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      • Smart English Company Limited

        Smart English Company Limited is committed to developing a line of fun and educational products, which currently includes Inspirational English and Robin Education, to help young learners acquire the four skills in the English language. With 'Baby Animals', 'Dinosaurs in my Garden', and 'Mirabelle and Milo', Robin Education aims to develop young learners’ ability to use authentic English language in line with the Cambridge English Qualifications syllabus, as they explore the fascinating stories in each series.

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      • Veronika Engler

        Best-selling author Veronika Engler was born in 1982 in the beautiful state capital of Munich. Even today she lives and works there with her husband and their son. As the daughter of an Oscar winner in film technology, she came into contact with the world of stories and entertainment at an early age. One day, her love of reading gave her the idea of ​​writing a novel according to her wishes. This is how her first love story came about in 2014, which was published that same year. Today she inspires a wide readership in all age groups 18+ with her romance novels from the genres of erotic, new adult and romantasy.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 1980

        Versuchungen. Aufsätze zur Philosophie Paul Feyerabends

        1. Band

        by Hans Peter Duerr, Christoph Groffy

        Für diesen ersten Band (der zweite erscheint im Februar 1981) zur Philosophie Paul Feyerabends hat Hans Peter Duerr Beiträge versammelt, die der Person Feyerabend und den gesellschaftlichen Aspekten sein Wissenschaftskritik nachgehen. Sie alle lassen sich - kritisch, kommentierend, ironisch - auf die Versuchung des Anything goes ein.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2014

        A Biography of Paul Watzlawick

        The Discovery of the Present Moment

        by Andrea Köhler-Ludescher

        This book, the world's first biography of Paul Watzlawick, written by his great-niece, describes the life of this philosopher, therapist, and best-selling author. Paul Watzlawick had a talent for languages and he led an adventurous life, from his childhood in Villach to studying in Venice after the war, to analyst training under C. G. Jung in Zurich, an attempt at establishing himself in India and then in El Salvador as a therapist, and finally to the Mental Research Institute (MRI) in the United States, headed by Don D. Jackson, a venerable scientist. This marked the beginning of the second half of his life, his amazing career as a communication researcher, a pioneer of systemic therapy, a radical constructivist, and a great thinker regarding the divisions between East and West. With many letters, lectures, interviews, and statements from contemporary witnesses and family members, this book makes Paul Watzlawick accessible as a human being and as a spiritually inspired, leading 20th century thinker. It includes a variety of unpublished material from Watzlawick, and introduces a comprehensive and exciting picture of the scientist and cosmopolitan person, Paul Watzlawick.   Target Group: For people interest in Paul Watzlawick, communication sciences, systemic therapy, and constructivism.

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        April 2019

        Spiritual Growth

        by Rabbi Paul Steinberg

        This book began with Paul Steinberg's realization that although religions are struggling to meet the needs and trends of our modern age, spirituality is not. Its contemporary manifestations continue to thrive, and Jews can be found throughout all varieties of spiritual leadership in America.Facing the fact that, for whatever reason, Jewish leaders simply have not done a good job of translating the ancient, spiritual wisdom of their beliefs into contemporary language and images that resonate with mass appeal, Rabbi Steinberg knew that the faith of his fathers was ready for a new spiritual message. And so he has written it―a message that is both particular to Judaism and uses Jewish language and text as starting points for a view that is universal enough to include spiritual concepts, terms, and expressions from many other spiritual traditions.Spiritual Growth: A Contemporary Jewish Approach provides both a language and a set of Jewish spiritual principles that are accessible and integrated with contemporary life, as well as being deep and authentically real (i.e., not “dumbed down” for anyone). It is a work that emerged out of Rabbi Steinberg's own personal experiences, pains, and spiritual journey―the trials and growth documented in his highly successful book Recovery, the 12 Steps, and Jewish Spirituality.There are not a lot of works like this. There are books on Jewish scholarship, history, and theology. But books on Jewish spirituality tend usually to focus on a particular motif, such as the feminine, grief, aging, or Kabbalistic biblical interpretations. Spiritual Growth: A Contemporary Jewish Approach presents its message through the psycho-spiritual world view of 2018 but without the language and narrative of a therapist. It is an important contribution to the spiritual-seeking community at large, to Jews who have become alienated from their faith, and to anyone interested in learning more about what a historically vibrant spirituality can bring to today's troubled world.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2004

        Die Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marats dargestellt durch die Schauspielgruppe des Hospizes zu Charenton unter Anleitung des Herrn de Sade

        Drama in zwei Akten

        by Peter Weiss, Arnd Beise

        Text und Kommentar in einem Band. In der Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek erscheinen literarische Hauptwerke aller Epochen und Gattungen als Arbeitstexte für Schule und Studium. Der vollständige Text wird ergänzt durch anschaulich geschriebene Kommentare.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2006

        »Angefügt, nahtlos, dem Heute« / »Agglutinati all'oggi«. Paul Celan übersetzt Giuseppe Ungaretti

        Zweisprachige Ausgabe. Italienisch / deutsch. Handschriften. Erstdruck. Dokumente

        by Paul Celan, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Peter Goßens

        Die Fragilität der Dinge, die Bedrohtheit der Existenz und, als ihr Begrenzendes, das Unermeßliche, aus dem Alles aufsteigt, flüchtig aufglänzt, in dem es wieder versinkt – das ist die Erfahrung, aus der heraus Ungaretti nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg zu dichten begonnen hat. Sie ist der Grundriß seines Dichtens geblieben.« Mit dieser Ankündigung erschien 1968 Paul Celans übersetzung von Giuseppe Ungarettis La terra promessa (1950) und Il taccuino del vecchio (1960) in einer zweisprachigen Ausgabe im Insel Verlag. Nach Ingeborg Bachmanns nur wenige Jahre älterer übersetzung (1961) trug Paul Celans Engagement entscheidend zur besonderen Stellung Giuseppe Ungarettis in Deutschland bei. Celans Übertragung ist in Ungarettis Werk auf besondere Weise eingegangen. In die Originalausgaben der Zyklen hat er, mit Ausnahme weniger eigenständiger Seiten, seine übersetzung hineingeschrieben, den gedruckten Text mit seiner handschriftlichen Arbeit unmittelbar konfrontiert. Den Faksimiles folgen Celans Übertragung nach dem Text der Erstausgabe, sein Briefwechsel mit der Lektorin des Insel Verlages, Anneliese Botond, die ganz unterschiedlich akzentuierten Pressestimmen und ein Nachwort, in dem die Geschichte der Übertragung dokumentiert und Celans übersetzungskonzept analysiert und bewertet wird. Die Genese der Übertragung, die »tangentiale« Berührung von übersetzung und Original, wird in der neuen Ausgabe vollständig als Faksimile abgebildet. »Diese Dichtung hatte das Glück, von Ihnen meisterhaft gedeutet zu werden.« Giuseppe Ungaretti über Paul Celans Übertragungen seiner Lyrik

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2000

        Liebe und Tod


        by Rosei, Peter

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2002

        Last Exit Odessa


        by Zimmermann, Peter

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1996

        Böhmische Sonne, mährischer Mond

        Essays und Erinnerungen

        by Demetz, Peter

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1999

        Und die Erde wird weinen

        Die Indianer Nordamerikas - ihre Geschichte, ihre Spiritualität, ihr Überlebenskampf

        by Wilson, James / Englisch Enderwitz, Ulrich; Englisch Hentschel, Rüdiger

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 1990

        Manchmal das Paradies


        by Wimmer, Erika

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2002

        Die Wiener Bezirke

        Ihre Geschichte. Ihre Persönlichkeit. Ihr Wappen - Perlenreihe

        by Diem, Peter; Göbl, Michael; Saibl, Eva

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