism, mobilities and the geopolitics of erasurePart VII: Conclusions26: In conclusion

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Carol Reed

        by Peter William Evans

        Carol Reed is one of the truly outstanding directors of British cinema, and one whose work is long overdue for reconsideration. This major study ranges over Reed's entire career, combining observation of general trends and patterns with detailed analysis of twenty films, both acknowledged masterpieces and lesser-known works. Evans avoids a simplistic auteurist approach, placing the films in their autobiographical, socio-political and cultural contexts and relating these to the analysis of Reed's art. The critical approach combines psychoanalysis, gender theory, and the analysis of form. Archival research is also relied on to clarify Reed's relations with his creative team, financial backers and others. Films examined include Bank Holiday, A Girl Must Live, Odd Man Out, The Fallen Idol, The Third Man, Night Train to Munich, The Way Ahead, Outcast of the Islands, Trapeze and Oliver!.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2017

        Literary and visual Ralegh

        by J. B. Lethbridge, Christopher Armitage

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2013

        Literary and visual Ralegh

        by J. B. Lethbridge

        This collection of essays by scholars from Great Britain, the United States, Canada and Taiwan covers a wide range of topics about Ralegh's diversified career and achievements. Some of the essays shed light on less familiar facets such as Ralegh as a father and as he is represented in paintings, statues, and in movies; others re-examine him as poet, historian, as a controversial figure in Ireland during Elizabeth's reign, and look at his complex relationship with and patronage of Edmund Spenser. A recurrent topic is the Hatfield Manuscript in Ralegh's handwriting, which contains his long, unfinished poem 'The Ocean to Cynthia', usually considered a lament about his rejection by Queen Elizabeth after she learned of his secret marriage to one of her ladies-in-waiting. The book is appropriate for students of Elizabethan-Jacobean history and literature. Among the contributors are well-known scholars of Ralegh and his era, including James Nohrenberg, Anna Beer, Thomas Herron, Alden Vaughan and Andrew Hiscock. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2001

        Übersetzen: Walter Benjamin

        by Christiaan Lucas Hart Nibbrig

        In Übersetzen: Walter Benjamm wird anhand einer scheinbar randständigen Frage die intellektuelle Physiognomie Walter Benjamins beleuchtet. Der Band, der, passend zum Thema, einen internationalen Gesprächszusammenhang dokumentiert, gilt Walter Benjamin als Theoretiker des Übersetzens und als Übersetzer, der Schwierigkeit, ihn zu übersetzen, und vor allem auch der Frage des Über-Setzens, Umsetzens und Ersetzens: Grundfiguren seines philosophischen und literarischen Werks, die in solcher Eindringlichkeit erstmals fokussiert in den Blick gerückt und von verschiedenen Seiten aus angegangen werden.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2005

        Walter Benjamin

        by Momme Brodersen

        Walter Benjamin gehört zu den meistdiskutierten Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts – in Wissenschaft, Literatur und Kunst. Seine eigenwilligen und unkonventionellen Schriften sind ein unablässiges Nachdenken über seine großstädtische, seine Berliner Herkunft: darüber, wie man sich im Labyrinth ständig wechselnder Eindrücke zurechtfinden kann.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2020

        The early Spenser, 1554–80

        'Minde on honour fixed'

        by Jean R. Brink, Joshua Samuel Reid

        Brink's provocative biography shows that Spenser was not the would-be court poet whom Karl Marx's described as 'Elizabeth's arse-kissing poet'. In this readable and informative account, Spenser is depicted as the protégé of a circle of London clergymen, who expected him to take holy orders. Brink shows that the young Spenser was known to Alexander Nowell, author of Nowell's Catechism and Dean of St. Paul's. Significantly revising the received biography, Brink argues that that it was Harvey alone who orchestrated Familiar Letters (1580). He used this correspondence to further his career and invented the portrait of Spenser as his admiring disciple. Contextualising Spenser's life by comparisons with Shakespeare and Sir Walter Ralegh, Brink shows that Spenser shared with Sir Philip Sidney an allegiance to the early modern chivalric code. His departure for Ireland was a high point, not an exile.

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