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      • Praphansarn Publishing Co., Ltd.

        Praphansarn Publishing is a well-known publisher, established since 1961. With our experiences and history within the Thai Publishing market, we are one of the experts. Praphansarn Publishing publishes both Fiction, Non-fiction, Young Adults and Children books. We have altogether 3 other imprints: Woman Publisher, Rainbow Publisher and Asian Manga. Each imprints specialised in its own speciality.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Microbiology (non-medical)
        March 2016

        The Handbook of Microbial Bioresources

        by Edited by Vijai Kumar Gupta, Gauri Dutt Sharma, Maria G Tuohy, Rajeeva Gaur

        Microbial technology plays an integral role in the biotechnology, bioengineering, biomedicine/biopharmaceuticals and agriculture sector. This book provides a detailed compendium of the methods, biotechnological routes, and processes used to investigate different aspects of microbial resources and applications. It covers the fundamental and applied aspects of microorganisms in the health, industry, agriculture and environmental sectors, reviewing subjects as varied and topical as pest control, health and industrial developments and animal feed.

      • Trusted Partner
        Food manufacturing & related industries
        October 2011

        Natural Antimicrobials in Food Safety and Quality

        by Wolf-Rainer Abraham, Maria do Carmo de Freire Bastos, Nicoletta Belletti, Patrick J Cullen, Isabel M P L V O Ferreira, Mendel Friedman, Antonio Gálvez, Pilar García Suárez, Gustavo Gonzàlez, Riadh Hammami, El Akrem Hayouni, Vijay K Juneja, Khaoula Khwaldia, Ching-Hsing Liao, Marta Mari, Faid Mohamed, Caterina Morcia, Victor O Oyetayo, Mehdi Razzaghi-Abyaneh, Claudia Ruiz-Capillas, Yuanxia Sun, Ljubisa Topisirovic. Edited by Mahendra Rai, Michael Chikindas.

        The demands of producing high quality, pathogen-free food rely increasingly on natural sources of antimicrobials to inhibit food spoilage organisms, foodborne pathogens and toxins. Discovery and development of new antimicrobials from natural sources for a wide range of applications requires that knowledge of traditional sources for food antimicrobials is combined with the latest technologies in identification, characterization and application. This book explores some novel, natural sources of antimicrobials as well as the latest developments in using well-known antimicrobials in food. Covering antimicrobials derived from microbial sources (bacteriophages, bacteria, algae, fungi), animal-derived products (milk proteins, chitosan, reduction of biogenic amines), plants and plant-products (essential oils, phytochemicals, bioactive compounds), this book includes the development and use of natural antimicrobials for processed and fresh food products. New and emerging technologies concerning antimicrobials are also discussed.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2020 - November 2021

        Nothing Human is Alien to Me

        Aijaz Ahmad in conversation with Vijay Prashad

        by Aijaz Ahmad, Vijay Prashad

        Two features characterize the entire body of Aijaz Ahmad’s work, which offers us a way to read the history of the present. First, his evident wide reading about the history and sociology of the world, which allows him to provide the necessary global context for his study and for our new times that remain tied to the contradictions of a longer history. Second, his grip on Marxism, a living Marxism, a Marxism that has absorbed both the streams of Western Marxism and of national liberation Marxism. Vijay Prashad writes that it is impossible for him to think without thinking alongside the work of Aijaz Ahmad. In this fascinating and wide-ranging conversation, he draws out Ahmad, separating and interweaving strands of his thought, and in the process inviting us, the readers, to take a look at the method that drives his analysis. In the process, we learn to think through the present, better.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        Washington Bullets

        by Vijay Prashad

        Washington Bullets is written in the best traditions of Marxist journalism and history-writing. It is a book of fluent and readable stories, full of detail about US imperialism, but never letting the minutiae obscure the larger political point. It is a book that could easily have been a song of despair – a lament of lost causes; it is, after all, a roll call of butchers and assassins; of plots against people’s movements and governments; of the assassinations of socialists, Marxists, communists all over the Third World by the country where liberty is a statue. Despite all this, Washington Bullets is a book about possibilities, about hope, about genuine heroes. One such is Thomas Sankara of Burkina Faso – also assassinated – who said: ‘You cannot carry out fundamental change without a certain amount of madness. In this case, it comes from nonconformity, the courage to turn your back on the old formulas, the courage to invent the future. It took the madmen of yesterday for us to be able to act with extreme clarity today. I want to be one of those madmen. We must dare to invent the future.’ Washington Bullets is a book infused with this madness, the madness that dares to invent the future.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        Red Star Over the Third World

        by Vijay Prashad

        'Like the brilliant sun, the October Revolution shone over all five continents, awakening millions of oppressed and exploited people around the world. There has never existed such a revolution of such significance and scale in the history of humanity.' – Hồ Chí Minh From Cuba to Vietnam, from China to South Africa, the October Revolution remains as an inspiration. After all, that Revolution proved that the working class and the peasantry could not only overthrow an autocratic government but that it could form its own government, in its image. It proved decisively that the working class and the peasantry could be allied. It proved as well the necessity of a vanguard party that was open to spontaneous currents of unrest, but which could guide a revolution to completion. This book explains the power of the October Revolution for the Third World. It is not a comprehensive study, but a small book with a large hope – that a new generation will come to see the importance of this revolution for the working class and peasantry in that part of the world that suffered under the heel of colonial domination.

      • Veterinary nutrition
        July 2023

        Pig Production and Management

        by Vijay Kumar

        The book explores the fascinating world of pig farming within the unique context of this vibrant nation. From the historical roots of pig farming to the intricacies of breed selection, reproductive management, nutrition, and disease control, this book aims to be a comprehensive guide for pig farmers, enthusiasts, and agricultural professionals alike. The comprehensive guide on pig production and management, provides a valuable resource for farmers, researchers, students, and anyone interested in the field of pig farming. The book bridges the gap between theory and practical applications, offering practical insights, scientific information, and best practices that can be implemented on pig farms.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2013

        Statistical Designs and Analysis for Agricultural Field Experiments

        by Vijay Katyal & D.M.Hegde

        The book is written in easy to understand language, in short paragraphs and is fully supported by adequate examples. The book consists of 11 chapters.

      • The Mahabharata Secret

        by Christopher C. Doyle

        It is a thriller novel that revolves around mythology, science, religion and terrorism. The story-line takes the readers all the way back to ancient times in 244 B.C., where Emperor Ashoka the Great discovers a dark secret of the great Mahabharata. The secret is so dangerous that it could cause massive destruction to mankind if falls into wrong hands. For 2300 years the secret remained hidden to save the world from untold horror. Hence, to save the secret, Ashoka forms a group of people called 'Nine’ and gave them oath to protect the secret even on price of their lives. Suddenly the story comes to the present, where a retired nuclear scientist, Vikram Singh is murdered in a mysterious way. Before his strange death, Vikram has sent few e-mails with cryptic clues to his nephew, Vijay. These clues further lead Vijay and his friends to unlock the secret in his uncle’s message. Throughout the story, Vijay along with his friends is racing against time while solving the mystery behind his uncle’s death and the message Vikram left before his demise. The readers will find out various fictional and mysterious things about the epic Mahabharata while going through the series of adventures in the book. Combining past and present, the book will intrigue all fiction lovers who are also keen to read about ancient India.

      • Cellular biology (cytology)
        June 2020

        Plant Cytology and Genetics

        by Vijay Sharma, Kamaluddin & Vivek Kumar Singh

        The present book is an attempt to give an understanding of the basic concepts and practical approach of the Cytology and Genetics. It covers all the spheres regarding cytology and genetics like information on microscope, cell division, Mendelian principle of heredity, linkage and their detection, gene mapping through recombination, multiple alleles, gene interaction and probability. The practical outlined in this manual will benefit the students and teachers of Biological and Agricultural Sciences.

      • Agronomy & crop production
        June 2021

        Potato: Science and Technology in Sub-Tropics

        by Anand Kumar Singh,Swarup Kumar Chakrabarti, Brajesh Singh,Jagdev Sharma & Vijay Kumar Dua

        This book in its 20 chapters elaborates the latest scientific knowledge and technological achievements for development of potato in sub-tropics and also suggests the future strategies for likely adoption. It is our sincere belief that it would act as a compendium of potato research in the country and similar regions and researchers, students and other stakeholders will benefit from the compiled information in a big way.

      • Agriculture & farming
        September 2018

        Climate Resilient Agriculture

        Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies

        by Manish Bhan, Vijay Singh Tomar, Kamal Kishore Agarwal, Sahib Singh Tomar & Sunil Dutta Upadhyaya

        Climate is a vital factor that influences land use, crop quality, its productivity as well as all the other of agricultural systems. The significant impact of climate change is visible on human societies and natural ecosystems around the world. This impact will be more severe on agriculture if global warming continues. As per estimates of IPCC (2014), the agriculture, forestry and other land use contributes 24% of global greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions need to be reduced to avoid the serious impact of climate change using mitigation measures and adaptation strategies. Currently, unreliable and seasonal variations in weather have emerged as a serious challenge for sustainability influencing vegetation, biodiversity, livestock, soil, water, and other natural resources. In the last decade, more occurrence of extreme weather events affected farming community directly in their agricultural growth. The matter is of great concern to country like India, which require more produce from rainfed fields and shrinking crop land. To understand the problems occurring due to climate change, concerted efforts are required for mitigation and adaptation to reduce the vulnerability of rainfed agriculture and making it resilient. Agricultural output as well as the livelihood of people who depend on it, are particularly vulnerable to climate change, and it is important that we assess adaptation mechanisms to reduce these vulnerabilities. These practices should play a vital role to reduce GHG emissions by improving efficiency of farm inputs and others like agroforestry interventions for green agricultural technologies. Similarly, adoption of conservation agriculture, suitable cultivars, changing sowing dates, irrigation scheduling, and recycling waste water and solid waste in agriculture are some of the options for developing climate resilient agriculture. The book has been divided into major heads as: Climate Change and Indian Agriculture, Climate Change Management Strategies in Agriculture, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Indian Agriculture, New Technologies in relation to Climate Change and with contribution from major research institutes, universities by eminent scientists, faculty members the book will fit into the needs of all concerns.

      • Agronomy & crop production
        January 2013

        Breeding,Biotechnology and Seed Production of Field Crops

        by Bidhan Roy, Asit Kumar Basu & Asit B.Mandal

        In modern days, crop improvement is a multidisciplinary division of agriculture. In this book, entitled, "Breeding, Biotechnology and Seed Production of Field Crops", emphasis has been given on principles, methods and practices in plant breeding, biotechnology in crop improvement and seed production of field crops. The book has been written for all sections of learners, educators and staff-members of seed industries. Particular importance has been underlined for postgraduate students who specialize in plant breeding and seed science. Each of the book has been designed as per the recommended of syllabus of Indian Council of Agricultural Research for the postgraduate students of various Agricultural Universities in our country. This book has been divided into two major parts- i) Principles of crop breeding and ii) Methods and practices of crop improvement and seed production of individual field crop. The book contains total of 18 chapteFirst three s are related to shed light on the basic-principles and remaining s deal with methods and practices of individual crop for improvement and seed production. We hope that the book will be ready to lend a hand to the advanced undergraduate students doing plant breeding in elective, postgraduate students who opted plant breeding, teachers, researchers and staff-members of private seed companies of this field of specialization.

      • December 2019

        Fruit Breeding

        Approaches and Achievements

        by Anil Kumar Shukla, Arun Kumar Shukla, M.B. Noor mohamed, Akath Singh & Divya Tiwari

        The pressure of an ever-increasing population and periodic famine due to unexpected flood and drought has forced and awakened the horticultural scientist, to evolve new plant types for diversified use. Besides, some limitations in the improvement of fruit crop such as long juvenile phase, high heterozygosity, limited information on inheritance pattern, excessive fruit drop, parthenocarpy and lesser number of seeds per fruit, hybridization, selection, mutation and other tools of fruit breeding have resulted in the development of a number of varieties in mango, grape, papaya, banana and guava for various purposes. The present 2nd fully revised and enlarged edition of the much awaited book Fruit Breeding Approaches and Achievements is ventured with the objective to provide latest possible information on basic approaches in fruit breeding, breeding for biotic stresses resistance, use of plant growth regulators in fruit improvement, improvement of important fruit crops such as mango, banana, papaya, grape, guava, citrus, ber, aonla, pomegranate, date palm, litchi, coconut, cashewnut, pineapple, temperate and underutilized fruits in a broad spectrum.

      • International relations
        March 2018

        The Libya War

        The use of rhetoric and deception to destroy a state

        by Ola Tunander

        The war in Libya has become a humanitarian disaster. This book reveals the dishonest methods that were used to influence world opinion to accept the need for a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya in 2011. It draws a picture of an operation in which a number of actors collaborated towards a common goal: to oust Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi . In 2011, the news media reported that Gaddafi had launched a genocide. Today we know that this claim was false. This book explains what actually happened during the war in Libya, and how everyone was deceived.

      • Agricultural science
        January 2014

        Bioinformatics in Agriculture

        Tools and Applications

        by M. Balakrishnan, M. & Dam Roy

        The book deals with various tools and applications of bioinformatics in the fields of: o agriculture, corals, structural bioinformatics, data-mining, text-mining; o medicinal plants, antibiotics, protein structure prediction, drug design; o gene expression, micro-arrays, proteomics, molecular phylogenic location of the Indian Liver Fluke, rough sets to predict protein structural class; o artificial neural networks for prediction of amino acids levels, plant systems biology, molecular modeling, homology modeling, bio-efficacy of indigenous bacillus through in-silico approach; o fresh aquaculture and fisheries, pesticides and insecticides, databases and tools development in the relevant area. The book would be of much use to the person working in the field of agricultural biotechnology, bioinformatics, computer science and applied statistics.

      • Agriculture & farming
        October 2019

        Engineering Properties of Agricultural Produce

        by Suresh Chandra, Samsher, Suneel Kumar Goyal & Durvesh Kumari

        In any agricultural country, various types of agricultural commodities are produced in large quantities and to handle such quantities during harvest, post-harvest, processing and transportation, various types of equipment are required. To design particular equipment or determining the behaviour of the product for its handling, physical properties such as size, shape, surface area, volume, density, porosity are very important. Various types of cleaning, grading and separation equipment are designed on the basis of physical properties of seeds such as size, shape, specific gravity etc. The book will provide a fundamental understanding of engineering properties of agricultural produce and the knowledge of engineering properties are combined with engineering knowledge. Each chapter in the book will be helpful for the students to understand the relationship between engineering properties of raw, semi-finished and processed food to obtain products with desired shelf-life and quality. This book discusses basic definitions, principles of engineering properties and their measurement methods with research findings. It will be helpful to the students for their self-study and to gain information how to analyze experimental data to generate practical information. It will also be helpful for students who deal with engineering properties in their research. Methods to measure these properties are also explained in details.

      • Horticulture
        September 2020

        Safety and Quality Assurance in Food Supply Chain

        Emerging Technologies and Challenges

        by K.P. Sudheer & Bindu Lakshmanan

        Technological advances have profoundly influenced the food industry with deep imprints on food safety and quality. Food safety and quality assurance demands a huge expertise from food technologists and an enormous commitment from food industry. An exquisite presentation of an array of novel technologies to guarantee safety and quality in food supply chain of diverse food composites is an innovative venture to inspire the students, to guide researchers and to persuade entrepreneurs. Chapters on oil and water quality, sensory analysis through fuzzy logic, hazards and its detection in milk, meat, fish and different agricultural produce accentuate the uniqueness of this book. Emerging technologies for non-destructive quality analysis, pragmatic approaches to ensure safety and quality in milling and baking industry as well as a comprehensive sketch of regulatory norms for promoting export are the notable highlights of this book. HACCP protocols pertinent to different food industries are vividly depicted. With an enriching academic background and proven experience, authors of each chapter have contributed abundantly to uphold the promise of this book to be a robust pillar to promote a healthy society.

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