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Vanny Gani
The Awakening of the Stars, a novel in the mystical fiction category & Aerial Roots a drama and comedy about the author grandmother.
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Promoted Content1990
Eine neue Einführung in eine alte Technik
by Tuil, G J van; Heerde, E R van
Promoted ContentThe environmentSeptember 2006
Climate Change in Developing Countries
by Edited by Michiel A van Drunen, R Lasage, C Dorlands
This book presents an overview of the studies conducted by the Netherlands Climate Change Studies Assistance programme.The programme was set up in recognition of the need for developing countries, in particular, to face the challenges confronting all countries under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The book presents an overview of the main results in 13 countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Mali, Mongolia, Senegal, Suriname, Vietnam, Yemen and Zimbabwe. It provides a critical evaluation of the methodologies and approaches used, a cross-country synthesis and recommendations for further studies. Subjects dealt with include not only impact studies, but also vulnerability and adaptation, mitigation and climate related policy.
Trusted PartnerMarch 2021
International Trade in Forest Products
Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples
by G Cornelis van Kooten, Linda Voss
Because of the long-standing Canada-U.S. lumber trade dispute and the current pressure on the world's forests as a renewable energy source, much attention has been directed toward the modelling of international trade in wood products. Two types of trade models are described in this book: one is rooted in economic theory and mathematical programming, and the other consists of two econometric/statistical models--a gravity model rooted in theory and an approach known as GVAR that relies on time series analyses. The purpose of the book is to provide the background theory behind models and facilitate readers in easily constructing their own models to analyse policy questions that they wish to address, whether in forestry or some other sector. Examples in the book are meant to illustrate how models can be used to say something about a variety of issues, including identification of the gains and losses to various players in the North American softwood lumber business, and the potential for redirecting sales of lumber to countries outside the United States. The discussion is expanded to include other products besides lumber, and used to examine, for example, the effects of log export restrictions by one nation on all other forestry jurisdictions, the impacts of climate policies as they relate to the global forest sector, and the impact of oil prices on forest product markets throughout the world. This book will appeal to practising economists and researchers who wish to examine various policies that affect international trade, whether their interest is local or international in scope. Because the book provides the theoretical bases underlying various models, students and practitioners will find this a valuable reference book or supplementary textbook.
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Trusted PartnerNovember 1982
Das Blaue Buch. Schriften. 5
Herausgegeben von Rush Rhees. Übersetzung des >Blue BookPhilosophischen BetrachtungBrown Book< von Petra von Morstein
by Ludwig Wittgenstein, Georg Henrik Wright, Rush Rhees, G. E. M. Anscombe, Petra Morstein
Ludwig Wittgenstein wurde am 26. April 1889 als Sohn des Großindustriellen Karl Wittgenstein in Wien geboren und starb am 29. April 1951 in Cambridge. Er erhielt zunächst Privatunterricht und besuchte ab 1903 eine Realschule in Linz. Er studierte von 1906 bis 1908 Ingenieurswissenschaften an der Technischen Hochschule Charlottenburg und wechselte dann für weitere drei Jahre nach Manchester. Dort forschte er zur Aeronautik. Er begann, sich für philosophische Themen zu interessieren und trat 1912 in das Trinity College in Cambridge. Ab diesem Jahr begann Wittgenstein mit den Arbeiten an seinem ersten philosophischen Werk, der Logisch-philosophischen Abhandlung, die er in einem Tagebuch als Notizen bis 1917 festhielt. Auch während seiner Zeit als österreichischer Freiwilliger im Ersten Weltkrieg arbeitete er daran weiter, bis er das Werk schließlich im Sommer 1918 vollendete. Es erschien jedoch erst 1921 in einer fehlerhaften Version in der Zeitschrift Annalen der Naturphilosophie. 1922 wurde schließlich eine zweisprachige Ausgabe unter dem heute bekannten Titel der englischen Übersetzung veröffentlicht: Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Abgesehen von zwei kleineren philosophischen Aufsätzen und einem Wörterbuch für Volksschulen blieb die Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung das einzige zu Lebzeiten veröffentlichte Werk Wittgensteins. 1953 erschien posthum das Werk Philosophische Untersuchungen. Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe (1919–2001) war Professorin für Philosophie an der Universität Cambridge.
Trusted Partner1979
Wittgensteins geistige Erscheinung
by G H von Wright, A Kenny, R Rhees, B McGuinness, J C Nyiri, Michael Nedo, Hans J Heringer, Ludwig Wittgenstein
Trusted PartnerForestry & related industriesDecember 1998
Forest Policy
International Case Studies
by Edited by Bill Wilson, G C van Kooten, Ian Vertinsky, Louise Arthur
Forest policy involves a complex balance of governmental, social and industrial objectives in an environment where the forests and the institutions are also constantly changing. Across the various forestry jurisdictions there is a wide variety of policy models that have evolved in response to specific societal demands, institutional structures and forest environments. This book is an examination of forest policy in a selection of major forestry jurisdictions, primarily the major competitors in world softwood markets. These include the United States, British Columbia, Alberta, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland, Chile and Russia. These regions represent systems operating with natural forests, plantation forests, initial forest endowments, second/third generation forests, public forestland ownership, private forestland ownership, open markets, highly structured markets, and various responses to sustainability. For each jurisdiction a brief overview to the economy, the contribution of forestry, the resource base, the composition of the forest industry and the major stakeholders is provided. The policy discussions include forest management, timber pricing and export policy, environmental standards, land ownership and use, and the institutional setting relating to government agencies, taxation, labour and capital. Comment is provided on the evolution of the existing policy structure and the chapters finish with an evaluation and prognosis for the jurisdiction. This book is a valuable reference source for forest policy practitioners, students of forestry and political economy and industrial decision-makers seeking to position their business in global forestry.
Trusted PartnerFebruary 1989
Entfremdung bei Perversionen
by M. Masud R. Khan, Waltrud Klüwer
Karl Marx und Sigmund Freud haben die Krankheit der westlichen jüdisch-christlichen Kultur als Entfremdung diagnostiziert – Marx als Entfremdung der Menschen von der Gesellschaft, Freud als Entfremdung der Menschen von sich selbst. »In diesem Buch möchte ich zeigen, daß der Perverse ein unpersönliches Objekt zwischen sein Verlangen und seinen Komplizen schiebt. Dieses Objekt kann eine stereotype Phantasie, ein Fetisch oder eine pornografische Darstellung sein. Alle drei entfremden den Perversen sowohl von sich selbst als auch – leider – vom Objekt seines Verlangens. Daher der Titel dieses Buches: »Entfremdung bei Perversionen«.« Im Zentrum der theoretischen Überlegungen Masud Khans steht die Auffassung, daß wir es bei Perversionen mit den Folgen einer aufgrund von Fehlentwicklungen in der Beziehungen zwischen Mutter und Kind mißlungenen Integration des Ichs zu tun haben. In verschiedenen Zusammenhängen führt Masud Khan diese Fehlentwicklung auf eine Idolisierung des Kindes durch die Mutter zurück, eine Idolisierung, die es dem Kind unmöglich macht, Übergangsobjekte zu finden und zu benutzen. Erfahrungen aus einer Reihe von Analysen haben Masud Khan darüber hinaus zu der Überzeugung geführt, daß die von Freud verworfene Theorie der tatsächlichen Verführung, die eine akute Spaltung im Ich erzeuge, wiederbelebt werden sollte. In Übereinstimmung mit den Auffassungen Phyllis Greenacres sagt er, daß es dabei nicht so sehr auf ein einzelnes Ereignis ankommt als vielmehr auf einen bestimmten Modus psychophysischer Intimität zwischen Eltern und Kind. Ein großer Vorzug dieses Buches besteht darin, daß Masud Khan auch die Quellen seiner theoretischen Überlegungen ausführlich darstellt: eine Fülle von Material aus seiner reichen klinischen Erfahrung.
Trusted Partner1990
Erfahrungen im Möglichkeitsraum
Psychoanalytische Wege zum verborgenen Selbst
by M Masud, R Khan, Elisabeth Vorspohl
Trusted PartnerFertilizers & manuresJanuary 1998
Plants that Hyperaccumulate Heavy Metals
by Edited by Robert R Brooks
Plant species which can accumulate high concentrations of heavy metals have been known for over one hundred years. However, until the last twenty years their potential went largely unnoticed by scientists. The term hyperaccumulation was first introduced by the author (and colleagues) in 1977. This renewed interest, together with heightened environmental awareness and the discovery of the phenomenon in many more species has since stimulated research into a number of novel scientific and commercial uses. This book brings together for the first time in one volume all the relevant ecological information on hyperaccumulators and describes the new disciplines, methods and uses for them which continue to be explored. These include the removal of heavy metal pollutants from soils and waters (phytoremediation), the identification of ancient human settlements (phytoarchaeology), mineral exploration, the revegetation of degraded land and the exciting possibility of the commercial extraction of heavy metals from crop plants (phytomining). This book is essential reading for plant ecologists and physiologists who have an interest in hyperaccumulators, environmental consultants specialising in land restoration, and exploration geochemists. It will also be of great interest to professionals, lecturers and advanced students in environmental science, geology and soil science.
Trusted PartnerJanuary 2021
Practical R for Biologists
An Introduction
by Donald Quicke, Buntika A Butcher, Rachel Kruft Welton
R is a freely available, open-source statistical programming environment which provides powerful statistical analysis tools and graphics outputs. R is now used by a very wide range of people; biologists (the primary audience of this book), but also all other scientists and engineers, economists, market researchers and medical professionals. R users with expertise are constantly adding new associated packages, and the range already available is immense.This text works through a set of studies that collectively represent almost all the R operations that biology students need in order to analyse their own data. The material is designed to serve students from first year undergraduates through to those beginning post graduate levels. Chapters are organized around topics such as graphing, classical statistical tests, statistical modelling, mapping, and text parsing. Examples are based on real scientific studies, and each one covers the use of more R functions than those simply necessary to get a p-value or plot.The book walks the reader through the data analysis process, starting with very simple plots, and continuing through more complex analyses and programming. It shows how to deal with issues such as error messages that can be confronting for beginners, in order to set students up for a successful scientific career using R.Collectively the authors have a vast amount of teaching experience which they apply here to make the passage into R programming as gentle and easy as possible, whilst guiding the reader to tackle quite complicated programming. Table of contents 1: How to Use this Book 2: Installing and Running R 3: Very Basic R Syntax 4: First Simple Programs and Graphics 5: The Dataframe Concept 6: Plotting Biological Data in Various Ways 7: The Grammar of Graphics Family of Packages 8: Sets and Venn diagrams 9: Statistics: Choosing the Right Test 10: Commonly Used Measures and Statistical Tests 11: Regression and Correlation Analyses 12: Count Data as Response Variable 13: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 14: Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) 15: More Generalised Linear Modelling 16: Monte Carlo Tests and Randomisation 17: Principal Components Analysis 18: Species Abundance, Accumulation and Diversity Data 19: Survivorship 20: Dates and Julian Dates 21: Mapping and Parsing Text Input for Data 22: More on Manipulating Text 23: Phylogenies and Trees 24: Working with DNA Sequences and other character data 25: Spacing in Two Dimensions 26: Population Modelling Including Spatially Explicit Models 27: More on “apply” Family of Functions – Avoid Loops to get More Speed 28: Food webs and simple graphics 29: Adding Photographs 30: Standard Distributions in R 31: Reading and Writing Data to and from Files
Trusted PartnerInsects (entomology)December 1998
Tsetse Biology and Ecology
Their Role in the Epidemiology and Control of Trypanosomosis
by Stephen G A Leak
Domestic livestock in Africa are of importance not only as a source of milk and meat but also as a source of animal traction enabling farmers to cultivate larger areas, with crops providing the staple foods. Trypanosomosis, a parasitic disease transmitted cyclically by the tsetse fly (Glossina spp.), is arguably still the main constraint to livestock production on the continent, preventing full use of the land to feed the rapidly increasing human population. Sleeping sickness, the disease caused in humans by species of Trypanosoma, is an important and neglected disease posing a threat to millions of people in tsetse-infested areas. Often wrongly thought of as a disease of the past, the prevalence of human sleeping sickness is increasing in many areas.Although alternative methods to control the disease are being investigated, such as immunological approaches, use of chemotherapy or exploitation of the trypanotolerance trait, it is only control or eradication of the tsetse fly vector which will remove the threat of the disease rather than providing a better means of ‘living’ with it. As a result of the economic impact of tsetse-transmitted Trypanosomosis, a large amount of research literature has been produced. This book provides a comprehensive review of this literature. The text is divided into four parts: tsetse biology and ecology, epidemiology, vector control and control of trypanosomosis. The book is invaluable for medical and veterinary entomologists, parasitologists and epidemiologists.
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Trusted PartnerLiterature & Literary StudiesMarch 1999
Eastward Ho!
Chapman, Jonson and Marston
by David Bevington, R. W. Van Fossen, Richard Dutton, Alison Findlay, Helen Ostovich
Scholarly and detailed annotations. Provides a thorough sense of the plays background and content. Full and comprehensive introduction. ;