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View Rights PortalVIVAT, one of the most prize-winning and biggest publishing house in Ukraine, publishes the world's bestsellers and promotes Ukrainian books abroad through presentations and sales rights.
View Rights PortalLondon, Mitte der Siebziger. Die Popkultur wird neu erfunden, in der revolutionären Ursuppe des Punk scheint alles möglich. Aber gilt das auch für Frauen? Gibt es außer Groupie, Elfe oder Rockröhre noch andere Rollen? Besteht vielleicht zum ersten Mal die Chance, mit allen Typical-Girl-Klischees aufzuräumen, statt selber eins zu werden? Viv Albertine wurde zum Riot Girl, lange bevor es diesen Ausdruck gab. Bei den legendären Flowers of Romance kreierte sie neben Sid Vicious (später Sex Pistols) und Keith Levene (später PIL) ihren individuellen Gitarrensound. Um dann mit den Slits, der ersten autonomen Frauenpunkband, die Türen aufzustoßen, durch die später Madonna oder Lady Gaga eigene Wege gehen konnten. Wie die Punkszene entstand, wie sie aus weiblicher Sicht erlebt und feministisch neu erfunden wurde und welche Rückschläge es dabei gab – all das wurde noch nie so plastisch und zugleich so reflektiert, so abgeklärt und zugleich so amüsant geschildert wie von Viv Albertine in ihrem umwerfenden Memoir. Shoes off!
*** Eure schöne neue Welt ist tödlich! *** Mit einem Schlag endet Vivians sorgenfreies Leben: Ihre Mutter Sofia wurde ermordet! Die erfolgreiche Game-Entwicklerin stand kurz vor dem Release eines bahnbrechenden Computerspiels. „White Maze“ wird mit neuartigen Lucent-Kontaktlinsen gespielt - dank ihnen erleben die Spieler virtuelle Game-Welten mit allen Sinnen. Aber warum zerstörte Vivians Mutter kurz vor ihrem Tod die Prototypen der Linsen? Zusammen mit dem schulbekannten Hacker Tom will Viv den Mord an Sofia aufklären. Dazu muss Viv selbst Lucent-Linsen einsetzen und tief in die virtuelle Welt eintauchen. Doch dort ist es für den Mörder ein Leichtes, die falsche Realität nach seinen Spielregeln zu manipulieren. Kann Vivian ihren eigenen Gefühlen vertrauen, wenn alles, was sie sieht, hört, riecht und schmeckt, bloße Lüge ist?
This book brings together studies of cultural institutions in Manchester from 1850 to the present day, giving an unprecedented account of the city's cultural evolution. These bring to light the remarkable range of Manchester's contribution to modern cultural life, including the role of art education, popular theatre, religion, pleasure gardens, clubs and societies. The chapters show the resilience and creativity of Manchester's cultural institutions since 1850, challenging any simple narrative of urban decline following the erosion of Lancashire's industrial base, at the same time illustrating the range of activities across the social classes. This book will appeal to everyone interested in the cultural life of the city of Manchester, including cultural historians, sociologists and urban geographers, as well as general readers with interests in the city. It is written by leading international authorities, including Viv Gardner, Stephen Milner, Mike Savage, Bill Williams and Janet Wolff. ;
This book brings together studies of cultural institutions in Manchester from 1850 to the present day, giving an unprecedented account of the city's cultural evolution. These bring to light the remarkable range of Manchester's contribution to modern cultural life, including the role of art education, popular theatre, religion, pleasure gardens, clubs and societies. The chapters show the resilience and creativity of Manchester's cultural institutions since 1850, challenging any simple narrative of urban decline following the erosion of Lancashire's industrial base, at the same time illustrating the range of activities across the social classes. This book will appeal to everyone interested in the cultural life of the city of Manchester, including cultural historians, sociologists and urban geographers, as well as general readers with interests in the city. It is written by leading international authorities, including Viv Gardner, Stephen Milner, Mike Savage, Bill Williams and Janet Wolff.
This groundbreaking book shows how female performers - one of the first groups of professional women - used and still use autobiography and performance as both a means of expression and control of their private and public selves, the 'face and the mask'. It looks at how a range of women in the theatre - actors, managers, writers and live artists - have done this on the page and on the stage from the late eighteenth-century to the present day, testing the boundaries between gender, theatre and autobiographical form. This paperback edition facilitates connections - between texts and performances, past and present practitioners, professional and private selves, individuals and communities, all of which have in some way renegotiated identity through autobiography and the creative act. 'Auto/biography and identity' is a landmark in theatre history and performance analysis, in gender and cultural theory, and autobiographical studies. ;
This is the ultimate self-help guide, featuring a saint for every occasion or problem. Choose from our celestial selection of saints who can help with 21st-century life’s dilemmas: from dental pain to career path gain. A potted history of each saint accompanies explanations of their significance, martyrdom and associated symbolism. Find the right saintly solution in this saints-on-the-go guide.
Auf den ersten Blick ist die einundzwanzigjährige Viv eine ganz normale, naturverbundene Studentin aus Graz. Doch normal ist bei Viv genau genommen nichts. Ihre überirdisch schöne Mutter hat die Geheimnisse ihrer Herkunft mit ins Grab genommen und seither hat Vivs eigenbrötlerischer Vater stets versucht, seine Tochter von allem Mystischen und Unerklärlichen fernzuhalten. Ihr Leben ändert sich drastisch, als sie entdeckt, dass sie in eine magische Welt namens Anwynn reisen kann. Während sie beginnt, alles, was sie zu wissen glaubt, in Frage zu stellen, ahnt sie nichts von der Gefahr, die im Verborgenen auf sie lauert: Es gibt jemanden, der sich ihre Fähigkeit zunutze machen will und nur darauf wartet, endlich zuzuschlagen …
As a former county player, Andrew Murtagh is often asked, 'who is the best batsman he has ever played with or against?' His answer is always unequivocal - 'Richards.' And then comes the inevitable rider - 'Barry, that is, not Viv.' It is a travesty that the cricket world has largely forgotten Barry Richards - a cricketing genius. Debuting for South Africa in 1970, his run-scoring, technique and audacious, extravagant strokeplay took the breath away. A glittering international career beckoned. However, the apartheid storm burst, and Richards had played his first and last Test series. Consigned to plying his trade for Hampshire, Natal and South Australia, Richards became increasingly frustrated and disenchanted with the game he had loved. Following retirement, personal tragedy and professional controversy continued to stalk him, though he has now come to an uneasy acceptance that he will be forever known as the genius lost to Test cricket.
Archaeologist Deian returns to the island of his childhood, where his mother disappeared without a trace. Sister Viv, closet heretic and host of the annual conference of hermits, has erected a gold plaque in her memory, declaring her official sainthood. M
Você Repórter da Periferia: Visões e Vivências do Jornalismo nas Periferias Visões e Vivências do Jornalismo nas Periferias apresenta as experiências vividas pelos quatro integrantes e também de uma ex- integrante do coletivo de comunicação Desenrola e Não Me Enrola, sobre as transformações sociais, políticas e profissionais causadas pela realização do Você Repórter da Periferia, programa dedicado a formação de jovens oriundos de diferentes territórios das periferias e também da religião metropolitana de São Paulo/Brasil. Você Repórter da Periferia: Visions and Experiences of Journalism in the Peripheries Visions and Experiences of Journalism in the Peripheries presents as experiences lived by the four members and also of a former member of the communication collective Desenrola e Não Me Enrola, on the social, political and professional transformations caused by the Você Repórter da Periferia, a program dedicated to training of young people from different peripheral territories and also of the metropolitan religion of São Paulo/Brazil.
When England cricket captain Tony Greig announced that he intended to make the West Indies ‘grovel’, he lit a fire that burned as intensely as the sunshine that made 1976 one of the most memorable summers in British history. Spurred on by what they saw as a deeply offensive remark, especially from a white South African, Clive Lloyd’s touring team vowed to make Greig pay. In Viv Richards, emerging as the world’s most exciting batsman, and fast bowlers Michael Holding and Andy Roberts they had the players to do it. Featuring interviews with key figures from English and West Indian cricket, Grovel!: The Story and Legacy of the Summer of 1976 provides a fascinating study of the events and social issues surrounding one of the sport’s most controversial and colourful tours – as well as addressing the decline of West Indies cricket and its loss of support in the new century.
When the sex in Vivien Quarry’s thirty-two-year marriage dwindles to nothing, her husband Geoff finally gives her a reason: ‘Men are hardwired to not find older women attractive’. This unforgivable statement, uttered by a man long past his Adonis years, prompts Vivien to take drastic action. At sixty-seven, she most definitely doesn’t feel ‘past it’, and so enlists the services of the enigmatic Martin Glover from The Discretion Agency. Under the sardonic eye of her oldest friend Jules, a world-famous operatic soprano facing the closing years of a brilliant career, Viv embarks on a series of wildly unpredictable, and sometimes hilariously cringeworthy dates – with wholly unexpected consequences. Told with great humour and heart, the accomplished Virginia Duigan delivers a provocative and profoundly relatable story that proves living is not reserved for the young.
The cosmic adventures of a young boy on his path to ridding the galaxy of an insidious technological plague. After the Greek tragedy of "The Metabarons," Alejandro Jodorowsky returns to his biblical roots with this quest reminiscent of Moses and set on a galactic scale. To top it off, the characters and the theme of virtual reality are tailor-made for artist Zoran Janjetov ("Before The Incal"), who finds in Jodorowsky his perfect match. Albino, hero of this space odyssey, remembers here his childhood, his apprenticeship, and the big and small battles he had to fight to fulfill his ambitions in a universe where technological advances are paradoxically matched only by the cruelty and the barbarism of the forces controlling it.
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