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      • TURLA (Turkish Literature Abroad)

        TURLA Meetings organized by the Association of Press and Publishers is an online copyrights platform, that has adapted to the ongoing changes in the world. TURLA Meetings, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, introduces Turkish publishers to international publishing professionals and enables online copyrights meetings for Turkish publishers.    TURLA Meetings which is the first international online publishing platform in Turkey will take place between 17 - 19 November 2020. The program will give Turkish and international publishers the opportunity to hold copyrights meetings and matchmaking activities. Within the context of TURLA Meetings the publishers from Turkey and around the world will meet with live video B2B meetings on the website for 3 days.   The Turkish publishers who contribute to TURLA's catalogs and the international publishers from the different countries can create their profiles and online publishing house showcases on the TURLA Meetings website. The publishers can also continue to promote their books on their online showcases outside of the event dates.   TURLA Meetings collects international book fairs and the international publishing market on one website, for the easy access of Turkish publishers.

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      • Turmali Publishing Limited

        Mike Gaunt CEO +44 741 1315140

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      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        June 2005

        Turkey in the European Union

        Implications for Agriculture, Food and Structural Policy

        by Edited by Alison Burrell, Arie Oskam

        The European Union will begin accession negotiations with Turkey in October 2005. Agriculture, foodand rural issues will play a major role in the negotiations, raising questions about the consequences ofEU membership for Turkey's agricultural sector and rural population. This book presents acomprehensive description of Turkey's agricultural, food and rural sectors. Focusing on institutionalarrangements, performance and economic prospects. Topics dealt with include agricultural production,prices and policies, agricultural trade, environmental issues, animal and plant health, and conditions inrural areas. The book explores the possible consequences of accession, both for Turkey and for theEuropean Union.

      • Trusted Partner

        Beyond the Sultan's Table: Turkish gastronomy, history, culture and travel

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        IT’S A COOKBOOK … OR IS IT A GUIDEBOOK? … MAYBE IT’S A TRAVEL GUIDE … OR A POCKET HISTORY … AN INTRODUCTION TO A SERIES OF NOVELS ABOUT TURKEY? … A DELICIOUS KEEPSAKE WORK OF ART PRODUCED BY THE INIMITABLE DESIGN PEAKS PRODUCTION? OR … ACTUALLY, BEYOND THE SULTAN’S TABLE IS SO MUCH MORE THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS. IT’S THE PERFECT HYBRID … AND IT IS THE PERFECT GIFT FOR “SOMEONE WHO HAS EVERYTHING” BUT WANTS A “DIFFERENT” ADVENTURE WITH WHICH TO THRILL THEIR FRIENDS! Hugo N. Gerstl, international bestselling novelist, nationally known trial lawyer, musician, world traveler, actor, journalist, Bon Vivant Wannabe,” and former president and CEO of a mid-sized cookbook company, who has enjoyed his “many lives” immensely, now shares his joys and experiences with you. Unquestionably, this most “unusual” guidebook to many things will leave you wondering: Is he a polymath-genius or simply an oddball with a penchant for bringing a smile to your face and taste sensations to your palate? And of course, he and his beloved wife, Lorraine, an educator and author in her own right – and their five adult children – have shared the greatest happiness any two people have ever had. Enjoy something totally different, enriching, and unique! Expand your own horizon.   An English-language edition was published in Spring 2024. 282  pages, 15x 22.5 cm.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        The European Union and its eastern neighbourhood

        Europeanisation and its twenty-first-century contradictions

        by Mike Mannin, Paul Flenley

        This volume is timely in that it explores key issues which are currently at the forefront of the EU's relations with its eastern neighbours. It considers the impact of a more assertive Russia, the significance of Turkey, the limitations of the Eastern Partnership with Belarus and Moldova, the position of a Ukraine in crisis and pulled between Russia and the EU, security and democracy in the South Caucasus. It looks at the contested nature of European identity in areas such as the Balkans. In addition it looks at ways in which the EU's interests and values can be tested in sectors such as trade and migration. The interplay between values, identity and interests and their effect on the interpretation of europeanisation between the EU and its neighbours is a core theme of the volume.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2020

        Tom Gates 10. Volltreffer (Daneben!)

        by Liz Pichon, Frank Bahrenberg, Verena Kilching, Tom Gates, Rudi Mika, Liz Pichon

        Au Backe! Hat Tom da etwa richtig gehört? Plant Papa allen Ernstes einen Campingausflug? Die Reaktionen der Familie Gates sind durchwachsen: Mama in Panik, Tom total dafür, Delia mürrisch (also wie immer). Das kann ja heiter werden … Ob sich Papas Idee vielleicht doch noch als absoluter Volltreffer entpuppt und Tom den besten Urlaub aller Zeiten erlebt?

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2019

        Tom Gates 9. Läuft! (Wohin eigentlich?)

        by Liz Pichon, Frank Bahrenberg, Verena Kilching, Rudi Mika, Tom Gates, Rudi Mika, Liz Pichon

        In Toms Leben geht's mal wieder drunter und drüber: Sein Vater kreuzt beim Elternabend in einem oberpeinlichen Outfit auf und seine Oma will fürs Schulfest unbedingt Kuchen backen – mit Würstchen und Oliven! Und das ausgerechnet jetzt, wo Tom möglichst viele Sternchen im Unterricht sammeln will, um es bis zu den Ferien an die Klassenspitze zu schaffen...

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2023

        From India to Germany:What My Father's Journey Tells Usabout Migration and the Kindness ofStrangers

        by Sunita Sukhana

        — An extraordinary story of migration — Contemporary history of the 70s and backgrounds to India, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Bulgaria, the former Yugoslavia, the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany He was the son of the Sikh priest, a successful 400-meter runner and, eventually, a migrant. In 1979, Bagicha Singh turned his back on his homeland and set off with a head full of dreams on the long, turbulent overland journey from India to Germany. It was the year the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and the Islamic Revolution raged in Iran. A year whose aftermath continues to shape the world to this day. More than 40 years later, his daughter tells the story of Bagicha's adventurous journey. The result is a touching document on origin, contemporary history, and the meaning of migration.

      • Trusted Partner
        International relations
        December 2013

        Turkey facing east

        by Ayla Göl

      • Trusted Partner
        International relations
        July 2013

        Turkey: facing a new millennium

        by Amikam Nachmani

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2018

        Turkey: facing a new millennium

        Coping with intertwined conflicts

        by Amikam Nachmani, Emil Kirchner, Thomas Christiansen, Avril Ehrlich

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2022

        Feline Reproduction

        by Aime Johnson, Michelle Kutzler

        Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world, and as homes become smaller, and single-person households become more common, it is predicted that the numbers being bred and kept will only grow. In Feline Reproduction, the global author team cover all aspects of reproduction in the queen and the tom. Beginning with basic anatomy and normal reproduction, it goes on to cover practical knowledge about pregnancy, neonatal care, breeding soundness exams, and semen cryopreservation. It also includes an overview of factors, diseases, and abnormal conditions affecting reproduction, such as infertility, causes of abortion and contraception. Covering both pet patients and nondomestic species, this book provides a thorough grounding in feline reproduction for the general veterinary practitioner, veterinary student, animal scientist, and experienced cat breeder.

      • Trusted Partner
        Crime & mystery

        Echo of Someone Else’s War

        by Juan Miramar

        The works of Juan Miramar presented in this book, as always, are distinguished by refined language, subtle humor and a peculiar philosophical view of life, as well as a bright oriental flavor. The story "Echo of Someone Else’s War" impresses with its fascinating dynamic plot. A scientist and writer, a former translator of international peacekeeping forces, suddenly finds himself in the thick of events of a modern secret war. The distant past extends its tentacles into the present, not only forcing the main character to remember his military experience, but also prompting him to choose a side in Arab and non-Arab conflicts that are foreign to him.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Escape from your country

        by Naira Pogosyan ,Ruben Melqonyan

        What happened to the Armenians who remained in the Ottoman Empire in 1915? What state policy did Turkey adopt towards them? How did it happen that after 1920 the Soviet Union was studying the treaties of Kars and Sevres and seriously discussing the problem of reclaiming Kars and Ardahan from Turkey? Why did the announcement of Soviet Armenia's immigration appear right in the middle and at the most dangerous point of the relationship between the Soviet Union and Turkey, which is a historical confrontation, but which is being formed with a new political order and methods?A book that was awaited especially by those who noticed the active work of Turkish historians in the archives. In the archives where it is possible to find documents and information about the Armenian Genocide, survivors and descendants. This time, two Armenian Turkologists worked in the archives in detail and with care.They found and presented information about the Armenians who took the path of "escape" from Erg to Armenia, kept under the "strictly secret" file and until now unknown. Why and how they decided, came and stayed: the Armenians of Turkey and their descendants tell the story in this book. From the trauma of the Genocide to the process of ghettoization in Armenia. what the repatriates went through.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2014

        Are the Irish different?

        by Tom Inglis

        This book examines the extent and nature of Irish social and cultural difference. It is a collection of twenty-three short essays written in a clear and accessible manner by human scientists who are international experts in their area. The essays cover topics covered include the nature of Irish nationalism and capitalism, the Irish political elite, the differences and similarities of the Irish family, the upsurge in immigration, Northern Ireland, the Irish diaspora, the Irish language, sport, music and many other topics. The book will be bought by those who have an academic and personal interest in Irish Studies. It will be attractive to those who are not familiar with the theories and methods of the human sciences and how they can shine a light on the transformations that have taken place in Ireland. Tom Inglis, the editor of the collection, is a sociologist who has written extensively on Irish culture and society. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Tom Sawyers Abenteuer

        Kinderbuchklassiker zum Vorlesen:

        by Twain, Mark; Leger, Elke

        Tom Sawyer hat den Kopf voller abenteuerlicher Ideen: Gemeinsam mit seinen Freunden Huckleberry Finn und Joe Harper geht er unter die Piraten und auf Schatzsuche. Eines Tages verirrt er sich mit seiner Freundin Becky in einer Höhle. Doch Tom gibt nicht auf, und ganz nebenbei fängt er auch noch einen gemeinen Verbrecher. Ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur - für Kinder neu erzählt und liebevoll illustriert.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2006

        Tom Jones

        Die Geschichte eines Findelkindes. Roman

        by Henry Fielding, Horst Höckendorf

        Gutsherr Allworthy findet einen Säugling und zieht den Jungen an Sohnes Statt auf. Der Findling – Tom Jones – wächst und gedeiht prächtig, in den Augen seines Ziehvaters mitunter sogar etwas zu prächtig. Als sich Tom in die Nachbarstochter verliebt, die Allworthys Neffen versprochen ist, verweist der Gutsherr Tom des Hauses. Der junge Mann macht sich auf nach London, wobei ihn seine Reise quer durchs Land und auch durch sämtliche Schichten der vorviktorianischen Gesellschaft führt. Auf Toms Suche nach sich selbst, seiner Herkunft und vor allem nach der großen Liebe erschließt sich ein wahres Panoptikum des 18. Jahrhunderts.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2013

        Schöne alte Welt

        Ein praktischer Leitfaden für das Leben auf dem Lande

        by Tom Hodgkinson, Anita Krätzer

        »Glauben Sie niemandem, der sagt, es sei einfach, Gemüse anzubauen. Das ist eine dreiste Lüge.« Tom Hodgkinson erzählt vom Leben auf dem Land: Er hält Hühner, Schweine und Kaninchen, und seine Frau Victoria versucht sich als Imkerin, backt Brot und stampft Butter. Sie brauen mieses Bier und machen köstlichen Holunderlikör. Tom Hodgkinson ist kein „Zurück-zur-Natur“-Guru. Er gibt zu, dass das einfache Leben manchmal sehr kompliziert ist. Aber es verheißt trotzdem all das, wovon die meisten Menschen träumen: weniger Routine, weniger Konsum, weniger Müll, mehr Sinn, mehr Spaß, mehr Lebenslust. »Schöne alte Welt« ist ein Buch über die Kunst der praktischen Lebensführung – für alle, die Haus und Garten haben oder davon träumen.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        Tom Sawyers Abenteuer

        by Twain, Mark; Knape, Wolfgang

        Klassiker für starke Kids Tom Sawyer und sein Freund Huckleberry Finn erleben einen abenteuerlichen Sommer am Mississippi: Sie belagern eine Flussinsel und werden Piraten, gehen auf Schatzsuche, fangen einen gemeinen Verbrecher und Tom rettet seine Freundin Becky aus einer Höhle. Nach dem berühmten Roman von Mark Twain - kindgerecht geschrieben und leicht zu lesen für Kinder ab 7/8 Jahren. Abenteuer am Mississippi - Klassiker einfach lesen Der Titel ist auf gelistet. Im Arena Verlag ist von Mark Twain außerdem erschienen: 978-3-401-70557-6 Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer

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