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        Science & Mathematics
        February 2017

        Seed Biology and Yield of Grain Crops

        by Dennis B Egli

        This new edition of an established title examines the determination of grain crop yield from a unique perspective, by concentrating on the influence of the seed itself. As the food supply for an expanding world population is based on grain crops harvested for their seeds, understanding the process of seed growth and its regulation is crucial to our efforts to increase production and meet the needs of that population. Yield of grain crops is determined by their assimilatory processes such as photosynthesis and the biosynthetic processes in the seed, which are partly regulated within the seed itself. Providing a timely update in this field and highlighting the impact of the seed on grain crop yields, this book: · Describes all aspects of seed growth and development, including environmental and genetic effects on growth rate and length of the filling period. · Discusses the role of the seed in determining the two main yield components: individual seed weight and number of seeds per unit area. · Uses the concepts and models that have been developed to understand crop management and yield improvement. Substantially updated with new research and further developments of the practical applications of the concepts explored, this book is essential reading for those concerned with seed science and crop yield, including agronomists, crop physiologists, plant breeders, and extension workers. It is also a valuable source of information for lecturers and graduate students of agronomy and plant physiology. ; This is a new edition of an established title examines the determination of grain crop yield from a unique perspective, by concentrating on the influence of the seed itself. ; Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Seed Growth and DevelopmentChapter 3: Seed Growth Rate and Seed-Fill Duration: Variation and Regulation.Chapter 4: Yield Components-Regulation by the Seed Chapter 5: The Seed, Crop Management, and YieldChapter 6: The Way Forward

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        Dietetics & nutrition
        December 2000

        Carbohydrates in Grain Legume Seeds

        Improving Nutritional Quality and Agronomic Characteristics

        by Edited by Cliff L Hedley

        The compounds making up the dry weight of seeds play a major role in determining the nutritional quality and ultimately the uses and economic value of the seed. The carbohydrate fraction can be divided into starch, fibre and soluble carbohydrates.The result of a major collaborative programme across Europe, this book covers the chemistry, nutritional value, physiology, processing and breeding/biotechnology of carbohydrates in grain legume seeds. There is currently no book available which covers the strategies for improving carbohydrates in grain legumes (peas, beans etc.) which takes into account both nutritional and agricultural requirements. This book fills that gap. Extensive section covering the topical subject of genetic manipulation techniquesInformation within the book is useful on a world wide scale

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        February 2020



        by Hans Magnus Enzensberger

        Wirrwarr! Ein Wort wie aus dem Chaos geboren in seiner stabreimend grollenden Heftigkeit. Aber ist hinter dieser Fassade nicht auch der erlösende Ausruf »Wie wahr!« zu vernehmen? Wie Täuschung und Selbsttäuschung, Fehleinschätzungen und versagende Routinen den Alltag bestimmen, das zieht der Dichter so belustigt wie hintersinnig und traurig an mancherlei Beispiel aus dem Hut. Wären es aber allein diese Beobachtungen – sehr brauchbar für so manches Gedicht. Doch wenn die Hinfälligkeit als Existenzform in Rede steht, das Tänzeln auf dem Hochseil über bodenlosen Abgründen, dann geht es ums Ganze – darum, »die Metaphysik auf kleiner Flamme zu halten« und selbst dem finalen »Fall des Falles« ins Auge zu blicken. Wohl dem, der auch in dieser Lage dem Jüngsten Gericht zublinzelt und eine kühle Antwort auf die letzte aller Fragen bereithält: »Wozu das alles?« Wie in Blauwärts (2013) greifen drei Experten erneut zu Feder, Malstift und Schere: Hans Magnus Enzensbergers Gedichte verbinden sich mit den Bildern von Jan Peter Tripp in der Buchgestaltung von Justine Landat zu einem gemeinsamen Ausritt durch melancholisch beleuchtete Zonen von Bedrohlichkeit, Versagen und (künstlerischem) Gelingen.

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        Socialism & left-of-centre democratic ideologies
        October 2014

        Against the grain

        The British far left from 1956

        by Edited by Evan Smith and Matthew Worley

        Against the grain is the first general history of the British far left to be published in the twenty-first century. Its contents cover a range of organisations beyond the Labour Party, bringing together leading experts on British left-wing politics to examine issues of class, race and gender from 1956 to the present day. The essays collected here are designed to highlight the impact made by the far left on British politics and society. Though the predicted revolution did not come, organisations such as the International Socialists, the International Marxist Group and Militant became household names in the 1970s and 1980s. Taken as a whole, the collection demonstrates the extent to which the far left has weaved its influence into the political fabric of Britain.

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        Agricultural science
        May 1998

        Seed Biology and the Yield of Grain Crops

        by Dennis B Egli

        The food supply to an expanding world population is based on grain crops, i.e. crops harvested for their seeds. Therefore, understanding the process of seed growth and its regulation is crucial in our efforts to increase production, in order to meet the needs of that population. Yield is determined by the ability of crop plants to use their assimilatory processes such as photosynthesis and also the biosynthetic processes in the seed, which are partly regulated within the seed itself. This book examines the determination of grain crop yield from a new and unique perspective, by concentrating on the influence of the seed. All aspects of seed growth and development are described, including environmental and genetic effects on growth rate and length of filling period. The effect of the seed on the two main yield components, individual seed weight and number of seeds per unit area, is then discussed. Finally, the concepts and models developed are evaluated in terms of crop management. The book is essential reading for those concerned with seed science and crop yield, including agronomists, crop physiologists, plant breeders, and extension workers. It will also be a valuable source of information for lecturers and graduate students of agronomy and plant physiology.

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        February 1998

        Against the Grain

        Agri-Environmental Reform In the United States and European Union

        by Clive Potter

        Agricultural policy has long been regarded as a driving force for rural environmental change in industrial countries. While the causes of recent habitat loss, landscape degradation, soil erosion and water pollution in the EU and US are undoubtedly complex, the most convincing explanations are still ones that are strongly policy driven. By the mid-1980s, environmentalists had come to the conclusion that a major change to farm support in favour of the environment was required if the environmental problems of modern agriculture were to be tackled at source.Against the Grain tells the story of the long campaign for agri-environmental reform which followed. The central argument of this timely book is that in order to appreciate the significance of the reforms themselves, and to predict where they are going, it is necessary to understand why they occurred and how they were accomplished. The book offers a unique comparative analysis of the greening process in the US and EU, connecting policy outcomes to the political battles which produced them. It reflects on what has been achieved in each case and seeks to identify what countries can learn from each other. With its fresh analysis of what promises to be an increasingly central component of rural policy, this book is essential reading for analysts and policy-makers as well as an important text for senior undergraduates and postgraduates in rural geography, agricultural and environmental economics and environmental studies.

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        June 2003

        Meffi, der kleine feuerrote Teufel

        Geschichten über einen höllischen Quälgeist

        by Jannausch, Doris / Illustriert von Tripp, Franz J

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        October 1999


        Reden und Aufsätze

        by Kirsten, Wulf

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        Socialism & left-of-centre democratic ideologies
        December 2014

        Against the grain

        by Edited by Evan Smith and Matthew Worley

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