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      • Melanie S. Wolfe

        Make sure to check out the catalog for more titles.   Melanie S. Wolfe is an up and coming author with four self-published books and several manuscripts in the pipeline. She writes fiction that includes a diverse cast of characters with themes that deal with real-world issues and sometimes have a light sci-fi or paranormal feel to them. Her favorite age group falls within the New Adult range but her works appeal to the older YA and adult reader as well. Melanie would like to find representation as well as negotiate domestic and foreign print, digital and audio rights/licensing on her current published works and her upcoming projects.  Melanie S. Wolfe grew up between Kansas City, MO, and various places in Oklahoma (USA) where she studied Liberal Arts at the University of Oklahoma. She was a military wife for ten years and served the Army community as a Relocation Clerk while stationed in Bamberg, Germany. She currently lives in Florida with her family and is loving the beach life.

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      • Victorina Press

        Victorina Press was created by  Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes, a Chilean-British writer and academic. We are therefore rooted strongly in Chilean and British cultures. Our mission is to publish inspirational, quality books in the spirit of bibliodiversity, a concept developed by a group of Chilean independent publishers — Editores independientes de Chile. It encourages the celebration of a variety of voices from all over the world and prevents our publishing world from being a monolithic culture. Everyone has a story to tell. We want to be the ones to tell it. Consuelo’s Latin American roots play a huge role in our publishing today, with many of our books being translated into Spanish as stand alone or bilingual publications. Publishing everything from hard-hitting, inspirational memoirs, thrilling YA dystopias, gripping historical fiction, fun early learning, colourful, exciting children's books, literature for the classic shelf, and poetry to entice you, there is one book for every genre!

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        The new pornographies

        Explicit sex in recent French fiction and film

        by Victoria Best, Martin Crowley

        The turn of the twenty-first century has witnessed the striking advance of pornography into the Western cultural mainstream. Symptomatic of this development has been the use by writers, artists, and film-makers of the imagery and aesthetics of pornography, in works which have, often on this basis, achieved considerable international success. Amongst these artists are a number of French authors and directors - such as Michel Houellebecq, Catherine Breillat, Virginie Despentes, or Catherine Millet - whose work has often been dismissed as trashy or exploitative, but whose use of pornographic material may in fact be indicative of important contemporary concerns. In this, the first study of this significant trend, the authors explore how the reference to pornography encodes diverse political, cultural, and existential questions, including relations between the sexes, the collapse of avant-garde politics, gay sexualities in the time of AIDS, the anti-feminist backlash, the relation to the body and illness, the place of fantasy, and the sexualisation of children. It will be of interest to undergraduates, graduates, and researchers in the fields of French culture, gender, film and media studies.

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        February 2010

        Mein Name ist Victoria

        Verschleppt von der Militärjunta

        by Donda, Victoria / Übersetzt von Karg, Stefanie

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        March 2019

        Queen Victoria

        by Edith Sitwell, Carl F.W. Behl

        Victoria (1819-1901) wird im Alter von nur 18 Jahren zur englischen Thronfolgerin ernannt – aus der jungen unerfahrenen Königin wird eine der mächtigsten und einflussreichsten Herrscherinnen der Welt. Unter der 63-jährigen Regentschaft der Ur-ur-Großmutter von Queen Elizabeth erlebte das britische Kolonialreich eine unvergleichliche politische, wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Blütezeit, und ihr Wirken und ihr Ruhm reichten weit über ihr Leben hinaus – ein ganzes Zeitalter wurde nach ihr benannt. Edith Sitwell hat die Tagebücher und privaten Briefe von Königin Victoria studiert und erzählt anschaulich aus dem ereignisreichen Leben der Monarchin und von den Intrigen am königlichen Hof.

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        March 2019

        Queen Victoria

        by Edith Sitwell

        Victoria (1819-1901) wird im Alter von nur 18 Jahren zur englischen Thronfolgerin ernannt – aus der jungen unerfahrenen Königin wird eine der mächtigsten und einflussreichsten Herrscherinnen der Welt. Unter der 63-jährigen Regentschaft der Ur-ur-Großmutter von Queen Elizabeth erlebte das britische Kolonialreich eine unvergleichliche politische, wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Blütezeit, und ihr Wirken und ihr Ruhm reichten weit über ihr Leben hinaus – ein ganzes Zeitalter wurde nach ihr benannt. Edith Sitwell hat die Tagebücher und privaten Briefe von Königin Victoria studiert und erzählt anschaulich aus dem ereignisreichen Leben der Monarchin und von den Intrigen am königlichen Hof.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2023

        Charles Dickens and Georgina Hogarth

        A curious and enduring relationship

        by Christine Skelton

        Charles Dickens called his sister-in-law Georgina Hogarth his 'best and truest friend'. Georgina saw Dickens as much more than a friend. They lived together for twenty-eight years, during which time their relationship constantly changed. The sister of his wife Catherine, the sharp and witty Georgina moved into the Dickens home aged fifteen. What began as a father-daughter relationship blossomed into a genuine rapport, but their easy relations were fractured when Dickens had a mid-life crisis and determined to rid himself of Catherine. Georgina's refusal to leave Dickens and his desire for her to remain in his household led to rumours of an affair and even illegitimate children. He left her the equivalent of almost £1 million and all his personal papers in his will. Georgina's commitment to Dickens was unwavering but it is far from clear what he did to deserve such loyalty. There were several occasions when he misused her in order to protect his public reputation. Why did Georgina betray her once much-loved sister? Why did she fall out with her family and risk her reputation in order to stay with Dickens? And why did the Dickenses' daughter Katey say it was 'the greatest mistake ever' to invite a sister-in-law to live with a family?

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        Seven Tools for Powerful Creation and Living Your Unstoppable Life

        by Catherine DeMonte

        Beep! Beep! Get Out of My Way is based on the seven transformative tools from Abundance Circle groups created by psychotherapist Catherine DeMonte where participants manifested their long- held dreams. This process shifted them into manifesting mavens.This easy-to-read and engaging book shares the inspiring stories of those partic-ipants and how they manifested what their heart deeply desired but had been elusive for many years, even when the odds seemed impossible. Learn how they did it and practice easy, enjoyable exercises and tools to manifest your own dreams.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2000

        Cultures of Empire

        A reader

        by Catherine Hall, Meg Davies

        Collects together the best articles by key historians, literary critics, and anthropologists on the cultures of colonialism in the British Empire in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.. A substantial introduction by the distinguished historian, Professor Catherine Hall, discusses new approaches to the history of empire and establishes a narrative frame through which to read the essays which follow.. The volume is clearly divided into three sections: theoretical, emphasising concepts and approaches; the colonisers 'at home', focusing on how empire was lived in Britain; and 'away' - the attempt to construct new cultures through which the colonisers defined themselves and others in varied colonial sites. A useful guide to recent scholarship on the culture of imperialism. ;

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        From Perversion to Purity

        The stardom of Catherine Deneuve

        by Lisa Downing, Sue Harris

        Catherine Deneuve is indisputably one of the world's most celebrated actresses, both in her native France and throughout the world. Her career has spanned five decades during which she has worked with the most significant of French auteurs, as well as forging partnerships with international directors such as Bunuel and Polanski. The Deneuve star persona has attained such iconic status that it can now symbolise the very essence of French womanhood and civic identity. In this wide-ranging and authoritative collection of essays by a selection of international film academics and writers, the Deneuve persona is scrutinised and illuminated. Beyond the glamorous iconographic status of Yves Saint Laurent's muse, and the epitome of sexual inviolability, Deneuve's status as actress is foregrounded. The book will be essential reading for students and lecturers in star studies.

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        Veterinary medicine
        April 2013

        Animal Abuse

        Helping Animals and People

        by Catherine Tiplady

        Animal abuse affects everybody working in animal-related industries, and constitutes a significant part of veterinary caseloads and animal shelter work. Based on the author's experience as a shelter worker and veterinarian, this book provides advice and assistance to those working with animal abuse. Beginning with definitions and types of abuse that occur worldwide in domestic, industry, leisure and cultural settings, the book goes on to detail current topics of debate such as foie gras production, pedigree dog breeding, links between animal abuse and domestic violence, and the fascinating subject of veterinary forensics - the scientific investigation of instances of animal abuse. The book's practical focus is developed through interviews with people in a variety of affected roles, international case studies, and discussion of the difficulties that arise; how they can be dealt with and the mental health impacts they can have on those involved. With contributions from world-renowned experts including Phil Arkow and David Bailey, and an introduction by Clive Phillips, Animal Abuse: Helping Animals and People provides practical advice and insights into issues surrounding this emotional subject.

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        January 1998

        »Paul Valéry – Glück, Dämon, Verrückter«

        Tagebuch 1920–1928

        by Catherine Pozzi, Max Looser, Max Looser

        "Im Juni 1920 lernt Catherine Pozzi Paul Valéry kennen. Er ist seit zwanzig Jahren verheiratet und hat drei Kinder. Es beginnen acht Jahre einer notgedrungen heimlichen, aber jeden Tag erneuerten und wieder in Frage gestellten Beziehung; acht Jahre der abgenötigten und unhaltbaren Versprechen; Pozzi und Valéry erleiden »den Tod und die Leidenschaft« ihrer Liebe; aber auch acht Jahre der gemeinsamen Arbeit, Lektüre und Forschung; acht Jahre eines intellektuellen und philosophischen Zwiegesprächs unter Gleichen."

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2005

        Wo Engel zögern

        Unterwegs zu einer Epistemologie des Heiligen

        by Gregory Bateson, Mary Catherine Bateson, Hans-Ulrich Möhring

        Nach Geist und Natur. Eine notwendige Einheit hat Gregory Bateson an dem vorliegenden Buch gearbeitet, das er zu Lebzeiten aber nicht mehr zum Abschluß bringen konnte und das von seiner Tochter Mary Catherine fertiggestellt wurde.Ausgehend von dem, was wir über die biologische Welt wissen, sowie davon, was wir über das »Erkennen« zu begreifen vermögen, möchte Bateson erklären, was unter »dem Heiligen« zu verstehen sein könnte. Neben dem »Heiligen« spielen zwei weitere »integrative Erfahrungsdimensionen« eine wichtige Rolle: die des »ästhetischen« und die des »Bewußtseins«. Es ist diese Konstellation von Problemen, der man sich, so Bateson, widmen muß, wenn man zu einer Theorie des Handelns in der lebendigen Welt gelangen will – zu einer kybernetischen Ethik.

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        Children's & YA
        January 2023

        Celta and the Fallen Moon

        by Victoria Iver (Author), Victoria Iver (Illustrator)

        Celta and two rats live in a house near the old lighthouse. Every evening, the girl curls up in a big chair and reads fairy tales to her pets. But today the book had to be put aside - the Moon fell in her backyard! The unexpected guest is convinced that her business is useless and nobody needs it. So Celta sets out with Moon on a journey to prove that she is wrong. This kind and heartwarming story will give young readers faith in themselves and teach them that everyone in this world has value.   From 3 to 8 years, 1853 words Rightsholders

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2000

        Was ist Literaturgeschichte?

        by Stephen Greenblatt, Barbara Naumann, Reinhard Kaiser, Catherine Belsey

        Im England der frühen Neuzeit konnte die schlichte Fähigkeit zu buchstabieren lebensrettend sein: Daran entschied sich nämlich, ob man der weltlichen Gerichtsbarkeit überantwortet wurde oder der geistlichen, die die Todesstrafe nicht kannte. Greenblatt beschreibt, wie sich von dieser existentiellen Bedeutung aus der Literaturbegriff immer weiter verzweigte und wie aus einer »Buchstabenwissenschaft« Literaturwissenschaft im modernen Sinn wurde. Ergänzt wird der Band durch einen Kommentar der britischen Literaturwissenschaftlerin Catherine Belsey und eine Betrachtung zu einem der großartigsten Werke der Literaturwissenschaft, zu Erich Auerbachs Mimesis-Buch.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2010


        Eine Königstochter erobert die Herzen

        by Blatt, Stefan

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