Dominique et compagnie
Livres Canada Books
View Rights PortalThis book contains two of the most famous works of V. Domontovych. One of them is an engaging and somewhat extravagant novel The Girl with a Teddy Bear that describes the love of a sagacious teacher and his rebellious student. The novel is also a brilliant example of intellectual prose about the changing cultural orientations and the tragic personal conflict of a person destined to live in the time of change. The second one is Doctor Seraficus. It is the story of a strange and infantile ascetic professor who preaches a peculiar sort of “Don Juanism in reverse”: the desire to love all women and denounce all of them simultaneously.
A secret agent of Soviet intelligence and a bohemian modernist, a Berlin-based professor and theologian, a man in a German officer’s uniform, and a recluse archeologist studying Trypillian culture — should someone write a fictionalised biography of Viktor Petrov, such a book would be no less than a page-turning spy novel. But while the government archives refuse to provide information about this extraordinary person, a new edition of Domontovych’s works opens up his world for readers. The book reflects describes the dramatic contrast of the time he lived in, raging emotions and lurking passions. Vincent van Gogh and Goethe, Rainer Maria Rilke and Vaclav Rzhevsky come to life in this novel. V. Domontovych's literary texts are vivid examples of twentieth-century intellectual prose that fascinate readers today.
Die in dem vorliegenden Band versammelten französischen, italienischen, sowjetischen und tschechischen Studien sollen helfen, den Arbeits- und Wirkungsbereich einer kritischen Semiotik abzustecken, und zwar durch Gegenüberstellung szientistischer und kritischer Ansätze von U. Eco, A. J. Greimas, J. Kristeva, J. Lotman, M. Bachtin, J. Mukařovský u.a. Das den Band und seine Beiträge bestimmende Interesse ist es, Konzepte der Semiotik aufeinander zu beziehen, sie im Sinne der »Kritischen Theorie« zu interpretieren, um Ideologie auf der Ebene der »Textstruktur« erfassen zu können.
Toxocara is a parasitic helminth worm which continues to stimulate both public concern and scientific interest. Toxocara canis and T.cati, the most studied species, are gastrointestinal parasites of dogs and cats and their eggs can contaminate the environment, thus exposing humans and other mammals and birds to infection. Many questions remain unanswered about the host-parasite relationship, its epidemiology and public health significance. Veterinarians and clinicians are interested in its importance as a zoonosis. The parasite's capacity to cause ocular disease is of concern to ophthalmologists, while its propensity to stimulate allergic manifestations is of interest to allergologists, dermatologists and respiratory medicine specialists. Furthermore Toxocara provides a unique model system to explore questions in parasite biology.This book provides a comprehensive review of Toxocara and the disease it causes known as toxocariasis.
The livelihoods of millions of people in developing countries, which depend on dryland agriculture to ensure their food security and their well-being, could be improved measurably by gains in agricultural crop yields. This book describes lessons learnt from an innovative scheme in India that improved crop yields in drylands. It shows how the scheme can be scaled up for other dryland regions of the world. The scheme uses localized soil nutrient analyses to create an integrated, climate smart fertilizer and planting plan that maximises yields for farmers. This book describes how a partnership between a global scientific organization (such as International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, ICRISAT) and state and non-state actors can provide a route to equitable growth, specifically for small and marginal farmers, and how this approach can be replicated worldwide to enhance rural livelihoods. This strategic collaboration and its conceptual and functional design is fully outlined, as well as the scheme's implementation and the effective monitoring and learning process that has been created. ; This book describes lessons learnt from an innovative scheme in India that improved yields in drylands. It shows how the scheme can be scaled up for other Dryland regions of the world. The scheme uses localised soil nutrient analyses to create an integrated, climate-smart fertilizer and planting plan that maximises yields for farmers. ; 1: Dry Lands for Food Security: A Macro Perspective2: Evolution of Bhoochetana3: Soil Nutrient Mapping for On-farm Fertility Management4: Human Capacity Development to adopt Best Practices5: Digital Technologies for Agricultural Extension6: Institutional Arrangements and Innovations7: Climate Variability and Agriculture8: Crop Yield Estimation Strategy9: An Integrated Approach for Productivity Enhancement10: Water Productivity and Income11: Social and Economic Benefits12: Lessons Learnt and a Way Forward
Mycological paper on fungi described and recorded from Eucalyptus